"wait, she's ugly without makeup?"

"wait, she's ugly without makeup?"


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zoeunlimited - 07.07.2022 22:36

Thoughts on wearing makeup vs going bare face?

Kartik Bamal
Kartik Bamal - 20.09.2023 04:33

this girl speaks in such a fake manner , it's hilarious

Sasha Croft
Sasha Croft - 03.09.2023 14:27

wearing make-up is not only for "beauty" or call it whatever you want, but is also hard work, study and LITERALLY ART!! why ashaming people for loving themselves? its so stupid, and I hate as well when people shame women (and not only) for, what? being human?? like

Zarwine - 01.09.2023 19:33

Thanks. 😊 I wear makeup, only to enhance my existing features never to alter/change.

P M - 17.08.2023 01:00

Women are in constant competition with each other. Don't even try to blame men.

Jacques Lee
Jacques Lee - 15.08.2023 08:11

Makeup is of the devil. It causes confusion to the child when he sees his mother a different face and never knows who she really looks like for years. Likewise, as an adult, you will never know how your wife looks like without makeup, thinking she was a different person. Hence, women are naturally two different people.

Tsuki  •°🍒
Tsuki •°🍒 - 27.07.2023 11:14

When ever I ask my sister how do I look she says I look pretty but I always thought that she tells me lie

mary hershelman
mary hershelman - 24.07.2023 00:43

When I interviewed for my job twenty years ago I wore a little mascara, tinted moisturizer and Burt’s bee lip balm. Got the job and maybe wear lip balm maybe. People are used to seeing me that way everyday. When we have the company holiday party I may wear more but not much.

Brenda Brandt
Brenda Brandt - 20.07.2023 00:26

I am 46 and I never felt that I needed makeup to feel beautiful, I believe that putting makeup on is such a waste of time, all that work and then the first time you show up somewhere without makeup, everybody is asking if you are sick .... lol

elk2804 - 15.07.2023 02:33

Women are the most critical, cruel and mean to other women it's horrible

T Mitchell
T Mitchell - 15.07.2023 01:19

Hold something will you.Tina.England.✌

Jennifer L
Jennifer L - 12.07.2023 06:00

They blame it on art and they think its fun and I think that's just a bs excuse to make themselves feel good about it despite all while hating their natural state. Bozo the clown no longer exists..I dont know why we strive to look like him.

Jennifer L
Jennifer L - 12.07.2023 05:56

Plus in movies it still is filtered same with magazines and tv shows. It's got a filter on it to make them look flawless. Im not idolizing them because its STILL fake.

A5hle1gh - 08.07.2023 19:41

What a gigantic world salad of nothingness. What was the point?

Amy Siebert
Amy Siebert - 05.07.2023 16:06

This honestly made me feel a lot better because I hardly wear any makeup at all, and I always see other girls with make up and think maybe I should learn to do my make up but then I don't both to spend a whole ton of money on stuff I don't need, so remembering that most people look exactly like what I do without makeup is good. :)

~Ayse~ - 04.07.2023 09:06

Honestly, many actresses (in my opinion) tend to look more fresh-faced and several years younger without makeup than they do with all that heavy face paint and contouring and exaggerated false lashes that look like tarantula legs. I understand that make up is an art, but I also feel that there's some degree of objectivity/science/LOGIC to the application process......and sometimes the makeup technique and colors can make a woman look older and overdone.

peanut422hb - 03.07.2023 14:42

The reason these celebrities look bad without makeup is because they are painted up men. Hollyweird Shakespearean actors. MTF

Home Here
Home Here - 03.07.2023 03:13

❤great video. How do you open your refrigerator? Thanks.

esros kesafos
esros kesafos - 30.06.2023 07:22

Yes. Girls in this video are not nice without makeup. Their faces look like balloons. Strange

Petra Devries
Petra Devries - 30.06.2023 04:44

make up ore a little bit of fillers is oké but to much brr.

Jeramie Saito
Jeramie Saito - 29.06.2023 16:03

I need to know how to put makeup lol

The end of the world As we know it
The end of the world As we know it - 27.06.2023 01:49

To call them ugly without makeup though? You need to grow up! First off imagine always being in the spotlight having pictures taken all the time etc. You aren’t always going to look perfect either no one does. They still have beauty we all do. I understand the message is for the rest of us to love ourselves without the fake beauty standards which is good. But the title is mean.

Jinxx - 26.06.2023 10:07

I am so glad that I live in a poor/moderate/developing country where I don't have to wear make-up every day. The only time we do is for brides or bridesmaids in weddings.
In some parts here, mostly modern places I see girls with a touch of makeup (lipstick, blush, mascara etc.). If I needed to feel "cute", I would just put on lipstick.
I had really acne prone, wounded skin my whole life so I was scared to put on makeup, thinking that would make the situation worse. Wearing masks gave me the advantage of hiding my face. Now that I have better skin (thanks to medication), I feel so free.

Cynthia Geskes
Cynthia Geskes - 26.06.2023 01:42

I know females in everyday life - look good, but look really even better in photos. They know their angles etc. I have never looked better in a photo. I don’t know how to do angles etc., but also maybe am uglier in real life than I think I am.

Anntónio - 23.06.2023 18:08

Never wore makeup in my 23 years of life cause 1. am too lazy, 2. think I'm fine without it.

Nova TheZombieFighter
Nova TheZombieFighter - 21.06.2023 12:17

Your shirt is EVERYTHING 😩♥️ please tell us where you got it thanks

S N - 14.06.2023 15:17

I feel bad for the youth these days. I’m 47 now and back in my youth we also paid a lot of attention to our looks but not nearly as much as the kids these days. Everything seems so superficial these days it’s sad!

Shirley Zhang
Shirley Zhang - 14.06.2023 05:54

You need a better microphone. Idk how you got to 1M+ subs with subpar audio 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😅

Rachel Patterson
Rachel Patterson - 13.06.2023 01:30

Everyone get off TikTok, problem solved

HOSEAISISZOM - 09.06.2023 15:46


9000ck - 09.06.2023 00:02

no they just look like humans. i wonder what the impact of ai will have on this. will we start wanting to look at more human faces?

Danielle M. Gibson
Danielle M. Gibson - 06.06.2023 02:11

But HONESTLY, why do men look amazing bare faced? I mean most have wonderful complexions and coloring. It’s not fair!

Nadine Liava'a
Nadine Liava'a - 01.06.2023 14:15

Kim actually looks better without makeup than with it

shorts is making my brain rot
shorts is making my brain rot - 28.05.2023 12:39

Here's my thoughts as someone who doesn't wear makeup:
I could compare my real bare face to those fake one hour no makeup makeup bare faces and still come out on top.

Why? Because I'm comfortable amd confident like this. I feel like that's what really makes people beautiful. If makeup is whay makes you feel happy and confident, then go for it! But you shouldn't feel pressured to just because thats what society tells you to do. Do what makes you feel comfortable, confident and happy following your own rules.

I don't know how to use makeup and never bothered learning because i simply never saw the need to. I actually love my face, though others may disagree (beauty is subjective).

And no one judges me for it, if anything they wish they could be me. I have nothing to hide and no insecurities in my face at least. I even rock my acne 'cause it's cute on me lol. And it's better to let my skin beathe than risk irritating it.

So yeah, that's my perspective on why I don't (basically I'm hot enough without it) and why I think girls should do what makes them happy and follow their own rules, not just what they think society expects.

Tips for looking hot with a plain bare face include good skin care, petroleum jelly for healthy lashes, taking care of your hair, changing your pillowcases regularly, having an interesting personal style and being generally clean. Having no makeup on doesn't mean you can't dress up or take care of yourself or get compliments from people all the time. Do with this information what you will 😂😂😂

Relatable creator
Relatable creator - 21.05.2023 09:57

Women - we wear makeup because we FEEL like it !!! and we don't care about anyone's opinions because we don't wear it for others, we do makeup because it's our choice and we ONLY do it for ourselves !!! 😤💪

Also women - society forces us to wear makeup 😢😢

lili - 20.05.2023 11:28

i was having a mental breakdown because every time i open insta i see all my friends looking so beautiful and flawless and i felt very ugly. good to know even the most "beautiful" people in the world dont require to have natural face with no acne or glassy af skin to be considered beautiful. everyone is beautiful at the end of the day. makeup and confidence play such a big role tho

Jay A.
Jay A. - 18.05.2023 02:09

so interesting how a lot of the effects of misogyny that are/are similar to this get kinda just completely skipped over by masc wlw. like I love wearing makeup but I genuinely feel that I look like the same person with a full face / without anything on

E MP - 15.05.2023 20:24

You do realize that by calling natural looks UGLY you are perpetuating the stereotypes you say you’re against? Of course, for clicks.

E MP - 15.05.2023 20:23

Lol you’re not trying to put anyone down? Have you seen your video title and thumbnail? I’d respect this if it was kinder and honest…. Girls do need to know. Instead it’s catty and nasty. Women are so cruel to each other. We’re ALL uglier without makeup, including you.

Zaina Ahmed
Zaina Ahmed - 15.05.2023 19:32

Today I decided to not wear makeup to school cause y not and then this video appears 💀

TheNoesenShow - 14.05.2023 15:03

I’m a guy, I don’t know what I’m doing here, but this was incredibly interesting and gave me an insight into the unachievable beauty standards for women.

Эублефар TV
Эублефар TV - 14.05.2023 06:42

Thanks for video. This is so important tell about it

Eska the Ice princess
Eska the Ice princess - 13.05.2023 22:09

As someone who wears makeup most of the time, I notice people are much nicer to me when I do. Now that they've seen me without makeup more often, I'm suddenly a nobody.

Yannick Okpara
Yannick Okpara - 12.05.2023 16:22

Seen plenty of people be stunning without makeup. I've also seen people with makeup take off their makeup and reveal years of neglected skincare and supercompensation for too little sleep. I'm sure there's brands of makeup, techniques and proper skincare that remedy this, but generally speaking, I think makeup LITERALLY makes a lot of people look less attractive without makeup than if they had never begun to wear makeup.

don cee
don cee - 08.05.2023 22:00

Zoe, I'm a dude and I'm subscribing to your channel 👍👌😎 because you are truthful and honest and plain-talking Cool and tell the unvarnished truth. I love that you're not cruel in your assessments and will always be a big fan. DON C

povarensky - 08.05.2023 08:02

I’m in a weird situation when it comes to this topic - I never wear make up, even tho recently I started to take interest in it as an art-form, but… Now I constantly feel like I should not wear it, because I started to see how everyone obsessed with it and hiding beneath make up, and I feel that I don’t want to contribute to this trend…

I also think that literally every person looks better without it. I’m not joking. Because I will rather see a real person with eye bags and thin lips than avereged pretty face. I know that beauty-people often say “you should wear make up that emphasizes your natural beauty” but like??? You already have it? Everything that you face is already has is what makes you interesting and unique - thus beautiful.
Well, maybe i think that just because I’m an artist and cartoonist and I take more pleasure in drawing different types of faces.

Mickael Masinavalona
Mickael Masinavalona - 27.04.2023 21:44

What if makeup wasn't even invented? Would it be better for us and our skin?

YouTubesuchtigirl - 26.04.2023 12:26

I stopped using instagram and tiktok and i feel so much better. And i will never wear make up because i want my natrual face be the most bauiful Version

Johnnys Manager
Johnnys Manager - 24.04.2023 15:46

watching this just to cope.. my self esteem has tumbled so terribly for the past few weeks because im suddenly desiring features i dont have and i want to look good without make up on. a reality check is needed.
