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SAM 00
SAM 00 - 03.11.2023 04:23

Very well said.

TheDman216 - 03.11.2023 03:01

windows is garbage and iam not gonna bother upgrading and i dont care at all..

Kwesi Aryee
Kwesi Aryee - 31.10.2023 17:16

The most annoying is a failed update, which will throw blue screen errors like it's actually a nice thing to see. Another blue screen and I will be hading for windows 10 or outright ubuntu

phi vos
phi vos - 27.10.2023 21:45

my new laptop uses windows 11 and i got irritated in 5 days so im going back to win 10

PAUL WARREN - 25.10.2023 23:02


Raymond Arnold
Raymond Arnold - 22.10.2023 09:57

There is only one solution for that windows 11 problem, it's called Linux.

Thom D
Thom D - 17.10.2023 13:19

Literally everything you said.

But the final straw for me was that after I tried to move my user profile to another disk, as I did in every windows before. The microsoft store apps got corrupted and while trying to fix it, more and more break - even for newly created user accounts, which shouldnt be affected by another broken user profile...

And because half of the user interface relies on that shit (like the start menu). I just thought: lets scrap everything and start over.

First I wanted to reinstall windows 11 again but after I created the windows 11 installation medium via the media creation tool, I started to think: why should I reinstall windows 11, because of how much it sucks? It was constantly annoying. It always felt unreliable (which was proven by how easily the system can be broken without the possibility to recover). So I ended up redownloading windows 10 and hoped that my windows 11 key will be accepted for windows 10.

It was accepted during installation and it automatically activated my fresh installation of windows 10 with my windows 11 key. Now I am reinstalling everything else and oh god, does windows 10 feel so much superior, after using windows 11 for months now (on an absolute highe end computer btw.)...

Also moveing my profile was a non issue, even the store and the store apps work...
(Just Microsoft Teams isnt starting, the usual white screen, but because its a private computer and its not absoultely necessary, I just ditch Teams, still wondering why Microsoft Software always works the worst on Windows...)

Simpson3k - 14.10.2023 08:32

I upgraded yesterday and it began with the taskbar being locked at the bottom. I mean since Windows 95 you could move it all around the edges of the screen so how it is an upgrade to remove that feature. I have my taskbar at the top since 98SE. And for some reason MPC needs feeled 5 seconds for every video file to open in windows 11 while on windows 10 it happend instantly. Enough reason for me to rollback, bye bye W11.

Kwadwo Amo Sika
Kwadwo Amo Sika - 12.10.2023 18:18

Windows 11 is almost 3 years old and its still struggling to convince users to install it because Microsoft made a worse decision making it hardware exclusive meanwhile many old hardware are still capable of running windows 11 at the maximum peak. I have i7 4th Gen Dell optiplex desktop at home and it's running windows 11 better and far stable than my gaming laptop with i7 8th Gen CPU and 16gb ram. Windows 11 performance is worse compared to Windows 10 and even 8.1 even on supported hardware. If MS don't change it's mind on this decision, and work to improve performance issues on windows 11, many people including myself will be forced to go for Linux and that will be the downfall of Microsoft

WolflexZ - 12.10.2023 13:21

In windows 10, in file explorer, you can pull files, to put it in the previous folder by dragging it into the file path. In windows 11, you can’t do that anymore. That really annoys me as I would have to open another tab of file explorer.

John Piccard
John Piccard - 12.10.2023 04:03

When I purchased this new hp laptop in Feb of this year. It came with windows 11. The first issue i had was moving downloads to a folder . Could not find anyway of doing that. So i ditched windows 11 and had windows 10 instaled.

nothing - 11.10.2023 17:01

Who didn’t see that coming? Windows 10 and 8 suck too

Kevin Lockerby
Kevin Lockerby - 09.10.2023 18:38

Absolutely EXCELLENT assessment. everything I've been saying about this junk. Microsoft is all out of ideas. They have nothing new to offer so to justify a new release they just move crap around, and delete your favorite features.

You forgot my favorit peeve, they removed custom toolbars from the Taskbar. Why on earth would you do that, unless you're just a masongonist.

Bryan Chance
Bryan Chance - 06.10.2023 02:02

Yah that's why I'm still using Windows 7. LOL

SaiyansX - 03.10.2023 05:05

Windows 10 sucks!
Windows 11 sucks sucks!
Windows 12 sucks sucks sucks!
IndoSoft M$ sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks!!!

Jordan who Printers
Jordan who Printers - 02.10.2023 05:40

Ever since I downloaded windows 11 it's been thing after thing.

(On a laptop mind you)

When I downloaded it immediately Bluetooth stopped working (for everything speakers, head phones, mouses, keyboards.) Downloaded it when it came out and kept it updated. To this day still doesn't work.

My keyboards started to not work and I'd have to completely reboot laptop to get it to work.

Just recently my wifi just goes away. I had to find the wifi in the search bar because it wasn't accessible anywhere!!! WTF

David Sawyer
David Sawyer - 26.09.2023 14:46

I think they hired the Android team to develop Win 11.
I too have been using Windows since 3.1 and I think Win 7 was the best and should have just been upgraded. Win 8, 10 and 11 was made for tablets and touch screens.

Just Jason
Just Jason - 23.09.2023 05:10

In this day and age with all this technology why can't we keep every single windows that ever was open and usable? To be honest with you I love Windows 7 ultimate and miss it a great deal Windows 10 came out and I couldn't stand it but eventually got used to it now here we are with Windows 11 and I really can't stand this, but what I hate worse about it is I have my computer set to look a certain way and then Microsoft feels the incredibly annoying need to do updates and change the way everything I've done looks. I'm at the point I'd like to break my computer over someone's head. It's bad enough that they force us to use complete garbage you don't have to sit here and do updates that change the way my personal appearance looks on my damn computer. I'm talkin the updates change everything my color scheme the whole nine. I'm sick of Microsoft telling me how my computer should look when honestly I'd rather tell Bill Gates to blow me and eat screaming hot lead. 😡

Lykava_jiena - 21.09.2023 09:03

I got a new laptop today 17in hp. I booted into windows one time for initial setup. Rebooted into bios, configured for linux install, wiped windows, installed linux. Windows is so trash it boggles the mind that it's so popular.
