where is gan & mo
ОтветитьLet's assume some teamates are nearby or smth
ОтветитьA lot of mids didn’t even make it into the video, and where is Nuwa, Dr. Bian, Gan Mo, A Shi? I mean, you include Sima Yi, who is only played in the jungle, just like Yu Huan and Kong Ming, but you don’t include the most played mids in high-elo mid-lane.
ОтветитьYeah this is veeeeery fun to learn man. Best video I've seen for this game. And a lot to learn!
ОтветитьNeeds an update 😊
Ответитьhow about mozi and liang
ОтветитьMidlane Counterpicks Chain
Zhou Yu - Angela
Angela - Diao Chan
Diao Chan - Liang
Liang - Lady Zhen
Lady Zhen - Yuhuan
Yuhuan - Shangguan
Shangguan - Mai Shiranui
Mai Shiranui - Mozi
Mozi - Milady
Milady - Gao
Gao - Princess Frost
Princess Frost - Kong Ming
Kong Ming - Daji
Daji - Sima Yi
Sima Yi - Heino
Heino - Angela
Nuwa ??
ОтветитьShangnuan counter is liang
Ответитьguys, how do I counter xiao qiao, she can kill me so much and I have been searching and yet I have found no counters for xiao qiao
ОтветитьGan and Mo
ОтветитьWhy there are no main mid lane heroes like xiao qao and Dr bian . A lot of people most pick them
ОтветитьDr. Bian can counter all of mid lanes heroes
ОтветитьI think Heino counter is Gan & Mo.😅
ОтветитьAs a Diaochan player I can assure you that Liang does not counter her. In a 1v1 he doesn’t do enough damage to kill you, so you just wait till the suppression ends and then kill him. Similarly with Shangguan. She can actually use her ultimate, get suppressed, and the timer between dashes will not run out during the suppression, meaning she can merrily continue her dash once the suppression finishes and kill him.
Also Diaochan is a direct counter to Milady, since she can immune the ultimate, and her passive will stack on Milady’s minions, meaning you can just blow her up almost instantly (or her team if they join in).
Now the recomendable counter of Milady is Ziya, you can be LV16 at the 6 minutes of game
ОтветитьIs Dr bian not a counter to anyone?
ОтветитьShanguan counters almost all mages except probably mai and thats because purify exists.
ОтветитьI like to go diao Chan into heino since his only damage has so much wind up you can always be ready to dash thru it
ОтветитьUfff videaso, tremendos consejos se cargan la comunidad gringa
ОтветитьWhat is counter pick hero for xio qiao
ОтветитьMan, actually there's no solid counter in mid lane. Mid lane heros have the fastest clearing minions speed and most of them have long range atk, it's hard for any pick to dominate that lane without help from jungle. Even with junglers' help, your enemies just need to spam skill to clear minions then nothing happen to their towers. Only clashlane and farmlane can play lane counter,
ОтветитьXiao Qiao and Gem&Mo counter?
ОтветитьZhou yu counters angelas ult with area of effect fire and is a great hero overall for team fights.
ОтветитьZiya counters milady the best
ОтветитьYou don’t counter Heino you ban him 😆😆
ОтветитьI found it easy somehow to beat Heino using Millady. Im in Grand master by the way. Mai is also decent to counter him
ОтветитьXakial and Nunhan were missing
ОтветитьAngela is so good haino counter
ОтветитьXi Quao counterpick please? I'm struggling out here 😩
ОтветитьIf enemy pick milady, i suggest to pick ziya. very fast to get EXP from his passive
ОтветитьAs a main Heino, I might say that a well played Diaochan is one of your worst nightmares
ОтветитьThis is so helpful bro, keep up the goodwork!
ОтветитьMaybe I'm wrong about this but as a gm player who took malady vs everyone to test myself, the person i struggled with a lot was heino because the more minions i had up, the more he could hit with first ability, making the minions explode and me risk taking tons of damage
To me, he feels like the counterpick to Malady, just like earthshaker in Dota 2 is the counterpick to minion based heroes.
angela can counter all mages ecxept mages who has escape skills 😂
ОтветитьWhere is the roaming
ОтветитьThe missing is gan and mo
ОтветитьHeino can be countered with Sima Yi ATK speed build.
Heino's counter is mobility, burst, CC, and sustain. And Sima Yi has all of that if you build him with attack speed and magic lifesteal.
When enemy used heino i use mozi because u cant get hit with heino's first skill, your 2nd has more range than heinos 1st skill
ОтветитьI thought yu huan would be the counterpick for shangguan when shangguan flies its time for yu huan to use ultimate
ОтветитьHola amigo me gustaron tus videos, podrías poner los counter de la linea de choque línea Top porfavor
ОтветитьWhere is gan and mo?
Ответитьheino can be countered with 5 stunner otherwise gg💀
Ответитьgo pt.2
ОтветитьCounter gan & mo??
ОтветитьI'm literally going to write it down on paper.😂
ОтветитьPlease make Roaming counter 😊
ОтветитьAnd who is counter gan n mo?