Let's Play Diablo 2 - Trap Assassin [Nightmare] | Guided Playthrough

Let's Play Diablo 2 - Trap Assassin [Nightmare] | Guided Playthrough


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@stevesutton772 - 05.05.2023 03:32

I used to play this game! You ever play it before? You're pretty good!

@paintherisen7530 - 05.05.2023 03:46

Thanks for releasing this. I have wondering what the respec looked like since the death sentry nerf

@MindlessTube - 05.05.2023 03:55

D2 getting the D3 treatment why i stopped playing making everything easier specially with those new charms.

@chill_fridge - 05.05.2023 04:46

I like combat woman when she grunts

@KxNGFeel - 05.05.2023 05:33

I love when Mr Llama gives me the clap

@thomasclark3080 - 05.05.2023 08:45

Does anyone know if mosaic is available non ladder now?

@thafutureonline619 - 05.05.2023 09:27

We need the physical bowazon 😊

@EagleBreasts - 05.05.2023 09:53

If you need a Jah - do P1 to P4 Cows. (Yes, that low) They are rare, but trust me, it will drop sooner or later.
If you need a Ber - do P7 LK. But here's the thing.. instead of just going for the chests, kill the annoying monsters around the area, specially the boss packs! The annoying "Rats" ( can't remember the name) are a good kill for a Ber rune.
Need a Vex? Go to The Sewers in Kurast Bazar, just rush to the chests under the sewers (the place where you get the Kalims heart ((I think it's the heart)) ). And just pop the chests on P8. You can roll a nice map. Be careful with Dolls.
If you're a Javazon, and you're looking for your "god-like" javelins just go to Upper Kurast, P7, and start popping everything you see. The weapons drop there easily!
One last thing 🙂 If you have a sorceress, or any other character that can teleport, try the "Swampy Pit"! I know, I know.. but just read this lol Rush to the 3rd floor, and pop the tombs that are situated in the middle, the side, and the special ones in the back. These last ones are side by side in a row, you can't miss them. Finally pop the special chest that's also there. Do this on P5! If you go up, the goodies will not come as much. What do you get there? Find out :) Btw.. don't try to "flex" in the Swampy Pit.. 🌝

@Spiedies. - 05.05.2023 10:07

I would love to see the new summon druid since it can summon all the things now, that or fury/rabies...I like the druid just not the elemental tree 😜

@gaddyric - 05.05.2023 11:09

Playing a fire trap assassin must have been a real wake up call : D

@schwarzertee7586 - 05.05.2023 16:23

The thing with "skip campaign" is... well... I get it? I love D2 because its pacing is phenomenal and you never really feel like slugging through shit. like, dialogues are optional, there are no lengthy cutscenes and all that shit.

I stopped playing PoE for 2 reasons:

1. too much. every league a new mechanic on top, it's just overwhelming for someone who can "only" play a few hours a day.
2. replaying campaign.

so many dialogues and animations and shit to watch and its not even good! i am so fucking bored by this whole thing and it's a shame really.

@meliodasgakill4282 - 06.05.2023 22:36

I agree somewhat on the rush concept in terms of how you described it. Ya granted yo can get rushed and not spend the time to play the game machine your character after skill/stat reset and just go with the story
But at the same time getting rushed to have a character with enough mf and skill and stats and stuff is nice so you can mf for friends and stuff and work on let's say a grail but I do wish that when D2 was remastered, they would've added more cut scenes and didn't kill Natalya. Kind of rambling but the free nigma thing u spoke of I believe used to be the old jamella hack back in the day

@bluearchon2002 - 07.05.2023 23:18

Love the shopping music!

@arthurtaczanowski1473 - 08.05.2023 03:48

So many mistakes and lama knows so much. Pathetic really.

@antontochka - 08.05.2023 21:18

So assassin and Nova has the same voiceline. “They never see me coming” nice blizzard

@catgaming9791 - 09.05.2023 17:13

Another great stream. Another 2 hours of my life spent watching instead of playing! Cheers.

@scottmadsen9964 - 09.05.2023 23:58

Mrllama i have been subbed for awhile now and i was wondering if you could do a run with a bowazon that was becoming a fazon because i am in nm on my character and don't have a lot of MF atm but need gear to get through hell

@brantbiggs - 13.05.2023 11:05

i wouldnt push the button

@owendavis3500 - 31.05.2023 12:06

Dropped a hellplague long sword in my playthrough 2 to fire skills very fast attack speed

@aaronmaldonado1056 - 06.06.2023 21:29

Pvp kick assassin or I'm not impressed.

@xLilKirax - 20.06.2023 02:32

I don't dislike the idea of rushing sometimes, BUT I do like to be able to play through with people because it gets fun just questing with friends/randoms. But it seems like as soon as you're online, all people wanna do is rushing, no one wants to play normally. I can make a game called "Walk N to Hell" and lots of people will join but as SOON as someone joins and says "Rush?" Everyone else is like YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH, and now my chance for a fun run is gone and I just go back to single player or log off entirely cause I wanted to play with people. It's awful. Of course I know I can put a level requirement, but even then some people will say "Hey if I made a rush game can someone rush me after?" And everyone will again go YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Then after so many times I eventually relent and get rushed, but I don't feel accomplished and it's not always fun. If you are just starting and have no end game stuff, walking is a great way to get geared at least a bit to farm and its a great and fun way to play. It's just basically now if you wanna do that, you might as well just have to play single player. No point playing Solo online honestly, can't increase players for better exp/drops, if you join games to try and get drops, all the loot is gone in a nanosecond, it just feels bad

@Krullsmash - 27.06.2023 21:41

Me still farming nightmare countess when I look over to see Llama already in Chaos Sanctuary

@thebigblueviolence - 28.06.2023 06:54

I did a blind build on kicksin til NM, it was brutal, transitioned to chain traps and physical and boy I'm terrible at builds but it's been fun learning nonetheless

@JRsuper24 - 03.07.2023 05:56

im level 61 with way better gear and i feel like im not doing ANY DAMAGE in act 5. wut the heck

@MrZooop - 08.10.2023 20:24

oh my gosh! i can hear you now! lol. i've had my volume jacked way up this whole time!

@robertdumke6467 - 24.12.2023 02:47

Love the build for the game but pvp nope can’t prebuff lol

@mikegoldscher5978 - 19.01.2024 06:21

Playing along with you and on my first nm countess kill I got an ort Amn and sol

@eddienash2095 - 18.05.2024 03:55

I wouldnt mind having to play through D4 campaign if you could actually twink your character...But because the items are all level scaled I hate the game for that reason. I want to drop a level 30 unique that I can use at endgame! I don't want it to be obsolete because the Level scaling makes me have to change gear every 3 levels!
