Cyberpunk 2077 - What is the BEST ENDING to Phantom Liberty?

Cyberpunk 2077 - What is the BEST ENDING to Phantom Liberty?

Big Dan Gaming

9 месяцев назад

263,108 Просмотров

There are four different endings - maybe four and a half - to the Phantom Liberty expansion of Cyberpunk and now that I’ve had the chance to see them all - well we’ve got a lot to talk about. In this video, we’re going to explore every ending to Phantom Liberty and decide once and for all - what is the best ending to Cyberpunk 2077?



0:00 Introduction
0:40 Firestarter - Help Songbird Escape
1:56 Send Songbird to Moon or Give Her to Reed
3:02 Help Reed Capture Songbird
5:36 Kill Songbird
6:06 Refuse Songbird
6:53 V Gets a Cure (FOR REAL THIS TIME)
11:44 Why I Like the New Ending




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Lordander1 - 06.10.2023 21:50

NUSA is basically Militech right? I understand why people hate the new ending, however it punches even harder on the point that you simply shouldn’t trust corps. Any ending involving corps is bad ending. The endings you trust your friends are the good endings.

mohammad shiraz
mohammad shiraz - 06.10.2023 21:21

Years from now we all are going to talk about how great this game was.

S - 06.10.2023 21:18

In this order:
First get lots of weapons, bombs and explosives and blow up the bar Afterlive for Rogue's cheek.
Get all the data/information on Adam's ship and have a Ripperdoc incorporate more implants than anyone before.
Contact Alt to take revenge on everyone who knew old V with the Blackwall Quickhack and Spread the stuff.

Twój Stary
Twój Stary - 06.10.2023 20:54

I absolutely hate this dlc there is no happy ending in base game at least you could leave night city with panqm or Judy but in this one you are nothing and no one

Name - 06.10.2023 20:53

I think the new ending would of been more poignant if the government couldn't deliver on a cure and the alternative is So Mi worked with Mr. Blue eyes to get you another cure. Cyberpunk genre as a whole you never should trust a government nor a corporation its way more suitable in that genre that someone outside of it repaid the favor.

It didn't have to be happy, but the whole ending just seemed rather contrived. Not saying anyone should trust Mr. Blue eyes either, which would lead to the 'consequence'.

Elijah Moon
Elijah Moon - 06.10.2023 20:46

I’m confused. Do I beat the main game? Then move on to the DLC or can I do the DLC when I’m done with the main quest.

Gorefist - 06.10.2023 20:39

I will say their are some items in the "Horror" ending that allows for Black Wall visual hacking that look amazing. Also the Ending where V is wakes up 2 years later kind of mirrors the song Never Fade Away.

Senbu Johns
Senbu Johns - 06.10.2023 20:16

Bruh the newest ending makes the most sense and I love it. So far all the endings had the perceptive of you dying. Equivalent exchange. You get to survive now but as a nobody with no friends or love. If you ask me that's a small price to survive. Eventually you'll make new friends and someone will eventually love you. Still sad but makes sense when you find something that was technically unobtainable. I mean you made bonds with your friends in NC in the span of a year, imagine the bonds you'll create in a whole lifetime. The biggest prospect you had was 6 months but now you can literally start anew.

Dblundz - 06.10.2023 20:11

I'll always go with the nomads,
Me and my girl have 6 months,
Don't worry Johnny, I'll Keep fighting, we'll find a way.

Swooga - 06.10.2023 19:47

I couldn't bring myself to betray Reed. Was very disappointing to get such a sad ending from it. Really enjoyed the DLC as a whole though.

DepartedHunter - 06.10.2023 19:08

I pretty sure the cure ending is intended to be disappointing and bitter sweet. As Dexter DeShawn said at the beginning “would you rather live in peace as a nobody or go down for all times in a blaze of glory”. We made a choice that unintentionally cost everything and we are now a nobody but is at peace.

Tragic Bronson
Tragic Bronson - 06.10.2023 19:03

“Hey….I’m having surgery”text to your NC buds before dipping out for 2 years. Irish goodbye would have been better

WackyWackWack - 06.10.2023 18:56

Maybe we can see v in orion

Mur der
Mur der - 06.10.2023 18:47

I still like The Sun ending. There's no legitimate statement of what happens to when V completes the jump breaking into the space Casino. Also, kinda disappointed that wasn't something that was pushed as a dlc content continuation.

Eduardo Forero
Eduardo Forero - 06.10.2023 18:29

If you think you are going into this expecting a happy ending, I got news for you kiddo, this is Night City, happy endings don’t exist it’s just eat you alive- Johnny Silverhand.

He pretty much told us and we weren’t paying attention, the ending also made me realized that it’s the same in real life, if you disappear life will go on, and at first people will might get worried, but they will move on and I just sat there crying, because it’s true. And for once I felt like Johnny, 😢

Crystalx - 06.10.2023 18:27

the difference between mass effect 2 and this ending, is atleast your love interests don't move on especially liara and even ashley.

Zer0 - 06.10.2023 18:13

So songbird lied to me the whole time about curing me and when I find out she just looking out for herself she call me a backstabber? Yeah ok lol

mecolski - 06.10.2023 17:59

"to became witcher in Poland" XD Greetings from homeland of the creators

Marlon - 06.10.2023 17:45

I love all of the new endings added by phantom liberty. They really fit the rest of the game perfectly.

Solenegro - 06.10.2023 17:33

Choose to keep songbird alive. Out here feel like a cum sock left in an ally. The items are lit but her fate left a sour taste in my mouth. She is way to dangerous to be likely on her own but the whole thing is just so heart breaking. I never disliked her even tho I knew she was lying

Eryx - 06.10.2023 17:14

Any ending that let's my V live upgraded or not is a good ending and yeah no combat implants but there can still be a work around in the future I'm ok with this ending

Shart_WITH_FORCE - 06.10.2023 17:02

That Cerberus bot haunts my nightmares.

rocketprime - 06.10.2023 17:01

Don't Fear The Reaper is still the canon ending in my opinion.

Ginger Hermit
Ginger Hermit - 06.10.2023 16:59

So many choices in Phantom Liberty that are "do i hit myself with this hammer or this hammer"; bleak and true to Cyberpunk genre.

FOR-SIGHT-PARADIGM - 06.10.2023 16:48

Anyone notice that siding with so mi and sending her to the moon and then doing an original ending results in all main PL missions being job failed? Even kill the moon? Like wtf?

Mike Wazelle
Mike Wazelle - 06.10.2023 16:05

Side note, this opens up for a sequel using V, it gives a plot reason as to why you have no cyberware, and you slowly unlock the ability to run more and more, it’s just a thought

Pinko Jones
Pinko Jones - 06.10.2023 16:02

“I was kinda down bad for SongBird”

Dredd Domin
Dredd Domin - 06.10.2023 15:58

Nah crystal palace end last effort

Kaiser - 06.10.2023 15:50

Can you still play the game as NPC V

Vizla - 06.10.2023 15:29

I thought it was really sweet Misty and Viktor are still supportive and want V in their lives, goes to show that those two and Jackie are truly V's besties. Viktor and V joining Misty in Europe once they're sick of Night City is also a nice thought.

Oofie Dooples
Oofie Dooples - 06.10.2023 15:29

Maybe its because i have 2 baby mommas but i never for a single second trusted a single word out of her mouth. 😂

Jeffrey Morris
Jeffrey Morris - 06.10.2023 15:08

Would still prefer the ending where male v ends up with Panam. Her not calling back made me hate the new ending. Couldn't they make nowhere ending where male v gets Judy to be bisexual and date him?

Eternal Nightingale
Eternal Nightingale - 06.10.2023 15:01

No one ever gives devil ending love but it’s my personal fav the tone of that ending unmatched total left field from the rest of the game and probably the most realistic for V to side with in end she wants to survive (their psyche survives) and arasaka remains in control of NC which is a big factor, but as for PL ending I like to side with reed and choose to kill songbird so nusa won’t weaponize the blackwall

Voice of a Free America
Voice of a Free America - 06.10.2023 14:53

This is pure American Cyberpunk genre right here. Even as divisive as it is, it hits every note. Tragic ending, pyrrhic victory... it may not be liked, but it fits. Let's look at the endings. The Phantom Liberty Ending: You keep your life at the cost of everything. Arasaka: The Corp always wins. You survive as an engram stored by Arasaka or go back to Earth, but again, at the cost of everything. Rogue or the secret ending: You become number one at the cost of your love. Aldecaldos Ending: You sacrifice your dream for love. Suicide: You sacrifice everything for peace. Johnny: Sometimes you have to sacrifice everything for a fresh start.

Flak_Jacket - 06.10.2023 14:38

The thing is, there is no good endings and THAT'S THE POINT

Fallen - 06.10.2023 14:34

so why not go to mikoshi upload jonny call reed ask to take panname and get saved
thats an ending

BuddyZF - 06.10.2023 14:31

the best Phantom Liberty for my REF and INT build is going with Reed so that I get Blackwall SMG / Cyberdeck. I get to fight Hansen and Maxtac. Plus a deeper story about Songbird. Not sure to accept / refuse Songbird's request which is morally acceptable.

Alex H
Alex H - 06.10.2023 14:31

I love the new ending! I also agree with you that you can interpret the ending as you want, its a very open one.
Sure you lost (some) friends and lovers, but we did so before (Jackie...) and live goes on.

Walter White
Walter White - 06.10.2023 14:28

"G'Night Valerie. Today was a good Day" THAT...that sentence is the ONLY good thing about the new ending and holy crap is that depressing that CDPR managed to screw up 4 more endings. To me, sending the stubborn bitch to the Moon is the only thing you can do and makes sense since V at that point knows how it feels to fight for survival at all costs and might have done the same, depending how you play them. V in the new endging would Die in NC within a Week, no question there, no Hope to be seen. Without Implants, there is no surviving NC

Alex Baker
Alex Baker - 06.10.2023 14:13

Killing songbird is not the worst ending imo:

She was on a path of ruthless destruction, she used and played everyone, and only ever showed remorse with words. Her actions were all horrible, she kills tons of people, mostly innocent, and screws everyone who was ever on her side. Her living on is not a good outcome by any stretch.

But, even if you disagree with me and you sympathize with her, you should still want to kill her, bc otherwise she’s getting turned into an engram and probably becomes an nusa net caged slave for eternity, not a fate she deserves imo, even with how much I disliked her character.

This ending is pretty fucked up(but honestly all of them are, just in different ways) but at least she can rip, you can tell the prez to go fuck herself, and challenge reeds hard fast views. Sure you don’t get to continue a friendship twitch reed this way, but now he has to consider the way his loyalties and the inflexibility of his moral compass brought far more harm than good.

What a game

off3nc3 - 06.10.2023 14:05

Terrible ending especially the more wholesome one when you save both Reed and Songbird , actually depressing. Best Game/DLC ever made still though :)

Alex Baker
Alex Baker - 06.10.2023 13:57

I sided with songbird thinking she was gonna fuck me over, but I thought I’d have a chance to kill her and save myself. Too bad they didn’t let us pull that off

Shane McGreevy
Shane McGreevy - 06.10.2023 13:55

Militech have been trying to perfect their Human/AI hybrid and there's very strong reason to belive that Songbird will be used in this experiment after V returns her alive to Prez Myers.

Julie The Witch
Julie The Witch - 06.10.2023 13:36

with this ending - V is now maybe nobody, but atleast She or He is still alive, and thats more important then fame and glory. New friends can be made, you can found new purpose. But you have only one life and its worth fight for it, even if means lose everything. But also NC is not only place to live. I know people hate it and i understand, especially when your romance options just leave you and break with.But again you got a second chance, Your life as some super merc is over, what you make by that second chance thats what matter - soo its this a truly a bad ending? maybe sad and heartbreaking, but imo not really a bad ending.

Rasty90 - 06.10.2023 13:35

i would rather storm arasaka alone and give my body to johnny, or like it's being speculated around to have a clone made and being soulkilled into that cloned body

mikharju - 06.10.2023 12:57

It feels very cyberpunk to have the burn bright and quick be the most hopeful ending while this new fade into the background ending is a sad kind of betray Johny, lose friends and loved ones and then get consigned to a life of depressing mediocrity as one more face in the crowd. It fits very well alongside the sell out to the corp ending as a similar type of sad fade away ending.

migoy - 06.10.2023 12:56

I have a feeling that cdpr added this ending to make a possible cyberpunk 2, could be the player could be playing as V once again, but this time without any cyberware since her body can't handle it anymore. But then the cyberpunk genre will only be in the background since the protagonist herself can't fit in the cyberpunk role anymore. perhaps cdpr still has a way to make it work. Additionally, i wouldn't really complain if they get the whole map of night city carried over to cyberpunk 2 and just to add a few more places, just so we could have the game much faster this time.

Fiery Phoenix
Fiery Phoenix - 06.10.2023 12:10

The hide and seek section in the betraying Songbird ending I hated because I couldn't enjoy the backstory moments you see with Songbird's life because I was too stressed in staying in case was spotted and then killed instantly Plus wit the lack of quick saves between terminals made it worse

I get that V should have called Judy rather then text but I was under the impression that we didn't know we would be in a coma for 2 years and how NUSA wouldn't call Judy.

But for me its the part where you explain why its been 2 two years since you last contacted her and yes you understand that she has moved on but to completely cut off any chance to at least remain friends is what I really hated when you call her. Thematically I understand what they are saying. Also even one of the the base game endings had you leave night city without really telling what is going on.

My head canon ending is you side with Song Bird send her off to space, kill Reed and then with the help of the Aldercados you have Johnny go beyond the Blackwall and you join those Nomads and Judy joins you leaving Nightcity and you spend the last 6 months of your life with your lover and still
can use your combat mods.

I didn't see mr Blue eyes in the terminal but I understood who gave Songbird the ticket to the moon

TheTabCrawler - 06.10.2023 12:05

When handing over Songbird to the NUSA you did forget that she basically has dementia due to the black wall and every time she uses it she loses another part of herself. So her continued service turns her into a husk eventually. She is kind of a V without any friends, survival at any costs, only caring about yourself. Considering she obviously betrayed V and you get cooler loot when you betray her - that is the ending she deserves. But (my) V is the hero NC needs so i send her to the moon as a true friend would and she better be f-in waiting there for me when Blue Eyes (who also got her her ticket) sends V to space as well.
