Reverse-Flash Powers and Fight Scenes - The Flash Season 1 - 3 and Legends of Tomorrow Season 2

Reverse-Flash Powers and Fight Scenes - The Flash Season 1 - 3 and Legends of Tomorrow Season 2

Rafael Ridolph

1 год назад

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@user-fm3kg5ns6q - 23.11.2023 01:20

poor cisco tho his seen more phasing hands then barry saw his mum

@Norbert29 - 30.09.2023 07:14

Que buen revers-flash que clase de cgi que sonido y que actuaciones ñ, hasta leyenda del mañana era bueno.

@jaredconley808 - 18.09.2023 20:41

Eobard Thawne : Is that you, Flash?

Barry Allen : [remaining in the shadows] Why do you hate me so much?

Eobard Thawne : I didn't always. I was obsessed with you. For so long, I wanted to be The Flash. I spent years figuring out how you came to be. Duplicated the reaction... and it worked. I became like you.

Barry Allen : Right, so what happened?

Eobard Thawne : This ability to travel through time revealed a truth. My fate was to become your greatest enemy. I was never going to be The Flash, so I became the reverse of everything that you were. The more people you saved, the more you were loved, the more I had to take from you.

Barry Allen : That is why you killed my mother? That's why you ruined my life? Because you couldn't be me?

Eobard Thawne : I BECAME BETTER THAN YOU! I am the one thing you cannot stop, Flash!

Barry Allen : No. No, no. Not anymore. Our race is over. And you lost.

Eobard Thawne : I've learned what time period you're from, Flash. And one day soon, I'll learn your name.

@Killer76707 - 16.09.2023 21:45

If you pause it while flash and thawne are fighting after thawne escaped if you pause it at the right time his flash symbol is white in the back round

@HENNY_22 - 05.09.2023 19:38

Tom in suit and matt out of suit

@namishjain9238 - 31.08.2023 12:27

Imagine what Barry felt all of S1.

The man saves 100s of lives every week but can't beat the man who killed his mom and sent his dad to jail. Absolutely heart-breaking. Then to save him, 2 other people had to give their lives. This is the worst thing that could happen to a hero. Thawne really us and will always be his greatest enemy.

@PhfashionschoolAda-fx2ue - 22.07.2023 18:19

The writers really focused on tom because he a much more comic accurate goat

@ZuresGaming - 10.07.2023 13:55

The first character who says RUN…BARRY…RUN is Henry Allen

@Minyeti18 - 21.06.2023 01:12

Matt > Tom
Change my mind

@benjamini8146 - 17.06.2023 04:31

I love the flash my hero

@benjamini8146 - 17.06.2023 04:31


@benjamini8146 - 17.06.2023 04:30


@hamadkhalifa6104 - 08.06.2023 17:15

Fun fact the reverse flash that was fighting against Barry in his house and also in the stadium is eobard thawne not Harrison wells

@yogeshjeeva253 - 05.06.2023 15:57

These are the seasons where it was about Flash. Later they switched it to Mrs.Flash

@J__T - 01.06.2023 20:03

This video highlights when the Reverse Flash was actually a character with a more thought out goal than "must kill/humiliate Barry Allen". He wasn't just some insane petty villain who could never die. Seasons 1-3 of Flash brought us a terrifying rival stuck in his own machinations. His goal was simply to get home - back to his time and back to his world. Legends of Tomorrow season 2, while being frustratingly long, should have had Eobard succeed in at least one way if they had plans of bringing him back for Flash (they likely only did when they realized just how popular he really was). Those LoT appearances show a man desperate to live and constantly hunted by death; a death which oddly was not his fault nor one he deserved - his ancestor killed himself and thus erased him from everything. He was never born, he was never a child, he never grew up, he never lived. Even the worse of the worse got that (otherwise how would we know they're the worse of the worse). No, this early versions of Reverse Flash (Flash s1-3 & LoT s2) show a villain whose sense of justice is built on ideals we never get to experience beyond "you've been dead for centuries". Of course, later seasons (Flash s4 and onward) skew this viewpoint of Eobard so that his history and quotes don't even make sense. He's now from either the 22nd or 23rd century. He now originally wanted to be a hero and only did so by putting others in danger. He quite literally cannot die from just showing up again in s4 despite the shows literally never giving a reason to this day for that one to the negative speed force resurrecting him over and over again. Eobard became the laughing stock of villains: mildly smarter than Savitar who turned out to be just as braindead as Barry on his best days and only a little bit more threatening than Zoom who should be one of the slowest speedsters when a future Barry comes in contact with s2 Zoom, but whatever. Then Flash said "hey, isn't Eobard's past linked to Barry's past and future", so they brought back Eobard for s8 - except he's actually Eobard from LoT s7 which is actually Eobard from LoT s2 which is actually Eobard from Flash s3 instead of young Eobard from Flash s2, so we still never get to see the full version of Eobard. The Flash fans excuse for this is "it doesn't matter" and they're right if you write it like this where you don't explain anything because it would take away too much screen time from side character C's love story with side character F or too much screen time from Caitlyn Snow as she tries to figure out just how many multiple personalities live inside herself. So, annoyingly, 'younger' Eobard is killed by 'older' Eobard so that Tom Cavanaugh's Reverse Flash can be the big bad all over again except now he's the devil and Barry defeats him not by running really fast but instead by taking a page from the Buddha and becoming enlightened whilst his city is burnt to a crisp. This show is such crap. I only came back to watch Eobard - the 'original' Eobard, not Tom Cavanaugh getting wanked off by the CW showrunner yet again. So then we have s9, which admittedly I did not watch past this single scene, where future (still not the correct future but whatever) Barry is forced back to 'the night' to come into contact with 'original' Eobard and we get some of the worse CGI period and then younger Eobard is like "haha I'm the hero, what's that Barry, it'll ruin me, oh you liar" as though this isn't their very first meeting or something, or that this Eobard should be severely pissed off to the point that standing still and talking to the guy who ruined his life is physically impossible. And then they drop the bomb that killing Nora is a fixed point in time thus saying that this will happen because it always must happen in this way or else cataclysmic consequences occur. All that as though Flashpoint in season 3 was going to have more dire consequences beyond Barry losing his memories and speed, and Wally dying to the Rival whose goal was to prove he was faster than Wally and that was it. Okay. And let's not forget that if killing Nora is a fixed point then I guess Eobard was just straight up lied to his entire upbringing. Oliver Queen dies at 86, nope he was erased and became the Spectre at 30-something; Barry's children are twins named Don and Dawn Allen who later go on to further the bloodline, nope he instead has an older daughter named Nora and a younger son named Bart who both happen to be as bent as the timeline's continuity. So if this is how it was always meant to go, I have two questions. Firstly, why did the newspaper keep changing or was it always supposed to change and if so, for what reason would it need to? Secondly, what did happen to the actual original Eobard? I mean the one who came from another time went back and killed Nora thus creating Thawnepoint. And I don't mean s8's Reverse Flashpoint - Eobard in s1 flashbacks clearly state to Wells that he and his wife are supposed to create the particle accelerator in the future but Eobard needs it to happen a bit earlier. What happened to that Eobard? It's entirely possible he died in LoT season 2 but where did he come from? What happened to him from beginning to end? I'd love to see a show about that, but two things I would need for that to happen. First, dump the writing team. Second, do it in animation and have Matt voice Eobard or someone who sounds like Matt. In animation, we don't have to worry about crap CGI and can visit any set piece that the artist decide to draw. Thanks for the video, I always like original Man in Yellow content.

@marceloperez7212 - 01.06.2023 18:40

Como puede ser q las dos primeras temporadas fueron tan increibles y despues los efectos parecian de power rangers

@kylewarren5268 - 30.05.2023 01:55

If thawnes lightening is red then why does he show up in the yellow streak?

@kaceesnow - 28.05.2023 03:21

The History Books were wrong, Oliver died even before 50

@pooloffriendship - 17.05.2023 15:57

the black flash jumpscare at the end

@ahuskyplaythough3826 - 17.05.2023 07:57

The Legends of Tomorrow Had the Best Speedster Effects, While the Flash Had the Better Story lol.

@owentaylor5721 - 26.04.2023 13:52

I feel like he didn’t need to come back after legends season 2

@ASURAG1 - 21.04.2023 11:49

Season 1 was the best

@imneonfire9386 - 29.03.2023 19:16

Might be a hot take, but reverse flash was significantly more threatening in legends

@siddhu1136 - 17.03.2023 04:47

Remember that black flash is zombie zoom, so legends szn2 finale is the closest we get to zoom vs rf

@ryanleggett1532 - 16.03.2023 11:21

Rory "hey I stole that fair and square"
While reverse flash is right in front of him and shocked and almost killed everyone on the ship 😂😂😂

@HaloManTheSpider - 16.03.2023 09:47

Woman's touch.

@everettparker1313 - 10.03.2023 02:04

This was an Absolutely Amazing video for My All Time Favorite Antagonist’s In The Entire Arrowverse and My Favorite Version of Eobard Thawne/The Reverse Flash. I want to say My Thanks to Tom Cavanagh and Matt Letscher for Bringing This Amazing Character to Live Action. I’m so happy that both of these Amazing Actors are Coming Back to Play him for one final time in Season Nine of The Flash and The Final Season for The Entire Arrowverse.

@thefirstcurse3123 - 07.03.2023 07:47

Tom Cavanagh was born to play Reverse Flash. He did such an amazing job. The younger actor is great too and really embraced the role.

@eisen7533 - 07.03.2023 07:03

The only speedster who uses his powers in full mode

@xoul5752 - 02.03.2023 12:41

Season 1-3 has the best running cgi

@christiandavidrodriguezg9974 - 27.02.2023 05:03

Matt letcher Is Best Reverse flash red eyes evil👍

@stanleylesley2601 - 25.02.2023 16:54

Not that guy these guys

@UnknownGamer070Real - 24.02.2023 17:30

I miss this old Reverse Flash.

@RealReverse13 - 24.02.2023 16:48

I miss seeing Matt Letscher as Thawne

@ReiseLukas - 24.02.2023 14:20

The speedster battles in the first 3 seasons were brutal, it's ashame the action has been practically castrated in later seasons

@itzBlackDenz - 23.02.2023 23:50

Whenever you feel dumb just remember that reverse flash tried to take on Oliver queen in hand to hand combat without his speed

@mohammadali9104 - 20.02.2023 20:08

The v179

@itsyeboipedritovlogs8151 - 19.02.2023 02:57

Pisses me off how they for once camt hVe an epic pbattle

@agentmandonick - 14.02.2023 01:39

When he vibrated his hand near Flash it sparked with orange lightning that means Barry can’t in that stage of his coma can’t be killed by him idk.

@yudhazacharias9377 - 12.02.2023 13:05

Tom is great, really great, but that doesn't mean Matt should get disrespected. Matt is the original face, why should Tom rip Matt's face?
