Why Hungary Helps Russia

Why Hungary Helps Russia

Into Europe

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@edelweiss2971 - 17.02.2024 12:06

The root of the problem is that the political left and center within the EU oppose countries that are politically on the right. Both the right-wing governments of Hungary and Poland receive criticism from other member states and the EU, while the corresponding left-wing countries are allowed to do the same without the slightest reaction. For example, the corrupt social democratic government in Romania. The socialist government in Slovakia which now openly supports Russia. Or the Spanish socialist government, which purges everything bourgeois from the state and bans right-wing symbols. In this way, Hungary is forced into the arms of crap states like Russia and China. Europe has long criticized the USA and not least Trump, but now that they are leaving Europe to defend itself, the entire EU is standing with its pants down. We get the Europe we deserve and we have prepared ourselves well to be violently driven by both Islamism, Soviet Russia and Communist China.

@TheGuyFromHungary7 - 17.02.2024 14:45

I agree, we have high inflation yes... But im still not paying 10 dollars. For a loaf of bread.

@RiwenX - 17.02.2024 15:10

Hungary doesn't "help Russia". In fact, Orbán helps Ukraine, who are fucking unworthy of any help with their authoritarian, chauvinistic and ultranationalist government. He is literally on the same WEF team as von der Leyen and the others.

@happybalint - 17.02.2024 15:15

I love how hungarians pat themselves on the back for being ""critical thinkers"" and then believe every lie the prime minister has ever told them
It's just a matter of time before this country collapses and people will still worship orbán as their lord and saviour

@andraspongracz5996 - 17.02.2024 16:19

As a Hungarian, I would like to correct the title: why Orbán helps Putin.

@XKS99 - 17.02.2024 19:44

You know when someone is furrowing their brows like this they are lying through their teeth.

@liberty_and_justice67 - 17.02.2024 20:34

Hungary should leave the EU and NATO in order to align closer with totalitarian regimes. Appears to be be Hungarians prefer and both EU and NATO would be stronger without Hungary. Hungary is a burden.

@Tyln93 - 17.02.2024 23:54

Europe is under the control of Rothschild Family!!!

@aleccullen2696 - 18.02.2024 05:07

I'm certain Britain left Europe because it admitted Mickey Mouse countries like Hungary to full membership. One bad apple is all it takes to send the whole box rotten.

@robfritz841 - 18.02.2024 06:36

Kik hungary out of nato… they didn’t pay thecc Protection money! 🍊🦏

@katyushatman5187 - 18.02.2024 12:00

juts to make things clear, hungary isnt pro-russian, hungary is pro-hungarian
hungary veto sanctions not because hungary pro-russian, but hungary needs guarantees to keep the very fragile energetical stability
hungary buys russian rescources such as gas and oil not because hungary is pro-russian, but hungary has no other option, there are no gas and oil pipelines from western countries what could supply hungary, and even western countries needs to import oil and gas for a much higher price half across the globe

@vegyesgyumolcs - 18.02.2024 15:53

As a hungarian, i see it differently: Hungary does not want to help Russia, it just does not want to shoot itself in the foot. The two economies are (partly due to history...) connected in many ways, disrupting it would make the country even poorer. CNG is a only partly an option, there is no solution replacing the russion oil (none!! if you check the map, Hungary does not have any see) and if you put aside your prejudice, the russian Roszatom is maybe the best in nuclear technology. Also, backing up from Paks2 (the new nuclear reactor built by Roszatom) would also mean burning a hell of a lot money. Assuming backing up is an option; the contracts have been signed in 2016 or so... Now, be clever in this situation without bringing down your industry. And chaning the industry takes time, and this is what i see: doubling the renewable energy sources, installing batteries and considering even more racionalsm

@AlexWallman - 19.02.2024 00:32

Love this breakdown

@Cs3ka - 22.02.2024 11:13

We refuse to assist a fascist heretical terrorist state that Ukraine is.

@imotalus7138 - 23.02.2024 00:23

In Budapest they have a museum called "House of Terror Museum" and it has some great context which I believe to be interesting considering what's been said in this video.

@clara11hr - 26.02.2024 11:24

Don't post about topics you have no idea about. Hungary never helped Russia. Hungary is taking care about Hungary. This video is a hater video.

@akosokanyi2195 - 26.02.2024 21:02

As a hungarian pls pray for us 🙏

@heptahidratferrum - 03.03.2024 11:32

Hungary does not support Russia. Hungary does not support the departure.
Where were you when Russian minorities were killed in Donbass since 2014? Where were you when the Hungarian minority in western Ukraine was under daily threat? Do you really believe that you can defeat a continent of countries, a civilisation, a nuclear power? Peace must be negotiated! You have been brainwashed by watching all that Disney Chanel.

@decalco1373 - 07.03.2024 06:15

You are spreading false propaganda, and probably you are paid well for this dirty job.

@borfogyasztoelsoszamu2493 - 07.03.2024 12:15

Its more benneficial for us not to get involved with affairs between east and west or at least try to minimize the involvment. Plus cheap energy

@TheKqkk - 13.03.2024 22:10

the whole thing is factually wrong. bullshit propaganda.

@user-jf4mi4oz8z - 14.03.2024 00:48

Linking is not connection so sa

@KatyYoder-cq1kc - 15.03.2024 02:50

Support NATO and its Allies please

@schurlbirkenbach1995 - 20.03.2024 21:32

Hungarians never forget, that the treaty of Trianon was imposed by the western powers and not by Russia. The Polish experience has been inverse.

@dinomyte369 - 21.03.2024 06:57

I m not a fan of Putin but compared to Brussels and their reckless and very irresponsible policies that they use I much , much rather just exit the EU and if Russia isn’t being hostile then who gives a flying rats behind if using peaceful methods with the Russians, Brussels gets anal about ! Honestly the EU is the biggest tragedy that happened to Europeans !

@Bracus.Reghusk - 28.03.2024 01:44

From Horthy to Orban, Hungary has always had its ass between two chairs.

@moroder65 - 29.03.2024 23:57

Buddy your news complete garbage ans srupis liberal fake news

@jdiaz074 - 31.03.2024 15:14

Exactly why Orban oppossed sanctioning Russian gas. EU failed sanctions are hitting local economy. Russia will win the war. Thanks Brussels

@adamberes1246 - 21.04.2024 12:58

Orbán Viktor just wants a lot of money in his pocket... He steals a lot from the money that comes from the EU, and since the EU doesn't like that, he turns hungarian people against the EU using lies and made up stuff... For example that "György Soros wants to destroy Hungary", and "The Europian Union wants to fill Hungary with immigrants, who will rape our women and steal our homes"... Unfortunately, the uneducated people, mostly in poor large villages and small cities, who make up the majority of Hungary don't watch any news other than the ones financed by FIdesz (Orbán's party) believe what Orbán says and hate the EU, just because Orbán spreads lies and propagandas all over the country... You literally can't go to the nearest market without seeing billboards filled with stuff like "We need to stop Brussels, because hey want to ruin our country"... I'm so sad that I have to live in a country where stuff like this is acceptable

@nokedli646 - 26.04.2024 20:15

Fake news!

@user-mx9ge8rc8q - 30.04.2024 20:40

Hungary did a mistake by protecting the ungrateful west from the ottomans cuz the west committed crimes against humanity

@wsasonorejo5753 - 01.05.2024 19:07

hungary leader take wise step to take closer with china and russia, europe industry is done.., is simple because their product specially car could not compete with chinese car both in price and quality

@user-hd4it5uj6r - 09.05.2024 23:01

Propaganda video! Do not believe it !

@dagunta - 13.05.2024 23:36

Hungary is, has always and always will be against Russia. Ever heard of the 1956 revolution down there? Please, this is a prideful country. Accusing them of being pro Russia is next to insulting them. Being Contra-Russia is part of their identity. Trust me, I`m one of them.

@ayeahe - 19.05.2024 11:31

This video draws conclusions

from false claims
and is little more than sophisticated name calling 😂

@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 - 20.05.2024 17:17

Because there a bunch of old farts that passed down their hatred for the Treaty of Trianon,

@konya_balazs - 22.05.2024 22:54

Sorry, but we dont help the russians. We just dont want this war, that is pushed by the "collective West", its in our direct neighborhood and ethnic Hungarians living in wester Ukraine are dying because of this war. Why does anybody think Russia can be defeated with weapons? The russians have thousands of atomic bombs and IC missiles ? I think the parties should be put to the negotiating table and a fair peace agreement should be reached. Please listen to Prof Mearsheimer who did what prior to this conflict, and durint the conflict. The "facts" in this video regarding Hungary are totally false. Please get informed prior to publishing such misleading videos.

@zdravkobitunjac9542 - 24.05.2024 11:13

Friend of my enemy is my enemy.Hungary must be expelled from EU and NATO.Soon as possible as they represent security risk . Orban is Putin's buddy and useful idiot and leading his country into disaster.

@sieglindehaberhofer1128 - 24.05.2024 15:04

Dieses Europa brauchen wir nicht,es muss ein vereintes Europa sein mit Politiker die hinter ihren eigenen Volk und Land stehen und Gerechtigkeit walten lassen ohne Lüge und Betrug

@markh3376 - 28.05.2024 06:30

Orban is dumbest man!!

@VovaBackfromcircus - 28.05.2024 12:47

There are some stories that might be reasons why Hungary defends Russia or love each others.
First of all, Hungary withdrawing to socialism. Or even, Russia conquered Hungary in 1956 and born until 1989.
Second story, Hungary is screwing EU's economics.
Third and last story, Hungary is against or insulting migrants.

@flormeteoro624 - 02.06.2024 01:05

The most beautiful country in Europe.

@Kounomura - 03.06.2024 00:18

Hungary does not help Russia at all. Even those who accuse Hungary of this know this. In the last 150 years, Hungary has lost 2/3 of its territory and a significant part of its population due to wars. The Hungarians are tired of wars, they want to live in peace and live as they want, freely not as a colony. That is why, as a matter of principle, they do not support Ukraine with weapons and urge peace negotiations. By the way, there are a lot of native Hungarians living in the western part of Ukraine, who are even more intensively recruited in the war by the Ukrainian authorities than the Ukrainians. This is also part of the eradication of Hungarian minority there.

Hungarians lived as a colony of the Soviet Union for 40 years, and today they feel that the Western powers want to colonize them, and much more cruelly than the Soviets did. In the EU Hungarians are treated extremely step-like. They are treated unfairly, legitimate money is taken from them, they are humiliated, etc. They protect against this.

In fact, this is why they are attacked, but since this cannot be said openly, die EU invent all kinds of false accusations against the Hungarians. Among them, one false accusation is that they are helping the Russians. These are horrible lies. They are "obstructing" the creation of the European empire, where they would most certainly be colonies.

The European Union initially seemed like a hope for the former Soviet colonies in Eastern Europe, but it seems that sooner or later it will become a prison for these peoples, because even if they are colonized, they cannot escape because the EU is strangling them economically.

@billwashington5943 - 03.06.2024 00:56

Collective West lies all the time

@Kounomura - 04.06.2024 14:11

America, of course, wants the nuclear war against Russia to take place in Europe, so that the American continent can escape destruction if possible. In fact, this has always been the role and task of NATO. It is interesting that only Orbán, the Hungarian Prime Minister, has an objection to this. He don't want that your people perish in a war that the Hungarians had nothing to do with. This is what became of the wonderful European dream.

The Western standpoint:
"Why is Orbán not happy about the war? It's a mystery... When all of Europe is ready for the big joint project, to erase Russia from the map. This Orbán is always such a jerk. He should be punished badly, like Mr. Fico. He also had objections to the war. This cannot be allowed in Europe today, we live together, we die together. Anyone who wants peace today is a Nazi."

@G.K.- - 15.06.2024 15:10

the orban government is a disgrace to all hungarians, even those who vote for it from time to time. of course they know nothing about it, thanks to the fact that the fidesz owns about 95% of the print, terrestrial and cable media. And they are not ashamed to lie on it, and to broadcast transparent, inflammatory or simply lying propaganda. And the older generations and the uneducated mass of the population believe it.

@hereiamwhereami - 19.06.2024 13:50

Krauts are Europe's misfortune !
