The Most Unpredictable Reddit Stories | Reading Reddit Stories

The Most Unpredictable Reddit Stories | Reading Reddit Stories

Smosh Pit

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Katelyn Handy
Katelyn Handy - 23.09.2023 03:40

Angela sounds like Miley Cyrus!

Jane Baker
Jane Baker - 22.09.2023 22:09

"How does she not feel any emotion?" Maybe because when she found out about his affair she's already been through all this grieving for their relationship and decided to keep it moving

DeadBite00 - 22.09.2023 00:55

Chanse is literature my favorite. 😊

Lindsay Schechert
Lindsay Schechert - 21.09.2023 19:38

i got entranced by chanse playing with that feather for so long 😂

Maniac's Word
Maniac's Word - 21.09.2023 03:09

Where’s his test? He’s already in the family.

dizzy (from youtube)
dizzy (from youtube) - 20.09.2023 20:43

yall should do this again 🥺 pwease

CyFi - 20.09.2023 01:42

All of those stories escalated so much faster than I could have possibly imagined

Lynn Dragon
Lynn Dragon - 19.09.2023 04:06

two weeks and they where in therapy and he decided to hook up with someone new

Terese Gonzalez
Terese Gonzalez - 18.09.2023 22:03

I'm sorry, six year guy initials JMKJ? because ummmm 🤔🤔🤔

silly little man
silly little man - 18.09.2023 02:15

me and my boyfriend jokingly tell each other we stink and have pretend arguments about it like "you stink like you absolutely REEK" "NUH UH YOU STINK" and it goes on from there back and forth. if that girls boyfriend is saying that like not as a joke maybe that relationship is not the best for her

Michael Dang
Michael Dang - 17.09.2023 02:13

That ridiculous part where the guy's family test gf. Sorry but her family matters who the hell are you to say that your family traditions matter more. Girl you did the right thing and took care of yourself

Galev - 16.09.2023 03:59

AND THEN SHE BREAKS INTO SONG TOO! XD Gosh Angela's energy can be a little overwhelming sometimes, but it matched this episode perfectly!

hyperfuzzysniper - 16.09.2023 02:43

Why did you have chose those 2 for the guests?
Seriously why

Aurora Dubnyk
Aurora Dubnyk - 16.09.2023 00:51

Family tradition of watching the entire extended edition of Lord of the Rings between Christmas eve and new years <3 but yeah not whatever that shit was about omg

Maz - 15.09.2023 20:17

The affair story got pina coladas stuck in my head

Dawn Starr Looking Elk
Dawn Starr Looking Elk - 15.09.2023 20:05

The last story is crazy, I hope she finds a hit man to kill him.

Ryandy Law
Ryandy Law - 14.09.2023 07:27

man chance and angela is two of the best additions member to the smosh cast

Gloria Rios
Gloria Rios - 13.09.2023 20:54

Not the affair guy trying to minimize what he did. I'm sorry you are the a-hole

Vye DoesArt
Vye DoesArt - 13.09.2023 06:52

I struggle to be on time, but it's not that I don't care. I genuinely strive to be on time, and while I'm doing better, it's a literal battle against my brain meats, and the whole time I'm beating myself up.

JupiterMoon - 13.09.2023 01:18

Just so everyone knows, in the last story (the stalker story), I’m pretty sure in a later video they reveal that the boss found out that she was pregnant shortly after the broke it off with OP’s ex and her and the ex got back together because she couldn’t raise a child on her own. So the boss and the stalker do end up getting back together unfortunately

Deidra Johnson
Deidra Johnson - 13.09.2023 01:06

The story at the end though…🤯🤯🤯 Dude needs meds and a clinical diagnosis. These people just blow up their lives over absolute lunacy.

ClockWise - 12.09.2023 23:42

Not me rewatching this and realizing I'm poly

Joel Greenup
Joel Greenup - 12.09.2023 13:11

Chanse, it's not a matter of people "not being equipped yet" for poly relationships. They just don't work a vast majority of the time.

mellabobs - 12.09.2023 05:13

My Bestie is in Love with me is the reason women are wary of men. Men get aggressive/angry when women "friendzone" them but men "fu(k-zoned" women first. Toxic men need to learn how to have platonic relationships with others in a healthy way. THERAPY! Get you some.

Belle Ferguson
Belle Ferguson - 11.09.2023 20:08

I think I have a reddit problem. I've heard all of these ones lol. Love this coverage of it tho!

squalloogal - 11.09.2023 13:33

Chance, Angela, Ian, iffy and Amanda are the best reactors in these. I wonder what a huge reaction team would look like. Maybe a competition between two teams, choosing stories to shock the others and rating the stories? Something like that.

Kayla Oliveira
Kayla Oliveira - 11.09.2023 03:46

For the tradition one:
It would’ve been a cute family tradition if they had the couple have to work together to make a dinner and desert for the family and that could’ve been super cute

ponchopi - 10.09.2023 23:04

i feel SO BAD for the boss

Internet Clown
Internet Clown - 10.09.2023 03:19

The man in the last story had me soooooooooo angry. Why are so many of these types of men so SELFISH!!!👿🤮

Amani-Kai - 09.09.2023 21:39

That last man!! Is crazy!!!

Rene van der Merwe
Rene van der Merwe - 09.09.2023 20:24

The boyfriend with BO comments hit too close to home... I have a medical condition called hyperhiptosis (over active sweat glands) so im always conscious of my smell... My ex (knowing how it effects me) used to say i have very potent BO, and hes probably the only one who could handle it... It was his favorite manipulation tactic and gaslighting made me question my own senses...

olaf wąchalski
olaf wąchalski - 09.09.2023 17:51

i feel as the "i wont honor my bf's traditions" realy fucking depends on the context as to where he is from and it's being hidden so she wont look bad im not saying it's a good tradition im just saying the country propably has some thing to do with it

Desiree Paul Plummer
Desiree Paul Plummer - 09.09.2023 04:49

Father like son, what advice he got from his dad🤦🏾‍♀️

Desiree Paul Plummer
Desiree Paul Plummer - 09.09.2023 04:37

She should tell him to leave her if she smells so bad because he’s putting too much mental stress on her. It’s taking a toll on her body. her paycheque to spend on deodorant, soap, etc.😑

Kenzie Morris
Kenzie Morris - 09.09.2023 04:35

I chewed my nails off while watching this. 😬

Hakka - 08.09.2023 22:43

ngl if the brunch thing happened to me, they would not be my friends fuck those guys regardless

Korean Cowboy42
Korean Cowboy42 - 08.09.2023 17:23

The tradition one is kinda dumb, but but.
Learning to clean the house and everything doing basic life chores for the house and taking care of the family is indeed a need when making your own family with your partner. It shouldn't be a tradition, rathed it sbouldve been basics.
Like I don't mind not being able to cook or anything as long as my partner can teach me while I can teach others how to fix pipes and the house when there's something off and wrong.
Also before anyone comments about me not able to cook, I can cook, but not the best cook as I'm very picky when I eat and I've been trying to expand my palet, but sometimes I cant stomach it.
So I cook what I know and tasted, even more so it's not bad for partners to learn from each other and basic house stuff.
Its indeed funny xD that the family calls it tradition. 😄
But also no partner should quot their jobs to be a stay at home.

Sherubii - 08.09.2023 13:14

And then you watch the update video and find out stalker husband and the "cool" boss are having a baby

Marce - 08.09.2023 04:26

I just can't stop laughing at the psycho throwing up in the carpet like a cat spitting a hair ball because his wife is treating him the same way he treats her 💀

Violentheart - 07.09.2023 16:35

2nd to last post.... that man is a hypocritical b!tch and he deserves to be alone and sad.

Nature - 07.09.2023 15:37

To this day I ask myself if that was the reason my ex invited me to her wedding. Literally, (and I do mean literally) when the priest said "speak now or forever hold your peace" every one in the church looked over at me. I felt like I was in a TV show or movie scene, but super uncomfortable to say the least 😂😂

ghostly melody
ghostly melody - 07.09.2023 06:49

i hope thew boss and the lady from the last story get together

zcubeDbz - 07.09.2023 05:59

For the "My Bestie is in Love W/ Me" story, I'd like to think that the friend reading her negative response to his 6AM confession realized that after what he said that she, being the person he claimed to have feelings for, would struggle on whether to let him attend the wedding or even be his friend afterward. Then decided; "I've made my bed and I have to lay in it." And then fired off a message so aggressive and hatefilled that he knew she would want nothing to do with him. In doing so lighting the mental burden on her... Now realistically no, he was probably just an A hole who got rejected and lost a long term friend all in 1 go

Scarlett Safir3
Scarlett Safir3 - 06.09.2023 22:48

I’m not poly but even I know poly is a relationship between 3 or more people and all of them know they’re in the same place about it the relationship is amongst themselves only and if they want to add someone new everyone has to agree it’s all about respect with them and being equally involved with each other

Fotios Vakakis
Fotios Vakakis - 06.09.2023 18:56

Bruh the poor kids...

Joy Lightfoot
Joy Lightfoot - 06.09.2023 18:24

Cumin definitely smells like BO to me too

Helen Lewis
Helen Lewis - 06.09.2023 16:37

There is another Reddit story where op is hesitant on doing her (then fiancé’s) family tradition of gathering all the male family members together to check if the future bride is a virgin. I forget how it goes down specifically but I know they broke up because she wasn’t willing to do it.

MISGummiBears - 06.09.2023 05:43

"You can be better at being a bad person"
Hilarious. And funny about people using bad lies - "lie better".
So funny
