Rich Kids of IRAN - The Richest Neighborhoods in Tehran 2023 Walking Vlog ایران

Rich Kids of IRAN - The Richest Neighborhoods in Tehran 2023 Walking Vlog ایران

Reza and Mahsa Travellers

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Reza and Mahsa Travellers
Reza and Mahsa Travellers - 29.04.2023 22:27

Dear friends, thank you very much for watching our video. Subscribe to our channel to see new videos. We Love You 😍❤🌹

Billy Saulnier
Billy Saulnier - 27.09.2023 00:26

I’m completely dumbfounded by how clean and modern your country looks like. Americans are led to believe Iran is hostile and kinda savage like, and they also lead Americans like me to believe that your very ruthless or strict towards the women in your country, and being I have a little girl the thought of Grown Men beating their women or being nasty towards them has always angered me but I see hundreds of smiling beautiful women looking like they are happy and that’s the way it should always be! Western Media has lied to me! Seems like our societies should get along just fine! I don’t get it… 🇺🇸

Stefi - 25.09.2023 16:51

It feels so nice to see how much relaxing the atmosphere looks like.
I have to admit, as a Western European person, this reality is 100 % different from what our medias show us here, about Teheran.
Watching this video, the Capital of lran looks like every Worldwide Metropolis (apart of Pyongyang and other exceptions), with a meltin pot of heritages, fashion and beautiful people 💗.
Many thanks from me, God bless you ! Greetings from 🇮🇹💗.

SoCal Jarhead
SoCal Jarhead - 23.09.2023 22:40

I can’t wait for the coming revolution. Iran’s oil and vast natural gas reserves can finally be opened to the free world, thus bringing the greedy and barbarous Saudis to their knees. Non secularism will return to Iran within 10 year’s time.

Hank Ramo
Hank Ramo - 13.09.2023 06:21

And they export their “revolution” to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. They destroyed so many countries with their hypocrisy.

goran bilic
goran bilic - 09.09.2023 20:34

iran is cool...they look like europians

Daphne Carpenter
Daphne Carpenter - 08.09.2023 07:44

I'm curious why you spend so much time at malls and shopping centers in these videos? That aspect seems boring for someone watching from a video.

FirojMN ALAM - 05.09.2023 13:26

धैर्य सबसे बड़ी शक्ति हैं 💯 लेकिन दलालों से सावधान और सतर्क रहें 💯🌍🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

John Will
John Will - 03.09.2023 01:04

A serious and hgenuine question - where are the 'morality police' enforcing the wearing of headwear for the women? I thought that was a 'thing' there? It's the main reason my wife won't visit Iran. I have long wanted to come visit (from Australia)

doomie21 - 01.09.2023 14:17

Zijn de vrouwen niet bang dat ze gepakt worden omdat ze geen hoofddoek dragen? Niet dat ik vind dat het moet. Ik vind zelfs dat nergens toe gedwongen mogen worden.

Rap Short
Rap Short - 19.08.2023 10:25

فک کن دوست دخترتو برمیداری میری ی جای گرون که هیچ آشنایی نبینتت، بعد ی نفر اینجوری ازت ویدیو بگیره ک 400 هزار نفر ببینن 😂😂😂

Medista - 18.08.2023 13:42

Man afghanam vali Iran che hali mide entori. Heif.

Alexander Louie
Alexander Louie - 18.08.2023 01:30

It’s funny, these scenes could be in Stockholm, Paris, London or anywhere, young people are the same everywhere.

Mersad Husseini
Mersad Husseini - 15.08.2023 03:02

یه پراید همه جا هس🤣

One punch man
One punch man - 14.08.2023 21:32


Minaj - 14.08.2023 10:39

خیابونای داغون فرسوده بالاشهر تهران که شبیه دوقوز اباده، تیپها و استایل عوام مردم بالا شهر تهران که هیچ مکتبی نداره و از هر سبکی یه تیکه تنشونه و برا مهمانی شب یا شام با تیپ با تیپ باشگاه میرن😆😆😆والا جز چنتا ماشین مدل بالا هیچی لاکچری تو ویدیو نبود

dosadansi - 13.08.2023 14:22

Islamic Republic of Iran. LOL 😂🤣

Mostaque Ali
Mostaque Ali - 13.08.2023 14:10

No headscarves.

armin khalili
armin khalili - 10.08.2023 11:23

رفیق پاساژهایی که میری لطفا موقعه ورود اسم پاساژ هم بنویس

Yesus Kristosis
Yesus Kristosis - 03.08.2023 09:30

Why are you tryng to portray 🇮🇷ladies women wearing tight yoga pants with short shirt exposing 🇮🇷 tummies... When non of the 🇮🇷ladies in your videos are wearing one???

Sahar Nejad
Sahar Nejad - 28.07.2023 10:22

سلام وقت بخیر اینجا کدوم پاساژ هست؟

yalda torab
yalda torab - 25.07.2023 16:04


A jay
A jay - 17.07.2023 13:42

is there vapes in iran?

Giorgos Karkanis
Giorgos Karkanis - 15.07.2023 14:34

μου θύμισε την Περσία του Σάχη

Lath Harris Landry Essoh
Lath Harris Landry Essoh - 15.07.2023 03:11

56 The tunnel is the path to Satan's paradise. The tunnel is the hole of the pit of hell, and the light at the end of it is Satan disguised as an angel of light. I say this to you as your prophet. You are free not to believe me but whatever your religion or belief, I am your prophet just as the president of a country is the president of all the people of that country including the opposition. Seeing visions in broad daylight with open eyes, telling people about the dreams they saw with details including what they forgot, if I am not a rasul, a maharishi or a prophet, then who am I?

57 Reject me and be pious in your religions, but on the day of your death you will enter into the tunnel of your religion which is the pit of the abyss with a light at its end which is Satan. You will have the impression that you are ascending to heaven in that tunnel as you descend into the depths of the pit of the abyss. You know that according to the position of the earth, you can walk with your head turned upside down without knowing it. Be pious in your religions, distribute your goods to the poor, believe in your dead prophets and your religions and all your holy books from one end to the other, and put into practice all that is in them, but on the day of your death, you will see a soft and white light at the end of a tunnel, and that light will draw you to it, and when you reach it, behold, it will be Satan, the prince of the abyss.

Aman Djoman
Aman Djoman - 14.07.2023 01:47

20 I have told the inhabitants of the earth that if someone goes to Heaven by bypassing the public confession then that will mean that I am a false prophet. And when Moses told the Jews what they had to do in case of sin, God would not hear a prayer in Heaven except if that prayer was made according to the word of Moses.

21 I have told them that after the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, no one could receive Salvation except by believing in Jesus through the prophets that He promised according to Matthew 23:34-35. In Matthew 16, the Lord Jesus Christ said that the Church would be built upon the revelation of who He is. That is to say that in your time, the Lord Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to you through a prophet and you must discern, like Peter, that this prophet is the Christ, the son of the living God. And that today, for the forgiveness of your sins, you cannot reach the blood of Christ at Golgotha except through the public confession that I have instituted. I have told them that when they hear about me, Kacou Philippe, they must believe and go to the baptism of the restitution and from there, confess their future sins before the whole Church.

22 I have told them that all the worships on the earth, it is the devil from one end to the other. Judaism is the set of Jewish customs and religions. Islam is the set of Arab customs and religions. Christianity is the set of customs and religions of Europe. They are pagan worships. Jews, Arabs, Africans, Hindus and every people of the earth had their customs and traditions. But until now, despite everything I have preached, Africans do not know that Islam and Christianity are no better than voodoo. And also, until now, Africans think that the Jesus Christ of the Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical and Branhamist churches is greater than Simon Kimbangu and Oschoffa.

26 I have told them that God the Creator has nothing to do with everything they do in their temples, churches, mosques and synagogues. As long as it is not a work of God's own hands by a living prophet, He will vomit it up. Before God, the best preaching of a priest, pastor, imam or rabbi is like the water from Satan's septic tanks that gushes out on those who listen to them. I have explained to them that everything they do in their temples, churches and mosques, the Jews produced better ones since Moses but God has never accepted that. I have explained everything to them, they understand but it is You that they do not want.
9 You cannot serve God unless you are the echo of what Prophet Kacou Philippe is saying. It is in the virtue of the heavenly mandate that I received from the Angel and the Lamb on April 24, 1993 that I say these things. And the Heaven and the earth cannot make this a lie. Neither in the present century, nor in the century to come.

Landry Kossonou
Landry Kossonou - 14.07.2023 00:40

8 The God of Israel is different from the god of the Arabs around Israel. And our God is different from the god of the churches which are around us. And these Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, and all those that you see around us, they are Iraqis, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, Pakistanis and Arabs around us. Israel, it is the valley of the prophets and a son of God follows a living prophet because the prophet is the mouth of God on earth. The Bible is the book of the books of the prophets and a child of God cannot live outside of a living prophet. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.114v20]

Amenan Yao
Amenan Yao - 13.07.2023 22:54

4 And wanting to read the Quran, I spoke to a Muslim to get the best French version of the Quran. But he told me, "The Quran only exists in Arabic, all the translations that you will find are false. Start by learning Arabic little by little if you want to read the Quran". I asked him: "So Arabic cannot be translated?". He said, "Arabic can be translated, but it’s the Quran that can’t be translated." I was sad. Then I asked him if he spoke Arabic and if he had already read the Quran. He said, "No, I don't speak Arabic. I have not yet read the entire Quran". I said, "But what did you believe in then?". He didn't answer me anymore. I then understood that something was not clear.

SOUNAN JOEL KONE - 13.07.2023 17:30

19 There is no good religion on the earth, and no religion can lead a man to God. I am not telling you that you have to leave one religion to go to another religion. Salvation is to follow the living prophet of your time, and I am this prophet, I that speak to you. I am not a Christian prophet. I just have a Christian accent by birth just as I also have this skin colour and an African accent by birth. I am the prophet of all the religions, languages, nations and races of the earth. [Kc.13v30] [Kc.136v23] [Kc.144v73]

Gnaly Gnaly
Gnaly Gnaly - 13.07.2023 15:44

5 الضفادع لها عيون على رؤوسها. وهذا أن يروا ما فعله الله في الماضي قبل أن يولدوا ويمكنهم أن يروا ما سيفعله الله فيالمستقبل بعد وفاتهم ي ي ط ط إنه شيطان الإسلام واليهودية والمسيحية. وبكاء الضفدع هو "صدق صدق صدق ..." مثل صرخةالغراب. إنه دين والديك ، يجب أن تؤمن ، تؤمن وتؤمن ، هذا كل شيء! إذا ذهبوا إلى الجحيم ، يجب أن تذهب إلى الجحيم. الضفادع لا تمشي بل تقفز من النبي الميت إلى النبي الميت. وذات يوم ، عندما أموت ، سوف يقفزون للنزول هنا. يسير الرب يسوعالمسيح بين المصابيح الذهبية السبعة ، لكن الضفادع تقفز من قبر إلى قبر. من قبر موسى إلى قبر الرب يسوع المسيح. من قبرمارتن لوثر إلى قبر جون ويسلي. من قبر جون ويسلي إلى قبر ويليام برانهام. وذات يوم ، بعد وفاتي ، سيصلون إلى قبري. [Kc.9v33] [Kc.16v8] [Kc.40v16]

6 أنا ، النبي النبي كاكو فيليب، ، الذي تحدث إليكم ، لقد ولدت وعشت على الأرض وفي يوم ما سأغادر الأرض. لكن هناك شيئينلم أفهمهما على الأرض. أولاً ، الشذوذ الجنسي ، حقيقة أن الرجل يتزوج رجلاً وثانيًا ، حقيقة أنه من أجل الخلاص ، يقود الرجالالقساولةاوا

Henri rosaire Esssoh
Henri rosaire Esssoh - 13.07.2023 12:54

3 Judaism has known and preached four ages according to Daniel 7, after which the Messiah would come. There was the age of the lion with the rise of the Babylonian empire, then the age of the bear with the Medo-Persian empire, then the age of the leopard with the World Greek empire and finally, the age of the nameless beast with the Roman empire. Does it mean that from Daniel to the end of the world, there will be only four prophets on the earth? You see? Linking an age to only one prophet, it is the work of a demon. Mankind has known ages: the Neolithic age, antiquity, the Middle ages, etc… and in an age, there can be tens of generations and each generation comes with its king. It is the same for Salvation. Each generation comes with its prophet messenger. Thus is it of the Church ages. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

AKISSI KOUASSI - 13.07.2023 11:22

69 يا إله النعمة والرحمة ، أنه بهذا الدعاء يتكلم البكم ، ويرى الأعمى ، والمشي المشلول وجميع أنواع الأمراض. أن شهادات فوائدك تغمر الأرض كلها وأن الضوء الذي ظهر في 24 أبريل 1993 يراه جميع سكان الأرض مثل الشمس. يرجى فتح أعين جميع سكان الأرض حتى يعرفك الجميع.

levani gudushauri
levani gudushauri - 05.07.2023 04:11

do u see anything "made in Russia?...why the government of this country is so friendly to putler?😕

مغربي اصيل
مغربي اصيل - 02.07.2023 17:06

How beautiful is Dhahran! The civilized and elegant Iranian people and their women, God willing, are beautiful

Brittany Diaz
Brittany Diaz - 25.06.2023 02:28

The Iranians are a beautiful people.

A Patel
A Patel - 25.06.2023 02:26

Wow iran is nothing like they describe in western media

Александр Герасименко
Александр Герасименко - 24.06.2023 19:16

Интересное видео 👍Я не знал что в Иране много красивых девушек.

TDC - 23.06.2023 16:27

iran has been a joke since 1800s feel sorry for them been victim of colonisation

Scott Mescudi
Scott Mescudi - 20.06.2023 09:03

men of cultures.

Mhoadiev de la Paz
Mhoadiev de la Paz - 17.06.2023 07:09

The woman with big 🍑 gets me here😆

GAM-BREAK - 16.06.2023 17:43

دیوثا تو ایران کانتنت میسازین!!

Danny - 16.06.2023 04:49

can i purchase alcohol? asking for a friend

LateNight Rituals
LateNight Rituals - 14.06.2023 10:11

Finally someone showing the other part of tehran that no one sees

masoud_persian1989 - 14.06.2023 09:46

آقا رضا دمت گرم از ویدیو ، ولی شما از منطقه یک و دو و سه یکم پایین تر هم بیا فداتشم ، همه جای دنیا حتی لبنان و سوریه مناطق مرفه همینجوری هست ، البته من لذت میبرم این چیزهارو می‌بینم ولی این فیلم ها فقط یک دهم درصد کل ایران هم نمی‌شه آیا کل ایران همینه؟؟

oeckstei - 14.06.2023 08:49

This is almost like “Beverly Hills, CA” with more Persians 😂 Had know idea women could walk freely without a covering their heads and faces. Are the modesty laws pretty relaxed? Or is the media exaggerating certain aspects of the culture/ laws.

بكاء رجل
بكاء رجل - 13.06.2023 15:26

ان شاء الله يتم تدميرها وترجع 100سنة الى الوراء مثل ما دمروا العراق

ندا نعیمی
ندا نعیمی - 13.06.2023 10:43

لطفا چهره مردم معلوم نباشه طوری فیلم بردارید چون شما اجازه نگرفتید مخصوصا خانم ها شاید دلشون نخوادد❤

СВЕТ СВЕТ - 12.06.2023 18:42

How come their hair not covered? Isn’t it obligated to cover women’s hair?🤔

Kaikis Efstathios
Kaikis Efstathios - 12.06.2023 14:04

Wenn alles Materie ist, geht der Geist spazieren!!!
