Unfinished Video Games

Unfinished Video Games

The Cursed Judge

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@nuberiffic - 12.02.2024 06:32

The video game is finished when you decide to stop working on it

@crazyBloodmonkey - 11.02.2024 08:37

that ending was pretty great lol.

@IndieDenma - 10.02.2024 08:47

In my opinion, a finished game is one that is mainly bug free and doesn't get any more content in any way. That's it.

@Mainlymundane - 09.02.2024 21:00


@SL4PSH0CK - 09.02.2024 12:08

there’s a misconception in cyberpunk of differentiating a model and texture rendering or streaming to a bug, the game literally had HDD mode, this largely contributed to older consoles w/ HDD of a buggy experience w/ the abomination we’ve seen 😂

@SL4PSH0CK - 09.02.2024 12:04

Early access in a nutshell. Edit: 😅 yep it’s mentioned

@euguinn9524 - 09.02.2024 11:22

Very good video by a very good pup :33

@rerr0001 - 08.02.2024 18:49

this intro is kinda long

@KevinBrooks_c - 08.02.2024 14:10

Reminds me of a quote "No film is ever finished, it just gets released.", while the difference between a film and a game is that a game is so intractable no matter from a buyer or a maker stand point, which can make things better, but makes the release itself meant so much less.

@AWESOMEFRANK1321 - 08.02.2024 12:53

I thought he was gonna make a video on all games in the past 4 years

@webkinskid - 08.02.2024 10:59

the difference between Terraria and Project Zombie is one of honesty, Terraria has been having its final final final final final final update (for real this time) for years now, whereas Project Zombie has honestly been under heavy development for years now

@yourmomiguesslol - 08.02.2024 08:04

My mom is an unfinished video game

@bit_crushed - 08.02.2024 04:39

You make a very good point, this was a very compelling video
Good doggy < 3

@itsnoteasybeinggreen7076 - 08.02.2024 03:09

I suppose you could consider a game to be in an endless cycle of never ending development "unfinished". But to me a game has a purpose, a start and a finish, and that purpose is created when you decide to buy it. Because, while we all have different reasons for playing different genres and types of games, when you buy a game, you buy it with a purpose in mind. You have some kind of intentions when you decide to purchase and play the game. You, the player, play the game and either find enjoyment and fulfillment in what you desired initially or you simply don't. To me a game that delivers that fulfillment is finished.

@austinbevis4266 - 08.02.2024 02:31

What is the thesis of this video? I feel he’s just stating facts, but there’s no real narrative being told

@vvvvvortexxxxx - 08.02.2024 02:11

You brought up some amazing points in this video, its fantastic. In my opinion, a game is "finished" when it is no longer being worked on by the developers. Yes, community members could still be working on and releasing mods, but when the developer is no longer working on a game, they are "finished" with it.

@moolate127 - 07.02.2024 22:14

When I couldn't get Internet I played We Happy Few without any patches and it was literally unplayable for me. Saves didnt work, even after uninstalling several times. I'd of essentially had to beat it in one go.
10/10 don't recommend without patches.
Elden Ring on the other hand, works fine without patches. You might get a couple more bugs and Radahn is harder, but it's playable. Basic functions like the game saving works. There's also a character named Patches, so there's that.
I think someone's access to Internet and at what point in the game's patching they play is a huge factor on whether or not they would consider it it a finished product.

@glaprince - 07.02.2024 19:30

Playing a game in your freetime for joy is what its made for. But I dont understand those people who maniacally „study“ games. Like those TrackMania freaks for example, who go through maps like bots. What a bunch of lifeless losers…

@herekongato - 07.02.2024 19:24

I feel like nowadays almost every big title is fkin unfinished 😂

@naglis3518 - 07.02.2024 19:13

what’s the last game in the paterson part of the video?

@leflashkoska - 07.02.2024 15:55

For some reason... this reminded me of Two Worlds II, the game came out early 2011 and had one DLC. Then 5 years later it had an engine update out of nowhere and a 10 hours DLC came out in 2017. They even released another DLC in 2019? It's so fascinating whenever older games put out a DLC years after the game initially released with nothing in between whatsoever.

@PikaLink91 - 07.02.2024 14:56

Alanah Pierce once said:
"A game is never finished, it is only released"

@LordMarlle - 07.02.2024 14:53

I swear the way to start the Dark Souls 1 dlc sounds exactly like a 90s, early 2000's, fake video game cheat

@godonomas - 07.02.2024 14:52

Me with my half sleep brain:
Who the f is Unfin Ished? Wonder what genre of games they make. 😅

@Kazeshini11 - 07.02.2024 13:38

At first with expansions I didn't mind. I looked forward to getting them even for Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction, Starcraft and Command and Conquer. The first time I encountered the letters DLC was playing Dragon Age Origins. Tried going a certain place and was told I couldn't. That even tho I had paid full price, I still had to pay money to go somewhere in the game I bought. I did finish the game and then I never bought another Bioware or EA product ever again in the past 16 years. That's how bad I hated DLC.

Nowadays expansions are a thing of the past and they just come out with DLC. But back then I was so pissed to know the content was there but I couldn't access it cause I hadn't paid for it. To the younger me, it was like they purposefully made a game and sectioned off a part of it to charge more instead of working on it after launch. Now with games like Grim Dawn, it still feels like an expansion cause what they come out with takes years to make and still feels like an expansion. But when you know the whole game is on your PC but parts of it are behind a paywall that will open in X amount of time cause they want to milk you more, F those devs.

@Sebastian-lg1qu - 07.02.2024 11:17

Was watching this video on Xbox and had to grab my phone because you are an ignorant piece of shit lmao. All of these are just basically, "wah. Game isnt easy enough for me. Therefore I must cry." Actually shut the fuck up

@conehead4151 - 07.02.2024 10:48

I noticed the beaststars music on the background lol

@arcanine_enjoyer - 07.02.2024 09:56

My dumbass really saw "Unfin Ished" and thought it was just some random game with a weird title

@legitscoper3259 - 07.02.2024 07:23


@MatthewPiercey - 07.02.2024 07:19

Great video. Got me thinking that a "finished" game can become unfinished, then finished again, if it's dredged up by fans/GOG/Nightdive and given a new lease on life.

Either through an "Enhanced Edition" (looking at you, System Shock), quality-of-life patches/mods, source ports (GZDoom, etc.), an open-source re-implementation (Marathon and Aleph One comes to mind), somebody reverse-engineering the code (like with Diablo or Mario 64), or even a total conversion mod that turns the game into something else entirely.

Yeah, this is one of those ontological rabbitholes, isn't it?
"Hey, VSauce. Michael here. This video game is finished. OR IS IT?"

@Trutadruida - 07.02.2024 07:17

I would add Crash Twinsanity as an unfinished masterpiece

Devs had a vision that couldnt been finished because of time and budget

@HaikuNW - 07.02.2024 05:33

Ngl, I thought I was gonna learn about what unfin and ished meant

@justinhamilton8647 - 07.02.2024 05:25

Last 4 minutes fucked so hard

@ryanharrison692 - 07.02.2024 03:55

What game was being played in the outro?

@Paradyze9800 - 07.02.2024 01:39

Video games are the only entertainment medium that allows unfinished media to exist you will never watch an unfinished movie or hear an unfinished song but everyone’s played an unfinished game

@Gureenu - 07.02.2024 00:43

maybe the finished games is the friends we played with along the way

@edasch - 07.02.2024 00:42

i really like ur videos, but what really sticks to me, is your background music.. havent heard beastars for such a long time, so thank you

@dungeonmaster6342 - 07.02.2024 00:31

Wow. Phenomenal work on this. First cursed judge video ever (Recommended) and I was really into everything he said near the end. The line "Every game is a live service game now whether anyone likes it or not. Cyberpunk was finished, Project Zombie is not." Actually gave me goosebumps. Bravo. Easy sub. Keep doing your thing.

@oXoToCo - 07.02.2024 00:30

Man I wish you would have touched on Xenoblade 2 & 3 dlc. They we're whole as new games.

@yoggy2207 - 06.02.2024 21:49

im not gonna lie dude. I completely zone out from start to finish of this video and registered no words that you said

@pinkyUndsoo - 06.02.2024 20:16

this video shows me, again, what a mistake animal crossing new horizons was. So many features missing, so many updates promised and never delivered. That game is the definition of "unfinished" for me 100%

@witcursedimages3560 - 06.02.2024 20:12

Unfin Ished Video Games

@coolbunny47 - 06.02.2024 19:58


@IvoStunga - 06.02.2024 19:20

When I buy a book, I expect it to be finished. When I buy a movie, I expect the same. Music - same! Why should games be different as a story-telling medium? Not every game has to be a an effin online subscription service that drags on and wastes one's time into oblivion. I'm not into market for promises, I'm into games and I miss some of the old-school non-blsht approach to a product.

@woollama - 06.02.2024 17:27

I'm going insane. Who's the girl from thumbnail?

@PneumaticFrog - 06.02.2024 17:26


@kdubs_r4152 - 06.02.2024 16:56

Skate 3 is my favorite example of a game made more fun for the fact that the game was released in such a janky state

@-natdog-9516 - 06.02.2024 15:15

