South Africa: History, Geography, Economy & Culture

South Africa: History, Geography, Economy & Culture


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Geodiode - 11.08.2022 19:31

🇿🇦 Do you have an experience of South Africa? Just visited as a tourist? Or did you live there, or still live there? Please share your thoughts and moments of your time at the end of the African continent! 🇿🇦

Morné Floyd Davids
Morné Floyd Davids - 14.10.2023 09:08

Khoisan and proud to be

Leneos Gorra
Leneos Gorra - 12.10.2023 07:07

Apartheid isn't even a big issue during that time... it was heavily politicized now by the left western media.

Let's be real if South Africa weren't colonized by the Europeans our country wouldn't exist.

Co Co Bunny
Co Co Bunny - 11.10.2023 16:21

This is very sad every one is benefiting off the land but the original owners.

Gregory Vigneault
Gregory Vigneault - 07.10.2023 16:50

Man I bet many people also didnt know Elon Musk is from South Africa. It looks like a wonderful place to explore natural wonders however it might be best to stay out of the cities, I remember in a top gear interview a popular actor filming there recounted how he ended up held at gunpoint under a bridge with a bag over his head while stuck in traffic.

Daniel SPENCER - 22.09.2023 19:00

See what European done to african people it was Azania one i hope E.F.F change from South Africa to real name to Azania?

Md Moner
Md Moner - 28.08.2023 17:16

very very nice country south Africa🌹💝comments🌹🌹🌹💝💝💝🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩 monir hossain🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩💝🌹

Robert Michael Todd
Robert Michael Todd - 27.08.2023 06:50

Great work.

joel baxter
joel baxter - 24.08.2023 01:45

What’s the name of that song at the end ? Beautiful

Tum - 20.08.2023 03:04

your content on these type of videos are very similar to Geography Now, I like it

karl brandt
karl brandt - 18.08.2023 17:38

I was born in Switzerland in 1943 Immigrated on 5th March 1973 got married have 5 Daughters
Great life during that time I started and owned a manufacturing business in East London
over one hundred Employers left after 19 years that was the best time in my life have seen it all Krüger Park and more

Rajdev 123
Rajdev 123 - 12.08.2023 14:32


Der Buchhandel Club
Der Buchhandel Club - 06.08.2023 10:29

@ Südafrika:

Jg Rsb
Jg Rsb - 13.07.2023 19:16

Can you talk about the rivers of South Africa and also why the borders of South Africa are the way they are?

Smokin'RSAeryday - 11.07.2023 11:38

I'm from South Africa and have been living in Berlin Germany for about 9 years now and I'm so sad to see a beautiful country like South Africa being completely destroyed by the current government. South Africa went from a first world nation to a third world country in less than 10 years. Between 1995-2005 things were still normal but then Zuma started with his influence in the country a man that from his own words admitted that he was uneducated to govern a country. Till this day the people of South Africa can't seem to vote on a proper leader and rather vote for skin colour. South Africa is doomed. That reason alone is why people rather say today leave Africa to the Africans.

Back Edina
Back Edina - 05.07.2023 15:00

Thank you for this video presentation. I must look at it a few more times and clear up the words I do not fully understand. I did, but I must as I go along, gathering more and more information about all countries, Human Rights and about culture of all people, I will for sure,I will do it. I will also help to implement L. Ron Hubbar's Study Technology in the education system in South Africa as the nation deserve it. And because I like South Africa and its people. Thank you again! God Bless You! Lv, Edina

Mogley - 02.07.2023 10:19

If I went to Africa, i'd want to eat something I was told not to... So I'm hesitant of ending up in a foreign prison because I would find a way to taste the rhino. Outa my way skittles!!

Kabelo Mothogwane
Kabelo Mothogwane - 29.06.2023 14:16

Good video but those flag colour explanations are completely wrong

Michael Ingram
Michael Ingram - 16.06.2023 13:50

most south Africans speak English

Ley Mealea
Ley Mealea - 15.06.2023 06:40

leymealea like

The Pizza Shirt
The Pizza Shirt - 08.06.2023 18:32

Breathtaking photography

Susan Lourens
Susan Lourens - 05.06.2023 20:46

I am borne, raised, and still living in South Africa. The Lord has given us a beautiful country. Problems are enough and a reality, but that does not change the beauty and richness of SA. Many people worldwide envy us. Thanks for a very good video.

Irina Safiulova
Irina Safiulova - 28.05.2023 23:59

Amazing video, well told story . I loved the end piece with music

Christine Finniss
Christine Finniss - 25.05.2023 16:47

Very balanced depiction of my country. 🤙🇿🇦

Robyn Chan
Robyn Chan - 22.05.2023 07:35

Speaking of which, you left out the conservations of many people and what they are fighting for, what inspire the Disney company, films, entertainment, nature programs, etc. Yeah I know, Africa a big place so many things left unexplored and unexplained like celebrities and such that also caught the MCU (again entertainment). So, I'm suggesting how about a part 2? It isn't complete without mentioning Dr. Louis Leakey and his 3 chimps he calls his female explorers.

Christel Ntanga Kabongo
Christel Ntanga Kabongo - 16.05.2023 18:48

I am so proud to be a South African your video is top notch (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡

nilanjana chatterjee
nilanjana chatterjee - 10.05.2023 19:02

Excellent video 😊

Spin With Me 2
Spin With Me 2 - 28.04.2023 13:58

Amazing 🤩

Republican1795 - 28.04.2023 07:33

This video promotes the falsehood that the Boers were "Dutch settlers" when in point of fact the Boers have nothing to do with the Dutch settlers & are in fact an indigenous African people ( author James Morris noted this in print ) who are of German / Frisian / French Huguenot & Belgian descent with smaller but significant roots of Indian / Malay / Khoisan & Yoruba origin. The narrative that this video promotes plays into the narrative of the Colonial powers that tried to rob & obscure the Boers' true identity & ethnic origin. The fact of the matter is that the Boers have had to struggle against the Dutch settlers: particularly the Cape Dutch settlers who often acted as enforcers of the Colonial Powers. Calling the Boers "Dutch settlers" is about as bad & incorrect as calling the African Americans "British settlers"! Just because the Dutch forced the ancestors of the Boers to the Cape DOES NOT MAKE the Boer people "Dutch settlers"! The ancestors of the Boers did not settle in Southern Africa... they were settled in Southern Africa by the Dutch East India Company & the Dutch Colonial Power.

Abey Estrada
Abey Estrada - 27.04.2023 03:39

What is the song at the end?

mystee willow
mystee willow - 24.04.2023 12:35

My beautiful South Africa always in my heart 💜

avela mawaba
avela mawaba - 09.04.2023 18:41

I live in south Africa and I am 9 years old

Clumsytriangle - 03.04.2023 15:15

I'm South African and you warmed my heart with the introduction. I live and work abroad and haven't been home in over 3 years, and will be visiting later this year. I cannot wait. Our country has had many problems and still does, but one thing about South Africans - SAFFAS - is that we are forever optimists - always looking forward and hoping for a better future for our beautiful land. Oh, and loved the intro music too!!

Jawvees🎇 - 03.04.2023 08:44

Damn can't wait to watch this one🔥

fallrightintoplace - 01.04.2023 03:28

The content on this channel is extraordinary.

Ryan W
Ryan W - 01.04.2023 01:37

Hot damn I'm crying over my keyboard.

New Man
New Man - 31.03.2023 21:58

So funny how when the whites were doing the oppressing it was terrible and had to be stopped. But when the blacks do the oppressing and lead to white abandoning SA, it is fine and nobody says a thing about it.

Napo Moloi
Napo Moloi - 27.03.2023 21:30

While it is true that affirmative action policies are enacted which seek to redress the discrimination of the Black, Coloured and Indian population at the expense of whites people . White people are still by far the wealthiest racial group occupying top positions in the country’s top companies, occupy the most land and have the most wealth .

Дарья Сидорова
Дарья Сидорова - 24.03.2023 12:01

Thank you. This video makes one want to travel there, and maybe migrate to live there. I appreciate your tempo of speech - your voice is comfortable to listen.

Through Lee’s Lens 🇨🇦
Through Lee’s Lens 🇨🇦 - 24.03.2023 00:37

Totally love South Africa it will always be my home, but sadly corruption, poverty, crime, and miss management of government services makes me sad and sick and how the tables have turned to a point where it is unsustainable😢
National electrical grid Eskom the people or cannot supply stable, power to factories ,plants and corporations, which internal hurts businesses bottom line.
Highly rich country in minerals, only to have them being exploited by the west and east Asia.

samudra separi
samudra separi - 19.03.2023 22:29

It’s beautiful Capetown specially—-

Pranjal Sisodia
Pranjal Sisodia - 17.03.2023 20:13

that intro was fire!

Philip Sweetnam
Philip Sweetnam - 17.03.2023 16:29

A few inaccuracies in this video, the most notable is the claim that the 1st Boer war was inconclusive, even a 10 second Google search will clearly show the Boers won the 1st Boer war with a decisive victory over the British at the Battle of Majuba Hill.

GT OLI4 - 16.03.2023 11:42

Apartheid has long since not been the word when people think of SA. Apartheid ended 29 years ago... People now think of load shedding (daily power failure nation wide), corruption, high taxes, violence, xenophobia, poverty, job losses, unemployment... But people focus also on the good. Good food, best weather, coolest animals, diverse nature and people and culture.

David Conway
David Conway - 15.03.2023 00:07

Your videos are the best! Always so in4mative. ❤

christopher Bastiaan
christopher Bastiaan - 13.03.2023 22:28

God bless Africa, guide her leaders and give her peace!

Yara Viera
Yara Viera - 09.03.2023 23:05

Thanks for sharing this story about south Africa.
