Brasil & Portugal Using Different Portuguese!!  Portuguese Pronunciation/Word differences!!

Brasil & Portugal Using Different Portuguese!! Portuguese Pronunciation/Word differences!!

World Friends

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@karolineoliveira2887 - 29.05.2024 00:14

Julia's name could be: Natural antidepressant

@talitadbatista - 28.05.2024 09:15

We are not “closer to america” WE ARE AMERICA! America is a continent and Brazil is in it!!!!!!!!

@Lothar851 - 27.05.2024 19:08

Phonetically European Portuguese is closer to Catalan and Neapolitan than to Spanish or Italian.

@ionizerable - 27.05.2024 15:20

Miguel makes Portuguese accent sound sexy.

@claudiotorcato - 27.05.2024 14:24

Todos muito simpáticos e amistosos.

@danthon1267 - 27.05.2024 03:21

I'm from rio, and here, we speak mostly like Julia does, not like "diamantiach"

@Spicyyy832 - 27.05.2024 02:49

Julia is such a showmaker hahahaha

@stephenrowell9373 - 27.05.2024 01:51

Thanks World Friends for another excellent video , it was very interesting and entertaining .All three taking part were really good .

@euquiassilva8707 - 26.05.2024 17:27

*Dou graças ao Bom Deus por não ter nascido em Portugal. Que sotaque horrível! Que idioma pobre! (Portugal: 118.000 palavras; Brasil 818.000 palavras); Portugal foi dominado de 1300 a 1474 pelos Mouros. O Brasil foi descoberto em 1500 pela esquadra portuguesa que Portugal enviou para o Oriente, com 23 navios, comandada por Pedro Álvares Cabral, que tomou posse do Brasil numa estadia de 8 dias em 22/04/1500. Depois de mandar um dos 23 navios de volta a Portugal para dar a notícia da descoberta, Cabral continuou a viagem para as Índias onde perdeu quase toda a esquadra voltando a Portugal com apenas 8 dos 23 navios. Chegou a Portugal com apenas 8 navios! {Maior derrota da História de Portugal!}*
Sou Brasileiro! Eu falo, leio e escrevo em 5 idiomas. Além do Brasileiro, cujo idioma falo e escrevo com competência! Bel. Euquias F. Silva. S. Vicente, São Paulo, Brasil.

@mistouko - 26.05.2024 17:03

Brazilians speak very bad portuguese.

@cristinapereira4737 - 26.05.2024 13:35

The girl is kinda bragging a bit too much about her Brazilian Portuguese... 😅 it's okay, we get it it sounds really nice and we love it! Why make it such a big deal between language variations, there's nothing wrong with swallowing words for example. That happens with many languages. Portuguese as whole is complex and full of beauty!🇵🇹🇧🇷

@ricardolscosta - 26.05.2024 06:37

O moço de Portugual uma gracinha!

@MIXTOKENT - 26.05.2024 02:11

Em Portugal não tem mulheres bonitas como no Brasil mas tem uns gatinhos, principalmente, uns com pele trigueira parecendo marroquinos, argelinos, tais como como Cristiano Ronaldo, Quaresma e o ator Ricardo Pereira. O Miguel também é gatinho !

@user-ze1ir4kl3u - 25.05.2024 12:24


@leodopudim5154 - 25.05.2024 02:08

It's not bah/zé, it's bah and tchê

@tbarnes10 - 24.05.2024 07:00

I learned Portuguese in Mozambique which is a bit different from both, like for bus we said "machimbombo". Another word that I always like better the way I learned it was "mata bicho" for breakfast, "pequeno almoco" just never sounded right to me, and "cafe da manha" is something I only vaguely remember ever hearing. Overall I think the portugal speaker was closer to what I learned

@Renata_Alexandra - 24.05.2024 06:27

As a portuguese teacher, I'd like to say that a language is an expression of a culture. The language is a living thing, it changes as we communicate and throughout the time. In Brazil we have a large amount of indigenous influence on our language: that changes a lot of things, like pronunciation ans vocabulary. We also live in a very large country, with cities that are very far apart and normally, people from the extreme south and the extreme north express themselves in a different way, with different words and different pronunciation.
If we investigate the more cultural things from Portugal and Brazil, the more tradicional things of each country, we could see more differences.
Like the words: waiting line, bread, part time job, underwear... For Brazil, the way they call it in Protugal, those words are taboo words.
There's a lot of funny differences, but it is very fun to learn and discover (as a Brazilian) the origins of our language.

This video was very well done! Such a polite and friendly conversation! Loved it!

@estercarvalho5006 - 24.05.2024 06:07

Funny thing about the stereotype that brazilian people speak like they're singing is that even here in Brazil people say that to others. When I traveled to the south, people would instantly know that I was from Bahia (a state in the northeast coast) and when I asked them how they knew they would respond with: "You speak like you're singing" ("Você fala cantado" ou "Você fala cantando" em pt-br)

@neivamoreiramoreira6080 - 24.05.2024 04:12

3 pessoas que nao falaram em português,mas 2 falam,sem noção demais,nunca imaginaram que um falante da língua acessariam esse vídeo?

@user-vq5kg3zm1j - 24.05.2024 01:45

Eu conheço com frigorífico, o lugar onde vc geralmente mata e prepara o gado ou animal que vc irá abater para a venda em mercados ou açougues.

@inescosta9859 - 24.05.2024 01:45

In Portugal for you to say fact you have to pronouce the c there. Is not just Fato, is Facto...

@paulojorge8121 - 24.05.2024 01:22

as a portuguese person from alentejo, we still use grundio we use "indo, andando, etc" a lot

@nunomedeiros8390 - 23.05.2024 23:38

It is refreshing to see something, that nowadays it became rare: 3 young polite, educated and not stupid people . Congrats for the 3 and to them parents

@morceguito - 23.05.2024 23:25

Some places in Brazil you'd still hear terno being spelled fatiota.

@gabrielbabe - 23.05.2024 23:08

Vocês três são lindos, porém como sou gay, Miguel mexeu com meus sentimentos 🤤

@tinocnmforever - 23.05.2024 22:11

It's normal Portuguese , Spanish and Italians seems a like, because they all come from the Latin, also if you Analise history the first king of Portugal was Spanish...
Also you don't need to cross the ocean to see the differences. You can heard those closer to border where some words start to sound more Spanish that Portuguese, and the other way around

@josejuliomachado9177 - 23.05.2024 21:03

Si j ai bien compris le point de vue des protagonistes, le portugais du Portugal est une langues moches tandis que le portugais brésilien est une belle langue.
Cela reste une histoire de goût.
Pour ma part j ai toujour préféré l original a la copie.

@pepejr10king - 23.05.2024 19:07

A certain chemestry exists bettewn those 2😭 u can see it💀😂

@shailynplasencio3420 - 23.05.2024 18:01

This video was so funny, guys! Haha i would like to see miguel and julia in more videos like this or talking to each other about idk something else

@vitornogueira8025 - 23.05.2024 17:36

The Portuguese guy was a true gentleman and reacting very gracefully to the Brazilian girl making fun of the Portuguese pronunciation all the time. Shows how Portuguese people are gentle, open and kind and of course he then ends with the really nice message. The Brazilian girl had to go along, but one could see she didn't mean it all.

@almeidasalman5517 - 23.05.2024 15:33

Meio antipática essa brasileira semrpe rindo das palavras do português. Só eu acho? Tá parecendo mais uma carioca que uma paulista. =X

@davidkasquare - 23.05.2024 11:26

I can’t stand that Brazilian girl. She’s such a bully, and extremely arrogant. Why does she have to laugh at EVERY Portugal word..? It’s like Portugal Portuguese is a joke to her, and I find that extremely rude. She gives Brazilian Portuguese such a bad image, at least in my world. I’m sorry, but it’s just really hard for me to watch this video.

@davidkasquare - 23.05.2024 11:14

I very much prefer Portuguese from Portugal. ❤️🇵🇹 It’s much more stylish and elegant than the broad Brazilian Portuguese, and after all, it’s called PORTUGUESE; the language originated from Portugal. I of course also love Brazilian Portuguese, and I love Brazilian culture and music etc. What I don’t like is how they think their language is so much better than the one from Portugal. They feel very arrogant.

@AkiraUema - 23.05.2024 10:41

Again! lol!

"Frigorífico" in Brazilian Portuguese is not the freezer part of the fridge. We call that "freezer" (borrowed from English) or congelador.

"Frigorífico" in BP is actually a refrigerated space where a slaughterhouse or a meat processing plant keeps the meat.

@AkiraUema - 23.05.2024 10:36

I'm surprised that the Brazilian girl had never heard the word "comboio" before. That word also exists in Brazilian Portuguese, but the meaning is different. We say "comboio" meaning "convoy" in English.

@user-nw9cw1zf7u - 23.05.2024 05:46

In the “rola” part, I swore that the Portuguese was going to say it was a bird, and not the act of rolling.

(PS ; I thought it was really cute when the American girl said `´gozar`´).

@XE1GXG - 23.05.2024 05:44

The gringoid English is wretched.

@ivanlmoreira2803 - 23.05.2024 03:51

I'm brazilian and Here Cup is "Xícara" not "Copo"....this word meaning in Glass of Water

@PedroStaziaki - 23.05.2024 02:01

The picture for “cup” does not correspond to what the Portuguese word was… because “cup” in English can correspond to the one with the handle. But that is not “copo” in Portuguese, but rather “caneca”. Julia did not know they meant the one with the handle when she said “copo”

@joaolopes25 - 23.05.2024 00:52

Mais uma vez, esquecer os Açores... 9 ilhas, 9 dialectos. Mas claro, os Açores não são Portugal. "Antes morrer livres que em paz sujeitos!" Orgulho Açoriano!

@dorguinas - 22.05.2024 23:21

"he swallows!"

lá ele

@TioDeive - 22.05.2024 23:02

The subtitles misspell many of the Portuguese language words.

@pedromendesrbd - 22.05.2024 18:40

mó gatinho o boy

@KenpachiM3 - 22.05.2024 15:48

For the train, it's funny to hear Portuguese, because Comboio to BR-portuguese means convoy/caravan a group of vehicles or people on the move for example various trucks going together to a location or several military vehicles going to a location it would be a Comboio of them. Now as for Cup there's a difference too or at least can have more than one meaning. because Cup while it can be COPO, the more correct comparison would be Xícara! which is the type of cup you will drink coffee or tea or other very hot liquids where you can't hold on the surface so you get the handle on the side like the picture. While copo can have handles for example a copo de chopp (draft beer) which is a big glass cup to drink a very cold beer, in most scenarios copo is more related to glass cups where there is no handle like the ones where someone would use to drink vodka or other distillates or any liquid that won't harm your hand due to the temperature so you can grab on it's surface.

@MalissaVieira - 22.05.2024 06:12

Brasilians who say they don’t understand Portuguese from Portugal “at all” are so dramatic 😅 Like really?? NOTHING at all?? Give me a break!

@moisesjsalmeida - 22.05.2024 05:56

Julia, just to remember that, in Minas Gerais, the word "Trem" means literally ANYTHING.

@raulbriton - 21.05.2024 23:50

The word is NOITE , therefore is pronounced correct in Northeast of Brazil. There's no other ways. That language from São Paulo is correct but is better when the words are pronounced equal how to write.

@Calbuquerque09 - 21.05.2024 22:16

Typical Brazilian always making fun of the portuguese and their accents, their culture, their fashion, their women... Then you make a small joke and they call you racist. Very usual.
