I Did ADCC trials for a 3rd time and THIS finally Happened! (Jiu-Jitsu Vlog & Highlights)

I Did ADCC trials for a 3rd time and THIS finally Happened! (Jiu-Jitsu Vlog & Highlights)

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Today's video has been a long time coming.

If you guys know me, then you know that my #1 goal is to make it to ADCC and win a title.

I've just hit my 3-year mark of training BJJ and this past weekend I competed in my 3rd trials ever.

Sadly, it did not go my way. I ran into Mike Perez, an amazing Champion in his own right and got put down in the Semi Final.

Luckily, I was able to finally hit the podium going 5 - 1 and finishing my 3rd ADCC trials appearance on the podium.

I love Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and every time I do these tournaments, I get a little bit better. I hate to say "you win, or you learn" because losing f**king sucks. BUT it's true.

You win, or you lose and choose to learn from it.

Coming from a Wrestling background I knew BJJ would be something I'd have a chance of being pretty successful at. So, I'm thankful for another experience, another accolade, and another lesson.

It's pretty cool finally achieving one of my small goals (medaling a trials), but it's time to do the next best thing. Make it to Worlds.

For now, I'm going to rest up and get ready for whatever's next.

If you'd like to support the channel and learn some wrestling at the same time, then go to brandonreed3x.com/store to find my Wrestling for BJJ Instructional's.

Thanks for watching!

- Brandon Reed


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