Why is Physical Intimacy so Important for a Man?

Why is Physical Intimacy so Important for a Man?

Dear Young Married Couple

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@archbarron1355 - 09.01.2019 12:49

I really don't know why there aren't more comments....that is a great explanation and great advice....Thank You! im going to show this to my wife :)

@ankra12 - 06.01.2024 03:47

Physical intimacy for a woman isent necessarily sex.

@carloguidoni - 01.01.2024 03:00

no woman wants a man that is fragile. Once you show your fragility the woman can not see you as protector. Man is a provider accept it .Dont believe me?wait until you become a father.

@twinsoultarot473 - 21.12.2023 22:59

The serious problem with that and let me break the bubble here. That's all wrong. History is all wrong anyway!
But we've been told by public school. That's what we've been told by our government. That's what we've been told by the army and your brainwashed churches that are sucking your children's soul dry. Truth is, we've been at a much higher advanced technological stage for thousands of years.

@Roastbutt - 11.12.2023 06:17

I’ve gone without it for so long, I wouldn’t even know how to deal with it if it ever returned.

@amittenlove - 09.12.2023 20:31

You won't let us date or be intimate its frustrating

@awilda2790 - 04.12.2023 04:32

I think if we all stop texting and being on the laptop then that would help us to connect. I find too often that men just don't have that passion and is so willing to give up before the relationship can develop. I myself will not give up sex just because that's what a man wants. We should be friends first and learn about each other's positives or negatives.

@tituslee2153 - 27.11.2023 22:50

Not relevant, but what’s the sound track in the background?

@JohnnyD69FG - 20.11.2023 20:41

Just keep paying all the bills and she won't care!

@TheJoaneD - 11.11.2023 01:12

Music too loud. Very distracting!

@GrandpaCanCook - 06.11.2023 06:28

I think there were good things said, but the music was distracting; only because I thing the words were so important.

@stevenluethje1356 - 05.11.2023 21:16

I just get attacked when I share any negative feelings, so I don’t share them anymore

@michaeloflynn8548 - 03.11.2023 15:48

Beautiful discussion

@Rob-zw5qs - 31.10.2023 12:51

It's not important for me at all. Never want sex again.

@JaneDoe-ip5yl - 24.10.2023 06:35

testosterone is the real driver

@MC-iz5ln - 20.10.2023 18:26

news flash its important for women too!

@lifeisagift.cherisheverymoment - 20.10.2023 15:45

Call it what it honestly is that men crave. It's sex, not intimacy, not physical intimacy. it's sex. Women, most women, crave intimacy, at times physical intimacy, which may or may not include sex, generally it is only intimacy. Intimacy and sex are not the same.

@mrsquietmusic6413 - 20.10.2023 12:24

Yeah, my dad raped two granddaughters, he used to sexually harrass me. Men love sex so much, they are amazing providers and necessary in society. Women need men, who else can repair a dishwasher or a car or fix a water damage?

@oOIIIMIIIOo - 19.10.2023 10:30

Men are natural born like that. Spread the sperm and take what they can get to survive with minimum effort. That is why you always complain, ladies. Disney is lying to you...🙂

@rediculouspeople2310 - 18.10.2023 23:51

What bullshit

@ritaghosh7516 - 10.10.2023 14:24

I ain't buying this theory 😉 Men sleep around because they don't feel anything by sleeping with anyone.. and hence can have lots of sexual partners. It's a pure bodily function like going to the toilet to release their bladder or their bowel😂

@susannefitzpatrick9955 - 01.10.2023 14:12

If men STOPPED jumping into bed with every third woman with whom they come into contact (and getting them pregnant!) there would be less depressed men in their mid-30’s stuck with kids before they’ve had a chance to actually have a life of their own!! If I’ve heard the phrase “I love my kids - but if I had my life to do over, I wouldn’t have had them knowing what I know now” once, I’ve heard it scores of times. So men - take precautions ‘til you’re at least in your mid-30’s and go find a life of your own!!!

@legislatedanarchy1380 - 28.09.2023 19:11

Without sex, what's the point!? Men already have friends who would make better life partners than any woman.

@Pacifica74 - 18.09.2023 19:59

I recall having a moment like this with my ex. He was welling up over something I just showed him, but when I asked him why he was getting emotional, he couldn't say.

@LionKimbro - 18.09.2023 06:42

Hm, ... I am skeptical. I'm pretty in touch with my feelings, I have no difficulty in locating anger, fear, sadness, or joy. But I very much need sexual connection in my life. It's not a surrogate for emotional connection. Sexual connection is it's own separate longing. Men are sexual creatures! If you want to know about the true sexual quality of men, look at how gay men are -- gay men are very highly sexual. I think that the sexual world of gay men is an illustration of how men are -- how men are, when they are not under the influence of women's requires, rules, and regulations around sexual behavior, which extends even into the realm of the regulation of thoughts and intentions. When men are boys growing up, they learn "how to treat a woman," which involves heavily self-censoring and self-monitoring and self-altering, so that girls and women are not afraid to be around the boy, and not casting mean looks at the boys when they express their natural sexuality. Hey! It doesn't take work and hardship, to cause men and boys to stuff their emotions; Just a woman being in the space provokes, and immediately arouses excitement and spontaneous self-suppression, which creates emotional reactions, which also then need to be suppressed -- in boys and men. No war or hardship required. It's in sex and sexuality that a man can be himself, and it is in this capacity to be oneself, and to go where one's body wants to go, that can arouse so much joy and happiness in a man.

@TP-vu3tc - 31.08.2023 00:01

I must be a different kind of married man, because it's not important to me

@jeradblazek677 - 24.08.2023 15:35

Sharing vulnerable emotions with your woman is the death nell for sexual desire and respect in her for the man.
A woman doesn't feel safe and protected when men show vulnerable emotions. Which is a sexual turn off for them.

@0judi0bartel74 - 13.08.2023 07:51

Sex is only for marriage.

@macbrebonicks8668 - 27.07.2023 21:28

Why shouldn't I let another man bang my wife like Adam22 did?

@versaholubec6342 - 24.07.2023 20:02

That's how I feel I haven't had that with another man for over 17yrs if not longer. I cannot have some romance online if that's even what it is

@letmeseepron - 11.07.2023 22:32

Please burn the book, it's garbage.

@lutha1720 - 09.07.2023 15:46

theres a reason men had more the one wife

@stephaniedorsey79 - 05.07.2023 21:38

This is BS.

@vtbhoward - 19.06.2023 10:48

You guys have expressed an unnatural polarizing adaptation to life after the fall of mankind, in which humans have fallen out of alignment with God's design for sexual experience, and the human's need for deep intimacy.

Therefore, the solution is meeting in the healthy middle spaces, in which an emotionally/psychologically safe and intimate environment exist both outside and inside of the bedroom, where giving and receiving happens organically.

As a woman, I understand and agree with the things stated above, but only from the perspective that a man's high needs for sex was a temporary adaptation due to lack of deep levels of intimacy/connection throughout the day.

Seems that from a biblical stand point that men and women both have to realize that our human biology and base needs are all in a fallen state. So, that means that to some extent our base biological needs/drives aren't in perfect operating condition as God originally designed.

Far too many of us are functioning very much in a hypersexual state, and for others in a state of low or hyposexuality, all due to our fallen human nature and internal imbalances. That to me is the story of falling human nature on all levels, as we are all operating out of balance/sync to some large degree, which means that we cannot just lean on our own human understanding as men or women when it comes down to what actually makes for a truly wholesome sexual drive. Since most of us are operating in an imbalanced state hormonally and interrelationally, we are limited in our overall understanding regarding what is innately driving a man's high need for sex vs what is unnaturally driving things. Can we safely hinge our logic regarding men's high needs for sex on external factors like war, being away all day in a suppressed state, etc., and expect that men have a right to strongly insist on being humored to whatever extent he chooses? Absolutely not.... Yet, only sensible minds will understand this perspective, because too much of a good thing is bad, and therefore self control and balance is needed.

I feel reasonably safe to state that after humans have become misaligned with God, our own selves, and our mates, both men and women have adapted to operating in a disconnected space, which has led to them becoming sexually polarized over time, accepted the imbalance as the norm, as reflected in our biology since real attunement isn't happening outside of the bedroom for most people.

Either way, hyper or hypo sexual needs are seemingly unnatural and due to being out of alignment with God's wholesome design. The healthy middle area is where men and women meet each other for deep emotional and physical intimacy within and outside of the bedroom, and balance is found only there, imo.

@chrisk7984 - 08.06.2023 20:20

Marriage is Way WAY OVER RATED.

@Yaira007 - 01.06.2023 05:35

Excellent content

@kylereygelperales1617 - 26.05.2023 04:34

Do you have a podcast on Spotify?

@user-uz8jc5ng2b - 12.05.2023 00:01

Women have 2 stages in her life:
In the first, her full focus is on family and relationship. 
Then in her mid to late 40's she shifts away from family and relationship, and into self-ministry. 
Men need attention of some sort, from her all the way through his life. So when she shifts her attention away from him, he tends to seek it in younger women who still have the energy to give this attention he so craves.

@user-uz8jc5ng2b - 11.05.2023 00:05

Investing in ourselves is always time well spent… Personal growth, inner healing and forgiveness. 
“The sacred masculine” is about action, doing, making things happen, the provider, the protector… He is spirit. “The sacred feminine” is about intuition, receptivity of the seer, gathering of knowledge to become nurturing, to perceive the environment around her… She is earth. When the masculine supports the feminine, by following the intuitive and fact gathering ideas before acting. When the feminine supports the masculine, by allowing the provided space to be the creation of it. Real personal power and inner harmony is when these two aspects come together in balance, first within ourselves, then between you and your partner. This amazing inner harmony creates our outer harmony. So I will look at a situation, listen with my heart [or gut feeling] for an idea to come through the intuition [the feminine]. Then from that idea I put it into action [the masculine]. This dance moves us away from inner conflict and connects us to the flow of our inner potential. In a relationship this creates strong bonds on many levels, as it supports a win win, and will grow any relationship to great heights when the both of you work towards this goal.

@sallahudinmehuddin8046 - 05.05.2023 17:07

I've known this my whole adult life. If men aren't getting physical intimacy, they become angry. All that pent up frustration builds up and turns to anger.

@sixfeetundertg - 26.04.2023 12:17

so you both have a master of arts degree, not a master of science ?

@parkhanicapped - 15.04.2023 21:56

Old men in Americas are marrying young women because of sex!!!

Men in America just wanted sex!!!

@markcopeland4344 - 24.03.2023 16:57

Use old guys too my wife of 52years does not care about me anymore.

@edwardmylnychuk5774 - 10.03.2023 04:49

pure bullshit, i read john graves years ago when i left my ex and he brought out the fact that women NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, tell you the truth of what is bothering them and today talking to women is like talking to a wall, they DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT A MAN SAYS, women today are nothing more than materialsic seekers and when men open up to talk to them women look at them as being weak, women as a whole a shit because of brainwashing bullshit by the media. also, women now are on social media looking for chads to hook up with to give them their thrills because they have no love for their mates and dont know how to act like a resoposible loving wife . there are great vids not coming out exposing this crap with women, been there dont that, men have been downbeaten by society and by their mothers to be simps for narcistic women, women are the biggest problem in any marriage or relationship bottom line, yes there are guys that are trash also but the WOMEN PICK THEIR MATES SO WHO IS THE SCREW UP. women dont pick guys that are good just listen to what women want today, pure bullshit moronic idiots the whole lot.

@vincentperiolat4610 - 04.03.2023 10:07

Impressive. I wasn't expecting to hit on such a caring and insightful piece on something currently twisting me up (because I know ALL about the subjects of love and intimacy...). There's always more to learn, always! I'd get bored otherwise I suppose. (so much is wrong w/ me).
Thanks for the video and Gid bless, V

@Nnmtes - 23.02.2023 11:04

And some men have found through bitter experience that when they do soften and express their feelings, 'some women' will hold that against their men in the future, and loose respect for their men. It's a double edged sword for men to connect with their emotional self.
Men are hardwired to express themselves through sexual intimacy. It's 'normal' for us to desire women sexually. We don't stay happy and healthy in a relationship without regular, satisfying sex. Fact.

@MsArrika - 10.02.2023 14:55

Ha, my husband apparently prefers being intimate with himself and some drawings before he's ever interested in being physically intimate with me. I think I'll go cry and beat my head into some bricks now.

@la381 - 02.02.2023 01:38

We talk about and serve men 99% of the time in a patriarchal society.

@Nowhere9 - 25.01.2023 06:09

How’s hug not a physical intimacy? 😅 It is, also as a woman my desire for physical intimacy is high specially after good sex experience, And emotions become stronger and I feel more connected.
