38 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Week by Week and Signs of Labor

38 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Week by Week and Signs of Labor

Diana In The Pink

2 года назад

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Antonio Cobos Anguita
Antonio Cobos Anguita - 28.09.2023 00:05

In south-africa after natural birth the Dr say 90days to have sex .but i live in spain now and they talk about 6weeks its crazy

Fahad Aranan
Fahad Aranan - 27.09.2023 16:47

38weeks and 1 day today😊 excited to meet/hug and kiss our new baby❤😘🥰

Echigba Helen
Echigba Helen - 20.09.2023 23:54

I am 37 weeks today and I pray for safe delivery for us all.

Edith Vivanco
Edith Vivanco - 17.09.2023 17:50

I never knew that you can take baths right after birth. 😅

Zoliwe Ndziba
Zoliwe Ndziba - 17.09.2023 07:15

Legs are swelling, I'm tired and ready to meet my baby ❤️❤️🙆

Safiya Turundu
Safiya Turundu - 16.09.2023 12:40

Had my baby girl at 38 weeks + 1 day and she's doing great! All the best to the Mama's who are still at it, almost there!

Hannah Stanford
Hannah Stanford - 13.09.2023 23:08

38 weeks today with our first baby and being induced tomorrow. Excited and nervous. Can’t wait to meet you sweet boy🩵

Shawn McGee
Shawn McGee - 12.09.2023 01:23

I had my beautiful baby girl & 38 weeks and 3 days, September 1st Happy Happy Birthday Harmonei Cherish ❤❤❤😊😊😊

Malina Barrera
Malina Barrera - 11.09.2023 23:37

I’ll be 38 weeks in 2 days 😮😮🎉🎉 man time sure is flying! This will be #2 for me and I’m super excited

christine smith
christine smith - 08.09.2023 06:10

I'm 38 weeks not feeling any contracts nothing I'm over this an want to be done sigh😢😢😢

Inelyz Viruet
Inelyz Viruet - 05.09.2023 14:06

I'm 38 weeks in two days. Debating if to do an elective induction for next week that my Ob offered or if just wait to 41 and see if she comes out before then. In the meantime I've just been worried about taking amoxicillin which I was just prescribed yesterday. I have found that being pregnant can be so hard when it comes to doctors prescribing you medications and me having to worry if this is truly safe or if it's risky etc...

Inelyz Viruet
Inelyz Viruet - 05.09.2023 14:01

Hi Diana
I don't know if you do look at these comments as this video was posted two years ago. I have been watching all of your videos for week one up to now that I am 38weeks pregnant. I'm a little nervous and wanted to ask about your opinion on treating a UTI in the third trimester with amoxicillin. I recently got that prescribed for the next five days and I'm so worried about the safety of this to my baby. Has anyone else been in this situation?

Erin Fink
Erin Fink - 03.09.2023 18:34

38 weeks today. I’ve been very active and working. Unfortunately yesterday I threw out my low back and I can’t walk without crutches - and I can still barely walk or move. I went from being very excited to now being scared!

Stormi Maya Music
Stormi Maya Music - 29.08.2023 23:52

38 weeks and ready to DO THIS!!!

Grace Travz
Grace Travz - 29.08.2023 04:24

Good day! 🎉I am in my 38 weeks now. I feel tired and my tummy is quite heavy. Thank you for this video, this reassure that what I am feeling is normal.. I hope everyone of us will deliver the baby safe and smooth. God bless every mom out there!❤

sheila Aine
sheila Aine - 28.08.2023 23:51

Thank you so much for the video it was very educative, this being my first pregnancy I really don’t know what to expect. Am
39 weeks pregnant and I feel so tired all the time, excited 😮 and nervous 😩at the same time. I will take everything as it comes.

Choolwe Hamanjanji
Choolwe Hamanjanji - 28.08.2023 11:58

Am 38 +1 today and no bloody show but feeling tired and have a headache. Not knowing if it's a sign too?

strawberrylycan - 28.08.2023 01:01

38+3 today, I'm feeling fine, sometimes I even feel like I'm not even pregnant. Right know we just waiting for anything to happen 😅

Angela Viramontes
Angela Viramontes - 26.08.2023 05:39

38 weeks tomorrow no baby yet but I’m at 3-4cm last week so Tuesday they checking me again lol 😂 who knows

Amanjot kaur
Amanjot kaur - 25.08.2023 16:16

I am 38 weeks day after tomorrow, i am watching your videos since beginning, it is really helpful for as i have first nobody is here to take care of me or teaching me about pregnancy, but because of you i was learning everyday ❤❤❤

Julie Barkar
Julie Barkar - 24.08.2023 18:59

I am 38 weeks and I can’t wait to meet my baby girl!! I feel so heavy and exhausted.

Élodie Poirier
Élodie Poirier - 24.08.2023 18:59

Having my c section in 4 day ❤

Shanell Krippa
Shanell Krippa - 22.08.2023 21:02

I am 38 weeks today with my second daughter. I will get induced next Tuesday because I have 2 vessel cord. I'm ready! My daughter is excited too. She knows there's a baby in mommy's tummy. I wish everyone an amazing labor and delivery ❤

Maniii Cenzoo
Maniii Cenzoo - 22.08.2023 18:17

38 weeks today & yes this is my first😩my feet are swollen, I’m tired of going to the bathroom every hour.. Tired of the Braxton hicks and I’m honestly just ready to meet baby girl

Blue Hunter
Blue Hunter - 22.08.2023 17:27

38 weeks pregnant ❤I still waddling a lot and have pain in abdominal area and urinate a lot and I can’t wait hold my baby boy and still once in while I have what they call lightening crouches and my belly is getting bigger and heavy when I am sitting down but it hard to push the cart at stores and hard walk around for too long. Baby moves alot more. I hope everyone have a safe and healthy labor and delivery

Final Warning For Mankind
Final Warning For Mankind - 21.08.2023 13:41

I have a friend who went into labour at 37 weeks 3 days...she gave birth to a bouncing baby

Samantha Williams
Samantha Williams - 18.08.2023 09:41

I love these videos! Joy watching throughout my whole pregnancy

Cassandra Peterson
Cassandra Peterson - 16.08.2023 07:05

I’m 38+5 softened cervix but 0cm, been in prodomal labor since 32 weeks. I’m miserable. 😢

Lacee Miller
Lacee Miller - 14.08.2023 17:09

I’m 38 weeks today! Have my 2nd cesarean next Monday! ❤

Zainta Conteh
Zainta Conteh - 13.08.2023 17:41

I will be 39weeks tomorrow can’t wait to see my baby as a first time mum thank you your videos help me a lot ❤

tinkerlee Go
tinkerlee Go - 13.08.2023 07:55


Been frequently having abdominal pain specially when getting up or standing longer than 3mins and walking for more than 10mins.
So nervous and excited at the same time 🙏🏻 anxious about dealing with the pain as the midwife recommends not to think of asking for epidural but to be positive of going natural 🙏🏻

Rickis Blind eyes
Rickis Blind eyes - 12.08.2023 07:14

Is it normal to feel like if your sick around this week?

Everything Beautiful
Everything Beautiful - 11.08.2023 15:59

I am 38 weeks today with 5th baby and woke up with terrible Braxton hicks contractions. I feel so heavy and slow… I guess she is telling me mommy get ready

Brooke Boesing
Brooke Boesing - 11.08.2023 06:54

38+3 days today with my first. I got checked at my 38 week appt and was 2 centimeters dilated and 80%effaced- no signs of contracting, bloody show, or mucus plug yet. I haven’t had any Braxton Hicks since 29 weeks. Come on baby boy! Waiting on labor naturally with you!

Kris PO
Kris PO - 07.08.2023 17:09

I had my baby girl on 7.31.23 at 38 weeks 6 days, with A Due Date of 8.8.23. My water broke while sleeping past midnight on 7.31, and gave birth at 7.30pm on 7.31. My baby is healthy, and it was all worth it. ❤

Maria Bond
Maria Bond - 02.08.2023 18:17

37 1/2 Very ready to meet my little girl!

Renata Piasinu
Renata Piasinu - 30.07.2023 19:37

I'm 38 weeks today and can't sleep,hence, I am here watching your video🤝

SFF - 30.07.2023 18:56

37 and 5 days today. Definitely Braxton hicks, hip pains. Not comfortable working out as of a few days ago. My downstairs floors unfortunately had to be redone and part of the house I was able to clean up the dust off the walls, cabinets, blinds, appliances, and put some stuff back out. Boy was I surprised how much that took out of me. Something non pregnant me would of zipped through.

Miss Saintii
Miss Saintii - 28.07.2023 06:07

37 weeks 6 days today . I have had diarrhea and shivering so hopefully baby 🎀 will be here any day now 😊

nolandhlovu - 27.07.2023 22:56

I welcomed my baby girl at 38 weeks pregnant! Waters broke and went straight to the Doctor and was admitted. After 12 hours umder supervision there was no sign of labor that's when I was induced. Six hours later the fetal was distressed and an emergency csection was performed.
Baby born 25th July 2023. Healthy and too beautiful!

Thank you to the Almighty for the safe delivery and my doctor.
Diana in the Pink thank you for imparting your knowledge to us mommies which comes in handy on a daily when preggies and everyone who is part of this family for the comments that educate.

Wish everyone a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery ❤❤❤

Beauty Thought
Beauty Thought - 25.07.2023 22:34

38 weeks tomorrow! Getting super real! Nervous and excited

Astina Tembo muntanga
Astina Tembo muntanga - 24.07.2023 20:13

Am 38weeks and I can't wait to meet my baby hopefully the baby comes early please God

Sanita Shrestha
Sanita Shrestha - 22.07.2023 07:29

Today I’m 38 weeks and 3 days I hope baby will come safe and healthy pray for me due on Aug 2nd 2023 thank you.💙

Eric Yeboah Archimedes
Eric Yeboah Archimedes - 20.07.2023 15:13

Am 36 weeks and I have diarrhea can it be am I labour

jjdrama - 18.07.2023 19:58

38 weeks tomorrow with my first baby and I still feel good. I plan to work up to my due date because this baby hasn't dropped nor have I felt any other signs of dilation.

Faith Peter
Faith Peter - 17.07.2023 02:35

Tanks 4 d video, it has been helpful, God bless you ma

Cynthia Ashanie
Cynthia Ashanie - 16.07.2023 12:26

Thanks Diana with all the info mu journey was amazing watching all your videos
My baby is finally here at 38 weeks. Good luck

Gigisamaha2 - 15.07.2023 01:52

I'm at week 38. I have been having Braxton Hicks for awhile and now trying to figure out if what I am feeling now is Braxton Hicks or real contractions, but since they are not close together or at regular intervals, I'm thinking they are just more intense Braxton Hicks. He's been very active my whole pregnancy lol
I love your videos and I have been telling other moms about these videos because these are SO HELPFUL!!!❤

Mary itsjustme
Mary itsjustme - 14.07.2023 22:01

Im 38 weeks on Sunday, notice Feeling more heavier, and more swollen on my fingers feet as I take my walks in the morning and before sun down, shoes got tighter. Felt my little girl pushing down bellow my belly more and Braxton hicks...cant wait to meet my baby . Goodluck to everyone♥♥♥happy delivery!
