How Can You Help Someone With A Mental Illness? | Kati Morton

How Can You Help Someone With A Mental Illness? | Kati Morton

Kati Morton

4 года назад

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@Lr8_youtube - 16.01.2024 07:18

How to help?
- be a good friend
- educate yourself
- help in any way you can: drive to sessions, gifts, pay their sessions, empathy, validate their experience

@Jessica-ko1eg - 25.12.2023 20:41

What do you do if you want nothing to do with them? I find the person extremely manipulative and draining. He is bipolar and manic. He forcefully inserts himself into our lives.

@wellnessmeme - 21.08.2023 02:41

I wish I had friends

@trevsedgwick3324 - 29.07.2023 18:02

Validate them then step back in reality that’s all you can do!

@rainbeau9752 - 25.07.2023 16:11

no one cares, no one.

@canlam5697 - 21.06.2023 01:50

I have a 20-year-old daughter who is mentally not well. I tried to help, but no help. I said hurtful things and hoped to snap her out of it, but got backfire on me. She now hates me for what I said to her. She cries and seems depressed. it is said to see her this way. She wasn't like this before. This happened after she graduated from high school and most of her friends left her and moved on. I work and don't have much to spend with her. Her mom doesn't work, but I often see my daughter cry whenever they talk about what I don't know because they don't share when I asked. I didn't say anything because it may cause more sadness and just walk away. I don't if I do the right thing. I don't know how to help her. Some advice would be grateful. Thank you

@annabellemoore4214 - 17.04.2023 00:39

Just be a good friend
-check in
-don’t push your agenda
Educate yourself
-what type of treatment should they get
-what is the mental illness like
-Ask them if their comfortable
Assist in any way we can
-If that person reaches out to you, help them
-Help them get therapy (money, driving them there)

@ajreynolds2028 - 06.01.2023 11:06

Have been trying to do my research for my partner who is very depressed to the point where he has lost Pride self-respect motivation. his house looks like a rubbish tip all I want to do is bring my Yeti back to me my kids are scared that they're going to lose their dad all day today me his mum his carer and his behaviour motivation therapist try to get him to go to the hospital he agreed to go but wouldn't get out of bed! I want to get help for him he also has seizures and doesn't know who he is half the time my partner is about to die his body is about to give up you shaking losing balance dropping from underneath his feet and I don't know what to do for him he's about it he is move back in with me because he's lost his house because of the state of it. please give me some advice to help me stay strong to supporting my kids I don't know what else to do for him I can't have him live with me
I am trying to protect our kids I need help please help I need some really good strong advice!! thank you whoever read this and he gets back to me thank you my family and I appreciate it

@risingsonfilms - 16.11.2022 20:05

Oh this is a a lot of bullshit

@user-pv5mz9xl7q - 07.11.2022 21:08

Most people I know - are battling something and seem to love talking to me. So -I’ve been educating myself a bit more to help them address it. So much information out there.

@carlohuerta129 - 30.10.2022 11:13

I have a family member that makes me mad. He has mental illness from drug abuse and drinks. I don’t have the patience to be nice I am over it. He’s gonna end up on the streets and I see why so many people end up there.

@heatherwhynot - 17.10.2022 18:06

Validate, listen and validate some more.👏 That's it, that's all. Don't try to give a solution or make the person feel like "everyone feels like that", brushing off what they're feeling. It made my depressive episodes so much worse when those two things would happen to me.

@63bananabread - 12.10.2022 01:32

great advice but as someone who often struggles with suicidality and extreme mental lows my whole life i have spent wishing someone would just "5150" me . some of us really do need others to take the reins from us (before it's too late) because we feel we don't deserve to help ourselves...

@Ashley-cr4ow - 15.07.2022 09:59

My brother is bipolar and an alcoholic. He’s really putting a huge strain on my family. He stopped taking his medication and he’s been going through a manic episode.

@bethelshiloh - 14.06.2022 19:08

LISTEN! Allow me to express myself without you finishing my sentences. Fortunately I can afford a counselor and have a great faith in God and prayer. I also have some great friends. But I know it irritates me when I want to just express myself and people don’t listen or they finish my sentences for me. Even if they’re right just hush and let me say what I want to say. Don’t say it for me. And often they are not right and what they are thinking that I’m thinking.

@bethelshiloh - 01.06.2022 09:41

I have a sick friend right now and want to reach out to her, but it seems that everything anyone tries to do to help is wrong. It’s hard to know how to be their friend.

@echo_felix331 - 25.05.2022 17:44

really glad i’m on the right track

@codyandrus2163 - 27.04.2022 19:54

One time in my life, I got really depressed and I called off work for like 3 days in a row, stopped showering, brushing my teeth and basically slept the whole time. It was no secret at work that I have to cope with mental illness. I shared this with the co-workers who I was close with and told them what I've honestly been going through. On the third day, the co-workers I was close with came to my house.. as I hadn't been answering calls or texts. They knocked on my doors and windows (lol) I answered, they said Cody we're so happy to see and we wanted to check in with you about what you may be going through. Could you get ready so we could take you out to eat and talk? I agreed, they even drove a convertible to get me so I'd get some sun and fresh air. Then we talked over lunch and I felt so loved I just cried. The next couple of days I pushed my self just to do little things and they had me over nearly everyday for the next week to have dinner and to watch a movie. This really helped. With me I know when I need to ask for help and often want it but sometimes I'm just too ashamed to ask. So having loved ones who watch out for the signs, give me some space, and are patient with me has been such a blessing.

@TerryB751 - 18.03.2022 16:01

I have a friend I've known since 1987 who now has severe memory problems where she can't categorize information and just thrashes back and forth trying to pay bills (which I help with), get groceries etc. She's 71, not married, no kids, her nearest relative is her niece and family about 75 miles away who I've informed of this situation. This friend will not admit to any therapist about her problems for fear of being institutionalized she said. I can't force her to get help and so it just gets worse all the time. Talk about being between a rock and hard place, for both her and me. I live about 7 miles from her and help taking her to physical therapy due to a broken shoulder she got when she fell back in Nov. of last year as well. Luckily, that is at least getting better. One thing that is important, is even though helping is necessary, the person you're helping can get so dependent on your help, that you get sucked into their world and they never want you to leave - and then start crying when you have to. Unless that person admits that they need help, this vortex can never end.

@stevegreen2753 - 07.02.2022 06:16

Any tips for a special situation where the friend is totally against doctors and therapy, but they obviously need it?

@gavintoohey6604 - 21.01.2022 18:33

Hard on the paint

@oldschoolwaverider - 03.01.2022 03:24

I really like your background. Could you tell me where you bought the object on your wall?

@yuetlon - 21.11.2021 11:56

one pretty much as recommended but I don’t get any reply or response in return. Even like the basic of checking on her she completely blanks me out.

@pillowtalkparties419 - 15.09.2021 14:30

This advice is great if that person is surviving in life. Meaning having a job or a car. Health insurance. What about people who have literally nothing.

@arcticdragon104 - 01.08.2021 22:16

HALT is a good rule, go through those and you can improve your or others condition

@c6thedon900 - 06.07.2021 21:40

My gf suffers from mental health issues, and I think she uses it to be toxic in the relationship.

@abhikguha2091 - 12.06.2021 21:11

Thank you so much, this video has been so helpful for me. It really opened my eyes. Thank you. <3 <3

@sophiasometimes9818 - 12.06.2021 18:56

I’ve noticed on and off thru the years that a friend of mine might have some mental health issues and drug issues.they have a lot of mood swings they seem to go from on topic to another so it’s difficult to hold a conversation.They put themselves in dangerous situations and sometimes they are so all over the place that it triggers my anxiety.I have tryed to be honest with them but sometimes my frustration bleeds thru and I feel awful because I don’t want to be judgemental but sometimes it comes off like that.The person also gets themselves in lots of relationships and I feel like a dick for saying this but I always feel bad for the people they hook up with because I’ve watched a pattern emerge where they lose it on the other person or belittle them.It’s awkward to be around.I’m not sure what to do I love this person but it feels like a train wreck and there’s nothing I can do.They say they are fine. I’ve tryed to be honest and constructive but I’ve also have let my frustration show and it makes me feel as if I’m not a loyal friend when I feel for other people that get hurt along the way.Not sure what to do

@phoeberaymond8781 - 07.03.2021 21:36

How do you help someone with extreme bpd who keeps trying to push you away

@gregoryzamora9009 - 13.02.2021 10:48

I called my e friend a bitch and I feel bad, he blocked me and rightfully so. trying to learn better for next time

@gregoryzamora9009 - 13.02.2021 10:47

Don't force them

@gregoryzamora9009 - 13.02.2021 10:40

Here after watching the joker

@alanfoix9911 - 28.12.2020 19:32

Because people don't care

@loribothwell5493 - 27.12.2020 06:43

Excellent video Kati!❤

@kwsrchoudhury - 13.11.2020 03:37

My girlfriend deals with mental illness and I want to help her out

@aspeltaofkush3540 - 06.11.2020 20:58

Yes, you can but you must have patience and boundaries. The person being helped must also have an open mind.

@aimanjamil5454 - 10.08.2020 04:59

How about if "she" wants something but we cannot really give to her.. I tried to give her what she wants as much as i can.. But there is a limit.. It would be unrealistic to give her everything right? So how and what can i help her?

@VeraxMusic - 05.08.2020 15:27

I guess she doesn't actually read these comments, so I doubt I'll get answer - but what am I supposed to do when a close friend seems to be bipolar with everything I've witnessed and experienced with her. You can't exactly ask them that.

Also, another friend of mine has ADHD, and she thinks she has it. That's one of the first things she told me. Again, it affects the friendship. How do you exactly "suggest" to these people to do something about? With the ADHD friend, I guess if she ever mentions it again, I could casually slip in, "hey have you ever thought about maybe going for a diagnosis? I heard treatment can work wonders." But what am I supposed to say to my other friend that I truly believe is bipolar, or whatever the word may be technically for someone who is ice cold and distant for periods at a time, then will be happy go lucky texting out of the blue about something totally random "omg, the weather is so nice! I'm taking my dogs for a walk." Yet yesterday you barely responded to my text with a couple of words. And this cycle repeats over and over again.

@olllblac174 - 02.08.2020 16:15

I would not take her advice, you have to change your attitude about life to want a better life. You change your attitude you change your altitude it’s that simple focus on the good because we can’t control the bad. Simple as that 💯

@heroando-2255 - 17.06.2020 13:14

thanx you so much you help me with my assessment love you

@maggyfitzgerald1480 - 01.06.2020 19:16

Where can I ask you questions? I don’t have Twitter/e-mail

@LermaBean - 27.03.2020 02:34

Here's my issue: Recently my friend recently told me the she's no longer comfortable with what I complain about, specifically when I mention my love life which is one of many reasons why I'm depressed in the first place.

It tore me apart and it solidified my thoughts about no longer trusting anyone about my problems, my family isn't even trustworthy for me since my older brother basically tore me apart emotionally by pretending my depression doesn't exist. I have literally nobody to trust anymore and I feel like my problems get worse.

So here's my question: How do I find someone who I can trust and who is actually willing to keep my trust...

@Rainbowofthefallen - 18.03.2020 05:09


@masterlee2590 - 07.03.2020 03:26

I need help plz.
I live with 2 siblings aged 38 and 41 and and both diagnosed with schizophrenia F-20 whatever that means...
2017 my oldest sibling jumped off a 30ft bridge with fast moving traffic below due to hearing voices and seeing imaginary things.
The sibling survived with serious injuries and was sectioned for 7months under mental health act 3 then sent to rehab for a further 7months.
Year 2018 my Father sadly passed away.
January 2019 @2:am I woke up due to hearing banging sounds outside so I got out of bed, opened the window to look what is going on and my youngest sibling is kicking my next door neighbours door and shouting for her to come out, what sickens me is my neighbour is a single elderly lady with daughter whohas ongoing issues and daughter has 2 young lads probably about 5yrs old and my youngest sibling is a man BULLY so I tackled him and got the police, obviously am the one to blame why he ended up sectioned for 28days on meds.
He as threatened to kill me when am asleep because the neighbour told him so.
Both siblings threaten my Mom
on a weekly basis
They don't keep there rooms tidy.
I sleep in the living room with 2 cats and 2 dogs on a Big dog bed and I put things behind the door so that if am asleep I will be alarmed if one of siblings come into living room.
My youngest sibling as own bedroom and my oldest sibling as own bedroom and Mom as own bedroom but I live in living room.
I did share bedroom with youngest sibling for 37yrs but the sibling talks and smokes cigarettes instead of going to sleep.
4days ago my youngest sibling had headphones on and singing his head off @3:am and the next day he was in living room @2:am threatening me and threatening to harm the neighbour so I called the crisis team and when they asked the sibling if wants to kill anyone the siblings reply was no so it is a sick game the sibling is playing with my head.
Next day @4:am I could hear both my oldest sibling and youngest sibling talking to eachother and was disturbed from sleep so had to remind them both that they have all day to talk and 4am is the wrong time to be talking loud, if want to talk go on a walk and talk.
They really piss me off coz my mom is not well and been through loads recently and can do without stupid people but she don't want to put em in care coz she is scared of losing em both.
I have gone to mental service for depression, anxiety in the past but the help was not there.
I found it better for me to knock on a random persons door and say I need help so here I am

@MiahGrace - 04.03.2020 16:21

I have a friend who is suddenly acting nothing like themselves. We have been friends for a decade and now suddenly she is harming herself and it’s not just standard. She’s never been sexually active and doesn’t know how to even protect herself but she’s just finding strangers online and letting them do stuff to her and then coming to me in tears trying to figure out how to handle the repercussions.

She doesn’t have a solid opinion on what she thinks or how she feels, really extremely. Jumping between “that was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me” to “I want to see him again”

I’m trying to get some information on psychologists in the area, but I’m just so heartbroken over this. And she’s successfully living a double life. I’m one of two people that knows what’s going on.

I’m so scarred she’s going to turn up in a ditch and it will be my fault for not helping her somehow.

@moureenmwende3989 - 13.02.2020 20:24

I always look for help bt I never got any help from anyone in my life . like my baby is disabled i can't even go to work my life is hard for me sometimes I think much .no food to eat and sometimes I give up

@DavidRStone1946 - 10.02.2020 20:02

3- cheers for President 🇺🇸Trump
Americans Have Failed People With Mental Illness. Trump’s New Budget Will Change That.

“President Trump is exceptionally focused on fighting for Americans who can’t fight for themselves and confronting problems other administrations, both Democratic and Republican, have ignored. This is particularly true for Americans who suffer from addiction and serious mental disorders,” White House Domestic Policy Council Director Joe Grogan writes.

Nearly 50 million Americans experienced some form of mental illness in 2018. The President’s new budget, out today, proposes the boldest reforms in decades to help them. President Trump gets my conservative democrat vote again in 2020 👍

@justtotallygorgeous - 08.01.2020 00:46

What happens if you see someone struggle with depression for so long and it’s almost like, a ‘waste’ to watch them struggle and suffer when they could get help and relief. It’s hard not to get frustrated that people don’t want or wouldn’t like to get help.
I would feel very bad if for years, or a whole of a persons like, was just spent depressed and suffering.

@motheringdownssyndromehelp1137 - 02.10.2019 16:59

Use of restraints
