Iron-Deficiency Anemia (Overview) | Causes, Pathophysiology, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Iron-Deficiency Anemia (Overview) | Causes, Pathophysiology, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

JJ Medicine

3 года назад

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Carol Love
Carol Love - 12.09.2023 14:50

I have chronic anemia ( being treated ongoing) and no Dr. told me about mouth ulcers. I have a mouth ulcer on the inside of my mouth encroaching on my lip. It started out very small, but over 2 years it has grown significantly. I am now referred to a plastic surgeon for consultation. My family Dr. has not made the connection between my anemia and mouth ulcer. Thank you for the comprehensive analysis of low iron.

ThePhatLady - 04.09.2023 10:27

That was very helpful. Thank you

Yassin A-R
Yassin A-R - 21.08.2023 19:03

Do men get this condition also??

Elisa fragile
Elisa fragile - 19.08.2023 20:43

Hello how long will it take until the symptoms go away? I have an irondeficiency anemia, my ferritin is at 9 and my hemoglobin is 11.8 ng/ml

I take 100mg iron now, how long will it take until i feel normal again? Because it came out that my ferritin was under 20 since 2019
I can barely walk and feel like my lungs get no air as soon as I walk a few steps, also i feel dizzy and unconcentrated
I always thought it was normal for me being that pale and having cold hands and feet all the time :(

Melanie Rose
Melanie Rose - 20.07.2023 22:01

What if ferritin is <1?

Bike Man
Bike Man - 23.06.2023 00:09

Excellent tutorial!!

Lisa P. Frampton
Lisa P. Frampton - 07.06.2023 01:15

What about sudden loss? Like it can't be from another disease or period or whatever?

Lalitha Badireddy
Lalitha Badireddy - 27.04.2023 16:36

Thank you so much sir

susie foxy
susie foxy - 02.03.2023 20:04

Mines 88, nhs is crap

Rose LoveVintage
Rose LoveVintage - 10.02.2023 09:13

Can the tongue have purple spots ?

Diana Arias
Diana Arias - 11.01.2023 07:19

What if you’re just low on Ferritin? My serum iron, tibc, and transferritin all came out normal. My ferritin level is 15.

Shamiya Jahan
Shamiya Jahan - 01.01.2023 09:04

Easy to understand 😍

Uriel Wong
Uriel Wong - 31.12.2022 18:59


Hamza Khan
Hamza Khan - 07.12.2022 10:12


Tshiamo Moema
Tshiamo Moema - 07.12.2022 00:59

HOPE SOMEONE SEES THIS AND HELPS ME, I have iron deficiency (self diagnosed from the symptoms and I have been a heavy flow since I started my period so I know that's the cause). This year I finally decided to get on some OTC iron supplements and my period not only got EXTREMELY HEAVIER! IT ALSO LASTED 14 DAYS! I thought these were just the first month side effects and continued and it just continued that way, when I stop them, my period goes back to normal but when I start taking them again, the problem persists. I have also tried Multi vitamins that have iron in them ( different brand too) but got the same results, It is so frustrating as I am trying to get better but it seems they make me worse. Right now I cannot afford to get blood tests as it is expensive and I am unemployed. What do I do ? Please advise.🙏

Megan Henry
Megan Henry - 15.10.2022 06:53

Omg. I have bad angular cheilitis. My iron levels came back normal though.

Rafeeza Salim
Rafeeza Salim - 12.10.2022 22:15

Thank you

Jenny Gibbons
Jenny Gibbons - 28.09.2022 18:18

Excellent content and clear, simple delivery. Thanks.

Maarit - 26.09.2022 22:57

Also B vitamins are daily essentials for red blood cell production, as well as for numerous other functions in our body. They can not be taken too much as are water soluable vitamins (just like C vitamin, an amazing antioxidant & immunity booster!) meaning the excess flushes away in urea.

B12 vitamin is crucial for brain, memory & neurologal functions.
All B vitamins are energy boosters and required daily. Children, teens/students, pregnant women, elderly need them even more. Buy pure supplementaryproducts from naturalhealthshops or their providers(instead ofBigpharma, as their dosage/price ratio is often no good).

James - 02.09.2022 20:13

Would enteric coated aspirin , which I think dissolves in the small intestine cause low hemoglobin count ?

Auntie Nikki's Gaming
Auntie Nikki's Gaming - 22.08.2022 18:04

Wow this explains a lot of the other symptoms I was having

Priyanshu Bhardwaj
Priyanshu Bhardwaj - 21.08.2022 04:55

Helpful 🙏

Sarada Prakash
Sarada Prakash - 11.08.2022 10:08

Exallent lecture on anemia

ADAMU MAIJAKI - 05.08.2022 13:29

I thought physicians says there is no cure for HSV, I got rid of my hsv2 after using the medication I ordered from droigiangbe I am indeed grateful doctor

Sheila Emadian
Sheila Emadian - 02.08.2022 06:10

I am anemic and my son has g6pd enzyme deficiency which I found out I am a female heterozygote carrier and it skips generations and usually lands on first born son. It causes hemolysis if you have any trigger foods or substances like sulfa drugs or fava beans. We are Persian and eat fava beans seasonally. I didn’t know he had this enzyme deficiency which effects the red blood cells and when he had fava beans he almost died and needed 6 bags of blood and hemoglobin went extremely low and his lips turned blue and he was peeing the color of blood or “coca cola” because the bilirubin was also going crazy. It was a very scary event that led us to the hospital with him jaundiced and high fever and I knew something was very wrong and I was screaming bringing him to the ER saying that my child was dying so someone quickly could give him attention. The hematologist there instantly knew this was from fava beans and we just never would have known but fava beans really are deadly and hard to digest for even people without g6pd but others bodies and blood can recover the losses better so they don’t have reactions, but you can tell from your pee being darker sometimes. I personally won’t eat fava beans again after what they did to my son. We are anemic and we take iron supplements and try to eat more: dark turkey, apricots, dark chocolate, mushrooms, spinach, iron fortified cereals, red meat, liver, tuna, etc. I would not recommend fava bean consumption to anyone with iron deficiency or anemia in general unless you want to exacerbate the problem. There is a name for it and it’s called “Favism.” It is possible g6pd is in your genetics if you are showing up anemic and iron deficient. It’s something to look into if Mediterranean or Asian descent or African American.

fear - 07.07.2022 23:10

I have iron deficiency anemia and vitamin d deficiency... NO WONDER I HAD HAIR LOSS FROM THE AGE OF 6-16, the majority of my life.

Ive also always had most of these symptons but i thought it was just because of "winter"

A&A - 01.07.2022 15:19

Northern Europeans can have chronic iron deficiency in the family so it can be assumed if ur tired ur deficient, esp during pregnancy it's very common.

Margereta Wellman
Margereta Wellman - 25.06.2022 00:30

Great video , thank you for sharing ❤️

TrollMaster - 28.05.2022 22:16

Doctors say I have iron deficiency if it’s left untreated I might have health problems luckily I’m taking iron supplements medicine and shots I hope I survive:)

Aschely Young
Aschely Young - 02.05.2022 21:54

Nature is indeed the solution to all diseases, sicknesses, and viruses.After living with iron deficiency anaemia for many years now, am free from iron deficiency anaemia all. Thanks to Dr oshara natural healing . I definitely recommend him

Ligaya Mariano
Ligaya Mariano - 17.04.2022 19:01

Thank you sir fer this lesson U m 59 and I m anemic .

BTS ARMY💕 - 15.04.2022 20:31

I note this....

Rafid Ashraf Wani
Rafid Ashraf Wani - 01.03.2022 21:42

Thank you sir 😊

Agquiz1 - 09.02.2022 23:13

what about smoking? does quitting smoking cause anything?

Linda Curtis
Linda Curtis - 09.02.2022 00:05

I was in Italy Oct 2019 and could not enjoy the wine as my tongue was burning. Felt like thrush but no coating. I walked over 5 miles/day. Felt good otherwise. Within 2 weeks home so fatigued and thought I was being lazy! Went to donate blood.& was denied as my Hgb. Was 9 Gms. Low Feritin Lab work identified IDA. Biopsy on small bowl = Celiac Disease. Getting iron infusions. Thanks for an awesome well presented presentation. New subscriber here! 👏👏👏

Vidhi Jain, kala
Vidhi Jain, kala - 27.01.2022 08:29

Well explained

Mentorjnrdesigns - 11.01.2022 18:56

I love this article, you really helped me alot... I wish there is a way i could get in touch with you.
Please if you get this comment please reach out to me by replying or sending me a media i could get to you.

Ohara - 13.12.2021 05:49

Is sleeping late or showering at night linked to anemic/iron defiency?

Lawani Princess
Lawani Princess - 06.12.2021 19:17

Excellent explanation thanks I really appreciate

Candus Canty
Candus Canty - 03.12.2021 10:04

I was born with it

Suchitra Loitongbam
Suchitra Loitongbam - 30.11.2021 22:50

Does anyone experience loss if appetite due to iron deficient anaemia. I am taking supplements but no appetite , gas , boating all the time. I feel terrible and helpless. Losing weight also. So scared .

Rizzless - 19.11.2021 02:28

I just keep on passing out for to seconds then everything back to normal

marilyn argallon
marilyn argallon - 09.11.2021 08:15

rong explanation

Fohow Health Clinic
Fohow Health Clinic - 06.10.2021 20:45

Wow!!!This content is wonderful .
I also make content talking about this and treatment .Would love you to check out as well.Thanks dear

Debbie Song
Debbie Song - 12.09.2021 07:28

Go somewhere else to find foods rich in iron.

Sam777 - 16.08.2021 03:12

I have pituitary gland problem so unfortunately my iron deficiency anemia can’t be helped, I have 111 g/l of blood. How effective is the COVID vaccine with this condition?

Rasheen Barbee
Rasheen Barbee - 07.08.2021 11:05

Excellent explanation

Kay Meuwissen
Kay Meuwissen - 06.08.2021 05:44

I went through heavy menstrual periods I was late getting it I was 15 I started heavy I skipped the rest of my years,when I was 32 is started into my 32s & until I was 53 I was put on birth control to regulate it I made blood clots smaller,my mom told me when I started I’ll flow heavy like she did,moms grandma died when she was 55 she had 15 kids,I never married or had children,my Dr told me I could have had a lot of anemia,I was weak tired ,lack of appetite,bled from my rectum, i didn’t have black stools my heboglobin was 3.9% .I had to have 8 transfusions.

Nelda Auguste
Nelda Auguste - 06.08.2021 01:29

I ve been suffering with anemia since 2005 and its very tiring and thanks for the information .
