Shared to all my friends in WI!
ОтветитьI had not heard of this, thank you for sharing G
ОтветитьThanks G for covering this. Our teen girls need educated about the grooming pervs.Also, we see how the appeasing to criminals by letting them wear ankle monitors work well 🤪 maybe one day we will quit appeasing to criminals
ОтветитьSo scary can't FBI get involved because he's crossed state lines?
ОтветитьIm in Missouri. Sharing.
ОтветитьI live in southern wi and half of us never got the amber alert
ОтветитьHow did I miss this live yesterday?! I even checked and didn’t see anything 😤lol
I’ve heard of this awful case
He is definitely grooming her,so it will be easier to get to his own daughter! Sounds like SS but Jenn already had a daughter!
ОтветитьI can’t believe she has not been found yet 😩
ОтветитьI'm not saying this young girl is in love nor am I victim blaming ° just curious if she feels she's in love 🤔 yes she needs to be rescued and he needs to go straight to prison but I was only 16 and my husband was 32 so due to age difference we did not date for several years; we quit talking all together because of the pressure of others and their comments that a 16 year old's too young to be in love but I felt I was in love and I tried to move on because of age difference but he's ALL I thought of and almost 40 years later NO regrets ° I believe it was true love even at 16 ° my mom was 16 when she married my dad who was 21 and they were married 44 years when my mom died ° i honestly don't believe my husband had any bad intentions, he never touched me; not even holding my hand only talking to me ° I wanted a kiss but he felt it was inappropriate because I was under age; I think he knew he could get in lots of trouble or I believe I would have got that kiss ° when our eyes met we both felt there was something there ° it was the opinion of others that kept us apart 😢 I regret that now and wish those people would have allowed me to feel the way I felt instead of saying it was puppy love or I was infatuated with an older man ° now I know the feelings I had at 16 were REAL or I wouldn't STILL be so IN LOVE with him 44 years later ° at least we only lost 4 years together and not FOREVER ❤️ and today people even look crazier at young love so I can't imagine what people would say these days if I said I was in love with a 32-year-old man and I was only 16 😳😬 they would call him a predator & this is why you WAIT until you're legal that way if it's TRUE love you have no worries cuz it will be FOREVER ❤❤
ОтветитьWhat people need to understand before they become parents is, if you are a 'controlling parent' you are 'grooming' your child to be used to being in a 'controlling relationship' and accepting that as the normal, and the next person who 'controls' your child you don't or/and won't like it so DON'T control your children
ОтветитьWhy do they keep releasing these dangerous people?! He should have been in prison!!
ОтветитьShared on FB in TEXAS
ОтветитьMy God it sounds like she comes from a seemingly decent family, either that or they're so unbelievably overbearing they drove her away, but this is exactly the nightmare that is the Internet & kids!!!
ОтветитьI like seeing the original documents. You're the only one I watch that shows them. Thank you for all you do and hello from Kansas ❤❤❤
ОтветитьThis guy LITERALLY ticks every box on the stranger danger, creeper, groomer, sexual offender list, what the hell does this beautiful 16yo teenage girl want with this unattractive bald middle aged weirdo!?!?!? It makes me really question what's going on in her home life!!!
ОтветитьChecking in from Northern Arkansas, the Grizzlies here have been on the lookout since the Amber Alert went out!
ОтветитьIs there any updates on this?
ОтветитьWhy in the HECK is Gary Day even allowed to be Walking FREE! These young girls fall for these guys but it’s clearly not love! This is a grown man that traveled to another state to pick up a young girl, HOW CRAZY! Also WHY DIDN’T the Arkansas police not get a notification that Day’s ankle monitor wasn’t on, that’s INCOMPETENT! SENDING PRAYERS TO THE Franklin Family! May Christ keep Sophie safe and return her home! 🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьI hope that Sophia is found safe ASAP 🙏🙏
ОтветитьWill you cover the Jessica Barnes case. It's very sad what her husband did instead of just getting a divorce. Very sad for the family 😞
ОтветитьI didn’t get an alert I’m in Arkansas
ОтветитьI’m from Wisconsin! Thanks for covering this for her family, praying for a safe return ❤
ОтветитьThere is a silver alert for an elderly lady with dementia out of the mountain home area in Arkansas. The lady's name is Belva Day. I'm concerned that these 2 may be connected in some way. I have messaged Mountain Home police department with my concerns.
ОтветитьGet ur facts straight its 14 hour drive u r in Switzerland so u don't know anything about what's going on in the us
ОтветитьThis case reminds me of the Cummings case 😢 poor Elizabeth Thomas 💔
Ответитьomg glad u are covering this, 30 minutes away from me this happened and ever since I recieved the amber alert I have been worried sick they havent been found yet
ОтветитьGood evening Gisela and grizzlies.
ОтветитьI’m with YOU on this case Gisela. So sickening. Prayers alertness BOLO on my frontal lobe. Thank you for all you do. I will be showing friends
ОтветитьThank you so much for clarifying that this was not a relationship. No matter what, she is not of age and cannot consent to a relationship with a grown ass man!
ОтветитьReligion is the driving factor here, the parents are most likely overbearing and controlling, the oldest child in those types of families are often made to be coparents of the other siblings and treated as a caregiver having no autonomy or freedom.. The fact she’s run away with this person before and has now run a second time shows she would rather be with the pedophile than live another day under the conditions of the home.
ОтветитьIt sounds like he doesn't have much in the brains department.
ОтветитьMy big question is how old was this guys other wives when they met. I’m thinking some of them must’ve been quite young maybe not 16 but they’ve had it been very nieve.😂
ОтветитьHow can I become a moderator?
ОтветитьI’m awake sometimes up to five days straight because I have trigeminal neuralgia type 2 it causes severe pain to where I can’t sleep at all and I watch every stream that grizzly has and would love to be able to help
ОтветитьDoes anyone know how I can email her to ask if I can assist her please I need this it takes my mind off of the pain that I’m in 24/7 every day for the last 14 years that a dentist caused her pulled a tooth and ripped my trigiminal nerve on the right side of my mouth which I wouldn’t wish on anyone
ОтветитьCreep... he definitely a predator just because she is 16 and she was OK with everything in order to get pregnant THIS CREEPY FAWK is disgustinggggg... she is a CHILD..she is is NOT 18...WTF..WTF
In this day and age you have to have honest conversations with children about the dangers of these online predators and the reality of talking with strangers online. Strict parenting doesn’t work. Setting boundaries does work but trying to shield your child from everything will only cause a child to lash out and do things behind your back.
ОтветитьHe knows he is in deep 💩 with the child being his. I am so concerned for her.
ОтветитьWho let's a 16 yr old stay with "a friend" for 6 months.
ОтветитьI hope she is found safe.
ОтветитьThe problem with not allowing kids to use the internet is then you don’t teach them what to be careful of on the internet and you don’t monitor their internet usage!
ОтветитьAny updates?
ОтветитьHe cannot be rehabilitated, if he’s caught he needs to be behind bars for the remainder of his natural life.
ОтветитьThe description says "Beaver Dam, Arkansas". Pretty sure it was an accident but just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to adjust it.