XCOM 2 Collection Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth It?

XCOM 2 Collection Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth It?

Nintendo Life

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Baby Blu
Baby Blu - 16.07.2023 08:52

Thank you for this review! I was checking before buying. It's on sale now! I have the PC version although missing all the updates. Never got around to finish it. I play mostly on Switch these days! This makes it all the more worth it! Purchasing after posting this comment. More power, man!

Mudkip The man
Mudkip The man - 25.06.2023 22:40

7 euro ei shop right now

Dennis Galatas
Dennis Galatas - 08.02.2023 04:53

Yo guys. 2023. 20$ bucks no pro. But what about time? Is it worth it?

Southeast Missouri Hypnosis Foundation
Southeast Missouri Hypnosis Foundation - 18.12.2022 05:31

Games are not complete on cart... and you cant play the physical gamecard without required online downloads... so the gamecard down road is worthless.

haazeMAX - 15.12.2022 21:13

Looking forward to playing this after picking it up at the discount that is on right now. 24 gig file size tho..

PedroDaMexican - 25.11.2022 18:44

I just bought this game on the switch for $11!
Thank you for the the video, it was very helpful!

Kyle Cameron
Kyle Cameron - 07.09.2022 05:41

This a 2016 game - how is it so broken on t he switch. It's unplayable. I bought it for like $10 when it was on sale and I still feel like I got ripped off - I would be so angry if I ever payed full retail for this hot pile of garbage. I have the OLED, arguably the strongest version out and the frame rate is so bad it's painful to look at.

Edit - I went back to look at the size of the game files on steam... 70GB!! more than double what is on the switch! What in the world did they need to cut to make the game more than 50% smaller?!??

Chris Mac
Chris Mac - 12.08.2022 01:48

Finally bought a Switch (Lite) and the 4 games I’ve played so far have been pretty disappointing. Well I’ve got over 1000 hours on this on PC and probably a few hundred on PS4 so time for me to jump in again. Got the game downloading now (£6 in the sale right now!).

Should be pretty terrifying playing without the True Concealment mod which only starts the timer after you’ve been revealed. Man this is going to be a journey

Stefan Sibbes
Stefan Sibbes - 09.06.2022 02:42

The game is really good, but performance is abysmal. Especially Wotc. It's a bad port unfortunately. Also the people here commenting how the game has no issues either haven't gotten far or are lying. I still enjoy it but its hard to recommend.

Александр - 29.04.2022 14:44

What I really want is to have a crosssave with my steam version. That would be so great! I cant justify that much of a graphic downgrade and constant stutters(in portable mode) for the full price of it. BUT, if u can snatch it on sale, its worth it.

Yogess Limboo
Yogess Limboo - 15.04.2022 09:16

Lol have you ever played Xcom enemy within in Ps vita comparing that switch version is better

OneEyedKing7685 - 10.04.2022 21:48

I love being able to get shit on by aliens portably!

Andrew Orders
Andrew Orders - 08.04.2022 19:52

This game is a pain to run on computer with how many superfluous graphics features they pumped into it.

Merciless214 - 26.03.2022 00:06

Currently 5 dollars online

Video Art Duo
Video Art Duo - 21.03.2022 01:28

i love the boardgame kingdom death
I've been playing xcom for a long time
I'm just realizing how many similarities there are between the two mechanically

I got BIT
I got BIT - 20.03.2022 03:43

Frame drops, tons of loading time and game freezing
just get this game on PC
it sux on switch

Crystal Marie
Crystal Marie - 19.03.2022 23:08

Lmao, yall on switch, wait till the game crashes and the only way to open it again is by deleting your save file

Beanfalo - 06.03.2022 09:42

it's on sale for 5 dollars now :)

azforu29 - 02.03.2022 02:55

I got it for 94 cents so I'll give it a chance. I'm sure it's a fine game but not really my gameplay style. Too much micro managing and turn based. Plus, wasnt the 1st modern XCom rated M? Loved The Bureau XCom though. That game was stunning.

Adrian Jimenez
Adrian Jimenez - 27.02.2022 03:08

Paid 5 bucks for it hopefully it’s worth it

Jack Knight
Jack Knight - 26.02.2022 20:36

$5 on sale right now in the US eShop!

Brick Jonas
Brick Jonas - 18.02.2022 20:16

Might as well buy it since it is $5 on the 2k website

Mister Superfly
Mister Superfly - 17.02.2022 03:59

I think its worth it for £3.99 got the full collection with it too during this feb sale, thanks.

Aeron Masters
Aeron Masters - 13.02.2022 22:34

Switch sale boooiii!

Adam Blah
Adam Blah - 13.02.2022 08:37

Want to play it on a potato, well now you can!

Keith Dainton
Keith Dainton - 13.02.2022 01:47

Just got it for £3-99 in the sale bargain.

Buddha Binaural
Buddha Binaural - 12.02.2022 17:14

Are the frame drops as bad as Link's Awakening? Because that killed that game for me.

To be honest I don't mind shoddy graphics. It's just frame drops seem to give me motion sickness.

Willis - 12.02.2022 02:58

4 pounds in eshop right now

ArtoriasYT - 11.02.2022 15:18

It’s so disturbingly cheap at the moment so it’s well worth it for that price

C0tt0N - 28.01.2022 11:22

Can you turn off that overtheshoulder camera? Not a fan.

Robotomatotomas - 22.12.2021 02:11

Don't think the reviewer took a single breath throughout the whole video. Jesus. Exhausting to listen to.

Emily P.
Emily P. - 16.11.2021 12:38

It's on sale for roughly 12 EUR in the EU shop atm... the whole collection with all DLCs. The only thing why I am still a bit hesitating is the 24 GB size of this....

KroNick_Abundance Nikolaos
KroNick_Abundance Nikolaos - 08.11.2021 15:43

Some 60$on xbox plus the 40$ expanded and then u might get lucky find sale but rn itd on Nintendo switch from 12$! That's a fkn steal if this's even more solid and bettert than the other earlier ports and less buggy less crashes and actually worked then maybe it's buy of thr yr game wise lol. Btc&eth is the true boty

Krys Ivory
Krys Ivory - 05.11.2021 15:41

It's $12.49 now. I'll
wait until it gets to
$9.99 at LEAST. 🤣

Nallely - 01.11.2021 03:34

just got it on sale for 5 bucks on walmart is it anygood ?

ULTRA_Faff - 23.10.2021 12:40

So many great games now

in.ex.posed - 11.10.2021 18:27

2K should drop that annoying habbit of using small game card sized and having the user download the whole game even if you buy the physical version. I mean one of the benefits of a physical version is that there's a good chance that you'll be able to play the game 20 years from now. I'm not so sure about the lifetime of the game repository servers.

Luca Natoli
Luca Natoli - 24.08.2021 16:56

Has this seen any patches on Switch since release?

Raul Elizondo
Raul Elizondo - 10.08.2021 04:45

Does it include war of the chosen?

Leigh Dappa
Leigh Dappa - 05.08.2021 15:55

❗As of Thursday 5th August 2021, I'm playing this on the Easiest Difficulty as I had XC1:EU on PS3 and remembered how difficult the 'Normal' Difficulty was.

I've created my own squad of my family and friends and I'm only about five missions in but I'm anxious as to having them killed so before nearly every move, I save the Game.

Commander Shepard of the stormcloaks team black🇦🇺
Commander Shepard of the stormcloaks team black🇦🇺 - 03.08.2021 17:37

It bearly works on ps4 and xbox one so how is it meant to work on switch

Billie-Jean Mede
Billie-Jean Mede - 21.07.2021 20:15

This game requires a 24gb download before you can even play it. That is definitely something you should have mentioned in your review. God Nintendo switch is just awful. What is the point of this system?

quag311 - 24.06.2021 20:45

I’m seeing this down to $10-$15 now.
Trying to decide if it’s too gory for my kid.

Bigt413 - 09.05.2021 17:01

I loved the first game on ps vita. I wish it had a physical version.

KinnArchimedes - 05.05.2021 19:01

Also, once you get to WotC, expect even-longer load-times when exiting missions. I shit you not, 2-2.5 minutes. Have your phone at the ready to noodle on.

CASMANWHAT - 24.04.2021 02:52

This game skips frame rates like crazy and load times are long af but still a lot of fun when it gets going.

EM Clark
EM Clark - 21.04.2021 05:07

Is it worth it for the collectors? Well given it’s like $15 rn and on PC the collectors is around $100 fuck yeah I’d say it’s worth it

Johnny Li
Johnny Li - 20.04.2021 19:31

Anyone know why the Squad Loadout music doesn't play on the Switch during Loadout scenes?

KinnArchimedes - 18.04.2021 02:12

I wamt to murder the person who invented lengthy credit-roll screens when booting-up games.
Dear God.

horrorking1000 - 13.04.2021 03:05

So did they patch the wipe out or?
