Ever since I unlocked the baton it’s hard to get piece for the Amax I’m only 6 pieces away from it shits super annoying . I’m at 151 for the ak it’s going to take a while till I get the legendary ak
ОтветитьIf we are getting token why is the point of give more
ОтветитьDey should treat all players in every region equally 😢
ОтветитьEven in Garena server Sucks Cuz The devs aint hearing our complaints about the tokens
Ответить😢😢😢 There is nothing interesting news for global 🙂
ОтветитьCodm global should do better this
ОтветитьJust need lava got base in baton
Ответитьwhen test server?
ОтветитьSomeone is hacking my account what should I do please help me
ОтветитьAda kalender event Indonesia cuy
ОтветитьSo papajoe are you an Indian, and you know about the fastival HOLI
ОтветитьDoes people from garena even celebrate ramadan😂
ОтветитьBro where is the redeem cods for global players
ОтветитьMore like secret tokens
ОтветитьSame Same but different 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI open 10 cache today and all I got is challenge tokens why this game just take people times and make them addict
ОтветитьGarena is ez global js harder not just the secret cache but the game tok meaning global players are more skilled
ОтветитьHow about we switch it up i wonder if garena players will suffer
ОтветитьBro just unlocked the amax en now I know am going to get alot of challenge token from now 😢
ОтветитьTHE NOVA CAMO IS SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT 😒 127/127 but when you click it it's 127/128😒
ОтветитьMan thats why i wanna quit vodm
Ответитьthe 10 secret cache has been change to 1 in the ramadan blessing exchange
Ответитьgarena removed the 100x cache event
ОтветитьI got the two secret cache since February thanks for the 100 secret cache
ОтветитьHow long will free mythic/legendarys be in game? I have only 55 frags for everyone...
ОтветитьThey change the reward, from 10 chache to 1 chace, suckkkkkk
ОтветитьSurge baton and Drop Bass A-max is done, just the AK117 left.
ОтветитьNo papa joe they change it to 1 box only
ОтветитьTest surver when
ОтветитьWhy doesn't india comes under garena server?
Ответитьgood work bro
ОтветитьI am getting a lot of Legendary shards in the epic crate and i am getting the tokens in the legendary crate it doesn't make sense.
Ответитьdo you know whether the legacy type 25 draw, the phoenix one will return?
ОтветитьBro can you show me how to receive free codes please
Ответить100 Ramadhan secret chaces : unlock stun boton, unlock CR56 AMAX, and 370 fragments AK117 Lava Remix quickly 😂
ОтветитьLol, they fixed it already, now can only get 10
ОтветитьThey change it 😔, the ramadan cache exchange from 10 to 1 secret cache only I hope they'll fix it to.
Ответитьi have a concern here here's this Challenge HQ event there's secret caches exchange store before it was 10 exchange for 10 secret caches then it was 10 for 1 secret caches I dunno what happened tho. it feels odd, maybe is it a bug?
ОтветитьI think activision should cancel tge fire skin box and add character skin instead.
Ответитьat this point I think that codm only cares about gerena players and just don’t care about global players the main source of their income
ОтветитьUpdate: The Ramadan Crate the 10pcs cache crate was a glitch. It has been fixed. You only get 1 crates now per exchange. Congratulations to those who got 40-50 crates during the glitch period
ОтветитьWhen the double cp event will come again?
ОтветитьPapa Joe heart this
UPDATE: The exchange secret caches are now nerfed the exchange is now
10 dates = 1 Secret cache
10 dates = 1 Bronze Crate
(There you go Global Players. There's the justice)
As a Garena player I'm happy to hear this 😁
ОтветитьBro codm is so unfair for global 😢
ОтветитьAll Global Players Assemble here!! Justice for Global Players!! We demand Justice!!
I need new pistol Glock 17 to codmobile