Ask Ralston Park Apartment residents what they like about their homes, and they will give you several reasons why they think Ralston Park is a wonderful place to live. Foremost is the quiet and peaceful setting of the complex. Each of the 14 buildings is surrounded by a green belt landscaped with lawns and mature trees. Spacious is another word used by Ralston Park residents to describe their community. There are only 16 units per acre, giving the community a park-like atmosphere that offers considerable privacy. Residents say they feel like they are living in a residential neighborhood rather than an apartment complex. Convenience is another feature praised by Ralston Park residents. A grade school and high school are very close by. Nearby stores, including a large shopping center a few blocks away, make shopping convenient. Restaurants and fast food outlets abound. The intersection of I-70 and Kipling Street is just minutes away, providing easy access to all areas of Metropolitan Denver and to the mountains. View these apartments for rent online at Contact for detail 888-654-8474.
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