Top 5 Air Taxi eVTOLs | Price & Specs

Top 5 Air Taxi eVTOLs | Price & Specs

Aviation Federation

3 года назад

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Scott Ryals
Scott Ryals - 27.09.2023 19:33

How would you like it if your neighbor hopped into his machine to go to work at 5 am Saturday morning? The noise is beyond anything that would be acceptable to the public. How many would be in the sky over a large city at one time? There would be traffic control. If they start falling onto people's homes, it's over. There are too many idiots out there that can't drive a car responsibly - I don't want that type to have access to the air as well.

robert robert
robert robert - 30.08.2023 06:10

No 0ne reading this will be alive to see this ever go into widespread use. This is a 5 dream list. Who would spend 4-5 million dollars to fly 60 miles. This is for children to dream about, like all sifi.

Ademir Munhoz
Ademir Munhoz - 06.08.2023 17:11

É muito ,muito fascinante to da essa revolução que está acontecendo,agora tudo isso promete muitas possibilidades,grato .

Swachchhand Atri
Swachchhand Atri - 29.07.2023 11:45

Which software do they use for modelling control systems or is there any specific kit for the same??

Tech Tubes
Tech Tubes - 23.04.2023 21:09

Thanks for sharing! Just added this video to my eVTOL playlist.

Mime Mouse
Mime Mouse - 24.03.2023 07:21

People who grew up watching the Jetsons knew this would eventually happen.

Seno Seno
Seno Seno - 04.03.2023 18:03


Ali Abraham
Ali Abraham - 23.02.2023 03:03

They are light weight. They should all have emergency wing drops which could kill someone below...but have parachutes for the fuselage.

Inguss Pusmucans
Inguss Pusmucans - 20.02.2023 01:47

No specs, just speed an price

Edwin Moore
Edwin Moore - 16.02.2023 04:31

Oh I am intrested by far. The issue is the price yikes get it down to around 250k or 300k then we are talking

Filip P. Filev
Filip P. Filev - 08.02.2023 21:17

This will be the future transport. Buy shares and bonds of the companies for making aircraft based on drones A female psychic Slava Sevryukova has predicted that cars will move low over

John Naylor
John Naylor - 24.01.2023 01:36

I think the aircraft are an incredible leap forward in design & possibilities. Transferring some city congestion to the skies is good but for leisure, non of these are affordable.
We need a side by side 2 seater comparable with the microlight convenience and cost.
£4 to 5 000,000 is to expensive

Roselan Araf
Roselan Araf - 05.12.2022 17:00

How many helicopters can I buy with 6 million

Chris Ferguson
Chris Ferguson - 23.11.2022 06:00

You hearted and pinned your own comment...interesting. Anywho, my standard question, that I will keep asking, is who will oversee the safety, communication, and tracking among other things, of all of these eVTOLS that people are trying to get to market. Don't tell me the FAA, they have enough trouble with old planes falling out of the sky, they have their hands full and don't need the headache of what more or less amounts to building hoppers falling out of sky because of electrical problems. Yes, lightning is an electrical problem.

e money
e money - 13.09.2022 05:58

Can't wait to see this technology 2023 2024 it's going to be great everyone

Al Havana
Al Havana - 29.07.2022 22:25

They all are not cost worthy or safe,the only one that blows them outta the water would have been the Moller Skycar M400 but the company went bankrupt

Mike Wyffels
Mike Wyffels - 21.07.2022 13:52

I am listening to this and iam thinking these are cool but. How many taxi are in a large city. The cost of one these compared to EV cars. Where would the maintenance take place. It just not cost effective. Even for personal use.

mohd a Swayd
mohd a Swayd - 12.07.2022 02:27

اكثر التصوير في دبي المدينه الاحدث والاجمل

Den Albi
Den Albi - 25.06.2022 16:50

60 mile range for 4-6 milllions is hardly cost effective.

Ed Holder
Ed Holder - 21.06.2022 22:05

Sorry but though these vehicles are nice , they are way,way to expensive.

Johnny Athanasiadis
Johnny Athanasiadis - 19.06.2022 08:46

i think i will wait for ellon to make one. i bet what ever he makes will be way better.

Shaizi Khan
Shaizi Khan - 27.05.2022 13:12

Stupid things

Mauricio Serafim
Mauricio Serafim - 25.05.2022 12:44

Eu queria trabalha e faze um Mil Veze melho 🗺🌐🌍💵💰

Scott Schoemann
Scott Schoemann - 21.05.2022 05:23

the range is pathetic , total range on many of these is less than the size of most metro sprawls where they would be used. go back to looking at hybrids...

The cool contrarian
The cool contrarian - 17.05.2022 03:14

This is what happens when companies have moral building days and send their designers to the movies to watch Avitar.

SpeakUp RiseUp
SpeakUp RiseUp - 12.05.2022 12:38

4-6 MILLION DOLLARS with a range of 80 KILOMETERS 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 idiotic

Silver Encrusted
Silver Encrusted - 11.05.2022 14:44

My 7 year old son says " this is a really, really good video" as he plans to get one of these :-)

Chris - 05.05.2022 01:29

60 mile range???? no thanks, my truck has a 500 mile range and cost 26k. When they get well into the 100's of miles range then they will be very interesting

Mike - 27.04.2022 05:52

Amazing video.

Fernando Maldonado
Fernando Maldonado - 25.04.2022 07:07

Who is going to pay millions of dollars to go 60 miles at a speed of 56 mph I’ll get a Cessna and pay a lot less why?

MrSlyxx - 17.04.2022 06:46

Lilium should be #1 on this list.

John Ingram
John Ingram - 16.04.2022 21:09

Interesting that Joby aviation was not on the list?

Wizard ofAUS
Wizard ofAUS - 21.03.2022 01:42

As the post Covid world of aviation opens up - this baby boomer is old enough to know who Jet Jackson is

M. Hasan Choudhury, M.D.
M. Hasan Choudhury, M.D. - 23.02.2022 20:50

Excellent educational video.
I am long JOBY.
JOBY is partnered with Toyota Uber.
Has funding from US Air Force
and had NASA blessings.
JP Morgan and Motley Fools are fans.

Kool Stuf
Kool Stuf - 01.02.2022 12:10

sounds like all of these are over 4 million $ so in any case it will remain a niche product for the ultra rich . also I think the energy cost of lifting someone up in the air is much higher than just rolling on the ground, so in terms of energy efficiency it's a step back. the real solution to road congestion and traffic is more remote work, and less commute, and better city planning so that people can walk or bike to work / to shops, in order to have less cars on the road

BreakNeWorldOrder - 29.01.2022 17:58

How much would a taxi ride would be? How would they operate under bad weather? What is the backup plan to land when having an electrical or mechanical issue?

Atalantia Sorens
Atalantia Sorens - 15.01.2022 16:23

It would be great to rebuild roads because we don't need them anymore. Give back terrain to forests and agriculture. I appreciate every invention in this direction. I think many of this VTOLs are good some more some less. But I'm afraid this things come to late. We know every action has a reaction. You hit your thumb with the hammer, the reaction will be screaming. In the same way humans abused natural resources and now redemption is coming. I can see that present generations will pay a cruel prise for this misbehaviour.

Nikos Radaios
Nikos Radaios - 15.01.2022 14:20

I'm sorry guys could you borrow me six million $ 😂😅

Francisco N
Francisco N - 22.12.2021 20:11

Your list need to Update sorry

김동욱 - 16.12.2021 06:01

where is hanhwa & overair butterfly? u ignore world's largest air company?

Shifty77 - 07.12.2021 02:03

These will all be limited to 2 things: Economics, and pilots. First they are electric so they will have limited range which will mean a flight from A to B will require a recharge at B which means downtime. So users will have to pay for the time the unit took you from A to B and the time the unit and pilot will have to sit and recharge for the next customer.

That means you will also have to land at designated locations to ensure they can re-charge for the next fair or back to the hub in the very least.

No government will allow pilotless flights so that means you need pilots to fly these. Cab drivers are more or less unskilled so in other words a dime a dozen. Air Taxi's will require trained qualified pilots (at least for the first 10-15 years) which will make the whole air taxi thing a very expensive prospect.

Until they can come up with a better power and battery solution and when they can go pilotless this will never get off the ground.

This is probably why all these are still in CGI and concept stages.

Logan Landings
Logan Landings - 06.12.2021 09:35

An Australian taxi company just ordered 700 of the Embraer's one.

RC AS350 Pilot
RC AS350 Pilot - 01.12.2021 01:11

I bought a cheap 4 rotor drone at Walmart in 2017. When I looked at the thing, I asked myself why they could not scale them up to carry passengers.

Aaron Aames
Aaron Aames - 23.11.2021 17:45

It'll be so much better when we develop ZP Energy and field propulsion, neither of which is far off.

mj sg
mj sg - 03.11.2021 15:40

Beautiful drone

Hp Nieuwkoop
Hp Nieuwkoop - 31.10.2021 05:07

i like . but . maintanance !!! and batteries . those are the two things non of these companies say a word about and one more would be distance . you got to be able to do at least 400 km. and be able to carry pilot passenger and the weeks worth of shopping . the jetson but than for two people

Adrian Müller
Adrian Müller - 30.10.2021 18:12

as the name suggests, these are taxis, not meant for mainly private use, except for billionaires. I cannot imagine that the big mass of the population will ever use them for individual transports as shown in the Jetsons cartoons. and I do not think they will play a big role in indiviual point-to-point transport such as car taxis/uber, because they need a too high occupation rate to be economic, except if they will be able to operate without pilots which is doubtful that authoritities will ever allow that.
but there is for sure a market for services between airports or between airports/train stations and city center transport with scheduled flights as well as flights on request. and as soon as the range and speed increases, they may also replace some travel between near cities where flights, trains or buses operate.
the big question is how these lightweight flying objects will be able to deal with bad weather and wind.

Grant Hull
Grant Hull - 30.10.2021 13:21

I wouldn’t buy any of them right now because they only have 60 miles range limit. They would have to have at least 400 miles of flying range per charge.
