This Incredible Mod Will Probably Get You to Start a New Fallout 4 Playthrough

This Incredible Mod Will Probably Get You to Start a New Fallout 4 Playthrough


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@user-ql6kt6uk1q - 25.12.2023 23:56

i love how everyone installed gun mods to replace vanilla guns

@jimfrostpreaches - 15.08.2023 01:20

Pickman's Gallery is an homage to H.P. Lovecraft's "Pickman's Model". Another H.P. Lovecraft homage is the Dunwich Horrors, called Dunwich Borers.

@symbiotesoda1148 - 22.07.2023 21:34

I do love anarchy.

@kaydenmontgomery4832 - 15.07.2023 06:16

What are those gun mods!!!

@ajallen212 - 13.07.2023 14:49

I...really dont understand genocide runs. Also, id say this doesn't turn it into a "True RPG" especially with the comparison of New Vegas, because fun fact, you CANNOT screw over everyone. Yes Man becomes the only available option at one point, and he cannot be killed :D.

I feel this mod turns it into a "True Sandbox".

@gamingkitten2.061 - 06.07.2023 23:26

Ngl it would be really cool to get a mod that lets you side with the raiders or the gunners as a faction (tho raiders are kinda already almost a faction choice with nuka cola DLC. Again, KIND OF not really). It would also be epic to get a quest that does a lot: Makes the minutemen a stronger faction, removes preston’s annoying quests, and makes it so when you save preston, you are simply helping a small squad of minutemen kind of like helping Danse and then getting into the BOS that way. The minutemen would get custom armor and power armor along with the mod and when i say armor i mean ARMOR. Not a bunch of leather coats and hats. And i mean like custom armor not just a paint job on combat armor. Then, and heres the best part, it would be really cool if it allowed you to wage war against the gunners as the minuteman leader. I feel like all the factions just stop giving new cool quests after you become the leader or a higher rank. And if you do wage war with the gunners (you would get the choice after they attack a minuteman base / you get news of that through an npc that the mod would add) and if you dont wage war, they will just keep attacking settlements, bases, and ambush supply caravans and such. But if you decide to wage war, the commonwealth would become a WARZONE. You would be finding heavily fortified gunner bases, enemy vertibirds, enemy supply caravans, bases, etc. It wouldnt be easy to defeat them. Also, you can choose / inadvertently cause some base game factions to get involved and either ally with the minutemen, ally with the gunners, or just avoid the conflict OR attack both sides and become a third party in the war.

@gamingkitten2.061 - 06.07.2023 23:13

It would be really cool if a mod let you turn the railroad hq (both the current one and the one at slocum joes after u clear it) into a base for a faction and also let you (or combined with another mod) that lets you make a custom faction. You can set ranks and set armor for each rank and then there can be preset quests where you can choose other factions you hate to fight against. Ik it will probably never happen as it is (im assuming) difficult to make a mod like that.

@muse5722 - 12.06.2023 22:24

Thuggysmurf's writing is almost worse than Bethesda's. Horrid.

@Domyras - 24.05.2023 10:33

"downloading this mod just to do this"
<double taps a dead Prestons head for good measure>
"is pretty worth it"
10/10 editing

@jaggerperc4842 - 11.05.2023 01:25

since when is police brutality a political thing? can anyone honestly say they think police brutality is a good thing

@MLPDethDealr32 - 25.01.2023 10:33

Or combine Diary of a Madman with America Rising, and you have the Enclave take over after you do clean up duty with all the other factions you just TOOK OUT.

@richardkmoch2208 - 04.01.2023 15:12

"goo goo ga ga i don't want politics in my fallout"
bro it's fallout
also inb4 dEfUnD tHe DiAmOnD cItY pOlIcE

@chicken4090 - 30.12.2022 01:07

Its obvious ur a woke liberal, unsubscribe

@vexili - 22.12.2022 10:31

Yeah I’m sorry but these mods are complete fucking trash

@Ace_470 - 12.11.2022 01:21

diary of a madman isn’t on console

@troysvisualarts - 21.10.2022 07:00

LOL at Thomas Tank Engine sentry bot🤣🤣🤣

@mikemadden2092 - 12.10.2022 13:10 the world of the real...

@mikemadden2092 - 12.10.2022 13:03

Like that pip boy mod..can't find it..what's it called..?

@refrigeratorinthewinter138 - 16.09.2022 00:44

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16

@PeterPups0815 - 03.08.2022 00:47

Dude, what's wrong with your voice?! Don't understand a word, because you've been cutting out every pause .... horrible!

@mikeroylance289 - 13.07.2022 17:11

Wait, so Pickman's rationale for destroying the Minutemen is the Lex Luthor "Having Superman around makes us weaklings." argument? But they're a militia. Armed settlers who respond to respond in groups to calls for help from OTHER settlers. The entire concept REQUIRES that people arm themselves. Also, the idea of Pickman just KNOWING the secret entrance into the Institute which required...a lot to find out about in the vanilla game is a little "Wha?"

Don't get me wrong. The basic idea idea is cool. Give yourself the freedom to interact with the world any way you like. That part's great. Some of the writing just doesn't sound terribly well thought out to me.

@thearmsdealer2677 - 03.07.2022 15:11

Sarcastic sneaking I see

@tovarkz_og - 15.06.2022 01:06

How did you get unlimited ammo

@cb3391 - 11.06.2022 20:49

Too bad no xbox 1 ,
My darker self always wanted to team up with Pickman

@BringerOfMoisture - 08.06.2022 23:34

Make. New. Titles. I. Beg. Of. You. Oh. Juicy. One.

@punn2713 - 26.05.2022 22:51

Thomas the train mr gutsy💀

@lefaplefaplefap - 25.05.2022 07:32

"The Diary Of a Madman"
AKA: Industrial Society And Its Future -by Ted Kaczynski

@nanotech1921 - 25.05.2022 05:12

"your settlement dosent need my help"

"the little engine that couldent"

these guys have a sense of humor XD

@aloeburn7825 - 17.05.2022 00:49

hey, if people don't like politics in media, they probably shouldn't play any fallout games to begin with? like fallout 4 is kinda just deadbrained fun with no real story but what is there is very deeply political. it aggressively insists that technology that is not distributed fairly among the people is inherently an evil corrupting force (the institute AND the brotherhood are both technocratic fascists in differing degrees). the minutemen are the only faction in the whole game who are 100% in all aspects treated like the good guys and while that is boring storytelling it very much is a political statement to say that the best hope for humanity are people who are willing to fight to their deaths for liberty and the right to self-governance. it also says that colonizing and extracting the resources from people and their land in exchange for your protection is a good thing. this game is extremely political and openly advocates for violence to achieve one's goals.

@TrouvatkiDePercusion - 24.03.2022 21:41

I'm tickled by the fact that JuiceHead built up ADA pretty much exactly the same way I did, right down to what color paint job he gave her.

@OliverLacerda - 17.03.2022 23:33

The mod of the weapons is?????? Link pls???

@crylec6534 - 08.02.2022 06:24

Politics in their video games? Bruh you shouldn't be playing fallout if you feel uncomfortable with politics

@Ducky_3.14 - 22.01.2022 03:57

Why isn't diary of a madman on Xbox.

@AshleyBlackwater - 31.12.2021 18:54

Yeah Fallout 4 isn't already political. You have a faction effectively keeping slaves and other stuff, but instigating riots over ghouls is to close to home? Get real.

@Mrncgntu - 21.12.2021 20:27

There is a reason Bethesda made fallout 4 so bad. They knew people would fix it for them XD. Btw the diary of the madman mod just opened up so many more playthrough ideas for me.

@THEcamobackpack - 03.12.2021 07:32

I'm sorry but if you play video games to escape politics fallout is the dumbest fucking choice lol. Fallout and Fallout 2 are so overtly political and satirical of McCarthyism and the cold war, and the entire story of new vegas is literally deciding who takes political power over the city.

@BLACKHAWX-mn3xh - 20.11.2021 10:59

is Diary of a madman on xbox one ?

If not id really love to see it on xbox

@shotgun5822 - 12.11.2021 23:15

As a big New York Yankees fan say good by to diamond city in all my games

@ketlyn38 - 04.11.2021 10:58

What's the power armour in the thumbnail?

@jerichohill487 - 25.10.2021 10:23

Great video I gotta get this mod. But I wanted to say, if you actually know who Richard Upton Pickman is, as in the stories he appears in, this makes total sence

@TheGoldenMan888 - 23.09.2021 00:48

The only mod that is close to being lore friendly and not some kind of fetish is diary of a madman, everything else is really weird and twisted

@Cybernaut76 - 16.09.2021 04:47

Does this conflict with Depravity mod?

@Chompenheimer - 15.09.2021 00:22

bro what are the weapon mods

@purplebatdragon - 02.09.2021 03:21

The Diamond City rioting situation is actually incredibly interesting to me.

It's the sort of open-ended exploration of real-world topics that you don't see in games, especially considering you get to choose a side and the extremity WITHOUT having a VERY specific viewpoint crammed down your throat. Heck, even most indie games can't escape it. But this looks like something that might come close.

It's something only a videogame can do; explore ideas and worlds through viewer choice and interaction. We should never shy away from it.

@tridenteespanol8602 - 30.08.2021 20:51

I just installed a anime mod and now my canon is that the nuclear chinesse bombs were sabotaged by japanese spy's and the radiation transformed every human into a anime girl

@ghostsdragon9222 - 19.08.2021 01:43

Is it bad that I like the brotherhood

@FerreusDeus - 17.08.2021 13:52

The Diamond City quest is political? Please.

@silverbloodborne9495 - 15.08.2021 22:19

Side with the brotherhood of steel
Kills everyone who will not side with the brotherhood of steel
