10 Most Seductive Traits To Make a Good First Impression

10 Most Seductive Traits To Make a Good First Impression


2 года назад

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Dunja - 07.09.2023 03:45

having androgenous sides is sexy, calling people by their name, being kind, having open and relaxed body language, always be learning, letting others know well that you like them, ask questions, show your sincere positive emotions, use open and relaxed body language. listen intentionally, repeat their sentences, take the step to first contact with someone, give genuine compliments, look at the positive side of things, let people talk about themselves, mirror their body language when its not too obvious, making some clumsy mistakes is attractive. Pay attention to grooming well and dressing well and having good hygiene. Make eye contact. wear red items. smell like vanilla or/and floral scents. Whenever you can genuinely smile, make the most of it. say thanks when they do something kind.

A. B
A. B - 01.09.2023 22:13

I'm a woman. I am more likely to be attracted to you if you wear Black instead of red. because it looks very masculine too me. it also looks gloomy. im a girl that like mysterious boys lol but that"s just me

John - 15.08.2023 22:15

Wait what color should a man wear?!

David Lombard
David Lombard - 07.08.2023 06:35

Smile 🤠

Loli Dva
Loli Dva - 07.08.2023 02:19

Umm, okay, no, the whole wearing red thing is clearly clickbate here their isn't any accurate psychological proof of the attraction of the colour red 🤨

Dragonslayer Ornstein
Dragonslayer Ornstein - 07.07.2023 03:36

Step 1, get a girl to respond your messages.
Still working on that one…

Rickless Sanchez
Rickless Sanchez - 29.06.2023 14:23

I'm not good with seduce sentence because I don't have overconfident it's not a joke just not good at it.

Pop Pop
Pop Pop - 28.06.2023 12:05

This video makes me want to eat spaghetti and cake

totally random user 👍
totally random user 👍 - 26.06.2023 22:46

The most important part is not to let go of effort that caused the attraction. That's why it should be for you, not another person - taking care of health, working out etc for the well-being, not impression. Same with personality.

DANIEL GALATIOTO - 26.06.2023 00:08

I would sit next to the blue one.
My favorite color is blue.

Doni - 15.06.2023 22:20

I don't really like red clothes

mad ison
mad ison - 05.06.2023 14:21

I'll use these all at once right now

Oavileale fan pg
Oavileale fan pg - 28.05.2023 02:18

If I wear red my crush will just be hungry ✋😂

Dżdżownica Kowadło
Dżdżownica Kowadło - 16.05.2023 00:17

I couldn't focus on the video because I started to think about my crush

Loli Dva
Loli Dva - 28.04.2023 08:27

The whole wearing in red thing is a load of BD 🤦🏻‍♀️

Nandini Saosakade
Nandini Saosakade - 16.04.2023 20:45

What is attractive colour on men?

Blue Mc
Blue Mc - 31.03.2023 06:43

I love youuuu

Dj Bond
Dj Bond - 10.03.2023 22:55


Lowkey Gaming
Lowkey Gaming - 10.03.2023 06:36

I saw my crush today and she was sad so I tried making her feel better but i got nervous and i couldn’t do it cause I couldn’t think of anything to say and i felt so bad 😢

Gamer_baby - 09.03.2023 01:33

“Wear red”
Crips: 🗿

Andrew Richins
Andrew Richins - 08.02.2023 07:07

I can agree with the humor part, I have made a lot more friends with humor, but I don't really agree with the "person liking you" part.

Hoobly - 31.01.2023 12:21

i really need to say thanks this helped so much with my crush we're not dating but we are alot closer and it's become so much easier to ask her out THX

John Rainsman
John Rainsman - 21.01.2023 08:16

Speak less so you don't say anything dumb. Be TWICE as careful if you're on the spectrum. And most importantly, don't make the mistakes I have. I have reason to believe that my ASD makes me stand out and makes others perceive me a certain way. Do you know how often I said dumb things, like at work? I stupidly mentioned a man’s right to hit a woman for self-defense, and a new coworker proposed a new topic. And I doubt she likes me, because when I was casually chatting with a baker while waiting for the desserts, she entered and said “harassing the baker, John?” I asked why she thought that, and she said “Because you’re John.” I don't know if I can ever change that first impression.

Or how about the time I told a coworker (whom I didn’t think would resent this, since he’s clownish, snuck up on a guy, and once made a weight joke to him) “put a sock in your àss. I mean mouth.” Shockingly, he actually did resent that and told me I can’t speak to him that way. I didn’t intend harm; he had interrupted a question of mine to another worker to, if I remember correctly, playfully diss me. I guess I was annoyed with the clownish interruption, but I didn’t mean for it to be obvious. But when it was, I approached him and apologized. But he replied unfairly: “you’re good, man. You just need to learn how to speak to people.” Way to make an apologetic person who already feels bad feel worse, hypocrite

A jocular dick giving me the lecture feels worse. In fact, he's actually quite popular and well-liked at work. I've seen him have fun and get along so well with my coworkers, while acting like I don't exist at all. We pass each other in the hall or wherever, and he doesn't speak to me. Of course, I'll admit that I started the silence, since his hypocritical rudeness that one time, but I don't know for sure if he's giving me the silent treatment or anything. Either way, I'd say I'm not on his "good buds to joke with" list. I know he likes my coworkers better than me. Just the concept of being ignored hurts, and it doesn't help when they show admiration for the guy whom I think is obnoxious.

And that's not the worst part. I was taken to my boss's office with her and a high-ranking chef. The chef told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much. Not THAT type of touch, of course not! Just casual ones, like on arms or shoulders. I was always very outgoing at work. When I asked her if anyone reported a complaint, she said it didn't matter (so I guess yes). She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment; that I pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school (we're a university's catering service). That I shouldn't tell my stories because they may be inappropriate to my coworkers. Now yeah, I pretty much don't have a filter, and sometimes I guess I do say "inappropriate" stuff at work, but not horribly nor intentionally. I just like to joke around and have fun with people. I really didn't get specific information from the chef about what and who. She understands/ likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits, for good behavior and my coworkers' sake. And again, that I shouldn't touch their shoulders or arms without consent. But seriously, I'm not a creep or Joe Biden. I didn't mean to be so "handsy." I'm so embarrassed about the lecture. Have I really gone that far at work? I already hate being on the spectrum, and sometimes I actually hate myself.

Ramen Seller
Ramen Seller - 18.11.2022 00:43

Damn who is that

Poetry.in.motion - 29.10.2022 07:06

Any gloss bright colours calls a man.💐

Titanium Tronic
Titanium Tronic - 28.10.2022 15:24

Me tryna act cool and then tripping on a fucking rock:


I'm never getting friends.

Side note, this actually happened.

MentallyUnstable - 02.10.2022 04:15

What happened to the calm voice 💀

gaming pro#1
gaming pro#1 - 28.09.2022 00:49

Before I go I would like to say good luck to EVERYONE including you pschy2go! Ill see you in another video!

gaming pro#1
gaming pro#1 - 28.09.2022 00:44

I'd just like to say a HUGE thank you. my relationship with my crush has gone really well thanks SO MUCH! Ps:to anyone who has seen this comment make sure to subscribe to this channel. Stay safe! 😄👍

Raul Gomes
Raul Gomes - 25.09.2022 21:38

nice video

hsyn osm
hsyn osm - 22.09.2022 23:24

i dont like heard my name so much

Paul Gross
Paul Gross - 19.09.2022 04:48

Many people are allergic or react badly to fragrances, so it's better to simply be clean (ie: just take a shower) for your first impression, compared to the risk of making them a little bit sick with your choice of fragrance.

It's better to always ask them if they like scents, and if so, then which scents they like, to show that you care about them.

Now you've created a connection over something that you know that they care about! 💕

Dmitry - 04.09.2022 23:27

Many girls that I met, it felt, are not passionate about anything. In fact, being passionate about something is already a big success in life. When talking to girls from tinder about what they indicated as their interests, usually, they do not have much to say and do not actually feel interested talking about this. As if there were some fields that they needed to fill and this is just what they had done without much thinking. Or, may be, with these interests they think their accounts look more attractive. Or, may be they are shy to say how they actually spend time, because they think it may appear boring and make them look of low value. Eventually, I end up talking myself, at least, I am excited about some things, hoping to hit some common interested. But this does not quite work well. I do not know what to do with this.

Abdullahi mohammed
Abdullahi mohammed - 10.08.2022 12:14

Psych2Go just in love with your voice 😍

Lavenderrose73 - 01.08.2022 22:28

I have wondered what I would do if I crossed paths with someone I once cared about but was not on good terms with ( he didn't like me. ) I guess confidence, kindness, and likeability regardless of our past would be my best bet, and who says I would have to remind him who I was? I just keep thinking I would not have a choice if my surprise in seeing him was a bit too obvious, though not necessarily intentional.

R41 - 05.07.2022 15:14

I'll use it with my girlfriend 😍 we've been together for 2 years and acting like it's gonna be our first impression will really help to excite her 🥰🥰

Pr4y - 21.06.2022 23:40

I somehow feel attracted to the ones who look a bit sad or like they feel out of place.

Ally Yurkewitch
Ally Yurkewitch - 03.05.2022 02:27

i feel like i actually do this whenever i talk to any other person ever

Kylan - 18.04.2022 12:31

What does it mean when your crush doesn't answer you back

Skrittles - 14.04.2022 21:36


R - 02.04.2022 00:13

Going on a date next Wednesday, will update :)

Ishan Tharusha
Ishan Tharusha - 28.03.2022 19:05

D 💕
2022 April 3

Michael McCoy
Michael McCoy - 09.03.2022 05:14

i'll try when im ready

B Be
B Be - 04.03.2022 04:19

O hahaha you shouldn't have done this

aleksandra kettner
aleksandra kettner - 20.02.2022 14:45


julia yinggurt
julia yinggurt - 20.02.2022 06:17

ying jye small doggy

Gabriela Dimas Yázbek
Gabriela Dimas Yázbek - 09.02.2022 01:25

Would this work with my celebrity crush?

michael hendrie
michael hendrie - 28.12.2021 07:33

I do like these nostalgic trips and old fashioned rules reminds me of better times :D

Anarchist Jimmy
Anarchist Jimmy - 24.12.2021 00:21

"which traits or tips will you use first?"
all of them. in a panicking manner.
I need some form of confidence boosting.
