Horse ATTACKS People!

Horse ATTACKS People!

Ryan Rose

1 год назад

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Cynthia Cooper Jones
Cynthia Cooper Jones - 21.10.2023 00:46

I have 3 pet dwarf Nigerian goat wethers (fixed males). They each have very different personalities and they treat me differently from how they treat my husband. I see many parallels to their nonverbal communication with these horses that you help. Thank you for showing me things to look for in their prey responses and possession posturing etc. As well as things to see about my intentions or my husband's alpha herd claiming space etc. It is wonderful. I think I will be just a bit better as their shepherd from things you teach. ❤

Lee Evers
Lee Evers - 19.10.2023 02:27

It’s nice that she wants to do whatever is needed to have him learn manners. Thank you, Ryan, it’s so helpful to show different “problems” with solutions.

Kathleen Carlson
Kathleen Carlson - 15.10.2023 02:55

Looks like he still likes to be first, seems he’s to close to you as you head into the stall, shouldn’t he be behind you.? Or is that another lesson..? Trying to learn here too.. thanks

viceb7 - 14.10.2023 23:20

It's not okay to flick a nose now? 😂 I'm pretty progressive but that's wild. I'm not gonna hurt him with a flick when he's being a dick

David Heap
David Heap - 12.10.2023 00:47

My Wife has an ex pacing stallion. He would rear up, kick bite and just a real shit. After 3 years with good food and kindness he is so loving and kind. He still tries a playful nip on the arse now and again.

Matterian - 11.10.2023 01:13

I rented a room at horse ranch in California. they had this one young guy that was just a butt his own stall because he was so bad. I didn't know it, but I went out to where he was to see him. And he charged me, and I stood my ground and put my hands up and yelled at him! HE DEAD STOPPED and had this look of "Hooman! What did you just do???" Like I had stung him or hit him. He stood there staring at me. I turned my back to him, and that son of a gun came up behind me and put his head on my shoulder!! Everyone was shocked and so was I. He never was affectionate and calm around anyone......But me.

silverpurkat - 09.10.2023 15:46

I had horses similar to this and I blocked the bad behavior and offered options. He calls it bop but it’s similar. I own a boarding barn and don’t let inexperienced barn hands around these horses too until we have established some good groundwork. Very similar to what he is doing yes you have to some times “bop” them to stop the aggression and insert your leadership.

Frank Morris
Frank Morris - 05.10.2023 21:01

Sometimes nothing will do but a good ol cowboy azzwhuppin. El Kabong that unruly SOB one time.

Mindi - 02.10.2023 00:06

I grew up with horses and always offer my hand first in meeting a new horse, and then go on the cues they give me. Went with the vet once,as she had a horse that had taken 3 1/2 hours to catch in a roomy box stall. The whole way there were wondering why it took so long. We get there and go to his stall and in it is a mountain of a horse. Vet asked if i needed help with him. Said ,No i got it. Entered stall and stop gave him a moment to become aware of me then approached gave him the hand he was fine so walked up to him and put halter on him. By the time owner got there his dental was almost done and she was in shock didnt believe vet when she said it took Mindi 3 minutes before he had halter on. Vet told her out in a pastire ive seen Mindi be able to catch horses that ran from everyone else. Between the farrier and the vet ove gotten a good rep, for being able to read a horse and know how theyre going to reacted to me. I train team roping horses.

Evi Rosy
Evi Rosy - 30.09.2023 21:46

I don’t even have anything to do with horses…but I love watching this...with this kind of calm confidence,people can handle anything:-) know...a horse,other animal or a child...they don't like just anybody☺️Who does,right?

Debbie Linskey
Debbie Linskey - 30.09.2023 20:16

He’s such a pretty horse ❤

Bill Staton
Bill Staton - 29.09.2023 21:00

That horse will always push her around

Brian Maxei
Brian Maxei - 29.09.2023 04:33

I'm assuming your gay how does it translate to the horse's they can read people basically they know good people and ned people just like a dog 😮

Fluffy Mims
Fluffy Mims - 27.09.2023 22:46

Funny, I am the same way when I’m nakef😂

Monique Hitz
Monique Hitz - 26.09.2023 10:06

My horse is an absolute twat with biting. I've been training for a long time and did all his training but he came to me with the biting issue and that's the ONLY thing i have never been able to fix, for other people I should mention lol not with me 😂 we've had deep conversations and he has decided it is in his best interest to keep his teeth to himself with me. He's never been as bad as he was at this one place recently where the person using him didn't want to take the little bit of time to get to know him and his cues and teach him hers. Its not something that even takes long, obviously as seen in the video, maybe a quick roundpen 1 or 2x with some quick one on one time and then just keep those boundaries, no big deal.... nope 😅so anyway fast forward to us simulating a lesson and that red bastard tried to charge at me 🤣 forgetting who it was, and i like my bubbles big, so i stood there relaxed and when i knew he was getting to my bubble up that whip went like lightning and clipped the tip of his nose JUST inside my bubble. He still snaked the rest of the time but he was well out of range lol i don't play around with ground manners (apparently I'm "strict" lol) so the manners come back pretty quick for me and anyone i have with me in "my herd" and he vibe checks so there's a lot of people he never gives issue and there are some that can't win him over.

My main issue is he not happy stalled (most places here only do stalls so we expect some grumpy and nipping) BUT he's respectful IN the stall and will move out of your space and you can feed and all that and apart from his being stalled grumps and being a bit girthy (he's on lease and doing eventing and lessons so they likely girth up much tighter than my an arm can fit through lol) he's great on the ground too, but he HATES loitering! He even eyeballs me from a distance if i loiter in front of his stall, he just knows better. Since he already hates stalls, but he's pretty good in or out of them, I'm not sure how to get him to stop trying to snatch people's souls if they hang out a second too long, which happens to be just over a second some days lol. I had a 4 yr old round pen him once and she had him doing all the stuff! Stop, turn in, turn out, wtc, everything, so he is very good about body language and definitely gets offended when people don't know his and that's what i have no idea how to fix cause not everyone knows how to read horses and he lures you in with his cuteness 😅

He also has Lyme, so I'm not sure if that would change anything. I've been doing things the way the video shows long before i got him and telling people how to do it too and all that before i even knew it was a method of teaching, i just thought it was common horse language lol but it doesn't stop a soul snatcher, that's good inside and out of a stall, apparently lol

Sue Castillo
Sue Castillo - 26.09.2023 02:26

He’s wayyyy too beautiful to be a bratty horse… once he learns stuff? He’s going to be a safe horse… it’ll take time? But he’s smart and he’ll get it♥️‼️

Anita søbæk olsen
Anita søbæk olsen - 25.09.2023 18:13

Have anyone thaught of having him scanned, he could have a medical condition , that is painfull. That u might not be able to see without vet care

cheeseisme - 25.09.2023 08:32

It always amazes me when people are willing to put up with behavior like this for so long. They feed and take care of a horse that threatens them. It's so bizarre. They have more patients then I have.

Chantal Aitchison
Chantal Aitchison - 25.09.2023 05:19

I love this ! Thank you ❤

ratsarehot - 24.09.2023 10:11

off topic hes gorgeous

Charlene Stauffert
Charlene Stauffert - 24.09.2023 01:29

starts with animal acting drunk, then gets aggressive ,red eyes , loss of appetite, turned stomach (vomit and dizzy) , dead ..... new bacterial infection in animals - if systematic please get help- )could have to do with algae infection or a strep case, we also are looking for leads about rabies and a fungal infection. infection has spread from birds-dogs- horses so far, ..... we will be providing information as we get it. please stay cautious when introducing your animals.

Sparkle - 23.09.2023 21:56

Horses have feelings too.
I have never been bitten by a horse a dog no animal.
You have to talk nice to them.
They follow me around.
I respect them.
You get what you give.
Hello... 👋

Papa Toms Thoughts
Papa Toms Thoughts - 23.09.2023 17:34

Need to appreciate this lady wanting to learn and to make the horse better rather then getting rid of it. That horse is smart and will learn. Good job

Tuesday Hanavan
Tuesday Hanavan - 20.09.2023 14:06

It almost looks like there trying to surond her in one of the parts

SilverFlame819 - 19.09.2023 02:34

I feel like I'm watching a stock dog training demo. Ryan is more of a Border Collie. He approaches the stock with intent and intensity, so the horse gives more, and respects that energy. In the stock dog world, that would be called "eye." His handler is having to add more animation because the horse isn't giving her the same respect. She's still operating like an Aussie. 😁 She's great though, they'll be fine with practice because she's open to learning, and doing right by him.

D B - 16.09.2023 19:09

Horses only attack people as they are traumatized, when they are very mistreated or in pain, it has to be investigated and treated to make it stop.
Horses with intense pain usually have aggressive behavior to express this.

Sol On YouTube
Sol On YouTube - 13.09.2023 06:19

Don’t SLAP him. A little bump is fine but dont hit him

al eb
al eb - 13.09.2023 01:43

hes absolutely gorgeous

Desiree Hubbard
Desiree Hubbard - 12.09.2023 13:12

Ehmm, sorry to break this but keeping horses in stables is very unnatural for them, so I hope this is also sign that off as an issue. Standing in a stall, gives the horse frustration, boredom and even depression. Because it cannot perform herd behavior and foraging for food, that's what horses for 80 percent of the time do. Keeping them in a stable prevents that, so you will get a horse with behavioral issues.

Janet Skinner
Janet Skinner - 10.09.2023 19:47

Why is he wearing a blanket I would be upset to he is a horse

Jay Titus
Jay Titus - 07.09.2023 01:16

Who else is thinking about southpark episode with dog whisperer

George Spiese
George Spiese - 05.09.2023 23:51

Mistreated animals will strike back at people because they abuse animals that’s why. Sheesh!

Island Life
Island Life - 18.08.2023 03:22

This horse has so much character. As a multiple husky owner...animals like this can be trouble...but, are also so personable...they are hard to dislike. Lol

Megan Ballard
Megan Ballard - 18.08.2023 01:17

That is a really nice barn, stall and arena.

Atroxa - 11.08.2023 19:06

Horses read our bodies better than we do, it's how they do most of their communication. He figured it out really quick what your "I mean business" posture was. He's a smart horse, maybe a little too smart, but not a bad one. Beautiful too!

Nancy - 04.08.2023 22:24

Mine would grab the Hood on my sweatshirt.........So I wore ZIP UP Hoodies to keep from being hung.

Chris Shelp
Chris Shelp - 26.07.2023 03:24

Another Cinderella or is it Hastings? Vicious horses should not be allowed to live. This horse has a 50/50 chance of learning different behavior. If he can't learn, put him down.

Althea Murphy
Althea Murphy - 24.07.2023 04:36

This video interested me because in 1997 I got my dream horse, a registered palomino Quarter Horse. He was a biter, mostly afraid of men. He bit me once right after I brought him home and then never again after I immediately punched him in the muzzle after he bit me and chased him until I caught him. With love and attention to his needs I got him past that. If he gnashed his teeth a quick “ahh” from me and a nice stroke would end it. he ended up being a sweetheart, being the mascot to my daughter’s soccer team, going in parades and losing his fear of men and strangers.

Rose Ault
Rose Ault - 18.06.2023 01:12

This was really interesting, learning about horse body language, though I just have to add that that horse is stunningly beautiful!!!

Joshua N
Joshua N - 17.06.2023 04:18

I recently just had an unbroken mustang bite the bottom of my ear off when I was giving treats. I turned to give two other horses that he doesn't get along with a couple pieces of watermelon and when I turned back to him he headbutted me with his face so hard it knocked me clear across the corral. In doing so he also bit and took of part of my ear. He's got a very aggressive history and his mother did too. Even Rusty, one of the last real Arizona cowboys, 97 years old, couldn't break her. Now we have this mustang and all he does is eat the food and take up the back pasture(chases off all the others). We don't want to breed him because of the hostility and we can't even saddle him to be trail horse. What would you do with a horse like that?

Bianca Hotca
Bianca Hotca - 15.06.2023 13:17

He didn't attack anyone. Stop lying!!

Fallentears101 - 14.06.2023 06:53

Fully agree with bopping the nose! My old man was a bitey stud when I first brought him home 13 years ago. He used to bite until I smacked the fire out of him when he turned to get me. I remember him looking deeply shocked and offended. He never tried to bite me again, but he'll occasionally try it with someone he thinks he can bully.

Pamela Bennett
Pamela Bennett - 08.06.2023 05:07

Kinda a bad situation ? That a horse bites. Ok

That Local Equestrian
That Local Equestrian - 07.06.2023 19:41


Fiona Calderon
Fiona Calderon - 05.06.2023 00:01

#1 ULCERS. Horses kept in stalls have them. Some have them worse. They Hurt and bleed and HURT and the horse "attacks" people out of PAIN.

#2. Boredom! Horses that are forced to live in stalls for over 20+ hours every single day.... imagine doing that! You'd be so angry at anyone who comes near you. Some horses succumb to the boredom and dreariness of stall life... but others still fight it.

Get rid of the ulcers (alfalfa is a good healer + having a hay net with grass hay) and give that poor horse LOTS of time in a more natural setting: pasture, etc... Instead of too much time confined. And you'll "fix" the problem of an angry horse.

Claudine lopez
Claudine lopez - 02.06.2023 00:21

Of its attacking people, from what I know of horses (mostly what my horses behavior is, they were abused I got them form an auction) abused horses are the most fragile and aggressive horses. If a horse is attacking people it was most likely abused. (All my horses attack people if they don't trust them, mostly from abuse). As of example: One time I wad lunging my horse (I use a lunging whip), I stopped to talk to someone my dog barked and it spooked me, I accidentally hit my horse with the whip because my arm did a little fast movement.
I often rescue abused horses, the reason is because I wanna teach them that not every human is bad.

Btw, did they get him from an auction or buy him? If so this is most likely the reason.

littlepenny coins
littlepenny coins - 01.06.2023 01:20

Be nice put him in bowl dog chow

winona barter
winona barter - 29.05.2023 14:11

I could not hear your intro due to the music being too loud.

jennifreak63 - 26.05.2023 18:55

hes a ghost horse.
