10 TERRIBLE Beginner Habits that RUIN Your Hobby

10 TERRIBLE Beginner Habits that RUIN Your Hobby

Zumikito Miniatures

1 год назад

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@Temporal_Assassin - 12.01.2024 05:06

Um, we are here because we look for help here.

@rodrodelcid6111 - 07.01.2024 09:46

to me at least looks rough, because i want to jump straight away into the hobby, but for me is kinda expensive, for that reason is dificult because i want to maximize all the materials, you progress when you improve doing a lot this, but i dont wanna purchase a lot of minis, only a few, but i want to look great...

@kurtiscarr7188 - 07.01.2024 04:14

Perfectionism and intimation the reason I stopped after I briefly started again in lockdown.
Hopefully looking to just start small again.
Thank you for the content

@PGFFFFFFFFFFF - 30.12.2023 01:55


@Kon-F - 28.12.2023 20:54

I havent even started the video, but I spilled my nuln oil just last night all over the floor and then i see this thumbnail in my feed 🥲

@maordahan2257 - 28.12.2023 12:48

Thought this video would feel like criticism. Turned out it's one of the most supportive videos ive seen on the subject.❤

@jordancundiff1433 - 14.12.2023 17:43

i'm a new painter with less a month of experience and only a handful of basic paints (I got suckered into the citadel starter paint kit) and after hundreds of videos of this paint is bad and this method is terrible and if you're not doing this you're trash. Honestly none of that is true. While it may be good to have pots of paint that match each color you shoot for as long as you kind of work in an assembly line with a good amount of those colors prepared it will be ok. Paint is expensive, expensive brushes when you start aren't good if you dont know how to take care of them, elitists and gatekeepers are the devil. Seek out folks who are good painters and ask for feedback and never shy away from doing a paint scheme or some completely unhinged idea that you think will look cool. At the end of the day its a hobby for enjoyment and shouldn't become a begrudging chore that you must complete. If all you can do is a nice even base coat and some other colors great! When its time to move forward with your skill you will know. Also just give the harder things a try for fun. after all its just paint.

@Cornholio8787 - 14.12.2023 13:34

im about to start painting my first minis in few days. glad i found your channel before that.

@thisisMRJAMES - 05.12.2023 23:59

All of these points translate very well to music to.

Brilliant video

@gene1514 - 03.12.2023 22:24

Calmly watching informative mini painting video from a master of the art, nodding along. Very informative, this is helpful. Reach for my water tumbler while Mr Z. begins to discuss gear, a topic I'm keenly interested in. Just as I begin to drink, the Mini-Painting-Mad-Man strikes, and my monitor, keyboard and desk are rendered a watery mess, with a side of what I assume had to include some of my spit. Presently most of my family peek in to my office, curious to know what calamity befell that caused such an outburst of mild swearing and laughter. Well played, master Zumikito. I'm quite chagrined to find myself caught out by what my wife refers to as "adolescent teen boy humor".

@juaninci - 29.11.2023 00:21

i love you :D

@deadliftyournan3293 - 19.10.2023 16:32

Which are the best brushes when starting out? I have a small fine citadel brush for a box of space marines I've bought, but I am in no way tackling the without the know how or tools. Appreciate any help!

@stevenfrazer9423 - 08.10.2023 07:14

The way I learnt was that I purchased a bunch of old minis that were dirt cheap and ruined, stripping the thick paint and practicing my techniques on them

@johnrooke9782 - 16.09.2023 22:04

Find miniatures that inspire you and try to do slightly more advances techniques than you feel comfortable with. I get inspiration from CMON galleries and see what you think you can paint better than your normal standard so gallery rating 5 try and painting something you would rate as 5.1

@alwoodsmodellingmayhem - 14.09.2023 01:20

Great advice. Enjoyed this a lot. Thank you.👍👍

@mysticdingo8411 - 03.09.2023 17:03

Honestly I just paint how I want it to look, I want it to be different

@samfranklin4188 - 03.09.2023 16:16

bruh so refreshing to not have a 3 minute intro and just get right on with it less than 10 seconds in

@Juanmacm - 24.08.2023 10:11

Just thank you very much!

@R.J.MacReady1982 - 10.08.2023 05:14

Having a friend like you, just someone who likes to paint or kitbash. Hard to make friends as an adult. Not really sure what I'm doing wrong.

@R.J.MacReady1982 - 10.08.2023 05:11

@polaride7232 - 07.08.2023 07:14

I literally spilled my nuln oil last night all over my wife’s favorite rug…then this pops up in my suggested…I feel attacked

@Pepsi_Dog_ - 07.08.2023 03:04

Best tip, be ork be green, be mean

@user-cn1jo5xh2m - 02.07.2023 15:05

I totaly agree that highlight every edge is hell

@ekrem06 - 22.06.2023 21:24

Do you have discord channel?

@edwardsexby3402 - 18.06.2023 02:17

I've been paining minis since September 2019, and have been building model aircraft and A.F.V.s since 2008. I'm still using my same Revell sprue side cutters, knife and tweezers from the basic cheap set I bought back then, for a princely £7. Now, I have an incomplete Wargames Atlantic skeleton set on my workbench that I ditched in favour of a quick build aircraft kit project that I'm just done with, so don't listen to ME...but, great advice here. I'd add:

1) Get cheap tools to start off with. I still use Emery (Nail) boards as files, cocktail sticks and cheap makeup brushes for weathering. 2) Do you need an airbrush? I don't own one. I use rattle cans from Halfords (car and bike maintenance chain here in the U.K.) for primer (grey, white or matt black) and Zendhari Dust for base coating bone, but that's it. I made a spraying booth out of an old cardboard packing case and keep it in the shed. That's the extent of my spraying, but it does the trick. 3) Do some fairly simple schemes to start. My first ever mini's were the old cheap 5-figure skeleton box from G.W., followed by the Nighthaunt Glaive Wraith push fit beginner's box. I find that 5 is the usual limit for my batch painting, but you may be able to do more. After that I tackled one of the Gripping Beast Viking sets, one sprue at a time. Built my confidence up no end, although they look...basic now. 4) Take your time, have fun, push yourself, but always have an established favourite to go back to, in order to get your mojo back. Skeletons for me. 5) Lastly, get a few washes and use them. Nuln Oil is talent in a bottle.

I'm not a master, but I'm improving. Have fun, and do it for yourself, not others. Cheers, all!

@PZY.Studios - 04.06.2023 23:28

Any tips for cheap paint that's not crap I would ideally like to use only citdel but then again my first minis aren't even here yet and I don't paint I got some decent few tools for cheap at a harbor freight closing sale but im gonna use black rustpleom flat black paint and primer is that ok ?

@constastar1660 - 29.05.2023 10:42


@johncasey4623 - 28.05.2023 11:30

So just start about 8 months ago. At first I was very intimidated after all you watch tutorials and see beautiful pieces. I picked a simple arm ultra marines. Don't judge me. But ever squad I tried new techniques and try to improve. You can tell my first squad but I am happy and getting better every weekend.

@makingthequants09 - 22.05.2023 15:25

Does manageable batches mean the 18 Primarchs? I think I went in too hard for my first models 😂

@Brahlam - 22.05.2023 09:53

Thnks for the hints, those help, its for sure not an easy hobby to learn, but it can be fun to make mistakes as well sometimes! AlsoI think the Nurgle Plushie on your shelf secretly sips your paints. :O

@GR8KIDMAN1 - 19.05.2023 17:47

I bought my very first set (Mechanicus dudes) and felt a bit overwhelmed at first. After asking around and seeing videos like this, i feel much at ease about the process. I just need to get a few more basics (like primer. No hobby shops near enough to me) and I'll get to assembly and painting. I have my ideas of what i want out of my minis, and feel like i got the hang of the basic ideas

@Colbato. - 17.05.2023 23:21

when i see this beard i want to brush it properly

@xzeke666x - 14.05.2023 09:15

you should always strive to get better but remember that fail stands for first attempt in learning,

@operator9858 - 12.05.2023 09:40

im a noob, but has anyone tried magnetizing their paint bottles before? lol

@Ibrahim-von-Baku - 08.05.2023 13:22

What's name of ice mage miniature? It looks great!

Okay, truth is in video. Inpatient me!

@amorbavian - 06.05.2023 17:42

Hello number 8!

@michaelpurvis7324 - 04.05.2023 15:47

Sometimes buying kit does help. Buying Winsor and Newton Series 7 brushes rather than GW brushes made me a better painter.

@stevencolon1723 - 04.05.2023 05:54

I love how for a lot of you, painting an entire unit us a manageable task, but its taken me 3 months to slapchop 5 Krieg Guardsmen 😅

@lukemcevoy2385 - 04.05.2023 05:32

I used to win prizes for my citadel orcs... Way back in the 80s. Even won a trip to the GW in Nottingham! Having spent most of this afternoon watching these videos... I might take up the hobby again, especially now there are so many experienced painters on YT.

@lukaskubik4698 - 28.04.2023 00:18

One of the most important things that let me improve is that I don't need to paint my minis to look like the ones in the books or on the boxes. I can paint them so that I enjoy painting them and then enjoy the way they look.

@SimonM7TV - 18.04.2023 22:54

I have a question I hope someone can answer. I'm a super newbie by the way. :) Yesterday I painted a model with a lot of black on it, and this morning I realised that a lot of dust particles had stuck to the black paint. It was probably extra noticeable when contrasting with the black, but even so, very disheartening. People with experience painting; do you do anything to mitigate dust on the models? Do you put them inside a container to dry or anything like that? It could just be that my workspace was too dusty, and I've cleaned it thoroughly today, but ahead of trying again I'd love some tips if this is a known concern when painting.

Thanks beforehand!

And thanks for this video! It really never ceases to amaze me how readily info is available when starting a new hobby, and the miniature painting community seems absolutely wonderful. ❤

@FighterDoken - 18.04.2023 02:56

Brush licking isn't a bad habit.

@stevenx2523 - 15.04.2023 05:30

I'm one of the people that's avoided the hobby for years because of a lack of confidence in my skills, but recently I've fallen in deep with Blood Bowl and have finally dived in. Going to try painting my first minis soon. I really hope I find it fun even if I am sure my efforts are going to be pretty amateurish.

@Primal2229 - 08.04.2023 08:18

Since it was the thumbnail, making a pot holder that is STABLE and will not tip over is a good idea as well. I made a stupidly simple wire frame from curtain a hook. Bottom prongs bent around to make a base with a pair of magnets glued on, since my work surface is metal. Another set of prongs bent to hold the pot in place, with another clipped and bent to hold the lid open. The shades cost 10$ CAD so spilling it once is rage inducing enough that spending several hours making a perfect pot holder is worth it.

@hockey66191 - 07.04.2023 03:32

So one thing on number 8 that a lot of people may get hung up on: Remember that painting is a skill just like anything else. The idea you have in your head about how good it's going to look is a worthy goal, but you get better at things with time. Remember, even fighter pilots were just kids who wanted to fly planes at some point.

@killigin - 05.04.2023 17:54

As strange as it sounds I only paint for my opponents sake and making the game more appealing to random onlookers. I've run into far too many painting elites that have ruined the hobby part of wargaming. Too many times I've been told I need to do some technique to make the mini look 10X better but most just look terrible to me.
