Alternative treatment for patients suffering from chronic sinusitis

Alternative treatment for patients suffering from chronic sinusitis

WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

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@samuelmatthews9092 - 26.01.2024 07:35

I’ve had 2 (two) ballon sinoplasties, with turbine reductions, and viviar as well and I still can’t breath well through my nose.

@brendajones4952 - 16.01.2024 14:54

Surgery seems like a last resort measure to me. You need to clear the infection and get things moving as it has stagnated. Try a natural nasal spray such as sinu orega or sinusoothe. Sinusoothe cured my twenty year sinus infection when doctors and ent specialists could not provide a remedy (except for trying to push steroid nasal sprays on me but that's a whole other story!).

@azeemali7102 - 13.12.2023 18:19

Ya skeptical because the ability for the nose to constrict and dry up...

@Zackemcee1 - 03.12.2023 20:47

The best description to this medical condition is "A black and white world", due to the absence of smell and taste

@lutravelstheworld - 26.11.2023 20:07

Sometimes I wonder if plane Chemtrails have anything to do with this. All those toxic chemicals invisibly raining down from man made clouds, and landing on the trees and when the leaves fall off the branches and break off, all of those chemicals reproduce again and multiply in the air. That is what I call allergies. A man made thing to keep medication selling.

@iassaini5856 - 26.10.2023 20:38

Helllo everyone can anyone tell me treatment a out chronic sinusitis, runny nose , sneezing, block nose etc. Problem having last 10 years

Please tell any best treatment

@jdeasi - 06.10.2023 08:39

Take 2 250,0000 iu serrapeptase first thing in morning with a pint of water and do a nasel rinse and a steriod spray twice daily, improve gut health by drinking lots of kefir and eating natural yogurts and taking probiotics and you're symtoms will massively improve.
Lived with this 15 years had two opeations a septoplasty and endoscopic sinus surgery it can be a living nightmare to be in constant pain

@blad_3 - 22.08.2023 22:32

I had deviated septum, adenoid hypertrophy, enlarged inferior turbinates, middle meteal complex crowding, sinusitis. Went to check my ringing ear with a hole in ear drum which happened few hours after covid vaccine due to fungal infection, got nose surgery instead. Septoplasty, turbinectomy, adenoidectomy, antrostomy and balloon sinuplasty done. During the 7th day cleaning with suction, they literally bent my right nose so bad since it had slightly smaller opening(can't say it is small really)I started bleeding heavily.. Only few days it was getting better, got allergic rhinitis and steroids just worsened recovery and within 2 weeks, got big bulge on my septum, much worse deviation than before. Infact I couldn't feel any deviation of septum before surgery, it was just visible in scan report, now it's so evident and worse.. sinusitis is back home, face got heavy again. Another episode of bacterial infection came in few months, with pus discharge in ear, but antibiotics didn't work this time around, probably thanks to continuous medications prescribed post recovery I might have developed antibiotic resistance. Almost back to square 1 within 4 months and post nasal drip just welcomed me, but hey adenoid was removed and still the drip is not coming down the throat easily like few months back right after surgery. I'm just so tired, ringing is shit, hearing is affected, breathing is affected. Gave up on pretty much everything, read a lot around all these complications, realised that from diet to environment to hygiene to posture(got spine issues developed since childhood that I'm working on and improving) to weak immune system to hyper active immune system(high histamine levels lead to lot of mucus produced for nothing),etc etc can result in constant nasal congestion and breathing compromise leading to other complications along with a difficult life.
Due to infection ear drum got ruptured, now as infection gets worse, need to get immediate surgery. I'm not even confident to get ear surgery at this point, been 2.5 years now. Sleep, Marriage, Work, Health, Social life, love life, family, all going away for a toss.. just need some silence in life. Earlier hope was gone and i worked on health and geared up for surgery and medicines, now gave up on medicines and living on hope. Going to experiment with diet and environment, breathing exercises and physiotherapy,etc as an attempt to address the root causes and see where it goes. If i make it then great, I'll be confident i can sustain the very health as well, else fuck it I'm done no point anyway..

@crystalfelicia9924 - 17.07.2023 00:13

That's amazing, to bad not available in my area, i'd def try that!

@Ohyousunflower - 11.06.2023 20:03

Floornase and Celine spray 💀

@raphaeldoolichand7109 - 28.01.2023 07:48

But how long does it last?

@brother.teresa - 26.01.2023 07:34

Been dealing with it for 3 years. Constant post nasal drip. Good luck getting insurance to actually approve you for it

@bbcraz1226 - 13.12.2022 10:39

I bet they charge 10 grand for this 20 minute "surgery"

@yesikanarvaez5027 - 23.11.2022 20:30

Will this help with my allergies or when I sleep that's my main concern

@hightidelowtide6380 - 18.11.2022 04:37

I have had this for 10 years and it's slow torture, and very depressing.

@m42037 - 27.09.2022 18:33

And polups that won't go away even infection in the eye where one pupil is smaller than the other with a red eye, Edit: Horner's syndrome I just found out from a injured Corotid artery. So sinus problems now this 😥

@jon13001 - 08.05.2022 14:17

This procedure did not help me at all. What else can help besides surgery? Saline spray and flonase help temporarily but its worse again.

@lucyclarkeyy - 22.04.2022 04:41

I need this now. I live in the UK so thank god it’s free but I’ve had it for 9 months and I’m still waiting to see an ENT doctor. It’s so painful

@janettamara2529 - 03.06.2021 06:08

Am so much happy today that i got cured from sinusitis infection that i have been having for 7 years with the help of Dr Igodo herbal medicine.. No more ear pain, no more nose block, no more eyes pain or swelling up, no more dizzy and pains since i have been taking Dr Igodo herbal medicine, am free totally!! You can contact me back here to direct you or give you Dr Igodo herbal medicine information, so that you can contact him by yourself and see the good results that i have gotten!!

@eleanorwalterswalters1720 - 13.06.2020 11:48

It was almost impossible to believe remedies in which believed to cure polyps after a few days because I have already been suffering from it for 8 years. I got in contact with this nasal polyps treatment “Vοzαnzο Tvο” (Google it) with my uncertainty. Right after adopted this treatment method, It required almost 3 weeks for my polyps to be gone for good. I`m free from not just the polyps, but of some other long-term symptoms I had. .

@Innos34 - 04.04.2020 15:06

I didn`t expect something however the nasal polyps treatment method “Vοzαnzο Tvο” (Google it) only has done its job for four days, but my polyps already have shrunk entirely! Why the hell hadn`t my physician informed me regarding this? Thanks and i`ll stick to your advice about prevention since I sure do not want it again. I am looking forward to the day the polyps will go away and not return. .

@normandapolito1715 - 07.11.2019 08:40

Do natural popular sinusitis home remedy like Sinuzolax Miracle really work and if so, how effective are they? I've noticed numerous amazing things about this popular sinus treatment.

@SabbirRahman-jd1ym - 30.01.2018 18:52

What do you think of cure your sinus safely with Sinuzolax Miracle? I notice lots of people keep on talking about Sinuzolax Miracle.
