men turn women ugly? - boyfriend air, baby daddy DNA, toxic relationship face

men turn women ugly? - boyfriend air, baby daddy DNA, toxic relationship face


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Thiacari - 05.11.2023 13:18

In my marriage I became slimmer, more beautiful, healthier, smarter, richer.

Mostly because my husband is a good cook and helps me with routines like going to bed early enough. He makes sure I have time for exercise, hobbiea and holidays, by watching the kids.
Also because my pay fluctuates, but his pay is very stable, so I don't have financial stress.

Ana Regina Coronado
Ana Regina Coronado - 25.11.2023 06:50

Where have you been all my life?

SG - 25.11.2023 01:11

This happens with same sex couples too somehow.

Luiza Canella
Luiza Canella - 23.11.2023 04:06

girl, literally my ex! we had a 3 month relationship and he turned me ugly and sick, my skin was breaking out so much, my immunity was low, i was so worried and stressed. thank god im very very very health oriented and i would never put anything above my health, so as soon as i realized this, i broke up with that dusty mofo and became normal again

WindyWillow - 20.11.2023 17:22

By a similar logic, I wonder if people who dealt with a lot of bullying as kids (like a lot of autistic people do) are generally considered less attractive by others?

Enigma ♩
Enigma ♩ - 19.11.2023 06:40

My boyfriend told me yesterday that when we first interacted he was attracted to my jawline my waist and my body shape and now my jawline and everything is gone ...he say he still loves me and this video us what I really needed that if my jawline or collarbones reducing maybe hes the reason ........

Or maybe im getting lazy

Choforita2323 - 19.11.2023 02:52

Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I swear 😢

dan tan
dan tan - 18.11.2023 10:51

The fathers dna does not make your hair curly. That’s nonsense. It’s most likely the hormones which cause your hair to become more thick, course, and curly as a toddler and a teen. Many people start off as a child with straighter hair that becomes curly around adolescence. And when else do you have a surge in hormones? Pregnancy? Hmmm🤔

bibitchinha - 18.11.2023 07:03

Crisean rock and jaiden Alexis looked 10x better before bluface (super random but just an example)

A - 18.11.2023 02:34

Love thisss❤❤❤

Bradley B
Bradley B - 18.11.2023 00:48

Although I'm gay, this information still rings true.
Never give, give, give. I'm beautiful, excellent and smart and have a good reputation so by him being near me; I uplift him and make him look better by proxy. Eventhoguh this relationship won't work, I won't get mad I'll get paid. Off to his house in New York girlies 🥳

Rosey Posey Sims
Rosey Posey Sims - 17.11.2023 18:13

Toxic family can make you ugly and toxic jobs too

lovely wizard
lovely wizard - 17.11.2023 17:05

This is so Practical...
Omg this is so real. We are supposed to sit on the pedestal with no guilty feelings of if we deserve it.
Because obviously we deserve it unapologetically.

Lena Manka
Lena Manka - 17.11.2023 15:08

Sooo curly hair is ugly?

Rose Ficil
Rose Ficil - 17.11.2023 14:46

My male friends pay for me lol.

ASH 🏍 - 17.11.2023 00:03

I’m a teacher and I’ve been so physically ill lately and my skin is so dead ! I started seeing my skin turn grey a lil- and I’m a black girl ! Stress induced ugly and illness is so real
I’m quitting at the end of the year bc it’s an unhealthy relationship and it’s making me unwell

kpophyunjin - 16.11.2023 20:26

Its not just relationships but family too coz i had sever migraines living with my family but when I visited my relatives...ot disappeared.

Blu Box
Blu Box - 16.11.2023 18:15

This is all common sense. Bad environment equals stress, misguided decions, lack of time to take care of yourself, and self sabotage/harm. I will not be using the word ugly because it does not help the situation and only adds to the stress women are put through. Conveniential Attractiveness changes OFTEN and beauty is subjective regardless. It’s not gonna help your mental health being worried about being ugly. When I moved out of my abusive ex’s house I gained weight back, got some color, my skin got better, and I don’t look sad all the time. I was still hot imo when dating my ex but I look so much healthier and happier and that’s what makes me feel hotter and by turn I am more approachable. It’s not “ahHH shitty guys make you ugly” it’s “shitty people take away your health”

Mary Mary
Mary Mary - 16.11.2023 15:13

I stopped looking in the mirror, when I look into one I don’t see myself anymore.

Samantha - 16.11.2023 09:42

I love you

Hebe - 16.11.2023 09:13

Oh god the first part made me cover my mouth in shock for 2 minutes

Tiffany Walker
Tiffany Walker - 16.11.2023 03:37

It makes perfect sense. The baby is the opps

Annalisa Aldrete
Annalisa Aldrete - 16.11.2023 01:30

What if I started getting health problems when I left

Alanaeimonetae - 15.11.2023 22:25

I’ve been seeing the “boyfriend effect” trend & everyone is going “aww the girls are becoming more comfortable in their skin”….. That is not how I see it but maybe its different for everyone😅

Sylvia Kourtney
Sylvia Kourtney - 15.11.2023 21:24

I'm recently single and wanting to level up on all fronts. Being in a relationship made me complacent and lazy and that's all I'm gonna say on that.

Watching this reminded me of the scripture, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favour from the LORD." meanwhile when women get married they come UNDER the law of the husband.

You're giving me the vibes. Subscribed.

ifyouknowyouknow - 15.11.2023 19:02

This is actually so real ...i have dated the most handsome guy in our school...and literally my facial structures were changing and my friends noticed that i started to look like him ...
And after our brakeup ..after 2 years ..i started to date one of my old friend....who was totally ugly (sorry for that but he was in everyone's eye...and not for me at that time) ....and literally like honestly my facial structure changed as him ...i had more dark circles...and became uglier. ..i hope i could put away his DNAs happy that he is not with me ..he was really toxic
I know tgere are more reason

Angie 📛
Angie 📛 - 15.11.2023 11:02

Same here. My toxic husband of 13 years moved out and now after 4,5 years I'm getting complemented that I look so much better ,even I'm older now I look better no more stress pimples all over the Jaw/neck area,skin brighter, my nerve tiks and some OCD rutine stoped as well and even some people from my past asking me If I had something done 😅like a surgery or something.

Jacqueline Jane
Jacqueline Jane - 15.11.2023 02:44

Truth! Took me 20 years to realize this

Anita - 15.11.2023 02:17

This is different. I'm glad it showed up on my feed and I decided to watch it.

Elsabet Desalegn
Elsabet Desalegn - 15.11.2023 00:37

I really admire how intelligent you're and thank you for being our big sis😍

Kelly Kegley
Kelly Kegley - 14.11.2023 23:23

After surviving two seperate abusive relationships that ran over a span of 11 years... I really can't wait to see how much I improve from this point forward. From 14 to 25, on my worst days I feel like they stole every bit of energy and beauty I had for this lifetime.

paloma the reptilian
paloma the reptilian - 14.11.2023 22:52

This happened in my last relationship that lasted 2 years and it ended earlier this year... But it was even worse, I'll explain what happened

So my ex was a feeder, but he never told me that (this is called fetish mining, he didn't had any consent from me) and basically he was extremely invested in feeding me so I could gain as much weight as possible... And he was really manipulative and a weirdo about this, to the point I felt like shit when I refused to eat something he bought without knowing this was a fetish for him

I did gain some weight like he wanted, but not as much as he wanted and he started to get frustrated about this... This was when I found out about this feederism thing, I feel like this literally switched off any love and positive stuff I felt for him in seconds

And yes, I dumped him shortly after (January 2023) bc I couldn't keep with him anymore... I felt so many relief from this, now I've lost all the weight I've gained throughout this 2 years and feeling a lot better overall

I felt so fatigued all the time bc of him, I really felt that he drained my energy away... Also had kidney stones 3 times (despite drinking huge amounts of water) and was diagnosed with endo, although I strongly believe I already had it waaaaay before this relationship, but ofc he made things worse

Now I'm glowing a lot more, still struggling with endo and other chronic health issues, but also way more healthier than before... So glad it ended, he could've killed me in that sick and twisted "fetish" he has

Rekapotato - 14.11.2023 21:29

i wish this episode was translated to many many different languages, so that non-english-speaking girls could understand this too
this was unironically so eye-opening, thank you <3

Wisdom Diva
Wisdom Diva - 14.11.2023 21:19

This is sooooooo crazy because I thought my mother and father may have been relatives (without knowing). They’re not BUT my mom started looking like my dad’s side after me and my brother were born.

Animerose - 14.11.2023 20:28

That poor girl calling her hair ugly because it is curly. Curly hair is not ugly.

Avery - 14.11.2023 20:15

Oh my god. I’m going to break up with him.

Crypto Prophet Guru
Crypto Prophet Guru - 14.11.2023 19:36

It’s so great you are talking about this! It’s true!

Jilly Bean
Jilly Bean - 14.11.2023 19:09

For a while I thought I was crazy but my boyfriend,well my ex now, literally made me lactose intolerant among many other things but that was the one that made me think I was the craziest. Years ago he got out of jail and almost immediately after I found out I was lactose intolerant when I never had been before. This past May after about 5 years of being lactose intolerant we broke up and within a couple of weeks I noticed I was able to eat milk products without the intolerance. Now I drink whole milk again and I fully believe that we are affected on such a deep level by toxicity, we only are scratching the surface.

Pryor B
Pryor B - 14.11.2023 17:42

from experience, this is true.

Elegant Rebel
Elegant Rebel - 14.11.2023 16:36

WORD FROM THE WISE : Before you all go dumping your men becaus he made you ugly... Im almost 50 and frequently get mistaken for my 24 year old daughter... and YES happiness IS the key.. (and yes im single)... but be aware that the stress that shes talking about in this video... can also come from jobs... kids... the mother in law or even society in general. Car stressing you out?... yep.. your car is making you ugly.
Beauty and Youth is just cell division and repair.. and your body repairs less when its stressed.. and more when its happy (its a chemical thing).

Bilja M
Bilja M - 14.11.2023 13:02

So true! I have three months long health scare and in that short scope of time I notice how stress makes me older and uglier day by day. I can't help it but to worry but also I can see how it affects my posture and my poor face which I took care of for so many decades.

JustJoey - 14.11.2023 12:39

I started losing my hair and alot if weight with my ex. It's been 2 yrs and I'm still struggling with my alopecia... Atleast it's getting better.

AlyLaRose - 14.11.2023 11:51

your into is pure Tea

spiderscurry - 14.11.2023 11:10

hahahaahahahahhahahahaha 😂

Soul Is Willing
Soul Is Willing - 14.11.2023 07:37

I just shared this with 5 women I know plus my mother. This literally needs to be sent to all women.

Soul Is Willing
Soul Is Willing - 14.11.2023 07:19

This is good shit yall.

Soul Is Willing
Soul Is Willing - 14.11.2023 06:04

My ex made me mean. Im trying to shake it.

Aliya - 13.11.2023 22:24

Yep, autoimmune decease here💪😂 dumped bf, one year in therapy, lost 20 kg, feeling amazing, so girlies, be wise and value yourself, wish you a very happy life❤️

MynameisElvisPresleygirlsaresexy - 13.11.2023 20:54

I disagree very much with "having no male friends because all they do is drain you". If you're only around men who want to fuck you, then yeah. But good male friends can offer a lot in ways of conversation, their carefree nature, and less judgement. Plus they have the best hypothetical conversations.
