Movie sword fighting versus real life fencing (Real vs Reel Longsword)

Movie sword fighting versus real life fencing (Real vs Reel Longsword)

Sidney Reed

8 месяцев назад

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@max60607 - 17.12.2023 13:31

A bunch of nerds playing with swords.

@Fights212 - 15.12.2023 15:10

One thing tho most fencing classes dont use swords. They use feathers and it makes a really big difference tbh

@tonyprouteau3716 - 14.12.2023 15:52

To dodge ''perforing'' cut from Heavy knife, There also an old technique called ''Counter-Misery'' (Contre-Misericorde) de antico Fratelli Bolognese techn. que feche. ''Guardia del' Milano'' ...It's a pointing zuper horizontal cut who Can dodge '' reverse perforing 'strife', back stabbe, down knife hit'' ...hard to find the reference in Codex 'cause it lost before 2nd Crusade...

@electro_statyk9794 - 12.12.2023 23:55

The Witcher scene is so awesome good job

@electro_statyk9794 - 12.12.2023 23:49

The most epic fights you will see are in Star Wars

@lionljb - 12.12.2023 03:56

People always expect duels to be fluent ongoing strikes, when in reality it is two people moving around, waiting to attack or be attacked, then a couple of strikes resulting in a finish or breaking appart waiting for the next opportunity. All that solo swordplay we train is there to make us better at moving the sword around, but you will rarely get the opportunity to use that nice new disarm you learned, simply because your enemy probably knows what your doing, or maybe even worse frantically tries to avoid whatever you are planning at all cost with unpredictable attacks.

@joew9690 - 10.12.2023 20:56

Check - Deluge - Duel by mister Wołodyjowski and mister Kmicic - actors use real sabers.

@wigglesnapper - 10.12.2023 20:47

Jealous of Connor's sharps - would love an Albion... Is the rondel by Tod Cutler?

@nightshade7240 - 09.12.2023 20:27

Against an experienced opponent, a beginner doesn't stand a chance because the experienced person understands the fundamentals and understands the body mechanics of a beginner but the beginner doesn't understand the body mechanics of the experienced fighter. I found it interesting how Jesse displays mirroring when Jason starts doing things he can't possibly understand which makes Jesse more predictable in his hesitancy.

I mean there are systems where you do utilise spinning but it tends to be the long weapons like the Spadone, where you are attempting to either travel down the length of a blade or disengage. I mean duels were lethal. Even a simple cut or sometimes a scratch could lead to loss of limb or death. There were systems of dueling to first blood because the nobles didn't want to lose their children in honour duels. Polish sabre is designed pretty explicitly around that basis.

If you want one of the most realistic sword fights put to film, Zrodzeni Do Szabli/Born for the Sabre is a movie that demonstrates Polish sabre dueling so well. The final fight fight is so well done.

@realFUGAR - 09.12.2023 19:12

when You got Disney Budget but LARP Choreo

@francescoiadicicco1266 - 08.12.2023 19:31

Wow this sport looks very dangerous. Even with all that padding. What if a thrust hits a weak spot in the armor or a cut hits hard on your arm?

@Ailurophile900 - 08.12.2023 07:09

There's more people now a days so we can definitely kill each other in real duels😂

@talleman1 - 08.12.2023 02:20

Sport fencing is just that sport fencing. Sharp weapons sure make you less ambitious in your attack.

@thescorpion1261 - 07.12.2023 23:49

The historical sword skills are good, but to say that is historical fencing is incorrect. you have to win a battle … not a fencing duell in a olympic fencing team. If your sword is blocked, you have to use your body to win or get your sword free. fencing is ok, but i missed the close combat like kicks, arm lever or only simple punches … and if its only to get a blocked sword free.
If you are on a ground you cant win fair … you have to play unfair. I like playing historical combat and not only fencing … its more realistic.

But for fencing its ok. If you go in a battle …. Its not. For example if you strike on a sword an go into the binding, you have two hands. One on the sword an one to hold an arm. Also with a longsword … to get your weapon out of the binding and hold your enemy in position for less than a second. Thats enough time to kill ... especially if your partner is not into close combat :)
But you should have a very good armor and a partner who knows when he have to stop an attack :D broken bones arent a good workout :D

@shaydowley7 - 07.12.2023 05:08

Do you have any links to the swords and daggers that were shown in the video? Specifically asking for that beautiful dagger

@worldfamouslanglois4805 - 06.12.2023 11:53

I've been killed by a noob a few times since they don't react to a faint !

@caesarmendez6782 - 06.12.2023 06:02

Ah. This was nice.

@neutralfellow9736 - 06.12.2023 02:13

superb stuff

@chatkaewp.4290 - 05.12.2023 01:30

The content of this VDO reminds me of the comparison between the real street fights and the self defense training courses (mostly relying on those of the stunt action scenes) given in many schools. In a real street fight, people fight to survive without using any beautiful technique with targeting to kill; whereas people in a self defense sparring still pursue the rules and the power they use is not so strong as what they are going to face in a real street fight.

@Ailurophile900 - 04.12.2023 17:18

Thats not realistic😂 just trying to get points 😂 its like saying the Olympics fighting is real when they just want points

@Azihayya - 04.12.2023 06:30

Awesome, haha.

@BrotherNo - 04.12.2023 02:56

Better than those light saber jokers.

@BierzeItboxer - 03.12.2023 20:23

In every competitive action, where skill counts more than pure strength or endurance, a newbie can win by chance or by doing shit that is considered utterly stupid by the pro oppenent, that it isn't expected. I don't see a reason why fencing is different.

@kamilstuchlik9529 - 03.12.2023 03:19

check out Adorea group for scinematic fights done right

@Jerry-sw8cz - 02.12.2023 19:31

Hollywood 's Witcher adaptation is crap. Wat h the originál polish one... Seriously...

@Janisurai - 02.12.2023 14:57

epic video

@PatrickF.Fitzsimmons - 30.11.2023 14:06

Why do people think it’s realistic it’s not. A thing that has rules is not a combat system, it’s a hobby.

@fandombuilds6701 - 28.11.2023 23:29

Fun to see Jesse in there! :D

@fandombuilds6701 - 28.11.2023 23:26

This is Awesome! I've always wanted to learn sword fighting :D

@hamuArt - 28.11.2023 23:07

I'll never forgive Hollywood for this backwards sword swinging, which in a fight is a serious handicap in both attack and defense - shortening your advantage and weakening your power of movement. The only situation is when it's sheathed when a nearby enemy is attacked unexpectedly, but then you can still grip it normally, because surprise is the key.

@ericnesbitt1734 - 28.11.2023 09:00

Good video! very well made and great interviews, nice camera work! nice to see people show casing hema!

@fraqtl - 28.11.2023 06:22

This is the biggest well ackshually I've seen in a while.

Once you can mutate your real life duelists to be as strong and fast as a witcher, then we can talk.

@schizoidboy - 28.11.2023 05:29

I remember this show Conquest and one of their episodes delt with musketeer fencing. They first showed the methods used in the movies, the sort you'd see Errol Flynn do. Then they showed how real musketeers fought and the presenter stated to the stunt people regarding their movie moves "Everything you just learned is useless..." The rapiers were designed for stabbing, lunging, and thrusting. I looked through a copy of an fencing manual with it's etchings, and it was pretty violent and graphic where the blades were supposed to stab. I don't think any movie truly shows how violent real fencing could be.

@yigitfratl1007 - 28.11.2023 02:05

Witcher scene; 13 attacks (no feints) 3 parries 1 counter attack

@Chris-uu2td - 27.11.2023 11:03

How to survive a sword fight?
Easy. Run. :D

@marcuspacheco3815 - 27.11.2023 10:16

A would point out that Gerald has a sword that has a long sword hilt but kind of is only arming sword length

@Grace_Reads - 27.11.2023 07:45

Out of curiosity, how would rate the difficulty of moving from fencing (foil, epee, sabre) to longsword fencing?

It seems like distance keeping/strategizing is similar, so would it be easier for someone used to olympic-style fencing to switch to longsword, or would it be harder with concepts to unlearn?

@markm3143 - 26.11.2023 05:35

Wonderful, and thank you for this. Olympic fencing, a truism, with foil is faster, almost too fast to follow with the untrained eye.

@StevDoesBigJumps - 25.11.2023 16:27

I think it would've helped jesse if you'd had him in shoes he didn't slosh around in

@jamescrouchet1283 - 25.11.2023 13:11

30 years learning, competing in, and coaching historical fencing. Nicely video, good points. One thing about Witcher though is that he was suppose to be tougher, stronger, and -- most importantly -- significantly faster than normal humans. If I could choose just one enhanced trait to give me an edge in any hand to hand fighting it would be quickness. It would be the ultimate combat upgrade. I haven't seen a lot of spinning in HEMA fights I've watched in person. I have seen two guys using longsword in video of HEMA tournaments in Europe who used spins effectively so it's unusual but not impossible in the right circumstances. Add in the enhanced speed of the Witcher and I see how it might work for him. But we don't really know what that would look like since what we see on screen has all the fight choreography limitations your video mentioned. That's all speculation about a fantasy situation anyway.

@phixter - 25.11.2023 02:13

Fun fact: a tap does not actually kill someone.

One of the most bullcrap things in movie fights is that people take turns attacking, in reality you get attacked from all sides.

Funny how the better fencer came in second, he was even penalized for being better. xD

Bubblewrap fencing is so silly.

@resolve7185 - 24.11.2023 22:55

The real sword fight, is the friends we make along the way!

@FantozziUgo1001bis - 24.11.2023 21:50

Honestly, I wouldn't call Hema "real sword fighting"

@Elriuhilu - 24.11.2023 05:01

When the woman draws the real sword and says it's terrifying, I really felt that. I've done kendo and some Japanese sword technique training and I even have a proper, although unsharpened, steel katana to practise with, but when I hold an almost identical sword that is sharpened I get a sense of dread and enormity. It's a weapon designed to kill that's huge and you could so easily cut yourself or someone around you really bad if your attention wavers—I really don't like holding a live sword. It feels different to holding a gun, although equally as bad, because the problem with a gun is that such an innocuous looking thing could kill a person several metres away in a split second before they even had a chance to react.

@BasedR0nin - 24.11.2023 03:32

But women suck at fighting

@mountainadventures7346 - 23.11.2023 06:03

The Witcher is holding and using his long sword like a dagger. Fancy Hollywood Fakeness.
