Humanizing Hoarding | Jennifer Hanzlick | TEDxBoulder

Humanizing Hoarding | Jennifer Hanzlick | TEDxBoulder

TEDx Talks

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@eileenryan4687 - 13.12.2020 07:14

Thanks for reminding people about compassion

@jimparfitt2330 - 26.12.2020 23:56

Standing ovation! Superb talk; thanks so much!!

@LuckyGuu - 27.12.2020 09:06

I live in Delaware and I believe that Joe Biden and the Democrats stole the election. You believe this is possible or impossible. What kind of a country do you want to live in?

@laurenprada3335 - 03.01.2021 05:38

Such a wonderful message ❤️

@markthrasher6770 - 04.04.2021 19:55

I have no clever, attention grabbing, grand standing comment.... I just shut up, watched, and listened.... and "liked" the video.

@slaychildhoodmoneyscripts - 17.04.2021 20:45

It's easy to preach compassion when you don't live with them or ain't brought up by them. People who zip in and out, they only see one facet, not to mention there's a financial incentive. It's also easy to be patient when you haven't cleaned up for them many times and persuaded them to go for therapy for decades, faced their rage explodes and epic self denial, utter total refusal to go and utter total refusal to acknowledge how abusive they're. Not to mention, there're those with severely mental illness(es), they believe their paranoia and often accuse their loved ones, cleaners and maintenance crew of stealing, then believe their grandiose delusions, how will become famous with stuff they hoard for art, art they do not do! Then there's mould, dust, pests and deterring others from doing basic cleaning. You go live with them for 3 months, then talk. Kids end up with asthma, weak immune system and get food poisoning.

@reneearriaga7485 - 28.04.2021 19:04

God bless you!!!

@zsuzsannabak1530 - 20.05.2021 16:05

Amazing and eye opening stories.

@kathrynsheridan3605 - 25.05.2021 16:38

Choose compassion

@KleWdSide - 29.05.2021 03:43

Hoarders would murder their own mothers in exchange for an empty bottle to fill their urine in.

They're incredibly selfish people.

@vanessablanc2074 - 11.08.2021 22:30


@thehomeplatespecial597 - 22.08.2021 22:32


@tobiahwiersteiner7713 - 01.09.2021 04:20

The able hail phylogenitically terrify because peony supply complain per a pleasant burma. eight, grandiose rainbow

@annettep.1605 - 15.09.2021 08:18

Excellent talk!🙂

@helensilver1381 - 29.09.2021 00:24

You have just repaid that good Samaritan who comforted your children on your lonely journey. And what is more you have helped others who need some kindness.

@leerusz5032 - 10.10.2021 11:19

You are a beautiful person on the inside and outside.

@amypapenhausen8970 - 16.10.2021 01:13

Thank you, that was great!

@paulefstathiou1819 - 02.03.2022 23:50

Compassion is paramount , hoarding is a sickness that affects the hoarder's family : tremendously ! People ; friends , and family will leave or die and most hoarder's will keep hoarding .

@orkunalptekin2038 - 06.04.2022 21:18

that is impressive

@bjb0808 - 14.05.2022 10:40

That was beautiful. Thank you for putting this message out there.

@mathewmho - 04.06.2022 03:50

Jennifer is truly a good person with levels of empathy I aspire to connect with.

@manalani3724 - 12.06.2022 06:18

beautiful, compassionate…thank you

@joygernautm6641 - 16.06.2022 00:39

I grew up in an extremely messy house that was borderline hoarding house. I remember being extremely embarrassed for my friends to come over. You could never see the countertops in the kitchen, and trying to make a meal was an all day process because you had to try to clean a spot before you could even attempt to make anything. I moved out young, and vowed never ever ever to have a house like that. I keep my house quite minimalist and impeccably clean.
Honestly it’s not that hard to keep a tidy house. Simply pick up after yourself, and have a chore schedule. I have a three bedroom house and it only takes 40 minutes a day to keep it clean all the time.

I know that my mother was quite depressed, and my dad was simply a product of his generation and expected it was a woman’s job to do the cleaning so it just never got done. I think depression is usually the cause of hoarding. I will admit though, growing up as a kid it made me angry that my mom just sat in the kitchen smoking and listening to the radio and rarely did any house work. I would go around and clean things, but nobody would respect the fact that I just cleaned.
Within a few days it was just the way it was before.
As a teenager it made me retreat into my bedroom and never want to leave it unless I was going out with friends. I disconnected from my family because sitting in the kitchen or living room or family room was just too disturbing. I simply could not relax in that house. I remember I would babysit the neighbours kids and use the money to take my own clothing to the laundromat because our washer and dryer never worked properly and they were literally mounds of mouldy clothes all over the floor in the basement where our washer and dryer lived.
I loved my parents don’t get me wrong, but living in that house messed with my head so hard. I didn’t get to have a normal childhood or teen development because I lived in a physically and mentally toxic environment. Sometimes I wonder if hoarders even think about what they are doing to their children.

@kimlec3592 - 21.07.2022 12:52

God bless you.

@uzawtun9933 - 21.07.2022 21:42


@BethLehman88 - 27.07.2022 03:33

What a beautiful story at the end! Thank you so much for your vulnerability in sharing!

@janedoe7330 - 06.08.2022 02:11

So sorry. God's love and peace to all

@janedoe7330 - 06.08.2022 02:15

Bless you Jennifer. You used your troubles to help others.

@cheraybisaya - 08.08.2022 12:51

Amazing speaker, we need to spread love as God is love. Help each other through our kind words, actions or just by praying for them, God Bless us all!

@catecurl3790 - 11.08.2022 09:06


@Mutasis_Mutandis - 12.08.2022 01:27

Hoarding is a form of gluttony.

@heinousanus9352 - 14.08.2022 19:58

Wealth disparity breeds hoarding. One component, fear of "needing" & not having causes the "might be good for sump'm some day" activity. I see it with my tenants & it was the same with my parents. Poor peeps are hoarders of junk. Rich peeps don't do it. There aren't many mansions full of junk, they're always the most sparse, barren, empty spaces, arguably reflecting exactly the same quality of the owners of those spaces. Rich or poor, both are diseased & in the US it's getting worse every day. If you're balanced, you're optimal. If you're poor you're under much hoarding pressure & if you're rich, you're already just a diff kinda hoarder. I like having free space, physically & mentally. Might be good for sump'm some day.

@Lcab-bh3wx - 14.08.2022 21:03

Why's after people mess up claim it was a mistake? Think 🤔 before you do it!

@elliesings9508 - 19.08.2022 11:33


@catblue6393 - 22.08.2022 22:18

One of the best TED talks I've viewed. 👍🏻

@JenniferMathewslive2 - 25.08.2022 05:22

You are a very precious woman. Thank you for this.

@thehomeofficeproductions - 23.09.2022 14:09

Jim sees he has a problem. He asks for help. I wish my partner was ashamed and embarrased about her hoarding, that would be something I could work with. No amount of touchy feelyness will solve the abuse I suffer.

@marielg9143 - 30.10.2022 05:07

how beautiful thank you

@joycohen938 - 02.11.2022 10:36

This was so helpful. Thank you💖

@maggiescalese7070 - 15.11.2022 05:36

Amazing. Thank you.

@knitnkitten - 25.11.2022 08:18

She is so beautiful. inside & out❤

@jupitermoon3044 - 12.01.2023 18:28

This is the most beautiful representation and translation I have ever witnessed . Thank you for your compassion and your deep reverence to this complex process. A low bow. . .

@dalesands1291 - 15.01.2023 06:58

The place I work at has been called several times to clean out a hoarders place. The first time the house looked exactly like you may have seen on TV. A tiny little path between mounds of stuff. The other I remember is a house where we cleaned out two and a half rooms of books. It took all three of our vehicles plus our 14 ft. trailer to haul it all. The judging part came for that first place came when the firepartment declared it unfit to live. The couples daughter eventually loaded up three industrial size dumpsters to get rid of stuff so her mom and dad could keep the house.

@littleblackbabycat - 07.02.2023 17:12

Wow this hit home.

@gutieereza - 11.03.2023 22:16

My marriage is in ruins because my husband hoarding 😢

@cindyhalpern3187 - 23.04.2023 02:40

I lived with a hoarder.
I couldn't breathe. I had nowhere to eat that was clean.
Please, don't judge me!
I had to leave him. I was getting sicker and sicker.
Don't always have compassion for the ones who don't care what happens to the people they live with.
We are suffering!
And after we tried to help them, they blame us for everything.
It is a mental illness, but it destroys those who live with them!
We can't help those who refuse it!
The City told me," Please leave before this kills you!"
So I did. I have no regrets. He enjoys living like this. He is so much happier with me not there to beg him to stop.
Don't think they all want help! They don't.
I lived like this for 12 years. I know more about it than nearly anyone.

@maryj4876 - 23.11.2023 14:01

Thanks for sharing. 🙏❤️

@montsecasanova4796 - 25.11.2023 20:36

Beautiful heart warming words. Thankyou

@denise2169 - 12.12.2023 23:51

Hoarding, like any addiction, is a coping strategy for people who have unresolved suppressed trauma issues. Our society has taught us to suppress these experiences which they see as « weaknesses ». However, this is not signs of weakness; instead, feelings of helplessness which could not be released and expressed, which is what is needed instead of shame. This talk is compassionate and shows us what we really need to do with all forms of addiction!

@Rudelherz - 06.03.2024 14:04

She made me cry like no other TED Speaker. Thank you ❤
