PETERBOROUGH Ontario Canada Travel

PETERBOROUGH Ontario Canada Travel

Lvfree Adventures

2 года назад

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@andyadventures2841 - 12.06.2022 11:08

Beautiful Tour my friend

@pervaizkhan2312 - 12.06.2022 12:47

why you all vedios are beautiful and fantastic view.?
no word to explain it.
like your channel .
i am sorry sir looking your vedio getting late. but can't miss your vedio you why because my mood is happy to look your vedio. love you

@pervaizkhan2312 - 12.06.2022 12:47

why you all vedios are beautiful and fantastic view.?
no word to explain it.
like your channel .
i am sorry sir looking your vedio getting late. but can't miss your vedio you why because my mood is happy to look your vedio. love you

@ljiljankazovko6545 - 12.06.2022 20:05

Ljepota,pozdrav iz Mostara

@pushkarnegi2610 - 12.06.2022 20:54

Very very happy nice

@spookerredmenace3950 - 13.06.2022 04:49

oh cool! i used to live there for 16 1\2 years from 2000- 2016, some ways i miss it. i dont know how i found this channel but here i am... liked and subbed! hello from London Ontario Canada

@oisantosart - 13.06.2022 06:54

There are cars bring canoes. Where will probably they go?

@stephaniesimmonds2664 - 13.06.2022 07:59

My hometown

@angelafavara9887 - 13.06.2022 11:27

Spettacolo ♥️♥️❤️🤩🤩🤩🤩

@farrellwilliams3596 - 13.06.2022 14:39

Anyone else from here cringe at all the wonderful comments? Lol

@spookerredmenace3950 - 13.06.2022 17:13

the liftlock curse is pretty good :D

@draydengee9060 - 14.06.2022 01:36

How did you manage to record a peaceful day? This city is horrible. Drug addicts, drug dealers, prostitutes and homeless are everyday problems that have to be dealt with everyday here. You can't go anywhere without someone high on who knows what yelling or screaming on the streets. There's another homeless person starving and trying to stay warm or stay cool every 20 steps. We have the most over valued real estate in Canada, with our rent costs you'd think you living somewhere in New York and our city hall sure seems to be taking there sweet time trying to help people, they build nothing but Condos for people with alot of money. To anyone thinking this looks nice, it's NOT. DO NOT move here, it was once beautiful but this city has failed over the years. Look elsewhere in Ontario but peterborough is a slum at the moment. That said, good job with the edits.

@wizdom705 - 14.06.2022 10:07

You should show the truth of the growing homeless problem due to all the drugs in the city, show the public parks filled with homeless tents or the prostitution on Bethune street, what about the public needle boxes beside the public library??

At least show the truth of how fentanyl destroyed Peterborough

@Chillaxin202 - 14.06.2022 21:40

Don’t let them take down market hall it’s historic

@tobybuckbum3422 - 15.06.2022 03:46

Don't forget the crack heads

@ghulamakbar5042 - 15.06.2022 14:38

Beautiful city 💖🌆💖

@sivayamsiva9343 - 16.06.2022 03:37

Excellent Peterborough views really great, wonderful photography and editing also, congratulations thanks for sharing very impressive video 👌👌👌

@NimoAIbot - 16.06.2022 04:00

Beautiful work 😍 I’m doing similar vlogs as you in UK

@Stepoutwithme - 16.06.2022 10:34

Nice to see a different world there.

@ambulance_driver9477 - 16.06.2022 23:11

An absolute gong show of a city... Not only do we have 1 of the highest unemployment rates in Canada, the amount of drugs and alcohol related incidents coupled with the incredibly high amount of people with mental health issues makes this city an absolute joke.

@johntrue7113 - 17.06.2022 04:53

Peterborough is very global socialist NWO UN Agenda 21 2030 climate change agenda oriented.

@aclem8246 - 17.06.2022 17:50

Smallish city. Used to be a bedroom community for Toronto when the trains ran between them. Not sure if they do anymore. Tucked away from the world. Slow pace. Summers that last 2-3 months. Then you have winter......A few attractions. Nothing too exciting.

@ellisdee420 - 18.06.2022 12:29

Aggressive panhandlers, shootings, stabbings, break ins every day and night, needles everywhere, people being robbed at knifepoint . It used to be my fav place to live. Now it is dirty like hamilton or oshawa

@dallasspencerYT - 18.06.2022 19:12

This town is worse than south oshawa

@beautifuljourneyofmotherhood - 19.06.2022 05:49

I Love your all videos. 👍

@stevemino142 - 20.06.2022 01:51

Peterborough ontario is no big deal ontario is probably the most expensive province to travel in anyone stupid enough to pay over 2 dollars a litre for gas to travel is beyond me

@hazard4urhealth76 - 20.06.2022 07:08

Your missing all the homeless and crazy ass crack heads, take one or two turns off main street and this town gets ugly quick.

@array-of-wasting-shadows - 20.06.2022 09:55

And if you look to your left, several broken shop windows, to your right.. or actually should i say, look in any direction and you'll see the many local crackheads screaming and demanding change, one for every street on a normal day.
And yes! they will also follow and harass you for money, how fun!
You're video is nicely done, I'd be fooled too if I wasn't trapped living in this dump.
But honestly, no matter how pretty the video makes it out to be, best to stay away from Peterborough, it's a waste of time and a waste of a town.

@PTBORailfan - 21.06.2022 00:38

i also got a video of that exact same train.

@bakabaka2061 - 25.06.2022 01:02

Do no go to Peterborough IT is a HUGE SHIT HOLE! Drug junkies, Crime and crazy people at every corner. It's a garbage city.

@SEETORONTO360 - 25.06.2022 17:04

Thank you for the video. Have a great day everyone. ✌

@sonialeblanc4917 - 12.07.2022 16:45

C'est magnifiques comme pays merci beaucoup 👍🇨🇦❤️🙏🙏

@joss4238 - 19.07.2022 02:00

Don't get me wrong, I love my city, but it seems to get worse in recent years. Crackheads are always screaming, and high unemployment rates and crimes are becoming more of a problem. I hope one day my beautiful city can be peaceful again.

@siddharthmistry2551 - 21.08.2022 02:14

Looking for rental home in this city.. please help

@obajiifeoma3882 - 09.12.2022 08:54

I just got admission to fleming college..are u saying the employment rate js low?

@Akshithaa974 - 18.12.2022 00:27

I visited here once with my aunt, it's a nice city .

@HistoryColourized - 15.01.2023 01:54

Fun Canadian fact as a Canadian the Peterborough lift lock is the highest hydraulic lift in the world

@haydndagnall8236 - 03.03.2023 17:18

literally everything there is to see in Peterborough is in this video, except for the exponentially growing unhoused community. This is a very pretty town, but don't come here as a tourist. This is a mockery.
Ptbo born and raised.
There's campsites at half of these parks now.
Really, do not come here.

@miacummings1670 - 29.03.2023 16:14

They make downtown look beautiful candian from there know what I mean

@abrarjahangir7582 - 23.05.2023 06:42

Been reading a lot about this place being bad. Planning to go there as a student. Is it really that bad ?

@caper713 - 16.07.2023 03:04

You forgot to mention the addicts, gender benders, and rainbow nazis, polluting Peterborough on a daily basis........

@johnpatterson4272 - 21.08.2023 04:06

A wonderful video showcase of the City of Peterborough as it is in the 21st century.

@opiahpreciousiyke1652 - 26.10.2023 17:04

Beautiful view

@4spdragtop - 31.10.2023 01:20

What an absolutely abysmal drug addicted/homeless cesspool it has turned into! Hey let's turn the Greyhound bus terminal into a "safe" injection clinic!! Safe?? Safe?? For who?? Oh and yeah the clinic is RIGHT BESIDE the City bus terminal. Lmao.
Cops WONT DO A THING(political minefield)
2 weeks ago we were out for supper with our son and 9yr old granddaughter at 530. I had to come out of the restaurant (Kettledrums) and confront a homeless addict POS scum that was accosting my son in front of his daughter! So yeah show the REAL Peterborough, this video is NOT an accurate portrayal.

@billtrim50 - 12.11.2023 22:05

My hometown 😢. My family moved to the US in 1970 😕. I was 13

@LalHussain-nr2pe - 28.11.2023 12:10

This is my dad phone I love some there

@EmmysCoolVids123 - 03.12.2023 23:36

Greetings from California

@mattrutherford4715 - 18.12.2023 03:35

How come he did not mechen the Peterborough petes and R.F Downey public school

@GhostRider_zx6r - 30.12.2023 15:10

May I use this video

@LvfreeAdventures - 11.06.2022 22:10

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