Only Connect - Series 10 - Episode 21

Only Connect - Series 10 - Episode 21


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@Ogma3bandcamp - 07.02.2015 00:23

Thanks for posting. Anne is just yummy!

@pocketmagnetic - 07.02.2015 08:04

Thank you thank you, thank you! Don't know if you saw my plea to you in a message I sent yesterday but, in danger of repeating myself, thank you!

@divyakedia6090 - 07.02.2015 09:50

thanks for uploading. David looks nice ;)

@RFC3514 - 07.02.2015 12:03

Just for the QI elves, they should have had "CRTHN" as one of the moons, and then given them -10 points (klaxon optional)  if they got it "right".

@robertbrauer6718 - 08.02.2015 00:26

I can't believe the QI elves didn't get the one on the Great Train Robbery; QI has discussed that on several different episodes over the years.

@marjbridle6434 - 08.02.2015 04:07

That's better. I was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms. Ta & greetings from NZ.

@Mattii1234 - 10.02.2015 10:36

Thanks for posting and please don't stop until the season is finished :) I have no other way of seeing this!

@Smudgie - 13.02.2015 19:33

Does nobody understand  Spoiler-etiquette any more? FOR FUCK`S SAKE!

@qwertyTRiG - 15.02.2015 03:15

That was a low-scoring game, but very fun to watch. And it's nice to see the question-setters doing some trolling in the missing vowels round.


@Bearsca - 15.02.2015 04:35

I'm surprised the Elves didn't say anything about Victoria's mushroom comment about Zoe.

@Ulkomaalainen - 18.03.2015 08:43

I am severely predating myself, since I still have to record my scores on a couple of the quizzes, but I'd just like to mention that I absolutely dislike the "Big 4-5-6" question. While it is obvious that it's not about numbers increasing, and none of us would have answerd that way since it would have been too easy, "Big 7" would be a valid answer based on the series. The fact that you're thinking about a certain series cannot negate the fact that there is another one, albeit obvious, which may claim to be correct as well. In essence: you gotta make it unique after clue 3 or just kick the question out.

@franzfleischer3476 - 14.05.2015 07:03

David is so cute.

@MaxwellingtonIII - 29.05.2015 06:09

This was the first time watching this show. Wow. I love it.

@mitchweiner - 27.07.2017 04:29

My favorite 12th Doctor line is: " These are attack eyebrows ! "

@caitlinerickson7355 - 10.08.2017 09:12

Always happy when I hear the Ballad of Reading Gaol, even if autocorrect makes typing that really hard.

@sepiaglo5285 - 23.12.2017 20:47

The captain of the the coders appears to routinely exclude Zoe when conferring.

@anttibjorklund1869 - 30.03.2018 22:09

My favourite Doctor introduction line: "Brilliant."

@sidarthur8706 - 16.12.2018 14:56

throw a mushroom on that floor, i'd like to see what happens

@GoldenLion2004 - 01.04.2019 12:22

The QI Elves are brilliant, but they didn't immediately recognise Manitoba or Massachusetts on a map?

@pygiana16 - 14.12.2019 22:56

No one knows the novels of Thackeray.

@Harmonikdiskorde - 08.10.2020 09:17

Oh, hah, I listen to the QI Elves on their podcast, "No such thing as a fish"!

@kathleenhutton1566 - 17.05.2021 20:07

Not mockingbird was...Mockingbird is......!!!!!

@georgelloydgonzalez - 05.07.2021 03:42

I once lived in a residential neighbourhood which was divided in six blocks, and all of them started with M and the six first letters of the alphabet. So MA stood for Massachussets, MB for Manitoba, MC for Macau or Monaco, MD for Maryland, ME for Maine and MF for Mayotte

@karelfinn2343 - 01.08.2021 07:06

I enjoy the fact that the picture of MC Hammer was labeled "Master of ceremonies".

@TheGoldfishstew - 25.09.2021 09:15

As the bell went at the end of the final round my partner and I simultaneously announced "Didn't they do well!" and were begging for Victoria to take the perfect setup. She didn't. Disappointed.

@u8f7 - 18.11.2021 16:27

Brilliant teamwork from the QI elves on the wall

@danielguy3581 - 19.12.2021 07:59

The QI Elves had a lucky break on the wall - they didn't recognize 'Catherine wheel' as a possibility, which probably would've dissuaded them from trying to brute force the first group.

@47Jaspers - 20.04.2022 02:44

Next category, Famous Myungs

@silver6380 - 08.05.2022 07:21

at last, a fellow mycophobe! lol

@Ellie-ym9et - 28.07.2022 20:32

Victoria is such an icon. How she has not been given a damehood yet is beyond my ken.

@jetkirby - 28.09.2022 20:45

The team captain of the QI elves has no faith in the guy on his left,
Spoilers below

First he guesses Zulu, team captain uses his own guess of dutch instead, very next question they fail to identify Massachusetts, the guy to his left says "Massachusetts?" In a throwaway guess, before Victoria can reply the team captain immediately says "nah can't be"

@arthurgordon6072 - 15.12.2022 10:19

Treasure Island for goodness sake. Who hasn't read that!

@georgielancaster1356 - 18.09.2023 01:22

Anne is not listened to by the QI lads - and AHM is fighting to be heard and acknowledged by James.

He really has a very healthy ego - and it sounds like he managed to marry WAY ABOVE his batting record.

James really seems to think he is a team of his own.

@SG_1fan - 28.12.2023 11:36

Got the rugby shirt question after 2 clues. Amazed myself!

@josephinemonahan915 - 05.09.2024 23:48

Niall Tobin😂🤣😂……Niall Tóibín……..pronounced, Neel Towbeen…Irish actor and comedian😉

@lai17 - 23.10.2024 01:50

how the hell did they say dutch for the south africa category…

@robertlarue2569 - 30.10.2024 01:42

Anyone else shocked that the QI Elves missed 'Thackeray' in the wall round when they had decided the category was novels, and 'Vanity Fair' was included?

@erobin93 - 24.02.2025 16:02

Colour me surprised seeing half of the No Such Thing as a Fish crew!
