Don't Buy Your Lightsaber Before Watching This: How to Choose the Right One!

Don't Buy Your Lightsaber Before Watching This: How to Choose the Right One!

The Collectors Outpost

1 год назад

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@paulallas7665 - 22.06.2024 15:59

Dude, gotta agree with you about GH v3. But, can't seem to find any GHv3 sabrecores anywhere. Either sold out or just nowhere to be found.

@AidricCarlson - 28.06.2024 05:45

Thanks for the helpful tips! i know which one I would want since I'm an impatient person too and don't like coding.

@goldsage4722 - 28.06.2024 18:23

Does anyone know if there are any nice lightsabers that actually retract? Even if it's a dagger length blade with a normal size hilt

@ddm62571 - 06.07.2024 10:05

Nice job!

@shawnjohnson7696 - 11.07.2024 04:20

Great video! Thank you.

@misterfedorattv - 22.07.2024 09:03

Me, saving the video for future use knowing damn well i cant even afford a $75 grab bag: Yeah this will come in handy 🥹

@MrBadReel - 22.07.2024 22:14

what about CFX boards? where do the sit compared to Proff or GH or Xeno??

@monkeeee310 - 25.07.2024 00:01

all of em are overpriced just buy the cheaper one or which ever you like best

@DRTurkeyVR - 26.07.2024 21:50

Love the video but I can’t find the star killer 2 on the website

@othicx - 27.07.2024 01:23

GH looks cool but if i have the choice im still going with a crystal focus.

@CrystalFocus - 27.07.2024 22:21

so we're completely ignoring CFX? 😅

@KayLM22 - 29.07.2024 03:52

where can i get these lightsabers?

@ZachAgape - 29.07.2024 15:36

thanks, very helpful! I'm trying to figure out what the baselit lightsabers on Padawan Outpost would have. The 4 soundboards you mentioned (SN4, Xeno v3, Golden Harvest, Profile) are all on pixel blades and not baselit blades, right? Are there a few different prominent baselit sound boards too that you could cover, and which ones would you recommend, if any?

@freshprismbreak1117 - 01.08.2024 03:56

Is GHv3 and SN the same thing? When i click the GHv3 link in your bio i can only select SN-Pixel, Base or Proffie. Can someone clarify? haha

@grahtman - 01.08.2024 07:02

Why do the sabers turn on and off with the twist motion and not an on and off switch?

@nickolaymiltenov - 02.08.2024 11:38

What is Asteria, Graflex etc?

@gavinschall8879 - 05.08.2024 20:33

So happy that Proffie added a whole settings menu that lets you change volume, brightness, blade-length, swing on, twist on, etc. No longer do you have to flash the board every time you want to change the simple things.

@MrEvanBacon - 10.08.2024 01:33

why did you leave out Crystal Focus X?

@nickdeez8611 - 29.08.2024 21:54

Very informative. Thank you. I just ordered my first saber in a Xeno. After wanting one since childhood but knowing they'd never be a reality, it's awesome that we can get something so close. Can't wait to check it out. 😀

@michellehartford4937 - 04.09.2024 11:42

Looking at buying one for my 13 yr old son...any help would be awesome, a few hundred dollars is about the furthest I'd go...can someone help!!? Thanks in advance

@lonespartan2272 - 07.09.2024 22:25

Got a soldier neopixel coming in a few days. Cant wait to mess with it

@EyehatePersona5 - 09.09.2024 08:03

Oops I watched the video after. But I bought a proffie

@serplayer2489 - 13.09.2024 17:47

i am between a sn pixel and a xenopicel v3 lightsabers and i dont know which one i should buy ?

@TreyHesari - 23.09.2024 19:30

Are these good for duel battles? I was wondering if they are durable

@GangsterKatt43 - 30.09.2024 15:21

u really be giving me headaches out here

@kasperwozowicz - 07.10.2024 16:47

"Baselit sabers can not power pixel blades" but is the reverse also true? I wonder if I can buy neopixel lightsaber and simply switch the blade for the hollow one for heavy dueling

@piplup10203854 - 08.10.2024 15:47

This was really helpful. I’ll look for a Xenopixel next 🥹 I got my first lightsaber and the options were Rgb-S16 and Neopixel so I think that means the board is Snv4 pro but I’m not really sure. I figured I don’t need the latest and greatest for my very first one plus they’re expensive. It was still nearly 200 dollars but I’m sure the baselit is more than enough for me 😊 it has smooth swing and that hum plus the lights. I will probably get a proffie at some point and I love that Christmas light show 😂 my dad and I watch it every year

@MakingCarnage - 14.10.2024 00:55

Hey you probably has this covered in another video, but how do you get those lightsabers to glow in the background? The figurines i mean. Great video btw, subscribed!

@KorribanLightsaberAcademy - 14.10.2024 07:34

As of october 2024, the xeno v3 app and soundboard work phenominally. They have done many upgrades to ignitions to burst white upon basic ingition, change ignition timing, and so many blade styles too. Ghost blade with a crispy fint is crazy cool

@laviedeeric - 14.10.2024 09:41

Bro Your Videos Are 🔥🔥🔥

@charliechaplin2561 - 14.10.2024 20:42

The movie I believe is Deck the Halls

@johnbaldwin491 - 25.10.2024 09:12

Is the neopixel blade format duel-friendly?

@anthonyyamz5381 - 01.11.2024 14:56

Finally, a dude who speaks my language! Incredible video man. Couple of questions if you have the time. I essentially want a blade that I can drag/drop or copy/paste fonts on to. I will not be doing heavy customizing/coding, so i definitely think I am leaning towards Golden Harvest.

1. Is the quality of a GH board equal to a proffie such that smooth swing, accent swings, response, lighting, sound are all identical? Or does proffie have the edge on this?

2. Similarly, it seems that you can install proffie files onto a GH board. So, if I wanted to purchase a font off of Kyberohonics, for example, would that font have identical quality on the GH saber as it would a Proffie saber?

3. Any particular, reputable sites to look at for GH sabers?

4. Seems that GH comes preloaded with lots of content already. But let's say I want an Anakin EP3 hilt. Will it have that font from the movie on it already or is that something I have to search out?

Thanks a million man. Really appreciate it in advance! Super excited about this!

@Corvid_Games - 12.11.2024 17:42

What about Crystal Focus (CFX)? It has a phone and PC app, and a ton of features including a programmable ignition. Granted it has been a while since I messed with saber boards, but last I remember CFX was the top end.

@gregorybarnard5593 - 17.11.2024 16:22

Are those blades polycarbonate?

@markwieland1527 - 19.11.2024 21:31

Is there a sound difference from Xeno v3 and Golden Harvest? how has the louder sound?

@ij20man35 - 23.11.2024 03:28

Thanks so much for such a comprehensive and helpful video. A huge help for figuring out the suddenly quite large world of lightsaber options.

@ij20man35 - 23.11.2024 03:32

I'm curious what's the most common standard length of a lightsaber? I see 36", 32" and 28" options out there.

@SyIis - 04.12.2024 02:00

Did you just call a 3ft blade a dagger 😂

@Herm999 - 09.12.2024 13:11

NeoPixel lightsabers are battle ready?

@lukem7464 - 22.12.2024 03:13

I am new to lightsabers, but i want the best possible "Luke Skywalker" saber. Best sounds/light, etc. If money is no object, what do you recommend?

@OVER-RANNUS - 22.12.2024 04:10

Shouldn’t this channel just be called ‘The Grievous Outpost’ instead?

@dragonspade6118 - 09.01.2025 07:43

My personal favourite has always been the Xeno V3. It has the feature of changing everything from color, font, ignition, etc. directly from the hilt like the Neo while having the ability to change quite a few hidden features (via the app and not having to deal with the coding complexity!) like the Proffie. Most of the lightsabers I do have are Xenopixel minus one of them being a proffie and most importantly IT DOESNT BREAK THE BANK like the proffie does. In most cases there is a $100+ difference between a Xenopixel V3 and a proffie. I have a dark Rey double bladed lightsaber coming in next week and it will also be a Xenopixel V3 and I’m so excited. My final saber that I want to get eventually is a Count Dooku Xenopixel V3 lightsaber but they are upwards of $500+ which is so dang expensive just for one singular saber, especially in comparison to other ones. My dark Rey lightsaber cost about $70 less than that and I’m getting two whole blades for the price of a dooku lightsaber which is ridiculous.

@aquathelynx962 - 22.01.2025 11:29

Im going to Fan Expo in Vancouver next month and this video has been really informative, im gonna do the nerd thing and buy a lightsaber

@OrionRieden - 31.01.2025 09:06

where do you buy the xeno v3 from?!

@kiankra305 - 04.02.2025 17:13

which is the best saber for dueling? ive been looking to get one and I dont know which would be the best fit for "hard" dueling

@steveo601 - 16.02.2025 06:01

My kids just got Neo Saber light sabers and they make a joke out of the Savi’s workshop sabers. These things are incredible

@_dahveed3275 - 17.02.2025 18:10

Does the SN-Pixel sound wave sound just as good as the proffie?

@Hauptmann22 - 25.02.2025 14:53

Which is the best lightsaber company? I live in Greece and i am trying to find a legit company to buy a good quality saber

@aj.anaya8055 - 27.02.2025 10:13

What’s the music name in the background? I like it
