Jimmy's Solution to Redskins Controversy - with Fred Willard

Jimmy's Solution to Redskins Controversy - with Fred Willard

Jimmy Kimmel Live

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@hamzagamaleldin8128 - 31.03.2021 16:36

Rest in Peace Fred Willard (1933-2020)

@mikepatrick5909 - 23.08.2014 08:34

They should change their name to the werewolves. the Werewolves of Washington sounds cool.

@directmotions8052 - 21.07.2014 20:19

The Redskins are my favorite NFL team and I have so much stuff of that team name and logo, I honestly do not want them to change the name!

@meganjoyce7259 - 17.07.2014 04:29

Well, if they have to change the Washington Redskins, then they also need to change Kansas City Cheifs and Atlanta Braves.....

@THEJIGGADREWSHOW - 29.06.2014 02:18

Fred would kick Jimmy's ass..

@VideoNozoki - 26.06.2014 17:58

"Washington Warriors" - and don't even need to change the logo. 

@toejam4419 - 26.06.2014 05:03

Put a Q in front of redskins and just say "the Q is silent"

@schlafanzyk - 25.06.2014 10:51

"Ti" or "Bo" would work

@schlafanzyk - 25.06.2014 10:46

How about Inbredskins? You know, as a term of endearment towards the cousin-loving white community...

@richiesmith2292 - 24.06.2014 11:57

I'm petitioning the New York Giants and the  San Francisco Giants to change their name.  It's offensive because i'm tall

@WhiteFangOfTheLeaf - 24.06.2014 09:33

Just change it to an actual tribes name instead.

@mosesezean820 - 23.06.2014 15:56

This is quite a show

@MRimREALLYkool - 23.06.2014 15:44

No one is offended by the name redskins obviously.
It's just the lawyers trying to get rich.

@goldy2372 - 23.06.2014 12:54

I do not find the Redskins name offensive at all. I think people are just to sensitive nowadays.

@jos7886 - 23.06.2014 07:39

They've already asked countless Native American organizations if they found the team name offensive. Surprise!! They didn't. The only people that are up in arms are those that are ignorant and in the white guilt crowd, people that want to blow up social media like the virtual activists they are, and tell us what we should be offended about.

@Thomazealot - 23.06.2014 05:29

Seeing as the word "Redskin" was first used by Native Americans as a word for themselves, I don't understand why people keep saying it is an insult. It isn't. Plus, I would also love to have a team name themselves after a name for my family (that my family would come up with).

@riley9787 - 22.06.2014 21:03

Hey Native to this Land Don't have ipads to go onto polls they have a real life shit to worry about. I suggest we all go to talk to one. I am I don't want to be on just westerners for them and those are just actors screaming like that? Wo they hell told them to have them screamed that.

@orcaluv - 22.06.2014 20:36

Redskins is not a racial slur. people who have any idea of native american History know this. people just gobble up whatever the media tells them. We going after Aunt Jemima next cause some Politician has nothing else better to do? With all the issues, they choose this. another reason Govt is inept and needs a check. 

@TheMdm4real - 22.06.2014 20:15

Ppt t. !I. , I a, td. YyjoookyjpykjpkjvKMo

@tysond64 - 22.06.2014 01:54

Except Fred Figglehorn. Everyone just wants to keep pretending that he never existed. Although, for good reasons, of course!

@TakeDetour - 21.06.2014 22:15

I think most native Americans know that these teams are named this way because of a deep admiration for the toughness and bravery they think of  them as possessing. It's actually a compliment. 

@STDrepository - 21.06.2014 12:59

The democrats poll numbers are  bad and the elections are coming up so that is why they came up with the redskins controversy.

@cards1985 - 21.06.2014 11:31

Right Said Fredskins! Very funny.

@deanbailey2702 - 21.06.2014 08:41

They should change the name to Blackfoot

@GetAJob1234 - 21.06.2014 07:30

I have some Native American blood in me and I think this is dumb nobody cared 20 years ago and now people start giving a crap.

@tbone9603 - 21.06.2014 05:46

All the Washington Redskins have to do is change their mascot to a potato. That's all. Problem solved. The Washington Redskins referring Redskin to the Redskin Potato. No one or no potato should get offended over this. Oh wait, maybe Mr and Mrs Potato Head will get offended, damn didn't think about them. I think they are more like baked potatoes, so we should be good. Ok that's the answer. The Washington Redskins can keep their name, just have to change their LOGO to a spear, which it use to be, or something different that's on their helmets now. Maybe the letter R would also work. Problem solved.

@StarCrusher. - 20.06.2014 22:08

Fred Willard is awesome.

@IamTheBuckethead - 20.06.2014 21:48

Funny stuff. :)

@red33176ytv - 20.06.2014 21:30

exactly one of the strengths and problems with democracy EVERYBODY HAS A VOICE even the assholes who get easily offended over the simple stuff

@revelationgirlstuff - 20.06.2014 20:39

So ridiculous.  People are so overboard on being offended or perceiving offensiveness.  So now every team from Little League to the National levels of every sport has to think through whether their name is offending someone, anyone, anywhere??? stupid.

@nickgagliano7024 - 20.06.2014 18:58

but it wasnt offensive to fight them, take their land and give them disease infested blankets. force them onto areas of land that are not suitable to there lifestyle. But a name, wow so offensive. 

@interneda98 - 20.06.2014 18:53

I'll like because Freddie Mercury was mentioned :) 

@3DaiYo4Kai56 - 20.06.2014 17:36

Too bad Fred Ward didn't show up

@RW32285 - 20.06.2014 17:05

They need to rename them to the Dreddskins and have Judge Dredd be their mascot.

@armadillolover99 - 20.06.2014 16:51

I thought he was gonna write "I love Redskins"

@angelotortorici6923 - 20.06.2014 15:21

Miami dolphins

@lamaddussa - 20.06.2014 13:01

isn't there a red teletubby or something they could use as the new redskin? i agree that the term in its current use is offensive and unacceptable.

@HyperSole - 20.06.2014 12:25

The simple solution is changing the name to the Washington Pigskins.

@Drogas3653 - 20.06.2014 11:40

