The Faith To Forgive - The Grudge

The Faith To Forgive - The Grudge


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DESERT SAGE ARIZONA- Trinity Rocks Art & Music
DESERT SAGE ARIZONA- Trinity Rocks Art & Music - 21.09.2023 23:00

70 times Seven! ONE DAY, IT WILL DAWN ON THEM.
There is a way some people are treating you today because they don't know who you really are. They know what they have heard. They know your past. They know what they can see from your outward appearance. They know what you have told them.

But they don't know YOU. They don't know what is in the scrolls of your destiny. They don't know who you are in the Heart of God. They don't know the future He has for you. Because, you see, not many people care enough to look beyond the surface and seek God's Heart concerning others. What they can see from the outside is enough for them.

So forgive them. They don't know what they are doing. The day they discover who you were all along, they will wish they could turn back the hand of time and treat you better. But God has a tendency of hiding people's true identities, so that people can handle them according to the true nature of their hearts.

Can you imagine how the brothers of Joseph would have treated Joseph if they really knew how to interpret his dreams? What if they knew what was waiting for them in future, and how they would need Joseph to save their lives from dying in famine?

I doubt if they would have mistreated him, mocked him, tried to kill him or sold him off to Egypt. They would, instead, have fought over him to be his favourite in preparation for the future. So they were blinded, because he needed to be sold off, and he needed to go ahead of them to Egypt. They meant what they were doing for evil, but God meant all that rejection for good, not just the good of Joseph but the good of the whole family.

Whatever people are doing to you today, and you're wondering why, you're confused by the rejection and mistreatment...commit yourself to God's care and cling to Him in faithfulness. God will use it for your good and for the good of many people in future. And remember, don't be bitter against them. Don't resent them. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. FORGIVE THEM.

Jeremiah Hardin
Jeremiah Hardin - 14.09.2023 21:49

Is it necessary to forgive face to face; in person or just let it all out in a prayer to God?

Janie K Carney
Janie K Carney - 03.09.2023 04:54

If I was his Sister, I wouldn’t want him telling that in Church and sent around the World.

Janie K Carney
Janie K Carney - 03.09.2023 04:48

It’s always embarrassing when I can’t stand or if I can’t stand whole time.

Lee B
Lee B - 24.08.2023 06:29

Forgiveness is so liberating!!!!! I love the intro video of the woman holding a hand full of sharp nails and the guy squeezing broken glass and the question, “Are you holding on to painful things?”

It makes the point that grudges often hurt us more than the person that wounded us.

Thanks for a great word!

Sarah Turpin
Sarah Turpin - 21.07.2023 14:29

I know God has forgiven me .. I am trying to forgive everyone including myself
Why do I still feel so bad?

K'la Moore
K'la Moore - 12.07.2023 01:48

❤ his transparency in this

papergirl08 - 12.06.2023 12:46

i'm crying..😥

Charles Parillo Jr.
Charles Parillo Jr. - 20.05.2023 21:25

Thank you so much for this sermon. I've been struggling greatly with intense hatred towards my ex who permanently destroyed my life. After watching this sermon, this is the closest I've come to forgiving her after almost 20 years of Christian counseling, watching thousands of sermons on the issue and reading. Thank you once again

Scott King
Scott King - 01.05.2023 18:30

For anyone who might worry about this whole “forgiveness” thing… like maybe, a fear of running out of forgiveness ahead of schedule, rest in this. That whole; “70 x 7” thing… ya, 490 is actually a daily quota. So relax, there’s plenty to go around. Amen 👍😉

Samira Alopea
Samira Alopea - 29.04.2023 13:22

Really needed to hear this message. Thank you ❤️

Scott King
Scott King - 27.04.2023 03:42

What’s the quickest, easiest, least painful way to forgive someone? That’s easy…. All ya gotta do is stop judging them. Hello. Amen

Force of Nature
Force of Nature - 17.04.2023 08:50

Life changing 😊

Jose Reyes
Jose Reyes - 30.03.2023 14:57

That was beautiful!

Carlie Beau
Carlie Beau - 29.03.2023 14:36

I have tried. Unfortunately I don't get forgiveness. I have tried. I'm the broken. The sad one. The mad one. The lonely. The isolation. The throw away. Nobody loves me.... Nobody. Some people are so Lucky. They get to be loved no matter what. They get forgiveness easy. I don't. Society dislikes me. I'm like a plague. Nobody want to come near me talk to me. Love me. You have to be strong to walk in my shoes.

mandy mckay
mandy mckay - 25.03.2023 06:28

Prayers for my husband to forgive me and remember why he fell in love with me. Speaking the name of Jesus over him and our marriage.

Jay - 19.03.2023 05:42

Please help me God.. This message has really blessed me.

John Torres
John Torres - 16.03.2023 18:34

How can I stop being angry and forgive? My wife died 2 years ago from COVID-19. A month before we both got sick I wanted she had been having an affair for nearly four years. I'm so mixed in emotions an anger. How can I let go?

Scott King
Scott King - 07.02.2023 23:36

Accord to Love Himself, Christianity is founded on the law of forgiveness, therefore, the purist act of worship is to, love thy neighbor. Amen

Caroline Morrison
Caroline Morrison - 19.01.2023 19:53

Forgive mercy need his gktgubrnresshmetcy I cs g repent properly hate betrayed unfaithful broke hearts everyone

Cindy Ski
Cindy Ski - 17.01.2023 06:28

Rape is so evil, though. Painful when it’s your child.

MindfulnessAsia108 - 08.01.2023 16:56

The duty of one seeking enlightenment is to culture the quality of forgiveness, which is illuminating like the sun. The Supreme Lord is pleased with those who are forgiving.

Queenofdarkdawn - 05.01.2023 06:50

Hi Pastor I have a question I forgive my family for what they did but I don't want to have to do with because they continue to behaviour in a sinful way and I can't keep going through it again is that wrong?

Noelia Montez
Noelia Montez - 23.12.2022 19:04

Thank you for this powerful message.

Shauna Haley
Shauna Haley - 18.12.2022 02:52

Thank you I am grateful for you helping me build my faith especially with my mental and emotional issues

Annette Mc Vay
Annette Mc Vay - 13.12.2022 10:06

Not forgetting remembering forgiving God

anaymous john
anaymous john - 04.12.2022 22:21

how can u forgive toxic evil people who u hurt u then move away or disconnect from you cuz ur not giving in no more am I wrong is it my fault why my kid father dont wanna man up pay child support or fight for his kid for visit rights in court but he can be on site different names new relationship is thats right iam suffering again

Narcissistic Abuse Survivors and thrivers
Narcissistic Abuse Survivors and thrivers - 17.10.2022 10:17

Working on forgiving my ex narcissistically abusive boyfriend

Atlas_8888 - 28.09.2022 21:07

I am asking for a lot i don’t think god can ever forgive me my faith is weak when i was younger like 11 and bellow i used yo be so close to god but I failed him as i sin again and again i dont know how to stop did i blasphemy against the spirit can i bw saved please pray for me

Nettie Jackson
Nettie Jackson - 24.09.2022 21:24

Thank you for this prayer!!! I needed this.

Rich Arua
Rich Arua - 25.08.2022 09:35

I’ wad dealing with This All my life. “HOLDING GRUDGES” And Now I Let All Go. Let God Be The Center In My Life Today and Forever. Amen.

Danny Adams
Danny Adams - 10.08.2022 23:51

Wow what a powerful message. Thank God and praise him for this sermon

David Wood
David Wood - 10.08.2022 23:35

It's important to note that the "love your friends and hate your enemies" quote is not in the Bible, this probably came from Rabbi's teachings at the time, but it is not in the writings of Moses.

Adam Gambill
Adam Gambill - 06.08.2022 03:13

Craig I know this message is dated by you tube terms but I’ll share here. My second daughter was sexually assaulted in January of 22 she was 13 the assailant was 21. He stalked and coerced and hunted her. There is some real sickness in her heart. She is recovering. He is incarcerated. We have learned he’s receiving a plea for probation. I was beside myself and somewhat still am but this mess at is what I needed.
Im also a husband who has not been faithful in the past. We’re both still over this 5 years later. When my wife and I reconciled in ‘17 we were blessed with our youngest from outside the marriage. He’s my baby boy. Nothing less. The month after we got back together our home was flooded 4’ during Harvey. My relationship with God was reared from Christian parents every time the door was open folks.
Long story short, this was what I needed. Thank you so much.

T 37
T 37 - 15.07.2022 16:55

Please Jesus forgive my sins. Save me. Forgive those who have trespassed against me. Give me freedom. Amen

Katrina Zealot
Katrina Zealot - 30.06.2022 16:14

I'm over it

jadyn carrillo
jadyn carrillo - 20.06.2022 01:25

I lovvveeee this word. explaining that the goodness of God goes through us as Christians and we must deliver that to others no matter how easy it is to just hold on!

Jonnycakes33 - 13.06.2022 18:44

we need to pray for the 43 people that dont like this. lol ;)

Sonya Lum
Sonya Lum - 25.05.2022 07:45

thanks I needed to hear this

Conan Barbaro
Conan Barbaro - 20.05.2022 04:03

do the right thing before my Gods eyes is the best.

___joy____ - 19.05.2022 01:31

The first time I've ever prayed for my enemy was in 4th grade to my teacher. She was friends with my friend's mom and every time I was talking to my friend I would be called out and not her. Each semester we would have an awards ceremony and even though our grades were the same and my participation was more I was in 2nd place and my friend was 1st place. When I prayed for my teacher and my friend a prayer of blessing, it changed the way that I viewed them. Each time I saw them I would not be reminded of this unfair treatment. If I was reminded, I knew I need to keep praying for them. The 2nd semester I was tied with her for 1st place! When we follow God's way we are filled with true peace and joy.
We need to stop trying to resolve conflict our own ways!! We must follow God's ways. If we trust God then we trust his Commandments.

I am now 25 y/o and I still follow this way of praying for those I have conflict with such as my coworkers/boss, roommates, parents, etc. The first time you ever pray this way it is hard, no joke. It gets easier over time. You think that person doesn't deserve the blessings and you do! But did you forget that God is a JUST God? He will determine who is deserving of the blessings. God will also open your eyes up to whether or not you are at fault for any of the conflict. A lot of times our ego/pride blinds us from seeing who is actually at fault. When we see what is our fault we must repent for it.

Whenever we follow God's commandments, we experience peace and joy. Our unforgiveness is what is stealing our peace and joy. The purpose of us praying for our enemies is to lessen our ego/pride daily so there is less of us and more of Him.

Here's how to pray and ask God to bless those you have tension with/are jealous of/hate:
--Ask God for strength to pray that prayer.
--Ask God that all the blessings He would have blessed you with would be given to that particular person and it be overflowing.
--Ask God to bless that person in their finances, health, family/relationships, work, etc. Ask God that every aspect of their life would prosper.
--Ask God that all the things that person desires will be given to him/her even if it is disadvantageous to you
----Only ask God to BLESS and not curse or for God to change that person
Each time you are reminded of that person/situation, keep praying again and again blessing over them.
I pray that for anyone who reads this comment will give it at least a 2 week trial. it is worth it if you want to experience peace and joy in your life and to see what God will do. Even if it isn't your fault for what happened, when you pray and ask God to bless that person, know that God is fair and just and he will give the blessings to those who deserve it. When we ask God to bless those we don't get along with, we see the situation through God's perspective and no longer our own.

Victor Parakhin
Victor Parakhin - 05.05.2022 17:45

It annoys me slightly that this guy is screaming all the time, while he talks about forgiveness.

The Dez
The Dez - 02.05.2022 09:26

Please pray for me. I’m finding it difficult to forgive someone

Garrett Ashmore
Garrett Ashmore - 15.04.2022 21:49

How do you forgive someone who is lieing and trying to ruin your life through the law.

Angela - 10.04.2022 22:02

Do you forgive yes.. Do we let them keep doing the same crime over and over no

Jess Winn
Jess Winn - 03.04.2022 16:25

I'm so happy I finally found a church that speaks to me. It's a bonus that he sounds like Nicholas Cage 😁 Thank you!

Dalmain Grant
Dalmain Grant - 27.03.2022 17:47

Pastor what if they never own what they did and ask your forgiveness you haven't addressed that part

Miki Gain
Miki Gain - 18.02.2022 19:12

This was a hard Word. But I needed to hear it today. Thankyou for putting the sermon online.

Dozie Francis
Dozie Francis - 10.02.2022 02:13

Plz God do spiritual surgery in my heart
