Cobra Kai Season 5 | Chozen vs. Mike Barnes

Cobra Kai Season 5 | Chozen vs. Mike Barnes

Nerd Clips HD

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Elena Laorden Leira
Elena Laorden Leira - 17.11.2023 01:58

Es lo,me ha pasado la me ha gusta de ver la sexta temporada en las
Me ha cambio en las temporadas

El gpfi sl de sexta temporada ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤



En alumno ya los artores portagonista cada de los dojo 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

Caro Colina
Caro Colina - 15.11.2023 20:27

Who else in here played out in the minds in the 90s, everyone coming back? :P other than me

Brent Nettell
Brent Nettell - 11.11.2023 06:59

I love how Chozen has become Daniel’s straight up ride-or-die homie.

Darryl Cobb
Darryl Cobb - 29.10.2023 10:31

I'm glad the showrunners gave us this fight.

David. M.
David. M. - 27.10.2023 11:08

Call an ambulance? Um, ooops!

Rohan Padiyar
Rohan Padiyar - 27.10.2023 05:28

Badboy Barnes strikes back!

Mephisto - 25.10.2023 23:33


Ins0mnia365 - 19.10.2023 22:31

haha it's like seeing previous bosses fighting each other in a game. love it every second.

SquirrelKnight - 14.10.2023 18:30

Never thought I say this...
but they did Mike dirty, like wth 😂

Lost everything that poor guy

Delia Cozo
Delia Cozo - 07.10.2023 18:45

I find it a little wierd how Daniel forgive Mike so easy and didn't at Johnny even tho both beat him up

Minetic - 07.10.2023 17:39

Cobra Kai is just like DBZ: Some of the main antagonists against Goku end up being on his side and helping him and each other out: Piccolo, Vegeta, Fat Buu, maybe Frieza, Broly.

Alex Ortiz
Alex Ortiz - 05.10.2023 01:12

Place your bets, chozen or Barnes?

Jam Jam
Jam Jam - 02.10.2023 21:00

Cobra Kai series Just a big misunderstanding

FairyTail Fanatic2001
FairyTail Fanatic2001 - 29.09.2023 15:51

Mike Barnes does remind me of Jaime Lannister because he looks like him

Camo Dave
Camo Dave - 28.09.2023 19:23


Steve O gamer / Artist
Steve O gamer / Artist - 25.09.2023 16:54

He should be in football team 😊

username.exenotfound294 - 24.09.2023 07:39

I hope they reveal what karate style mike barnes uses since he was already one of the best before cobra kai

Caleb Mcfadden
Caleb Mcfadden - 20.09.2023 05:11

Mike is johnny but more merciless & chozen is daniel but more badass.

SNARC - 19.09.2023 04:40

Chozen stole Season 5!

Maurice Gilliam
Maurice Gilliam - 15.09.2023 14:54

Mike Barnes played on general hospital😂 loved these reunions.

GabaGhoul - 15.09.2023 04:47

chozen " if this is big misunderstanding you better call amber lamps.. LMAO" all them guys outside got wrecked

Charlie Jordan
Charlie Jordan - 13.09.2023 19:48

The last bit was funny 😂😂😂😂

noam almog
noam almog - 13.09.2023 14:17

chozen was such a mvp in that season

Pound - 13.09.2023 08:22

It’s amazing how quickly Chozen and Mike calmed down, after trying to beat the crap out of each other.

Jermaine Abrantes
Jermaine Abrantes - 11.09.2023 07:30

No other show has made me feel the way that Cobra Kai has... truly amazing.

Ryu - 08.09.2023 00:44

Chozen if he was evil could have destroyed everyone.

Paul Lopez
Paul Lopez - 06.09.2023 01:00

I really enjoyed how Chosen became the fun loving guy and the comedic relief.

Miguel - 06.09.2023 00:10

The fact that Mike Barnes, 100% out of Karate since his last fight againt Larousso was able to mantain an even fight against the best Miyagi-Do master is amazing, his style is fast, brutal and all out offense. One of the best stories of redemption, determination and development, Long life to the Bad Boy of Karate!!!

Castor Troy
Castor Troy - 04.09.2023 10:06

Imho as a die hard Karate Kid series and Cobra Kai TV series fanboy, in a childhood adolescent years-era one on one martial arts fight between young teenage Chozen Tagucchi and teenage Mike Barnes in a real fair, strange up one on one street fight without rules, regulations, points, a referee or interference, young Karate tournament national American champion (then in his youth) Barnes would've narrowly beaten young psychopathic, short fused, bloodthirsty Chozen barely but it would've been a very brutal, vicious, evenly matched, two sided, close brawl and Chozen would've given Mike the hardest, toughest, most formidable fight of his whole life. If Chozen fought dirty with a spear, staff or any melee weapon he would've killed Mike. In their present-day adulthood one on one fist fight on the Cobra Kai TV series, it was overall an evenly matched stalemate/draw/tie and was two sided, back and forth with adult, late middle aged now near-Sato and Miyagi equivalent skilled, more highly trained, stronger, and more experienced being a top ranking degree level blackbelt Miyagi-Doh Okinawan karate master and fighter, initially surprising Barnes, dropping him to the ground and stomping his leg but Mike quickly gained his feet, fought back righteously and held his own although Chozen blocked and countered all but one of Mike's punches, strikes and kicks except one backfist which rocked and stunned Chozen briefly before Daniel stepped in to break up the fight. Had the adulthood fist fight went all the way, Chozen inevitably would've eventually overpowered, outmatched, and beat Mike but it was an evenly matched, close fight. But as kids, Mike Barnes was the strongest and most highly skilled and formidable imo. Young, teenage, martial arts combat and brawling inexperienced (aside from Daniel's one on one karate tournament matches against Johnny Lawrence, Tommy, Dutch and Bobby Brown in America one year prior, beat Chozen barely in a surprisingly two sided, back and forth, evenly matched bare knuckle street fight to the death in Okinawa before the Okinawan island village including Mr. Miyagi, Chozen's uncle and sensei Sato, Yuki and others watching and Daniel held his own, pummeling Chozen in turn back and forth with multiple strikes, blows and kicks but Chozen eventually dominated, overwhelmed, cornered and nearly killed Daniel but Daniel used Mr. Miyagi's drum technique to block and counter the lethal oncoming strikes and blows with open-palm handed strikes full force after blocking each oncoming attempted would be fatal finishing punch. Beating Chozen bloody. But adult Chozen easily overpowered, outmatched and beat Daniel in their Okinawa rematch before teaching Daniel the secret pressure points of Miyagi-Doh Okinawan karate Daniel used to barely beat Kreese alongside Johnny and nearly killed Sensei Kreese if not for both the Miyagi-Doh Okinawan karate dojo and the Cobra Kai dojo karate students and children being there. Teenage Mike Barnes in Karate Kid part 3 easily mopped the street with Daniel easily, quickly and flawlessly (aside from two weak free shots to the face Mike let Daniel land) in three street fights outside the ring in Miyagi's Bonsall tree shop business, in Mr. Miyagi-Doh backyard till Terry Silver intervened with a fake, staged and acted fight/beatdown to scare Mike off and gain Daniel's trust and in Kreese and Silver's Cobra Kai dojo as well as the entire All-Valley state karate tournament championship match until Mr. Miyagi helped him overconfidence his mortal psychological fear of Mike Barnes with Miyagi's speech about never losing to fear and guidance. Which helped Daniel beat his fear, get up and narrowly beat Barnes with Mr. Miyagi's karate kata counter defense counter attack, only thing that could overpower, outsmart or outmanuever and beat Barnes to win the tournament, flipping Barnes over and scoring one final palm strike to the body while Barnes lost his points fighting dirty and illegally under Kreese and Silver's command. Daniel in karate Kid 3 was realistically far more combat experienced in the arena and the streets after Okinawa, but border overweight, chubby, out of shape, untrained and out of practice aside from Miyagi's kata defense counter attack routine plus not fighting for his life as he was against Chozen in Okinawa overseas and Terry Silver acting as Daniel's friend, mentor and temporary trainer for the All-Valley state karate is tournament when Miyagi refused till he discovered the truth of the Cobra Kai's revenge plot, gaining Daniel's trust, majority him forget everything Miyagi taught Daniel about martial arts and everything karate was about, forcing Daniel to physically injure himself to weaken him physically and break Daniel mentally more so, teaching Daniel aggression, violence, brutality and brute force power in the Cobra Kai ways, making Daniel feel invincible while sending Barnes and his flunkies after Daniel repeatedly before Silver revealed his true nature and agenda alongside Kreese and Barnes in the Cobra Kai karate dojo, leaving Daniel psychologically and emotionally broken, weaker and mortally in fear of Mike Barnes. If Daniel had been thin, lean, athletic, training in karate everyday aside from kata exercise, like he was in Okinawa in Karate Kid 2, plus minus Silver's psychological warfare and mind games and if Daniel wasn't afraid and fought with everything he had it would've been a good, two sided, evenly matched, close fight in contrast to the one sided beatdown Barnes gave Daniel repeatedly throughout the movie, and Daniel would've given Barnes a formidable fight and run for his money but in a street fight without rules Barnes still would've won eventually. Barnes was a professional national U.S. Karate tournament reigning champion karate black belt fighter trained in karate since early childhood presumably by an unknown black belt Karate sensei states away before being hired and trained by Silver and Kreese, and the number one karate champion in the U.S. in his prime and youth before being permanently banned and blacklisted from competition but still training in private at home for several years and decades into adulthood on Cobra Kai reappearance. While Chozen was trained in the ancient Okinawan karate style of Miyagi-Doh karate since he learned to walk, Chozen was his uncle Sato's number one best student, star pupil, a trained killer and a combat instructor for U.S. military police that single-handedly beat down four trained soldiers in hand to hand combat in seconds in Sato's dojo. But as teenagers, Mike Barnes was the most formidable, strongest, highly skilled karate fighter. With Chozen a close second. As adults Chozen is the best fighter.

OrcDragon65 - 02.09.2023 04:02

Chozen just added so much to this season.

Agustín NR
Agustín NR - 01.09.2023 23:38

Mike fourth sensei???

Gökçe AYDIN - 31.08.2023 14:36

I love Chozen's look in the end of the scene, like a child who peed in his pants at an age he is not supposed to do so :)

Brett Jackson
Brett Jackson - 31.08.2023 14:02

If this a miss understanding you better call the ambulance. 😂😂😂😂 Daniel has a communication problem. 😂😂😂😂

Rebecca Brown
Rebecca Brown - 28.08.2023 06:38

I like how Chozen didn't hesitate to help Daniel because he thought Mike was attacking him because in The Karate Kid 2 Chozen was the one always attacking Daniel and we see how much Chozen changed from The Karate Kid 2 to Cobra Kai. I think in one way or another all of Daniel's rivals from each movie secretly had some kind of respect for him.

Gerardo A
Gerardo A - 28.08.2023 03:52

Barnes has a Robocop Knee or what?

Caius Cosades
Caius Cosades - 27.08.2023 16:08

Chozen's expression in this scene is always fucking hilarious.

IAMASOYBOY - 27.08.2023 10:19

The best streaming series to date for sure

Mike Freeland
Mike Freeland - 27.08.2023 09:27

Dude Chozen fucked those guys up

Affable - 26.08.2023 20:38

Barnes is a phenom. Didn't do Karate for 30 years and yet is on par with Chozen that sneaked up on him. I'd say he's the best fighter bar none.

Felix Manuel Guzman Sanchez
Felix Manuel Guzman Sanchez - 26.08.2023 20:18

that scene shows that mike even rusty is above of many "average" senseis of the valley, because he manage to struck chozen more than once meanwhile when terry ask them to attack chozen, the 6 candidates werent capable of getting close of him

Gunny Akdo
Gunny Akdo - 26.08.2023 19:13

Lol poor barnes ,his business went down when he met la russo

ProfChaos - 23.08.2023 07:48

The premise of this many adults taking karate seriously is hilarious to me

Mark Gratta
Mark Gratta - 22.08.2023 04:34


Billy - 21.08.2023 01:09

I’m gonna have to binge watch this series now.
