Is this Bring it On 8?
ОтветитьProudly endorsed by Jim & Tammy👍
ОтветитьThis might reach Breaking Bad levels
ОтветитьAnother actress that used her physical shape in Hollywood. Now she's another old actress criticizing exactly what she did when she was young and "beautiful".
Ответить"You gonna know what you are made of" Garbo system🤔 American "dream" vs "reality"?
ОтветитьThose tapes are so f*cking expensive!
ОтветитьKirsten is looking old as hell.
ОтветитьThis is why I hate mlm's
ОтветитьThis show has A LOT of my favourite actors. I'm gonna "buy it" right now!.
ОтветитьYESSS LET'S GO!!!!
ОтветитьCannot believe this has 600 dislikes... ridiculous. This is one of the best shows I have ever seen. PLEASE, SEASON TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Showtime canceled this in October and I didn't even know until last night. PLEASE. Another network, pick this up, and continue season 2.
ОтветитьOne of the best and most relevant movies of the past decade
ОтветитьHey todd
ОтветитьThis show and even this trailer was very very good at hiding the great twists in the story
ОтветитьThis show is fantastic and I HIGHLY recommend! Everyone needs to know about these crap business practices. Aside from the awesome premise, the show is great with the right touch of humour and fantastic acting.
ОтветитьLove this show and can I just say Kirsten Dunst has never been better and my god has she aged well... smoking 🔥😊❤
ОтветитьI just started watching the show on netflix, I'm hooked...which i unfortunate since google tells me it has been cancelled :(
ОтветитьWow, Kirsten looks like a real woman with some meat on her bones, too bad she didn't have it when younger, I would have liked her more. Don't get me wrong, I always liked her but would've liked her even more.
ОтветитьIf you think this show is just about these schemes, you have missed the point of what this show is saying! It is saying the world is a pyramid scheme!! Religion a motivation tool and the person at the top, 'God', you never actually see as the mystic compells people and gives the ability to make impossible things happen 'miracles'. Anyone that gets in the way are labelled 'crazy' or even killed off. And wait for comes the diseases, first the birds falling out of the sky (omg it's the end of the world....the Bible tells us 😭) to knock you back down to size and get people back in line with the 'programme' (🤔sounds familiar).
There are ways to escape, to realise truth and higher consciousness....oh but wait they are illegal practices, I mean never eat anything that is grown in the earth, that would be stupid, but here take these prescription pills, and keep smoking and drinking while we pretend to want people to stop but really we want the tax! Oh and electric cars....the tech is only now possible....oh so the lack of progress, the fact petrol/diesal cars are the equivalent of us still using oil lamps isn't about selling fuel, 🤔 oh of course not, I'm so stupid to have questioned anything, the person at the top loves me so and would never want to harm anyone below!
This show getting cancelled was a crime. HBO should’ve picked it up from the very beginning, anyways.
ОтветитьDammit, no season 2... Blasted through it in 3 days, loved every second !
ОтветитьShowtime fuckin up as always cancelling this amazing show. They cut short great shows before the fully blossom and drag out other shows that should’ve ended 2-4 seasons early (Dexter, Weeds,Homeland) Showtime is the master of great first 1-3 seasons than just takes a nosedive in quality somewhere in the mid seasons. That’s why HBO is king and honestly FX is better than Showtime and is probably number 2 right behind HBO. FX literally had 2 of the greatest TV shows of the past decade easily in Fargo and American Crime Story as well as countless others (AHS, Atlanta, Louie) and I don’t see any signs in quality dipping. FX realized there’s literal steaming juggernauts that have mastered quantity over quality and they’ve done just the opposite and it’s done wonders for them.
ОтветитьI CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH THIS!!!!!! I’m already disappointed for future me who will not be getting a second season. Lol
ОтветитьMy husband got roped into joining an MLM when he was about 19. His friend needed some people to sign up under him and my husband agreed and went to some of the mandatory presentations and group meetings at the start. When he stopped going they showed up at his house unexpectedly to confront him and try persuade him to come back. So cultish and weird. 😂😭
ОтветитьThis show was fantastic. Renewed for a second season and now we're not getting it because of Covid. I hate it here
ОтветитьI was born into a family which has been enthusiastic MLM business distributors. Now as an adult and out of those scam system (including my family), this series look so accurate that I almost got flash back. trust me, never ever get involved. I had no friends as a kid.
ОтветитьI love Kirsten here. Such a strong personality.
ОтветитьThis show started strong but then just descended into a bad LSD trip, totally losing the plot and just being weird.. Kirsten was stunning tho
ОтветитьSo much love for kirsten here. I thought her finest role was in fargo season 2. I highly recommend to everyone to watch it if you haven't yet. She definitely deserves way more kudos.
ОтветитьThe Oscar Goes to... KRISTEN DUNST...
ОтветитьTill episode 4 was doing good..after that never see that much of BS in my life in a show...
ОтветитьEnjoying this and first thing I've really liked Kersten Dunst in.
I was involved with a well known MLM for a short time and well known bible cult preaching the end of the world (30+ yrs)
The MLM had infiltrated my religious cult, just like the series lol.
One is a cult of destribution with dream of 'financial freedom' the other a religious cult with the dream of 'everlasting life in paradise earth'
Both are brainwashing cults!.... it took me years to realise I was chasing dreams.
This is spot on in a dramatic comedic way but we get the underlying message....
Wake up people! 🤓
Kristen Dunst is incredible!
ОтветитьPeople from Florida DON’T have a SOUTHERN accent.😳😊 otherwise good show.
ОтветитьAbsolutely brilliant.
ОтветитьThis series was worth 3 showtime shows. Whoever decided to walk back the production after Covid definitely lost the company millions. The cast alone made the series top tier.
Ответитьwhy tf does HBO cancel the best shows...this is why I stopped paying for that channel and damn them all too cocksucking hell for cancelling DEADWOOD....this was not the actual comment I ment to leave the actual comment I ment to leave was for mark and tammy Crawford.. this trailer was my life and thanks to them my life was cancelled too...those tapes 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
ОтветитьThis was the same Sony pictures entertainment portraying Mary Jane Watson from Spider-Man
ОтветитьI really enjoyed this show wish there was a season 2, - 10 HBO we need this show back
ОтветитьKirsten got milk 🍼🍼
ОтветитьAs someone who grew up in Polk County, literally central Florida, this show is amazing lmao
Winter Haven
Haines city
Phenomenal series!
ОтветитьGreat trailer! I love dark comedy and this looks very entertaining. I have a thousand channels, numerous streaming services, except SHOWTIME. I'll definitely figure something out.
ОтветитьPlease make another series now, surely it is okay to make another series now as the reason they didn't make season 2 was due to covid, surely they could continue now, really need another season of this please !!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьBAGICF existed for 1 Season on Showtime in 2019, but will become a Cult Classic, fondly remembered, and scenes recited verbatim, in about 40 years. I appreciated the cultural relevance, and approach the actors took to audacious content. Dunst may have lead the press releases, but this is very much an ensemble experience. French Canadian actor Theodore Pellerin’s youthful exuberance, and kinetic physicality towards scenes, boarders on engrossing, and revolting, most often concurrently. We feel a sense of imminent doom at Mel Rodriguez’ character, his naivety, which develops into a desperate attempt to fulfill his dreams, as we are with him as he attempts to brainwash himself. The oxygen in the room decreases with each moment of poor judgment his character exercises, or is it the humidity of Central Florida. Ted Levine’s character, while mythically at the center of the plot, is an aloof presence we hear more than we see, via engrossing, but deeply disturbing audio recordings, seemingly authoritarian, familiar, foreign, reaching, and comforting. We, the audience, want to believe, despite our logical concerns, that through his Cult of Personality we can achieve our purest and most successful potentials. The viewer’s mind could, if this were a lesser show, wander into the true life horrors Multi - Level Marketing Schemes, but there is little if any bandwidth for such concerns. Ordinary environments, such as a suburban garage, are elevated into places we do not know, or care to know, when we see what initially appears to be thick, black motor oil, but which we realize is blood…of a reptile…and then we accept the colloquialism that is Central Florida, the area the show is set in. As the Season progressed, scenes became more elaborate, both literally, and figuratively, which I felt was mostly an unnecessary distraction from the meat of a good plot, but which, again I have to overall applaud, for taking such risks, which we don’t often indulge in, in mainstream media content, is not common. This show is best watched in quick succession, with the realization that Season 2, and many unanswered questions will never be realized, but like Contemporary or Modern Art, this may not initially speak to you, or seem relevant, but it is, in fact, an important slice of Americana. ❤
ОтветитьI got so into this show. It got odd in the end
ОтветитьUnderrated show.