Fixing Led Zeppelin with Autotune

Fixing Led Zeppelin with Autotune

Adam Neely

2 года назад

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Shea Tiller
Shea Tiller - 25.10.2023 05:54

When that T-Pain effect actually chooses the right notes, it totally slaps sometimes. A version of Respect using that that actually chooses the right notes would absolutely slap imo.

AlwaysGonnaSing - 17.10.2023 00:32

Ooh the T-Pain Ain't No Sunshine sounds pretty sick!

David Wilks
David Wilks - 12.10.2023 23:52

anyone who uses autotune is not a real singer. it takes the soul out of the song. like ai art.

Shovel Man
Shovel Man - 11.10.2023 03:05

let us not forget the character of a quarter step bend purposely used by many greats, typically used between a flat third and a third, which is hinting towards the enigma of minor/major amiguity within a song. thank you for this video. i love the soul of Robert Plant's vocals. please do some Sinatra, how about that virtuosic vibrato in My Funny Valentine?

NickVegas - 06.10.2023 15:40

I want to go back to 1972

Jürgen Erhard
Jürgen Erhard - 20.09.2023 20:06

A bit from the "Mama Neely Interlude"… has somebody studied if the result of Autotune is even possible to achieve by a human singer? I don't mean "be perfect", but the actual physical sounds, can a human singer produce those? I'm pretty sure the physics of the whole singing apparatus has been studied, but the soundwaves that's produced?

Jürgen Erhard
Jürgen Erhard - 20.09.2023 19:43

Autotune removes soul.
Quantization removes groove.

ezza88ster - 20.09.2023 14:22

Btw, I just couldn't listen to the Sinatra one. I won't let you have that one! It's little more than cultural vandalism imo.

ezza88ster - 20.09.2023 14:20

I think that you missed the point, but maybe that's just to create clicks. Anyway I would say that singing with perfect pitch is just a (mental) notion, but carrying a good tune / 'receiving' a good tune is an emotion. Personally, 'I second that emotion' 💜.

Conor S
Conor S - 07.09.2023 09:31

There are 20 year olds that think non autotune sounds wrong. Sad

Daniel Schenker
Daniel Schenker - 02.09.2023 18:04

Melodyne Aretha Franklin sounds like Ariana Grande!

John Johnson
John Johnson - 02.09.2023 15:58

Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous!!

Eduardo Bergamo
Eduardo Bergamo - 01.09.2023 21:57

Autotune gives the same vibe as AI making animation 60 FPS

Daniel stevens
Daniel stevens - 30.08.2023 05:31

Strange i cant tell the diffrence in anything lol

Jeff Jefferson
Jeff Jefferson - 29.08.2023 00:13

i saw a meme that had a picture of robert plant in front of a smoking car and a caption that read you need coolant. i haven’t laughed that hard in a while

Karim Mamdouh
Karim Mamdouh - 24.08.2023 09:40

T-Pain'd Aretha Franklin sounds just like GlaDos from Portal!

Angrytiger - 18.08.2023 07:27

"Fixing Led Zeppelin with Autotune"

Uses program that is essentially a direct competitor to Autotune

Riblet FPV
Riblet FPV - 18.08.2023 03:23

Frankogen Heap!!

MightyNathaniel - 17.08.2023 22:40

Good video demo for confirmation bias, congruence error and many more common bias and faulty reasoning. avoid these biases and fallacies when analyzing, studying, and especially when discussing music: for more benefits and greater experience.

Rather than only noticing things that confirm your preexisting views, you can more clearly see merits
It reduces the likelihood you will dismiss music or make faulty assumptions about quality. Music should be evaluated on its own merits, not biased perceptions.
prevents insular thinking and echo chambers. With less bias, you are open to more views and ultimately more joy. I understand the bias against auto-tuned or heavily produced or digital music, but being open-minded can reveal merits equal to the original or better.

Don't dismiss it as "soulless" and go into it expecting that and creating a self fulfilling prophecy - quality songwriting and musicality alone can still create an emotional experience, even with digital enhancements. Give it a fair listen by itself, not doing a side by side comparison back to back. Really sit back relax and really enjoy getting deep into the listening experience just like you would listen to other things you enjoy or are curious about.
Production choices are artistic decisions too - the use of technology is a creative choice by the musician just as much as a voice or any instrument, in fact with technology the artist has even more control and artistic freedom and choice than ever before. Try to view auto-tune as another instrument of sound just like any other. When the piano was first invented, or when cars were invented, there were many people immediately biased against them complaining or criticizing them and saying they prefer the older previous modality more.
Great music connects across eras and styles - a well-crafted melody or lyric can resonate regardless of genre or production style. Be open to that timeless power. Besides, even the best vocalist right now all use tuning judiciously on nearly everything you listen to, whether you realize it or not yet. If you value authenticity more, you really can get that from a raw live moving performance in the moment with no editing or tuning at all.

Lastly and most importantly, Personal taste is subjective - what sounds robotic to you may sound great to someone else. Artistic merits differ. And you should be careful influencing the audience you are sharing with by suggesting how they should experience it and telling them what to look for and how to feel about things.

Remaining receptive expands your musical horizons. By keeping an open mind, you give inspiring artistry a chance to shine, wherever it may originate. The rewards of newfound appreciation outweigh biases.

M K - 11.08.2023 15:30

Fix your a**, leave legends the way they are
