Help us celebrate and congratulate Intrust IT as a 2020 selected winner in the Great Game of Business!
Why do we play?
Central to how Intrust operates are open and transparent financials. That means that Intrust shares all the financial information about the company with all the employees. Intrust employees also receive financial literacy training so that everyone knows what the numbers mean. Important numbers are tracked and discussed on a weekly basis, and when the company is profitable, all of the employees share in that profit.
It's called the Great Game of Business because there are rules to follow, we keep score and everyone has a stake in the outcome. Being trusted with important financial information means that everyone at Intrust feels valued and integral to our company. This feeling carries over to longer employee retention and the ability to hire the best people.
#information_technology #managed_it_services #msp #great_game_of_business #company_culture #employee_ownership #cincinnati