This was Avery from History Scope, thank you for watching!
(I forgot to say that this time)
Hence proved - ethnicity, language, religion, culture, etc .....the so-called pillars for a person's identify.....are actually evils of the human species😂
ОтветитьRead to kill a nation by parenti. This is false on its face
ОтветитьCroatian (enthusiastic) support for the Nazis is ignored in this video.
ОтветитьThe term Yugoslavia still exists, and people use it to avoid having to enumerate all the 1000 smaller countries that emerged from it
ОтветитьIndia has more languages ethnicities religions ect than Yugoslavia had, so that presidents quote doesn’t have much power to it
ОтветитьLove that slavic traditions is depicted with alcohol😂
ОтветитьSerb Chetniks and Israeli Zionists are the same. They got ethnically cleansed by fascists and then they take their "revenge" on Muslim Civilians.
ОтветитьWhich role played the Americans /Europeans in the 1990s in creating internal conflicts ?????? Was tge same as now in Ucraine??????
ОтветитьToday, Croatia is ethnically cleanest state of Balkan.
That's not surprising, having in mind scale of genocide committed by Croats and Vatican.
No mention of the Bulgarian Army occupying serbia in WW2?
ОтветитьDamn bro, i swear the only thing the UN likes doing more than nothing is making long names for things
Ответитьnoone wants to be part of Serbia!!!
ОтветитьThis was all decided by Serbia! they wanted a big serbia and at one point before WW1 they wanted all of Europe to be Serbia
ОтветитьGreat video. Worth watching twice or thrice.
ОтветитьIs that a Dutch accent I detect there?
ОтветитьGreat vid but :357 💀
ОтветитьInstigated by the croatian USTASE which is basically the whole country!! they fired a tank shell on a residential Serbian House thats how it started all funded BY USA and NATO then when they finished there they attacked Serbia in 1999 then they attacked IRAQ and murdered 1 million people the trend is amazing they been attacking invading russian allies since cold war Croatian nazzies murdered 2 million Serbian people then nato usa helped them murder even more
ОтветитьI've watched a few of your pieces. I got some valuable info but it is very favorable to western narrative. Ya got a bias.
ОтветитьInteresting and captivating presentation.
ОтветитьSome sources for the making of this video are no longer available, but by the content of this video I can safely assume that those sources were biased western capitalist propaganda. I give you credit for trying to remain objective about your analysis of the breakup of Yugoslavia, I think your sources have mislead you. I suggest you look more in depth into American foreign policies thruoght the 90's and the works of national endowment for democracy to truly understand the breakup of Yugoslavia. But the part about IMF bringing foreign capital and taking out domestic capital is SPOT ON.
ОтветитьI'm glad that someone recognizes that Yugoslavia had the strongest resistance movement in WW2, managed to liberate itself, and played a pivotal role in shaping the world geography of post-war Europe.
ОтветитьThanks man, you save my presentation. Respect m(_ _)m
ОтветитьThe music is irritating
ОтветитьBottle what about the bottle
ОтветитьI watched your video through the reaction of the American McJibbin's channel. He gives you a lot of praise, 10/10! I am also very impressed with your work. You break down these confusing events so well. Thank you so much, greetings from Oslo!
ОтветитьTHE TRIUNE KINGDOM OF CROATIA, SLAVONIA (containing Voivodina) AND DALMATIA was oc*cu*p*ied in 1918 and in 1945.
ОтветитьYou honest! Why don't you mention 12000 Muslim men murdered by Serbian Christian army. They were under UN protection, but in the end, UN troops left them to be kill!
ОтветитьWhy would you bluntly state "people committed genocide" and not clearly state WHO did it when the genocide in Bosnia was not the result of random acts of violence by individuals but a well-planned and coordinated campaign involving state apparatus, military forces, and political leaders? Serbian leaders of the time Slobodan Milošević, Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić orchestrated these campaigns with significant resources and planning and have been charged with genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the laws of war by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia! I find it strange to just neutrally and briefly skim over it in an otherwise quite extensive video..
ОтветитьUm, dude. African Americans are not in one ethnic group. That’s an obtuse perspective.
ОтветитьVery well done video thank you
ОтветитьThe breakup of Yugoslavia totally reminds me of Game of Thrones, and how the Seven Kingdoms gradually pulled away from the Crown (aka Belgrade).
ОтветитьGood one.
ОтветитьThe sallaries in Yugoslavia were never really high. Yugoslav socialism was not so succsesfull and good as it was written on a paper. 😊
ОтветитьI used to go to Yugoslavia for holidays What a great place to visit. The people used to tell me when Tito died we will all seperate I have to say I did not understand I had no knowledge of their history I loved the country and all the people where ever we went I recognised the towns when the war broke out I could not bear to look at the damage and how people suffered I have been back many times in the last ten years 💕💕💕
Ответитьthe famine is china was made by crapitalism and by colonialist powers that step foot there and made the shortages that led to that famine.
lying is a bad thing for a self-claimed hisotical channel.
Basically, Identity politics destroyed Yugoslavia.
ОтветитьMy man got a thick dutch accent.
ОтветитьIt’s all Yoko Ono’s fault. 😉
ОтветитьWhat scores did you include in this video?
ОтветитьDuring thw whole 3th minute you use 2 different maps: one includes Istria and the 2nd one doesn't. Which one is true?
Ответитьstop this AI voiceover trend, this is ridiculous and pathethic
Ответитьcould have stayed together, but people chose chaos. What a world!
ОтветитьWhat are the songs playing in the background?
ОтветитьDivision and segregation are deeply rooted in human nature.