Merit Beauty: Special Occasion Makeup

Merit Beauty: Special Occasion Makeup

Mature Makeup Masterclass

6 месяцев назад

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@goldie4245 - 24.08.2024 15:09

Mature makeup masterclass is a game changer!

@Kristiehornbuckle - 24.08.2024 15:16

I think women should do what they want on face lifts botox or fuller lips. I choose not to do anything to myself but botox. My daughter Kennedy is watching me and she is 24. I hope to show her how to age gracefully and be proud of wrinkles and saggy skin. Yes still have wrinkles because I do not want a fake looking face. Just me though. I must try merit my dear; I think I would love it. Have a happy weekend pretty girl.

@marizzy63 - 24.08.2024 15:59

Morning Michelle 😊beautiful look ❤ I recently tried a new brand made especially for women over 40 . It’s called Sarah Creal . The mascara and concealer are awesome ❤have a blessed weekend 😇😇❤️

@christian5707 - 24.08.2024 16:03

I’m one of those people who loves Botox at the corners of my mouth. Now I won’t do Botox around my eyes, I look back at pictures and I just look weird, not MY face. I also like filler around my lips, in the vertical lines and then in my philtrum. It gives the prettiest little pout but I don’t have the big old duck lips again not pretty on me. But I feel everyone needs to do what they like, what they feel comfortable with. Less is more in my opinion.
I didn’t know merit had cream eyeshadow, I generally just use my seint bronzer in my crease as powder shadows just look dry on me. Going to have to grab one to try! ❤

@SuzanneWyss-h3t - 24.08.2024 16:18

This face makeup looks very fresh and natural. I really like the sleeves on the blouse you're wearing. Very pretty and feminine. I agree about the younger doctors pushing skincare and makeup for mature skin. Give me a break! I don't think until you are actually dealing with the real changes of aging skin, you don't have a clue!

@jms8989 - 24.08.2024 16:49

Can you do an eyeshadow look with the reintroduction of the naked pallet?

@helenluvs2laugh - 24.08.2024 17:04

Thank you for the tubing mascara portion. I just used one today and I needed a reminder on how to get it off. I think it looks really beautiful on you

@margiecioci-nangle425 - 24.08.2024 17:30

Beautiful products and love the ease and look of cream makeup. My favorite is the lipstick! That color is gorgeous! Thank you for being real! Love you! ❤

@mariamartides2580 - 24.08.2024 17:39

You will always be my favourite person love you millions love Maria from Cyprus xxxxx

@dianaclark5658 - 24.08.2024 17:41

Can I combine this with Demi or Seint?

@jbkidsco - 24.08.2024 17:41

I always wondered why you said "sponsored" I'm glad you know now!!! People get their panties all in a bunch over sponsored...eye roll

@CatherineKarpman - 24.08.2024 17:43

I love this look, Michelle. I love your intro to this video. The bag that comes with this collection is so cute. 🙌✨ I purchased this special occasions kit and hope I chose the right colours 🤞 thanks for the link.

@jennifermoss8684 - 24.08.2024 18:27

I went down the rabbit hole 😂 great video! ❤

@Wealthofhealth_CD - 24.08.2024 19:10

Does the complexion oil have any fragrance or smell?

@mellink14 - 24.08.2024 19:58

Another great video. I trust your opinions so much! I'm unable to use botox/fillers due to health reasons but no judgement for those that choose to. BTW, I purchased the Natrium cream you told us about & call me crazy but I really think within a week I'm seeing an improvement with my skin! Thank you! You're the best on YT in my opinion. Enjoy your weekend. 😊

@jcol2024 - 24.08.2024 20:37

Oh myyyyyy HOW BEAUTIFUL!! I tightline and LOVE IT!! What a sassy look for any occasion!! Just gorgeous 🎉🎉🎉 love you Chelle!!😘😘❤️🙋‍♀️

@JaimieMcqueen - 24.08.2024 22:36

I don’t understand what women do to their lips. It looks so unnatural to me. So many women on tv do it and you can see it immediately. Also the removal of that fat pocket below the cheeks. Makes you look like a skeleton 💀

@JaimieMcqueen - 24.08.2024 22:36

I love the black cherry Clinique mascara you showed awhile back

@lisacampagna5972 - 24.08.2024 23:26

Beautiful look! I have heard soo much about how creams blend so well on mature skin and it really did on you. I also agree with the other comment, I really like your blouse as well.

@tinabugg6976 - 24.08.2024 23:49

How beautiful!! I have to try some of these products!! 🔥I just love watching your videos.

@nancymccormick7567 - 24.08.2024 23:50

I got the Makeup Forever eyeliner you recommended for the water line and it works great for me. I also ordered Sonia Roselli Water Balm. Should arrive soon. Can’t wait 😜

@kristacatananzi2957 - 25.08.2024 01:23

Always educational - I feel like a beauty school student when I watch your videos. Love your content. Love the look - beautiful, Michelle!

@pattyg6803 - 25.08.2024 01:54

Love the eyebrow color on you.

@MaryMalarsie-q2t - 25.08.2024 03:01

I might have to try the Merit. Already a Sient user but wow, that looked pretty easy and "melts like butter". Sounds great!
What is the name of the sponge you use and I think get from a friend's store in Nashville? I could have made that up.😄 I will try the Make Up Forever pencil, I love to tight line. My eyes are pretty sensitive to mascara so sometimes I just tight line and it gives me more depth there at the lash line, enough for just hanging about doing nothing fancy. Also, for a virgin false lashes person who can be kind of spastic, what false eyelashes do you recommend? I've been looking back through your videos but can't seem to find the names. Kiss? Under the lash? Thanks!
As always such a treat to watch you and spend time with you. Yeah, who are those young male doctors telling us what works for our skin?! Poppycock.

@deann3621 - 25.08.2024 03:21

When do you use the MERIT complexion oil? Before or after sunscreen?

@liisabjork76 - 25.08.2024 05:08

Omg men used to tell me to smile all the dang time as well. How funny. I would be walking minding my own business and some guy would be telling me to smile.
I have that in common with you. I heard it all the time.

@RebeccaMurphy-xj7yx - 25.08.2024 06:27

Dang, girl!! That makeup looks fresh and fun to apply! Love your earrings, too!! 😊❤

@kathyjimenez6976 - 25.08.2024 08:54

Very pretty look!

@user-vr1mu9eb3p - 25.08.2024 14:32

Hi your makeup look is just so lovely not only that your personality is refreshing and I can't help to watch to the end ❤

@judyhickson8082 - 25.08.2024 15:26

This sounds crazy could you please show how to make hair like strokes. I can’t make them with a pencil. I am 63 old woman. Beginning oh my brows are gone have no hair

@MichalBeldarrain - 25.08.2024 21:34

En el momento en que vi el bolso kislux , supe que tenía que tenerlo.

@VickieLewisSigmon - 26.08.2024 04:01

This is the first I’ve seen Merit. I have not seen it in any stores in my area. What stores carry it. It looks beautiful on you.😊

@reginasimon8784 - 26.08.2024 11:40

Michelle, what do you mean by "I have a lower eyelid" so I wear makeup under the eyes. Will you explain"lower eyelid " and why using eye shadow or eye liner helps? I learn so much from you. Thank you.

@maryanncornelio6853 - 27.08.2024 10:54

Beautiful look Michelle! I was just wondering how it held up as far as creasing and settling into fine lines or showing texture as the day went on. I’ve had makeup look good and then a couple of hours later … not so much. Thanks!

@maryanncornelio6853 - 27.08.2024 11:41

Can you share the shade for the bronzer that you used?

@catherinebaril8490 - 30.08.2024 02:55

Great video Michelle! The Merit blush is gorgeous but unfortunately it does not last long…
Otherwise, great products!

@normabonilla2219 - 31.08.2024 00:08

Beautiful makeup on you! Can you tell us in your opinion which is the best moisturizer for mature skin,I’m 60 still trying to find the perfect one. Thank you

@sarahmissentzis7178 - 24.09.2024 22:22

How is the wear time for Merit? Long lasting? I have trouble with cream eyeshadows. I love them, however, creasing and slipping around seems to be an issue.

@klaudiarose6947 - 07.01.2025 12:08

When r u supposed 2 put ur spf on?

@dianemoyers4223 - 13.01.2025 22:45

What color of bronzer are you wearing?

@Mrskkay - 17.03.2025 23:33

How does this wear? Im used to seint butnim interested in the complexion stick.. i heard the makeup wears off quick, i like natural but id like it to stay on lol i have dryer skin so was thinkibg it may be good for my skin type..
