Learning Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2; Orks

Learning Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2; Orks


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@3338machine - 16.10.2024 17:16

Quantity is a Quality all it own

@dragonzd97 - 12.12.2023 13:24

orks just have a awful MU vs nids and necrons who both have mass anti moral abilities that are able to rout your entire fleet easily. psychic scream and the necron BS ability are what come to mind here

@aabatteryalex - 13.07.2023 22:30

As the orks i hit myself with torpedo more than I hit the enemies

@_Meriwether - 31.01.2022 15:50

Gotta love Orks.
"We'z got da Roks, an' da Big Roks, but da best iz da Mega Roks, innit!"

@gustavomolinari7522 - 24.01.2022 01:35

It's a bit of a controversy to have the best close-range fighting species have the slowest ships by far.... I am still trying to learn to play with them, but on multiplayer, everyone just keeps on kiting me.

@JamesLaserpimpWalsh - 31.12.2021 04:39

Green=Best. (Please....no more kicking.) lol. Cheers.

@priestskorge - 24.03.2021 22:30

Dude I just got this game. I never knew it was a warhammer game my first space rta and I am loving it. Such a simple concept but so fun for some reason lol. I could prob see it getting boring in time but for now I'm loving it. Dont know who I want to play though. Who are best for newcomers and I don't want to play the space marine or any of them. I'm most interested in prob orks, tyranids, and chaos

@FrogEnjoyer17 - 16.10.2020 16:02

Dakka dakka dakka

@beastwarsFTW - 12.07.2020 14:19

Who needs brakes!? Just hit the enemy ship!

@nonameguy96 - 28.01.2020 12:40

Wish we could play orks in the campaign

@Wildcat425B - 22.07.2019 09:24

Orks Orks Orks Orks Orks!

When you absolutely need every ship in your fleet to just shit firepower everywhere.

@CarcerH - 08.04.2019 14:56

Yes, good job Oathmaster.

@apostleoffate2028 - 08.04.2019 10:48

Excelent video👍

@TheGreatMoonFrog - 08.04.2019 05:23

Traktor beam is so needed it makes the grind to lvl 10 unbearable. Might as well capitulate as soon as you see you're against eldar.

@Sn1perCat03 - 07.04.2019 23:35

megacannons on lockon is the best so much crit and damage

@davidjones4364 - 07.04.2019 22:49

Breathes in waaaaaaaaaa
