Shadowlands MATRIX & The Wizard of OZ - The Titans' AFTERLIFE ILLUSION

Shadowlands MATRIX & The Wizard of OZ - The Titans' AFTERLIFE ILLUSION


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@Ashahalasin - 28.07.2024 02:51

Absolutely love your videos and speculation. A rare ray of hope for WoW lore.

@strainthehealer2184 - 28.07.2024 03:33

This fixes and gives a lot of coherence to the shadowlands lore

@dominicpollock5933 - 28.07.2024 03:36

Once again, the quality of your videos are amazing! Your storytelling is superb!!! I always feel immersed listening to the narration! 🔥

@Ryan-s1d - 28.07.2024 05:00

I was cracking up when it zoomed in on the tin man’s face then Zovaal popped in

@stakkadakka3427 - 28.07.2024 05:02

Slyvannas set us all free ;) 'Player wakes up, looks in the mirror, they have a squid face, what a weird dream, roll credits'

@ladyrenegade1113 - 28.07.2024 05:21

Mind = Blown

@verme1eb - 28.07.2024 05:27

Great video I agree with the Matrix comparison

@chalo3427 - 28.07.2024 05:55

gonna finish the video fully after I watch the wizard of oz so I don't get spoiled because I've never seen it BUT interesting theory I guess I just don't like the idea of the Titans being THAT important, I think the mystery of The First Ones is far more interesting and gives the game a way more interesting reason to expand beyond Azeroth and Titans than a "haha it was actually the titans all along" twist... we've been chewing these two for so many years I loved going to Shadowlands and actually being presented with new and interesting lore for the overall world of the game... for some reason people never mention the fact that Draenei exist and they have never had much to do with Azeroth until getting there as well as the Titans... Azeroth and Titans are fun but the world we have is far bigger and Shadowlands proved (despite 90% of the community hating it) that wow can be way more than just Azeroth and Titans

@matthewwatson1297 - 28.07.2024 06:01

So if this all checks out than Azeroth is the mother of reality and argus was the father to the twisting nether?

@sympathiea - 28.07.2024 07:46

Playing a night elf main all the way from Vanilla to Shadowlands when I quit, I gotta admit as someone focused on the lore, it was heartbreaking to find out Elune is just a robot. Then during dragonflight, the First Ones didn't seem to come up at all. At the very least your tinfoil hat theories in this vid would reinvigorate my ability to care again, even at a distance.


@jesserothhammer7378 - 28.07.2024 08:51

This theory sounds like a nice theory desperately trying to legitimize a turd sandwich and failure Blizz served us as intentional.

@TekharthaMondatta - 28.07.2024 08:58

I didn't play Shadowlands, but I did unfortunately write it off like loads of other players. I've always enjoyed the Titans and the "deep lore" of WoW, and these days I think SL was a decent addition to all that, but it just took too much info-parsing to get to the meat. Most players require more surface-level lore delivery, SL just wasn't as easily accessible.

@TheHammerchief - 28.07.2024 09:16

Wow, this wasn't what I was expecting when opening video from smaller, to me unknown channel. This is impeccable, the theories, the script, the editing, all of it. Shadowlands was the first expansion I didn't play, but I kept with basics of the lore and I hated most of it. Thank you for making it seem to be continuation of original narative, instead of awfully done abrupt revelation of "but wait, there is even bigger evil you never heard of, and it orchestrated EVERYTHING!". You are explaining this part of story in a way that I actually can enjoy, too bad you have to arduously pry it from the mess. I wish Blizzard would settle on similar interpretation, but I certainly lack the good faith to believe they intended it this way back when they were making the Shadowlands.

@NoConsequenc3 - 28.07.2024 09:42

Finally, someone with a brain that doesn't just go "hurr durr retcon their is no lore hurrr" god it's so refreshing. So many people have zero curiosity in their life.

@piotrsitek818 - 28.07.2024 10:21

All makes sense now

@twelvezeros - 28.07.2024 10:23

This blew my mind, such a great vid

@filipfenix - 28.07.2024 10:25

we have a winner ladies and gentlemen

@lordfieldsworth595 - 28.07.2024 12:16

Liked and Subscribed. A fantastic lore deep dive. I think truly a breath of fresh air for us lore content enjoyers. Less of in world narrative being taken as "retconning" and more understanding that they are not a reliable source, AND THATS THE FUN! Great video, look forward to more!

@AnubisofScorpio - 28.07.2024 13:34

This stinks of Soft Disclosure, you're clearly on Metzen's payroll!

@AgentSwiffer - 28.07.2024 13:53

Thank you very much for this work, it is really inspiring and I really like your positive tone and informed analysis.
The C++ analogy is really striking ! Recently, I had an odd but similar "computer" theory about how Void and Light seem to operate as Inexistence and Existence, or 0 and 1, and as the fundamental bricks of the warcraft universe.
Also, I am still intrigued by how titan magic is visually very "light-ish" and how they try to enforce the "true timeline", like the Light "seeks one path and shuns all others as lies" It resonates with what N'zoth said : "The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all". I'm wondering what you think about that ?
Thank you again ☺

@krayzilla6213 - 28.07.2024 13:57

Please blizzard, please let this be the lore to fix what Shadowlands ruined.

@sipi725 - 28.07.2024 14:09

Bro we got wow conspiracy theories before gta6

@Juanparra36 - 28.07.2024 15:54

Amazing video, thank you so much for putting it together, I cant wait for the next!!
Shadowlands was a great expansion!

@U-inverse369 - 28.07.2024 16:09

Nice job. Plato's Allegory is still active for unconcious people. It drains Lifeforce energy by consumption and distraction. You really want to know thyself. The Annunakis are constructs too and they still control this economy and consumption. Anyway, enjoy life and dont get too distracted, it shortens your lifespan.

@jetillian - 28.07.2024 17:10

Bravo, always hyped to see your videos. Very refreshing every time, and gets you to wonder again!

@alejandro5695 - 28.07.2024 19:08

Great video. You delivered another brilliant theory. I hope you're right on this one. I'd probably rewatch it a couple of times. That's how much we enjoy them.

@johnnyvdoremalen - 28.07.2024 23:44

I cant wait for "this world is a prison" to be proved true

@rainbowsnail4171 - 29.07.2024 00:03

Someone at Blizz hire this guy, please.

@tangerino3199 - 29.07.2024 00:23

Massive respect for making a video over 40 minutes long on Shadowlands lore in 2024

@CanielDonrad - 29.07.2024 03:51

Tin foil hat thought. Xaxxas is a blizzard plant, ai constructed by chris metzen.

@BattleF08 - 29.07.2024 08:05

I like you. And your presentation style. And the quality of this production. But, I have to admit, a lot of this seems to be "If we ignore everything Blizzard has ever said in canon lore, and assume it is a lie. And combine it with these vague visual similarities, and bring in these concepts from different mythologies, invent new beings, and interpret these words alternatively, and then throw Occam's Razor into the Twisting Nether, bring in some outdated lore, make a lot of assumptions, and rest it all on the pillars of my previous wild theories, then my favorite headcanon is true!"

There are secrets here to find. There are things we're not being told. There are puzzle pieces to put together. But, and this is just my perspective, I don't think the way to go about finding them is by taking those pieces, throwing half of them away, painting over some others, creating a few ones yourself, grabbing some from different puzzles altogether just because they look similar, and cutting the edges of some away to make it fit, is the way to go about solving those puzzles. Trust me, there's no shortage of theories to puzzle together. About Azeroth, Elune, the First Ones, Q'onzu, the Titans, and what is beyond the cosmos.

I'm sure you have people you brainstorm with. But it feels like they may creative types that add ideas, rather than the type to try and counter yours, that would actually challenge you to sharpen theories as much as they deserve. There have been others building houses out of theory-cards like this, whose love turns to hatred when again and again, their deep thoughts and alternate possibilities turned out not to be true. And I fear that fate for you. That if it turns out an alternate thing is true, part of you will feel Blizzard messed up the story, because you liked yours better. And that the same will count for your fans. And I don't want that. I want us to love this universe together. So, sorry if I'm coming off as a jack-ass in this post.

@ZakhadWOW - 29.07.2024 09:34

Wow.. you forged a complete story of your own, with it having no written or gameplay verification. Interesting.

@volshebnikozz - 29.07.2024 12:12

Perfect! I would've only added how Zovaal was Dominated by Primus at the middle of "A cosmos divived will not survive (domination happens, all of Shadowlands passes) what is to come"

Also, Sepulcher of the First Ones = literally a division machine, which divides Azeroth's power into 6 components. Zovaal would've done opposite of that.

@OhhhNeil - 29.07.2024 15:18

How doesnt this have more views?? It is perfectly made and explains everything

@tipsyskeleton - 29.07.2024 19:54

you somehow made shadowlands make sense!

@suphra4781 - 29.07.2024 23:15

Holy Moly, this is AWESOME

@tarrat1797 - 30.07.2024 00:31

👌 good soup. I never knew I wanted WoW speculation with this high of a caliber.

@ShadowCreed7192 - 30.07.2024 00:54


@popfloydplays788 - 30.07.2024 03:34

This guy needs more subscribers lmao this wow content is super good

@KaldonisPondo - 30.07.2024 03:47

Xereth tech =/= Titan tech.

@Nagria2112 - 30.07.2024 08:30

i like this way of lore talk way more then nobbel´s "everything is a retcon" way if seeing things.
its about finding the inconsistencies and asking why instead of pointing them out like you found an error.

@starkite123 - 30.07.2024 12:30

Amazing quality, wow!

@Verdis_deMosays - 30.07.2024 14:13

Great rant and theory, Xaxxas!

@cristobalmoya3351 - 30.07.2024 15:06

There’s one thing that doesn’t click for me. The Jailer is said to have influenced Sargeras’ fall into madness. Are you saying Zovaal managed to go against his makers ? I kinda like the idea of titanic constructs going rogue and that would sort of tie SL and DF together as expansions showcasing the dark truth behind the titans

@farmeryaeg - 30.07.2024 15:17


@MrAmagadimba - 31.07.2024 07:16

Oh my! Spectacularly and perfectly edited! What a great job! Keep it up, i can't wait for more videos of yours

@_xaxxas - 27.07.2024 17:22

Welcome back, Heroes! I hope you enjoy this in-depth episode of Knowledge Wars all about The Shadowlands and those who shaped Death! Let me know what your thoughts are on the matter below! 🤟
