these songs to cry in your room (slowed down songs)

these songs to cry in your room (slowed down songs)

Lost Dreams

1 год назад

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@justcallmevirginia4291 - 04.12.2023 01:53

I don't really want to live... I just wanna sleeping and never get up. But I know I have a little sister who needs and loves me. Im like a mom for her...I need to live for her ! She needs me...

@bhagyavishwajithwijesekara7440 - 04.12.2023 00:39

I'm so tired this life 🙂

@im_your_kotenok - 03.12.2023 23:31

I lie and listen to this music because I feel very bad
I miss my mother, who may soon pass away....

@onyebuchihenrietta440 - 03.12.2023 23:07

This love thing is really difficult 😢

@kakanyontshebe8942 - 03.12.2023 22:46

My parents dont seem to give a single care in the world
As a matter of fact they are my bullies along with all of my other family members
I wonder how they feel knowing they say sich things to me.i feel bad for their children(my aunts) because they sure know how to make you feel shitty .i wonder how their kids survive Because i feel really shitty, i feel like i am not enough because of them
They tell me they love me one second and the next they are bullying me

How do i run away from people i live with ??

This is my vent

@Rimuuru - 03.12.2023 20:10

Honestly i just want to end it because of the shit we do. humanity is a word we made yet we act like animals the amount of times i had to put on a poker face is suffering the amount of times i have been hurt, betrayed, driven to tears is astonishing the amount of crimes, wars, violence we commit is unbelievable i just live to make my parents happy and if i didn't have parents i would not be writing i would not be here instead i would be above the sky with wight off my shoulders yet i am bound to this very rock drifting through space an endless void why should i have the urge to live on all i am is a tool a tool made for suffering and here i am looking at that knife at the kitchen wishing to stab myself and sit while i smile that i will be set free but that wouldn't make my parents happy would it nor my 2 only friends 1 of them has been suicidal for 3 years i halped him get on his feet and go to the gym and get gf yet here i am doing none of that just sitting on a chair while i waste away honestly i dont think he would need nor want me anymore afterall im just useless i am stone cold i live in a county there is a coup people die left and right i see people getting shot people getting hit by mines and IEDs and here i am just looking at it with no emotion nor expression i just might end it all today

@kakocoachgym - 03.12.2023 19:02

i hate my Life because my family,sister,brother dont care about me.............😔🥺

@zehrad435 - 03.12.2023 17:20

i am not okay.

@besterfieldlaloo8095 - 03.12.2023 16:17

I hate myself no one loves me 🥴i just need love 😞

@musicloverz..6715 - 03.12.2023 14:23

I'm such a fool, that I'm holding my tears but they're getting too heavy that I can't hold them for too long ✨.

@tengun2516 - 03.12.2023 10:50

Sitting in the rain listening to this makes me feel a bit happier

@horsesarelife126 - 03.12.2023 09:13

Every night I listen to this crying in my bed clutching my aunts dogs harness because I can't see her anymore and my aunts going through a divorce and everyone thinks it's not effecting me but they don't know I cry every night it feels like somebody ripped my heart into pieces I can't handle it I just wanna scream and cry my aunts other dog died she's also selling her house that had so many cherished memories my aunts new boyfriend literally destroyed her house and ruined her life icant handle this anymore

@TryMeJEY - 03.12.2023 08:08

yo are u ok? you need a hug?

@teridax5103 - 03.12.2023 01:35

It would be better if there weren't so many fking ads.

@moonlightmando7163 - 03.12.2023 00:27

I’m not depressed. Just here for the music. If you are depressed, itll all go away. You’ll see.

@LouaneBAERT - 03.12.2023 00:19


@YUVRAJSINGH-nq2ih - 02.12.2023 22:12

I am tired of living. Sonetimes i think about how will i die i am always waiting for death but my parents belived me that's why maybe i live. Now these songs give me a goosebums but this goosebump is negative and this gosebump said you just wanna die. Idk what will i do with my this waste life i just wanna go and see the hell 😊.

@NodiraMusayeva-ph3ly - 02.12.2023 20:49

One day I will happy and look at this video and will say everything was for my success ❤😢

@archimedesdemon622 - 02.12.2023 15:56

Free palestine

@eppstellongh642 - 02.12.2023 14:53

What’s the essence of crying while you can “boom boom boom “

@softweaslydragon - 02.12.2023 05:01

I am just tired

@smokedbaccon9163 - 02.12.2023 04:10

I want to die so bad I cannot keep going I don’t even like the idea of life, the only reason why I’m alive is because of my mum I don’t want to break your heart but I don’t know how much I can endure this pain

@rahatulislam5623 - 02.12.2023 01:09

Tired of living 😔

@jassmine_j12 - 02.12.2023 00:16

I envy everyone who lives for their parents My parents made me a psychopath I torture myself every day Despite all my wounds I heal alone no one cares 😔💔

@xxitsonlytonyxx346 - 01.12.2023 18:15

It’s easier to just agree than to argue back

@user-wd6qj8nk5h - 01.12.2023 13:37

I wish I had someone who believes in me😔

@user.4w43 - 01.12.2023 10:46

Everything is gonna be alright

@werecousinblog - 01.12.2023 07:29

I'm tired of living and everything

@alexbrock3030 - 01.12.2023 06:38

Just wanna end my life

@joaquinluna5498 - 01.12.2023 05:36

Alguna vez fui feliz, hoy ya no tengo ganas de seguir. Simplemente mi mente pide que descanse para siempre, miss emociones piden paz, y yo... no tengo el valor para hacerlo desde hace 7 años.

@Smrikakafle - 01.12.2023 03:22

fuck life my bf broke up with me i lost my friend of 5 years and all my other friends fuck this world!

@asifhossain2088 - 30.11.2023 23:49

Congratulation !!! Your heart has updated .
You need restart. Can you cry ?
Update info : not believing easily.
not dreaming which is not mine.
realizing money is everything.

@somniesssss429 - 30.11.2023 22:24

God i know i have alot of sin and i know i don't deserve to say this. But i'am tired, i'am so tired, i don't think i can do this anymore. Please god, please just take me

@Ash-zh9ls - 30.11.2023 22:14

if it wasn’t for my mom i would have ended myself very a long ago. i want her to see me succeed in life as she always says never to give up and keep shining im gonna do that for her sake cuz i love her too much she is only hope for living ive seen a lot experienced alot. Ma im gonna make you so proud never gonna let you down ❤️🫶🥹

@rajatmishra567 - 30.11.2023 21:20

Hard to make it more.....💔

@anvi2025 - 30.11.2023 19:23

i miss my bestfriend so much bro, i know this might not be a place to rant but here am I. You can scroll down if you want to.

I have been friends with this girl since the 2nd grade, and now we are in 11th grade. It's been nine years of friendship and we only grew closer each passing day. After graduating 10th standard I had to change schools because what I wanted to pursue for my career was different than what she wanted to do. I have cried so much already at the start of this year cause I knew I would lose all my friends and also my contact with my bestfriend would be less. Still i sacrificed my social life for the sake of my career.

Now we talk very less, only on text messages, calls are very rare because we both are busy. There has never been a day when i haven't missed her. I guess she misses me too. My birthday is on 12th of December but I don't want to celebrate it (i'm turning 16) instead, I want to just forget that day because I really don't wanna be reminded of how lonely I have become all together since I left my school, my friends and my bestfriend behind. I don't wanna be reminded of how I am so lonely that I don't have anyone to wish me on my birthday. I am listening to this playlist to let my tears out because holding back tears, trying to 'stiffen' up is only letting to my lack on concentration.

I know you would never come across this comment but thank you for staying with me Aanya, I truly miss you everyday and I hope you miss me too.

Your bestfriend, Anvi

(thank you to anyone who read all of this)

@smile_199 - 30.11.2023 19:13

Я так устала..... Почему.... Почему я не могу просто наплевать на людей? Я всем помогаю.... Я так устала, но никто не хочет помочь мне.... По ночам мне снятся кошмары.... В школе и в музыкальной школе завал по учёбе.... Я устала.... Пожалуйста.... Пожалуйста.... Перестаньте мне писать, говорить о своих проблемах.... Но и в тоже время я не могу вам отказать.... Почему.... Почему я такая чувствительная?.... Почему я не могу быть более холодной?... Я устала

@Hope_for_good - 30.11.2023 17:54

Dont be too sad, everything will change, has to change and must change.Just wait for time being

@simplesoren1625 - 30.11.2023 17:29

It's been 18 years, I want to die but I still believe in freedom

@bhumikasingh5709 - 30.11.2023 13:48

There's no reason for being alive for me

@bhumikasingh5709 - 30.11.2023 13:47

I'm tired of living And the only reason I'm alive is for my parents.. But they think I'm selfish

@alekszockt592 - 30.11.2023 11:28

i have no time to be sad nor do i have the time to feel pitty for myself i am a man people value me depending on how i perform and i will perform on 100% sitting around sobing aint gonna help anybody in the long run so wake up see whats f* up in your live and fix it. As easy as that, no one carres about how you feel so stop carring as well

@fathyahendawi4625 - 30.11.2023 00:49

Im here after realize that everyone left me

@user-wn9wz9lu5r - 30.11.2023 00:48

Dude, only boys would understand how I feel nowadays. Feeling alone even if you have people around you, knowing you're never gonna be a better person even if you want to, can't give up from life because of your parents, loved ones and other stuff even knowing nobody gives a damn about you and being a "Man" if you can provide, you will be loved but if you can't provide? Then you get nothing not even a crap.

@yousufilyas918 - 30.11.2023 00:08

Dont want to live any more

@yurivojka2850 - 29.11.2023 22:50

ohhh god i cant listen this because my heart going to stop

@-draco-malfoy-6861 - 29.11.2023 22:16

My heart feels heavy and feels like there's a lump in my throat. I wanna cry but there's no tears.. It just feels heavy. I don't even have anyone to share my thoughts and feelings.

@paramveersingh9170 - 29.11.2023 20:59

@trendingtricks-staycreativ1923 hi gunjan i am jolly , i have no other way to contact you so i just tried the last thing possible , i know that we are over and now you have probably moved on with your life and i did various shitty things too outside am really sorry for doing at that mindless shit , i just wanted you to know that now am feeling healing now like if u care , i just love you so much and i never wanted to let you go but i guess it was my fault too it's not only your fault and neither only mine.. i know your sister might have also motivated you alot to leave me she never really liked me , but i am not toxic i was just always so scared to lose you , i just love you so damn much .. i know you don't care about me anymore and enjoying your life and that's good you must enjoy your life , maybe it was not in our fate maybe i was not the right one for you , but i am sure of one thing that i did every single thing i could to keep u with me i gave my 200% even at places where i couldn't even give 10% , i just did so much efforts for you and since the starting you haven;t done enough for me .. that day u were playing t nd d with ur friends and i was here crying to talk to you..that hurted me alot. just be in my situation and see it what would u feel. IK this doesn't mean anything to you.. "I" who u once said that will run away to marry me is not at all important in ur eyes and heart anymore ... the eyes who used to get shy to see me don't even want to see me anymore , i never wanted you for ur body , never ever , i have been through hell since you left..but now i hv started to improve myself , ik that u r over with me , u moved on really quick..and that one month i kept u blocked was because i wanted to give u space.. i wanted u to take a break from all shit and enjoy nd think , after you i saw my life crumbling before my own eyes but even after admitting this there is no catharsis my punishment continues to elude me and i gain no deeper knowledge of myself no new knowledge can be extracted from my tellings , this confession , has meant nothing. All those moments will be lost in time just like , tears in rain. If u ever read this just atleast reply with a "." or like my comment , I LOVE YOU , I MISS YOU SO MUCH ~
