Thanks SJVT❤
ОтветитьTo long for me
ОтветитьNaturally they lied on their reports in order to suit & justify their actions
ОтветитьIs "looking inside your car" a felony or misdemeanor?
Maybe you should do your job better
Qualified immunity has been become corrupted & abused. Some elements of QI I do accept.
Of course they muted the audio. And they get away with it
They had to do their GROUP THERAPY session, of course the sgt goes along with it, they usually do
Retailion, unlawful arrest, fabricated charges.
Look at all the steroid use
ОтветитьCops start out with a lie.
Ответить"We're in a high-crime area".. weird how that works; all those cops milling around, and it's still a high-crime area. It's like cops are completely useless or something.
ОтветитьWhy are they labeled cop watchers or auditors, when simply it’s just a citizen standing on rights.
ОтветитьCops will always abuse any power given to them. Courts still think cops are good faith actors, they're not. They know that if they lie about not knowing a law, they can invoke Qualified Immunity.
Same thing happened with tasers; they were approved for use so there would be less deadly shootings.. cops immediately turned them into torture devices to be used on compliant, cuffed, suspects to punish them for disrespect.
Police dogs were introduced to limit danger to humans, cops immediately turned them into weapons of terror to be unleashed at surrendering suspects. PIT maneuver was created to stop cars without needing to shoot at a moving car, cops immediately turned it into an act of violence itself. Not one of them do it properly, they just ram cars off the road and call it a PIT.
Anything given to them is immediately weaponized.
If they had him sedated to get his prints minus a crime that is a clear 4th amendment violation. Let's also remember that the hospital is now liable for stolen ID. Wow, that is going to cost both of them some serious bucks.
ОтветитьFinally platforming somebody who’s not a SovCit, huh? Also, wtf is with the thumbs up? That some kind of tic?
Ответить5 min 30 seconds, im out!
ОтветитьIt's an AUDIT!!!
GOOGLE the term, and cope!!! They are collecting a Social Welfare Salary off of Our Tax Dollars. We, The People want to see what Our Tax Dollars are going to. Obviously, theis guy is finding:
...and Abuse.
Hey how are you doing? From Senior Citizen Too
ОтветитьBecause he already knows the deal!!!
ОтветитьSo sorry for your trouble brother ! SMFH !!!
ОтветитьEvery little convenience that life brings is an erosion of liberty.
ОтветитьI hired one, he said he would go after these lawyers, he took my 15k and got in bed with them for the 6 million. Oh ya the judge was in on it too, she let them suck my money up with bs and then in 5 min in court said to bad old man. She's a wench thats going to hell, there's a whole website site how this judge stole an old farmers land and put him in jail twice and he's still there for over 20 years, because after the first time he started suing. Do you think she will shed a tear at this old farmers funeral, they built there new justice center on that old farmers land. Hey, you all having lunch on my money leaving me in my old age with the shirt on my back, then wanted me to pay that apposing lawyer 150k, well they got all the money I had, so all you got is me now!
ОтветитьTell the cop i need the mask because of " SWINE-FLU ".
ОтветитьHey SJVT👋👖👀
Ответитьsjvt 1. qi is BS, i’m suing over an in incident in january, The county is claiming qi, trial set in decembe
ОтветитьWhen cops turn off body cams that's tampering with evidence and anything that police have should be throne out.
ОтветитьWow, did I see a blue line flag in the hospital entrance ... guess I know what kind of treatment he get there
ОтветитьClaim the charges on your taxes for all that government is recharging you after we the people have already paid taxes for
ОтветитьToday's police are not different on how German soldiers attacked civilians and were never held accountable until a war was born this is getting to where we the people need the Geneva convention committee and others to see how these criminal cops are committing acts of war aginst Americans and this needs to be addressed especially when government officials see nothing wrong with how Americans are being attackedand k..led by cops just as Hitler and his upper commander did nothing to stop the slaughter of so many civilians this is american government today
ОтветитьHmm I just got this notice 7 hours after posted. 🤔
ОтветитьI love and appreciate ur content!! But 2 hours is to long
ОтветитьWe used to be able to rent them (faces of death) on vhs at blockbuster video