Zomboid Tips: What Should You Always Have In Your Inventory?

Zomboid Tips: What Should You Always Have In Your Inventory?


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@ALLIKA9231 - 13.12.2023 18:51

I also like to keep a rope/sheet rope and some nails. Not only will the nails/rope get you out of tall buildings full of zombies but if you need an improvise weapon in early stages when you have not the best gear it can help. Also one thing of ducktape

@monochrome6393 - 04.12.2023 19:28

Agreed with each and every item in this video, they're essential. The fact you can wear 2 fanny packs at once actually blew my mind: I knew there's on option on how to wear it on you, but I've never thought of even trying to wear 2 at once lol

@jakeforgey5378 - 04.12.2023 04:10

I tend to keep a duffel bag setup as a bug out bag with: [First Aide Kit: 5 Sterilized bandages, 5 Sterilized Rags, 1 Alcohol Wipes, 1 Painkillers, 1 Beta Blockers, 1 Antibiotics, 2 Suture Needle, 2 Suture Needle Holder, 1 Tweezers], a [Bug Out Tools(Sewing Kit renamed):1 Hammer, 1 Saw/Garden Saw(replace with Saw at earliest chance), 1 Screwdriver, 1 Can Opener, 1 Hand Torch] 1 Toys-R-Mine Walkie Talkie, 1 [Bug Out Misc(Sewing Kit renamed):1 Batteries, 30 Cigarettes, 2 Lighters, 1 Bath Towel, 1 Earbuds, 1 Saucepan, 1 Box of Nails, 1 Water Bottle(Gasoline)] 1 Tent Kit, 1 [Gun Case: M36 Revolver(Loaded), 1 .38 Special Rounds Box (30 Rounds)], 1 Crowbar/Nightstick, 1 [Sustain Satchel: 3 Bottled Water, 2 Cereal, 3 Chips/Chocolate, 3 Beef Jerky, 1 Coffee]. Each [] is either a Satchel for Food/Drink, Gun Case(Small), Sewing Kit or First Aide Kit filled with the listed items.
Anyway i tend to keep that duffel bag in a car or on my character in the event a grocery store run turns into a horde mobbing...

@musAKulture - 02.12.2023 19:09

long weapon, preferably crowbar or axe
3 bandages
water bottle
a big food item
scissors if i need to get leather

yours is better for long excursions or living nomad.

@radsy5821 - 25.11.2023 13:41

Not sure if you said wrench. I always have one on me for levelling mechanics

@jayff0000 - 25.11.2023 08:32

I like using medkits, toolboxes, lunchboxes, etc. to organize my supplies. Not just for the roleplay of it, but it can speed up time pulling things out of containers, but because your character is only pulling out the box/kit/bag instead of every item, also just so I don't need to search for items as much myself if they are organized in sub-containers of like items.

@Njordin2010 - 24.11.2023 21:05

imagine playing unmodded

@berk8721 - 21.11.2023 22:59

Sooo noob video. Dislike.

@Hyve1 - 19.11.2023 13:59

how do you have a axe and backpack on at the sametime

@mathiasblohm3695 - 04.11.2023 20:46

how did you fit the spare magazines in the fanny pack, is it empty or full

@madfox3013 - 19.09.2023 18:13

I'd also recommend a handful of nails and some sheet ropes for emergencies

@ace29054 - 16.09.2023 16:39

One of my favorite tricks is to find a big square route in a town, do my shooting and drive around the square to loot zombie free,also suppressors

@yaboy837 - 16.09.2023 09:03

keep around a bottle of perfume or cologne, I'm pretty dure you can clean bandages with those instead of water

@burgerman72. - 15.09.2023 23:44


@JovansghaAvegad - 07.09.2023 14:16

I bet you are nomad kind of person in Zomboid

@thefatpuppers2651 - 06.09.2023 09:41

The suture needle holder works perfectly as a pair of tweezers,rendering them useless imo

@carlosnguyen2867 - 04.09.2023 19:05

I sometimes carry a pillow with me just in case I have to crash in a car for the night.

@metalmyron - 01.09.2023 22:30

can opener, hammer, saw, screwdriver, bandage's, water bottle. pen, eraser, scissors.

@Cyberian_Khatru - 01.09.2023 09:53

For me it's:
Main gun on back, pistol on holster, melee on hands; screwdriver and flashlight on belt (I don't generally follow day/night cycle); every color of pen, 3 sterilized bandages, painkillers, beta blockers (claustrophobic), coffee, extra water bottle, ammo and scissors on fanny pack and bag. When I get a car I always have a generator on the passenger seat, a full medkit plus spare food on glovebox, and a full toolbag and gas can on the trunk.
Mods that actually help A LOT: rifle slings, swap it, tidy up meister, backpack upgrades (don't use as much because it trivializes a lot).

Also recently I've been playing with inventory tetris and it makes inventory mgmt a lot more fun and finding stuff is easier, sometimes. Sometimes not being able to organize by weight is somewhat annoying though.

@clumsyturtle8544 - 31.08.2023 18:46

Had no idea fanny packs were a thing, I've just been carrying that stuff on my person.

@Erik-vp5bm - 30.08.2023 15:47

Instead of pencil: Crayons. One box, and you get all map colors available. Can be erased with a common eraser, as if it was written with a pencil.

@hungmungo4015 - 30.08.2023 04:45

What about the cigarettes? Smoker is the easiest negative perk to deal with imo

@eyelesslone2392 - 29.08.2023 13:59

you can carry whatever you fcking want, that’s why we call it sandbox

@TheRealSkitZa - 29.08.2023 00:15

Ppl that say "Guns are a last resort" gotta be some of the silliest PZ players, use a gun when you have heaps of ammo, lvl aiming with a shotgun, if you don't use it until it's "Too late" you're going to have shit aiming and be useless with guns sure..

@sachimi_ggz - 28.08.2023 02:14

Blue pen
Red pen
Bottle with water
Can opener
Hand torch

@jg-qj7ts - 26.08.2023 18:40

This is why I find backpack attachment mods to be essential, I do a lot of hiking so hanging kit off my bag and body is a huge part of that, and feels a lot more realistic in terms of how much a human could haul.

@Yeet-mp6ci - 26.08.2023 04:23

On the MP sever I play I carry literally every mechanics tool other than a tire pump on my person at all times lol

@honeysauce5244 - 25.08.2023 05:47

You forgot propane and metal sheets for players who crash way more often then they should

@thehengy3232 - 23.08.2023 18:18

Maybe I missed it, I probably did, but did you include a screwdriver? That’s far and away one of my most essential and used items in the game. Comes in extremely handy in a lot of different situations.

@jonwalker1491 - 22.08.2023 00:51

Nice post. It's interesting to see how others think about the game. But honestly, there's a lot I do differently. Here are some thoughts:
1. Guns are good (I play vanilla, btw). If you don't think so, I fear you're not going to survive winter. You can clear entire areas with either shotgun or, to a lesser extent, the M14 or M16 - just carry lots of ammo, like 150+ shells at a time (hint - start with a sawed-off JS-2000. It gives you 100% accuracy even with Aim level 1 for some reason). This leaves you free to ransack whatever you've just cleared at will and the noise is actually good as it activates every enemy in the area preventing any "sleeping" Zeds from hiding and getting the drop on you while you loot away. Carry the M9 (or 1911 or something with sound radius 50 or below) as a sidearm in your holster (as you correctly point out).
2. Fanny packs are for old lady tourists to make sure everyone knows they are old lady tourists. Backpacks have significantly better weight reduction. Ditch the fanny packs, put your essentials in your main backpack, and carry a second backpack in your offhand to store loot while ransacking. Use a top notch one-handed melee weapon (eg machete) or your sidearm in your primary hand as you loot to take care of any remaining Zeds that you didn't blow away in your kill-crazy rampage. Oh yeah, don't forget to disassemble all digital watches in the piles of Zed corpses. You'll need the scrap electronics to fix your generators. Another key bonus to shotgunning your way through 100s of Zeds.
3. Speaking of essentials, once you bite the bullet and decide to use your main backpack as your carryall, you can carry your shotgun, your ammo, your propane torch and mask (to grind metalworking), some food if you don't want to forage, and the items you had in your fanny packs with maybe a couple of tweaks (using the backpack now frees you up to add medical supplies like a plantain/garlic poultice, for instance).
4. Don't use a pipe wrench as a weapon (except maybe on day one). But don't let it be ruined! Save it for plumbing your sink and washing machine etc when water goes out. Use a crowbar as your primary two-handed melee weapon (along with a machete as your primary one-handed). Kill all packs of Zeds under five with the crowbar to save ammo. Choose your loot sites carefully as ammo doesn't grow on trees, but once you pick a site, blast away!
Use this strat if you want to survive years, not days or months. Happy hunting.

@Buttfucker420 - 21.08.2023 18:48

Ugh most zomboid tips are complete ass. Yours included.

@Kreon91 - 21.08.2023 00:10

A nail to escape elevated positions using a cloth rope.

@SirDistic - 20.08.2023 00:37

So I shouldn't run around with every item I find all game long? No wonder I get tired quickly.

@Red____1 - 19.08.2023 17:59

Mods pls

@francescoromano2049 - 19.08.2023 17:02

Having both tweezers and suture needle holder is redundant

@francescoromano2049 - 19.08.2023 16:42

Wtf? My fanny packs only have a value capacity of 1, u have 2

@dazn1889 - 18.08.2023 15:19

So basically take everything :D.

@Silly2smart - 18.08.2023 07:44

Thats why the Veteran is so strong IMO, he(she) will never falter when the chips are down.

@suckurmum69 - 17.08.2023 13:24

Two things I've noticed in Singleplayer PZ is that vitamins are hardly ever good at helping with fatigue, unless you're downing several bottles at once. You should also always, ALWAYS be wearing a scarf, preferrably reinforced with leather, to save yourself from those game-ending lacerations and scratches.

@brandbird - 17.08.2023 06:43

I have stopped carrying the can opener with me and always just leave it at the base with the cans. Or in a more nomadic playthrough, I leave it in the car. It weighs 0.6, too heavy to lug around for basically no reason. It's almost never necessary to be able to open cans immediately as you find them. Kinda same goes with sleeping pills; they weigh 0.3 and are basically never necessary while travelling or looting, as painkillers OR alcohol give the same benefit (don't mix drink and pills ever though). Leave the sleeping pills at your nightstand.

With this freed up 0.9 units you have room for some other useful items. I always try to carry some 20-40 nails for random things like ropes, baseball bats, barricades, etc. Also a bowl is always useful, as you can make salads. Eating eg. beef jerky and a potato from a bowl is a lot better than eating them separately. I often also carry one comic book with me, because sadness creeps on you sometimes, even during looting. Oh and replace your pencil with the crayons, as you'll get all the colours for the map.

@BLaCkKsHeEp - 16.08.2023 10:28

i usually carry a spare duffel bag when looting. i put whatever i loot in it and drop it off in my car or if shit hits the fan, i drop on the ground, kill/evade zeds, then come back for the loot.

@thelemon5069 - 16.08.2023 01:21

That Thang

@entropic-decay - 15.08.2023 14:44

fun fact I figured out recently - you can put certain small containers, such as first aid kits, inside larger containers (like backpacks) and the encumbrance reduction stacks. characters can use items from inside these containers for any tasks as well, they just take a bit longer to unpack and repack
so rather than carrying all your first aid supplies in a fanny pack, you can put some of the ones that you'll be slowing down and stopping to use anyway, like suture needles and such, in something like that

@primoguerrero7928 - 14.08.2023 21:55

Whisky bottle, hammer, screwdriver, lighter.. you can get in ANYWHERE

@Swope25 - 14.08.2023 09:37

Really love how you have your gear set up, I didn’t even know you could wear two Fanny packs! One thing I will say is playing a lot of CDDA made me really think and plan ahead when going out on expeditions or loot runs. I would wear a pack and only carry a bottle of water, rags, and a melee weapon. finding berries and bugs along the way to wherever I was walking to and taking shelter in sheds or houses. Getting a vehicle later on I also pack light, only taking a tire iron, a Jack, and a screw driver and if possible a gas can. In the late game I’ll add a wrench and tire pump in case any car troubles hit me on the road. I always packed for no more than two or three days away from home so I learned quickly to travel light, I might have to start traveling with more equipment loved how the video was laid out keep up the good work!

@caleb_dreams - 14.08.2023 09:35

A belt with a weapon and a tool attached

@anthonyzullo - 14.08.2023 04:25

Came to say that since my first time playing, i ALWAYS carry a medical satchel with EVERYTHING in it. Crutches, yeah. Got them too.

@Zown-ej3fl - 13.08.2023 20:37

I tend to only bring sterilized bandages and a couple suture needles when it comes to medical supplies.

I don’t bring a can opener and I leave that at my base. I tend to eat before I go on runs so I don’t have to worry about eating when I am on a run.

I also bring a metal sheet, blow torch, propane tank and a welding mask so I can repair the hood of my car in order to avoid engine damage. I also like to have it if I plan leveling my metalwork skill by dismantling tubs and wrecked cars.

I leave the generator and battery charger at home and instead bring an extra battery. Saves you a lot of space and it’s quicker to replace a battery than to charge it.

I never bring guns with me unless I plan on using it to lure a horde away from an area by shooting far away and circling back to where I want to loot.

I always have a weapon on my back and at least one backup weapon in my belt. I try to keep blunt weapons as to avoid damaging any clothing that zombies have that I might want.

@cryptc - 13.08.2023 14:06

Also, suture needle holder also works for removing glass like tweezers so you don't need both (not sure about removing bullets though, I don't play multiplayer)
