Oh my god there doesnt need to be a "leftist" case...just do the right thing
ОтветитьI don't think this is about purity at all. This seems more about power than anything. This is near identical to the Bernie takedown. Rogan is a threat to the powerful, and nothing more.
ОтветитьI like Rogan and I think he is no white supremacist but his show has been anti-vax all day everyday for a year at least and he has gone more right-wing with guests in the past few years. His major mistake is the N-word stuff. He literally said he was dropped of by a cab driver to see a movie and the theatre was like a planet of the apes. He was calling black people apes and that is irrefutable.
ОтветитьIt is interesting that so much of the Left has taken this stance on Joe. They should embrace him because he has a lot of very liberal opinions but a lot of right leaning fans. Embrace a person like this and you’ll bring a lot of centrists or independents closer to your side
ОтветитьI feel like Rogan's podcast is #1 b/c he doesn't have an agenda and it's accessible. Regardless of who the guest is, you can always count on the conversation to be interesting, whether you find yourself in agreement or you think it's off-the-wall insane.
ОтветитьFor fucks sake. You do this for a living. EQUALIZE YOUR VOLUME.
ОтветитьI love how she mentions his Starbucks coffee mug Immediately after his third loud slurp with the hopes that he will stop slurping from it 🤣
ОтветитьRefusing to vote for any mainstream politician because you believe the system is ultimately controlled by a nigh-unaccountable cabal doesn’t make you a white supremacist - this is just the same old lazy idpol labeling crap
ОтветитьRogan has been 💩💩 on Biden since before the presidency! This is all you know who trying to take down Joe Rogan. Biden hates that he's #2 when you type in Joe on Google search 😂😂
ОтветитьI'm all for open dialogue as long as slurping coffee can be censored
ОтветитьKyle Mr Devils Advocate Kulinski lol
ОтветитьI will never understand why someone like Joe has to all left or all right . I for many years found myself a little bit of both , but over the last few years have been pushed to the right
ОтветитьBen Shapiro is very honest and authentic. How can Kyle say he isn't?
ОтветитьJoe Rogan voted for Bernie during the primaries.
Then he moves to Texas to avoid high taxes and the results of destructive socialist policy.
Ridiculous. More ridiculous then Kaitlin Jenner who he infamusly called ridiculous due to Jemner not beiliving in Gay Marriaage.
As a guy who disagrees with 60% of Rogan’s politics. I love him because I think that the most important single aspect of any American is their personal character, and not like “tweets” but the way they treat others and act in tough situations, he’s always graceful and compassionate even when he’s earned the right to get on a soap box
Ответить"Lefties" want to cancel Rogan because he's anti-mandate, like the opposite of you two...
ОтветитьKyle is an hypocrite. I used to listen to his show. And one day, because I had a slightly different view than him in the comment, someone (a troll that I suspect was him due to his choice of words) attacked me viciously for hours. I just unliked and removed his page from my Facebook feed.
Kyle is part of that woke left that think politic is just a symbolic gesture where you hoard grievances and virtue signal on every issue, make oneself look good without ever doing anything. That's why the Left is losing right now
ОтветитьYou guys have to stop calling centrists, corporate interests, the DNC, the Democratic Party, social media police and the MSM “the left”. You fall right into their (right wing/centrists) laps by doing so.
I know the three of you know this, so it’s kind of frustrating hearing you all say “the left, the left, the left, the left, the left…”
Joe Rogan has a mix of left and right views as correctly pointed out. The difference is that the right is willing to tolerate differing views where the left is not willing to tolerate differing views. So even if Rogan is exactly split 50/50 on left and right issues, the left will hate him and the right will still be interested to see his take. Weird huh, conservatives were supposed to be "close minded" and "intolerant". It's the same thing with Jimmy Dore who is left on almost every issue (social issues, guns) but now he is on the "right" because he calls out the BS of the pharmaceutical companies who I seem to recall used to be abhorred by the left until CNN started saying they are heroes. Russel Brand is now supposedly "right-wing" because he doesn't completely adhere to the left's narrative, the list goes on. If you are even 1% centrist, you are "right-wing" to them.
ОтветитьLibertarian here, and I have to jump, any good libertarians does not see this as a justified use of censorship, since Spotify "is a private company". Burgis again, is operating under mischaracterizations of libertarian thought. The only reason Spotify feels the need to do this is out of possibility of coercive government pressure. Without that element, this becomes a non-issue.
ОтветитьThe reaction when Krystal began the Rogan segment shows everything one has to think about it...Laughter, JRE will be at 20 mio. viewers in months...
ОтветитьIt's super simple if you don't like to listen... don't.
ОтветитьI see that it’s about having conversations. Joe helps do that. I listen to breaking points all the time and also like Ben Shapiro.
ОтветитьEvery time this guy slurps I want to throw up on my dashboard
Ответитьhave Destiny on
ОтветитьJesus Christ dude, stop drinking on camera. SLUURRRRRRRRPPPP
ОтветитьRogan has also questioned countless times why there’s never any political financial will to lift poor black inner city communities up but there’s always money for war and government bailouts.
ОтветитьAs a leftist I an so glad this was said, it's just so sad that Joe will be used as a tool for the sinking ship that is the corporate establishment.
ОтветитьSluuuuuuuuuurp 😅
ОтветитьCanceling comedians while the world burns proved to be a very predictive title
ОтветитьThe problem is most on the left are highly educated and this makes them entitled, arrogant and self aggrandizing. They believe they are smarter than most people and, therefore, better in some way. Whereas many on the right live a much more simple and humble existence.
So what ends up happening is many lefties are not only not willing to admit they were wrong about something, they think there's simply no way in hell they're ever wrong. How could their $100k college degree fail them? It's impossible.
Many working class people are fully aware that they don't know everything. They surely have biased opinions but they've spent much less time agonizing over it. No doubt they haven't spent a fortune nuturing it. Not like college graduates have.
Working class right wingers are infinitely more personable and relatable than high class, college educated lefties. Most people could go to a bar and befriend a trucker or construction worker, real salt-of-the-Earth guys, or whatever cliche you prefer.
Who the fuck can possibly relate to some douche who spent his 20s being a full time student? Most people have been earning a real living for a full decade before these guys even get a legit job.
It's no wonder Rogan has 11 million viewers per episode. What, were you expecting some Yale graduate to be a hit podcaster? They only know how to entertain a room filled with suits with valet tickets in their jacket pocket.
I know, this is trivial, but: Doesn't Ben Burgis know that it's bad podcast etiquette to be slurping his drink into his microphone, and clanking his cup up and down into a stoneware saucer??!! Jeezus! 🙄 I can barely concentrate on the conversation, because that is so distracting!
ОтветитьWho da fuk is this fool sitting in my man saagar’s seat?
ОтветитьThe reason they want to silence people like him is for the final push to destroy our freedoms his voice could stop it.
ОтветитьI love Stephen. He’s very unapologetically right leaning. But still provides references and states very clearly he’s an opinion based comedy show. But still is very informative
ОтветитьKyle is the less intellectual version of Ben Shapiro on the left.
ОтветитьThe problem with this whole story is that no one called for Joe Rogan to be censored. Plus, he is part of corporate media now - his relation to Spotify (who sponsor, license, distribute, & now produce his shows) is similar to Tucker Carlson & Fox News.
ОтветитьSo many simps for Joe Rogan
ОтветитьDon't eat or drink on camera, let alone in the most obnoxious way possible.
ОтветитьYou left out something important "and why this will never happen because unhinged and delusional people can't form a line of rational and fact based thought to reach the conclusion to support free speech for those they disagree with".
ОтветитьWhy ? Because the left are the real facists
ОтветитьWhy not make the tv screen have a graphic of “Krystal, Kyle and Friends” instead of breaking points? I think at this point all audiences are cross pollinating each other
ОтветитьThis guy…..*slurp*slurp*meow*meow*Joe Rogan*
ОтветитьSo they don’t want to be in trouble with the Fed and they don’t want you robbing them? Shocking!
ОтветитьOh how this has aged terribly 🙃