10 Types of FF14 RPers - Reacting to AvyCatte

10 Types of FF14 RPers - Reacting to AvyCatte


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@TheamayaonnaotakuBlogspot - 04.12.2022 16:20

I feel called out on the one who takes OCs from D&D or other places *hides book of D&D OC ideas*, I had a basic understanding of the lore before I got into FFXIV RP but my memory of that was at best squirrels in a rave.

@Xylus. - 04.12.2022 17:00

Imagine being the sprout that has to go to the Balmung Quicksand for all their early game quests and that's just part of their first FFXIV experience.

@natebroadus8474 - 04.12.2022 17:56

The "WoL" RPer is basically a fanfic author.😆

@avycatte - 04.12.2022 19:26

Glad you enjoyed my video! There's so much drama in the roleplay community. You'd surprised. :')

@ailoriarayne5086 - 04.12.2022 19:49

I used to " work" at a venue as a hostess and it was a lot of fun

@Princessk8 - 04.12.2022 21:42

As someone who is pro-horny-on-main, your first point is so damn true. NOBODY WHISPERS ME! WHISPER ME DAMNIT!! Who doesn't want to ERP with the triple legend catgirl?? I mean c'mon!

@Trebxable - 04.12.2022 22:48

red font on drama

@Magflyer - 05.12.2022 01:51

I loved doing RP last year especially with the stories we've built with the other players. Past tense because my friends and I discovered that they were streaming our interactions and making their audience do the decision. So yeah it kinda broke immersion for us. Also, I found it mentally draining for me haha kinda challenging to RP as a woman while being a man. The people I also talk to... Visit my house and fc house outside RP which I made a rule for myself not to interact outside RP venues

@SaltedMallows - 05.12.2022 02:38

No twitch chat onscreen this time?

@zerious1016 - 05.12.2022 04:29

ya know what's good? is playing FF14 while listening to a story about FF14 drama lol

@kikukat8780 - 05.12.2022 11:36

Knew someone once whose character was super powerful, a goddess of sex and built up so much aether that she had to release it on an uninhabited island every so often because she was basically a ticking time bomb. Her only flaw? Depression. She also always had to be in the spotlight so it wasn't fun to rp with her at all. Her group of rp friends were the same too, less op but just as greedy with the spotlight. Sadly, these people were my foray into the rping world and it kinda killed it for me. Nowadays, i just afk dance at clubs or lean against pillars while reading other people's cringey rp bios. Lol

@dreamllusion8390 - 05.12.2022 17:35

I wish to delve into RP, like running a café or a suite/club for newlyweds and their guest in my own house and fc house respectively. It seems so much fun... but I'm so bad at RPing in general. I wish to work on that, but I realise I have zero experience on how to build a character backstory, how to stay in-character, how to not drain myself mentaly if I witness drama. I have so much I need to learn I don't even know where to begin or what to work on first :(

@TheEvilMinion - 05.12.2022 18:52

Those stupid Roes haven't been there for long that's actually a newish thing. Also they toss heaps of abuse at Lalafel players, no idea why. I find streamers make Balmung's sands sound way worse than it actually is. I guess for clicks? No clue. Never had any issues when I've gone down there, also those that do cause some people trouble are almost ALWAYS from somewhere else like 95% of them.

@TheEvilMinion - 05.12.2022 18:54

The clubs are a hoot, ngl, music is good etc.

@Neoyoshi-FFXIV - 06.12.2022 03:23

AvyCatte is a lovely person.

@honeydarlinggaming9156 - 06.12.2022 18:50

Thank god. SOmeone covered people who unironically RP as the Warrior of Light. Thank you. I ALWAYS give that adivce to people who tell me they wanna get into the RP scene. "DO NOT BE THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT! There's already enough of those."

@hotsplayer2207 - 09.12.2022 10:12

My favorite RPers are the 'E'xtreme ones :)

@Raymond13557 - 06.04.2023 19:29

If it's not rp, then it's those damn free company invite spammers that make rp posts and try to get you to join. ... They are worthy of my ire. I'm a very simple penguin man, all i care about is leveling, and... Triple triad, motha trucker, you better believe i'll play! (that is the only pvp i'll ever do. ) rping confuses and bewilders me so i generally avoid conflict or rp or eye contact.

@feliciajohnson6412 - 11.12.2023 17:51

My niece also thinks she's god. Just last week she cheated at 4 tic tac toe games, said she won, and gave me one of her headbands as a prize for being the loser. 😂
