GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Bioshock Infinite

GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Bioshock Infinite


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@lreaper7943 - 22.12.2023 20:54

I'm rewatching this video
And I got the truck kun joke
god I feel bad that I get it after all these years

@blackout5145 - 06.09.2023 19:43

"Steampunk, still the worst genre in science fiction"

@ModeSOLOgaming - 13.08.2023 05:44

I think this is the best of the BioShock games. It was just so damn good. I had played all three games back to back and loved them all, but Infinite really stood out.

@Anasumi - 18.07.2023 09:49

And this is why I didn't take my playthrough seriously and instead took on a role of a raccoon rummaging trash and corners just to find all possible secrets or loot. Also not forgetting a role of a psychopath killing all the NPCs I could, from the innocents & Columbia's military and ending with friendly VOX NPC's who's health is pretty darn hard to drain.

@zestynachoman3839 - 07.07.2023 10:36

Haven’t gotten a new bioshock in over 9 years, thank you.

@proteus404 - 19.03.2023 03:56

Bioshock 1 and 2 had save states, sometimes iI just want to p[ay a certain level again like Fort Frolic, with Infinite they don't allow you to save states so it is the one main gripe I have about the game.

@codysingh5939 - 26.02.2023 17:36

To be fair most of "science" in video games, tv shows anime is made up and used to explain away magic. Nothing about bioshock powers system uses real world physics anyway.

@ericthomas6726 - 08.02.2023 14:13

Ripping a hole in time to get rid of a bee is the most irresponsible thing I've ever seen a character do.

@nightrunner3701 - 16.01.2023 08:28

How about having to play the entire game in a single sitting… OR IT WONT SAVE.

You better hope to not get stuck or crash the game!

@JackEverton101 - 21.10.2022 18:33

So what happened to BioShock two? Did he make a sins video for that???

@maxmaldonado8854 - 25.09.2022 17:57

It is not Steampunk, because the energy source does not come from steam machines. It is Teslapunk, or so it seems.

@joshm7335 - 25.08.2022 10:23

Bioshock Infinite is my least favourite Bioshock for a number of reasons. After watching this excellent video, that number just increased by a lot.

@kevinperry2492 - 19.08.2022 17:54

ouch, my brain

@RachelG1979 - 13.07.2022 10:02

So Comstock is what happens when you look to religion for absolution? Is his religion the same as the one he was baptized by?

@marsmeetsearthproductions6279 - 14.05.2022 07:39

I thought this game was equal to the first bioshock game

@jaypanko4582 - 09.03.2022 18:57

For the last point about the paradox, i think that’s why it worked… by making one of the options at the baptism cause a paradox, which the universe tends to auto-correct itself to prevent, they made it so Booker can never make the choice of being baptised. If any one Booker in any one universe gets baptised, he becomes Comstock, which ultimately will lead to the events that led to the paradox, so the universe “locks” that option. It becomes a constant, not a variable, that all Bookers always reject the baptism. That’s my understanding at least!

@big_lolo_01 - 30.01.2022 06:22

I played this one first and loved it!

@PaulSmith-nb6md - 22.01.2022 03:01

There are so many more sins in this game

@eldritchcupcakes3195 - 19.01.2022 23:32

Why is steampunk the worst sci fi genre? It’s meant to convey an industrial feel with futuristic or odd technology, and it looks beautiful when done right.

@egalitarius8582 - 15.01.2022 21:23

This game is pretty, isn't it, man the memories.

@1stRateSerrvice - 31.12.2021 11:11

Vox Populi are communist trash.

@mackpines - 25.11.2021 03:08

Actually, the water for Battleship Bay is from an elaborate set of pumps and rain catchers.
Extracting moisture from clouds. Simple as that.

@gdgd5194 - 22.11.2021 20:30

Funny video, I ragequit after that rocket stuff. Waste of time this game, and controls are clunky to say the least.

@troyounce3295 - 16.11.2021 00:15

I wouldn't say im a fan of steampunk, but it is the healthiest way to prepare punk-
Norm Macdonald

@rools2roolsproject325 - 09.11.2021 06:08

Don't use cinema sins trademarks sounds and effects. Don't be trash. We don't want excuses, just be better.

@monchicruz8278 - 02.11.2021 21:32

I don’t usually first person shooters, but I liked this game the characters, story, and art.

@somerandomperson9670 - 09.10.2021 07:43

All of the time travel and dimension traveling is messing with my brain and i cant even listen to a sentence without losing brain cells. Guess im just not a weeb

@werewolf3949 - 23.09.2021 17:41

"Dewitt" sounds weirdly familiar to 'lil Dutch me, something with that one time we where fed up with something or someone and dragged brothers DeWitt out in public before torturing and allegedly eating parts of them Lol

DeWitt also sounds like "de witte" which means white

@jenniferstevenson7180 - 09.09.2021 22:14

I know that this is an old video, but I'm new to the franchise, so I gotta comment...

Firstly, this video nailed errors I had even missed after the first playthrough. Kudos for that. Secondly, the are a couple of errors missed. For one thing, how did Elizabeth develop the power to open tears? And why was Comstock hellbent on taking Anna specifically? Another point is, how didn't Comstock recognize himself as Booker? He never made any mention that he and Booker are the same person. Next, the choice to be baptized was the pivotal choice here just as a plot mechanic, but that single choice wouldn't have stopped Booker from becoming Comstock without true contrition on Booker's part. Who we become hinges on more than a single choice. Also, what's the point of mentioning parallel universes if you're going to say that each one is exactly the same? Not true, evidently, as in one reality Booker joins that Vox revolution while in the player's reality is still just trying to get the hell out of Columbia.

Infinite could've been a brilliant game, but in its effort to be different and unique, it only succeeded in overreaching and tripping over its own logic. It's such a shame.

@thegreatnahwhaile - 03.09.2021 18:40

Would you kindly give us the girl and wipe away the debt?

@arthurdurham - 18.08.2021 22:25

While I disagree with some sins I definitely see a lot of flaws with the game. However it still is one of my favorites of all time, more than the 1st, because it still is presented so well and I enjoyed the fast paced gameplay. .

Sometimes, for me at least, how something is told and engaged with is more important than how the narrative holds up to scrutiny. I wish more games were as ambitious with the narrative and overall production (just the aesthetics alone are masterpiece worthy).

For instance the whole opening when you land in Columbia, the music in the background by the baptism, and then entering the city are possibly my favorite starts to any game, and the visual and audio presentation continues to be spectacular the whole time.

I do wish it was more nuanced in it's portrayal of racism, but to be fair none of the game is inaccurate about it either. In the end, this game hits my emotions and feelings and sense of wonder every time I play and that sticks with me even if other games are more cohesive

@mikeivey8304 - 15.08.2021 11:36

Bro it's a a fictional game your taking it way to far just play and enjoy the story🤣

@terra-blejoke9941 - 15.08.2021 10:48

"Only the weebs will understand this sin"

I feel offended...but yes I do understand haha

@tnecniw - 15.08.2021 10:40

Now do one for Burial at sea…
Because OOH BOY, do i have a lot of problems with the whole quantum physics that they break in that DLC.

@Avalon_1991 - 14.08.2021 15:44

I must be an idiot. I found this story so hard to follow.

@captainquickshadow - 14.08.2021 11:52

no talk about how the lutece twins orcistrated the whole bring the girl wipe away the debt kill comstok idea as a way to get back at comstock/booker by having thier daughter kill him? no? ok o 3o

@kylemichels738 - 14.08.2021 02:12

It’s not sea water. It’s fresh. They’re pulling the water straight from the atmosphere

@zachboardman736 - 12.08.2021 21:09

I thought the guy who's been killed at the very beginning was a different version of booker.

@kevinnutt8696 - 12.08.2021 07:32

if comstock used bookers face instead of the AD scar, people would know that they are one in the same. fail.

@findlaymurray397 - 11.08.2021 16:28

On the sin about Booker saying Anna, his wife was called Annbeth or something and presumably he remembers her. So, he'd assume he was on about his dead wife while he was unconscious.
