Adventures of Superman 1952 - 1958 Opening and Closing Theme (With Snippets) HD

Adventures of Superman 1952 - 1958 Opening and Closing Theme (With Snippets) HD

TeeVees Greatest

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Colonel Marcellus
Colonel Marcellus - 16.10.2023 01:41

I wonder who composed this piece; it's well orchestrated.

Jack Spry
Jack Spry - 12.10.2023 23:46

RIP George Reeves (January 5, 1914 – June 16, 1959), aged 45
RIP Phyllis Coates (January 15, 1927 – October 11, 2023), aged 96
You both will be remembered as legends.

Freyr Oakenshield
Freyr Oakenshield - 12.10.2023 20:06

Why on earth would someone tie a woman onto a railway track...?

Norton Comando
Norton Comando - 12.10.2023 13:39

Still one of the best opening titles EVER the use of the musical harp strings when he gets ready to fly or do something. Super still hangs in my mind since 1962/63 . I also liked that Superman and Clark's face never got ruffled. He Always stayed calm and collected. It was a little thing but Reeves pulled it off like a pro. I especially liked Superman vs the Mole men. They took out that fire extinguisher ray gun and shot him in chest with No effect. Can still remember it from childhood clearly

Geoff Witcomb
Geoff Witcomb - 12.10.2023 13:15

Who can honestly say they didn't watch this show then climb up on the roof and jump off just to try and be like Superman 😇

Ronald Murray
Ronald Murray - 02.10.2023 08:10

I'm 71. And I still remember this original and the best television version

Archie Jackson
Archie Jackson - 07.09.2023 06:08

I was 10 when I read George Reeves was a suicide. I'm 59 I don't believe it still. It was Lenore..... by mistake

十蘭コメント - 26.08.2023 05:59

Thanks. Oh! Super man. 戦後日本のTVでは白黒放映でしたね。 日本の敗戦後、戦後を象徴したTV番組でした。日本に米国文化化に貢献しました。そうですよね、日本国右翼や 国粋主義者諸君 ! いつまでも、偽書と決定されていて、且つ、文学作品に過ぎない神話物語にすがって生きていては、いけませんね。事実を直視するマトモな姿勢が欠落している、欠陥人間が右勢力です。

john meoff
john meoff - 26.08.2023 03:43

i usto rush home after school to watch superman on the commander tom show on WKBW TV Buffalo

Louise Dost
Louise Dost - 07.08.2023 11:34

Of course he’s Caucasian 👎🏾💔‼️

James Eldridge
James Eldridge - 29.07.2023 04:11

Jimmy Olson was…..

zebonaut smith
zebonaut smith - 09.07.2023 03:53

My first TV show at age 4. Etched into my brain.

Ralph H
Ralph H - 27.06.2023 13:26

I’m 75 and the tv series and the comic books were staples of my childhood. Reeves death was a big deal for my 10 year old brain to process at the time. RIP George Reeves ❤

Raptor50aus - 06.05.2023 09:25

I was born in 1968 and enjoyed Superman, Batman and all the others shows back then. We were lucky to have such great TV shows!

Adam cantu
Adam cantu - 13.12.2022 06:35

I was hooked on watching superman when I was 5 years old , even though I watched reruns, I was hooked, I even had a bath towel wrapped around my neck. Great memories. Thank you for sharing.

Vher Legarde
Vher Legarde - 12.12.2022 03:26


billthestinker - 09.12.2022 22:49

George Reeves was a skilled professional actor and brought believably to the role, not an easy task 👍🏿

Richard Williams
Richard Williams - 25.11.2022 22:51

I used to memorise the opening spiel and laughed when at the end I had to say : " And The American Way "

Jamie Carlisle
Jamie Carlisle - 31.10.2022 00:58

Loved the show

Christopher Judge
Christopher Judge - 13.10.2022 15:39

Superman: The Golden Age Omnibus, Vol. 7
has yet another release date: November 29th!
Well, that won't be too long! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

KingOfFuh - 08.10.2022 14:17

Y does the theme fade out so quickly at the end?

MegaTurkeylips - 06.09.2022 08:36

Of all the Superman themes, the 'Superman March' is the one that gives me chills.

TC - 16.08.2022 05:38

Thanks, Chief!

02chevyguy - 21.07.2022 08:48

One of my favorite episodes. I was able to watch the entire episode of this one and a few others (I had them on my external drive, but it bummed out on me). But as usual, in scouring the internet, I can't find them anywhere.

Lynn Rawls
Lynn Rawls - 20.07.2022 23:00

I'm 67 now. First, DAMN...Clark Kent seems to have only had two suits. that beautiful grey number and then the red and blue with the cape. Clark Kent ROCKED that suit! Dapper to too weak a word for that look. The hat at a perfect angle, those horn rim glasses and the styled hair. Total GQ! This guy ROCKED. Second, to this day, I hear the "Superman March" and I'm a kid again. I get to watch him on Sundays on the HEROS and ICONS broadcast station. George was a big part of my world. As I got older and understood the tragedy of his death, it broke my heart. I've watch films of him explaining to children that he was a character and couldn't really fly or stop bullets but it didn't matte to them. He was Superman! He was a genuinely a good guy and seemed to love his child fans and cared about the image he portrayed. So sad we lost him before he could discover what he REALLY created with his character. He acted it as well as he could. The writing of the scripts was dodgy at best, but he ALWAYS delivered it with all his heart and soul.That music was part of the wholehearted charm of the series. The opening and closing theme. His flying music. All the incidental music when the bad guys would appear. They STILL affect me! Such a good show. Again, some of the writing was sub-par for George's ability but as I said, he gave it everything he had to sell it and it worked! I miss Superman.

arief budiman
arief budiman - 29.06.2022 22:57

Great old movie

NIGHTOWL 1963 - 03.06.2022 00:18

When Superman first came to Earth, He was interviewed by Jimmy Olsen.

Jimmy Olsen: So, you say your name is Superman?

Superman: Yes.

Jimmy Olsen: Where do you come from?

Superman: A planet called Kryptonite.

Jimmy Olsen: Why did you come here, to Earth I mean?

Superman: Well, I don't think I was supposed to land here, but rather crashed here instead. I was scuttled off of my dying planet because it was under attack from the Guikons. My Parents were afraid the Guiokons would kill me because they were a Superior being.

Jimmy Olsen: Superior? You mean there are beings more powerful than you?

Superman: Yes. You see I can Change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel with my bare hands. I'm more powerful than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But, the Guikons, they can additionally Shape shift and blend in, use Telepathy to control their enemy's minds and make them believe the Government is not corrupt, and all is well. On my planet Kryptonite, they infiltrated the Government and posed as the top leaders who rule the people, Subjugating them, trying to make them conform.

Jimmy Olsen: Holyyyyyyyyyyyyy Shit!! I think some of those Guikons may have made it here to Earth also! That explains President Biden. He just can't get his shit together! Also the other top Government Leaders. I think they are doing to us what they did on your planet! Okay Superman, just one last question. What is your Angle?

Superman: Angle? 45 degrees.

Jimmy Olsen: 45 Degrees? SMH

Superman: Yeah. When I take off, I jump at 45 degrees, when I land, it's at 45 degrees. Anything else just doesn't work well. Trial and error you see! Hey I gotta go, There's a woman who needs help.

Jimmy Olsen: Help? From what, Parallel Parking!?

Superman: Wait, What? Anyway, before I go, I need a job. Are they hiring at your news agency? I'd make a great reporter with having inside information and all.

Jimmy Olsen: Sure!

Superman: Later Dude. Sssshwooooooooooooooooosh

Jimmy Olsen: Wow, he really needs his own theme music!

SUPERPOD Gaming - 10.04.2022 05:32

If only George Reeves truly knew how much of an icon he was to kids and who would eventually turn into adults, he wouldn't have become to depressed in life. Regardless of the fact he took his own life or had it taken from him. Hollywoodland paints him as an ingrate.

T smith
T smith - 03.04.2022 23:42

Dude's a busy bee. I watched this as a youngster and still love to. Too bad George Reeves didn't realize what an impact he had on so many people. R.I.P.

deacon theseer
deacon theseer - 03.04.2022 22:34

George Reeves will always be Superman for me.

amnotlisa - 03.04.2022 17:52


Joey Benoit
Joey Benoit - 31.03.2022 22:54

Is 2022 and I'm laughing my head off my wife and I couldn't remember what he could do sounds like Joe Biden! Come on Superman!

Axel Ramirez
Axel Ramirez - 21.03.2022 06:08

Next to Christopher Reeves,George was one of the best superman to ever live

Valutique Gifts
Valutique Gifts - 10.03.2022 15:24

Nice...73 here. Must see every Saturday morning. The color was later, and older Superman. I prefer the B&W shows, like the Mole Men episodes.

Robin J.
Robin J. - 10.03.2022 05:13

Back when America was recognized all over the Earth as the Greatest Country in the World!

Wheni Wasyourage
Wheni Wasyourage - 05.03.2022 19:58

Interesting how submissive Jimmy was cowering to the chief, he was always in trouble with chief because he was young, Clark was well disguised because of his glasses, and Louis had a very annoying voice, no whit in this series at all, don't call me chief poor Jimmy would just stand their and take it while Clark would smirk, imagine if Jimmy had been more like a gangster type, well chief you can kiss my ass, Louis is having my baby, and you and super Clark deserve each other, don't call me Jimmy, it's Mr Olsen.

Tim O'Malley
Tim O'Malley - 25.02.2022 18:30

Was this one of the earliest TV shows filmed in color?

Stephen Richardson
Stephen Richardson - 05.02.2022 08:31

Steve Austin was my Superman, great opening also. Born in 1970, I do remember watching reruns with my dad he was born in 51 so this was a big deal to him. He told me that George reeves killed himself. I lost my dad in July, great seeing this. It takes me back to when my dad was Superman on my eyes.

TheShotenZenjin - 02.02.2022 15:52

Golly Superman, am I glad to see you!

Mr Concered
Mr Concered - 28.01.2022 19:46

Did you know that 2 different actors that played Superman both committed suicide
God must want eyes on the REAL superman Jesus Christ

Adrianna*Films - 22.01.2022 01:17

George Reeves was the ultimate Clark Kent/Superman. Irreplaceable! Such a hero. "The Adventures of Superman" was sensational!

David McLaughlin
David McLaughlin - 04.01.2022 01:08

One of my favorite episodes was when there was a "ghost" at the ocean cliffside... And it would say..." Help meeee, I'm Drowwwning!!
It turned out to be the lost Parrot of one of the storyline characters... Jimmy Olsen got the "Willies!". LMAO

David McLaughlin
David McLaughlin - 04.01.2022 01:03

Days of innocence, when newspaper reporters were always looking to expose the TRUTH.. instead of spreading propaganda for political reasons...

Teckkie:p - 26.12.2021 11:05

the production was considered top grade back then.

Matthew Dunham
Matthew Dunham - 18.12.2021 21:23


Bob A
Bob A - 15.12.2021 08:55

I like that he untied the the knot on the train tracks instead of just snapping the rope

Jhonathan Moran
Jhonathan Moran - 19.10.2021 23:15

"Superman Fights for... The American Way"

Barbara Ortega
Barbara Ortega - 18.10.2021 17:59

One of my favorite shows back then.. Best show with George Reeves.. was sad when he died..

Rabb Morgan
Rabb Morgan - 18.10.2021 04:02

I never understood why the bad guys didn't just kill their victims outright instead leaving them in a position Superman could rescue them in the nick of time.
